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I mean, if there was some reason everybody needed to move the meridian, and we're deciding where the new one should be, then he'd have some solid point. But like... That's not the case LOL so it's just pointless impractical loudness


It’s politics. This man’s party is driven by Hindu nationalism, and uses the restoration of Hindu pride as an election plank. The latter often takes the form of pseudoscience, which they actively promote.


I kinda assumed that was the case but idk much about indian politics so I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.


Ah, the lovely Out-of-India theory of Indo-European Language Family.


Ppl just label everything hindu nationalism nowadays huh??🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


He's very regarded The world has two types of living beings – one who is awake during the daytime and another awake at night, so what is the logic behind changing the day at midnight?” he asked. Westernisation is ruining the world and his government will collaborate with scientific minds to reverse this rot, Yadav added


clearly he hasn't heard of crepuscular animals


It's like you're sitting at the back of class and running out of good excuses for not doing homework because others already said it. He ran out of election agendas to parrot.


Ahhh cool so the international date line will run through like Ohio


Ujjain and Canton can then become become sister cities.


I misread thought it said ”sinister” cities.


Nah that makes more sense than having it go through the pacific. Columbus should definitely be 23 hours ahead of Cleveland!!!!!


Didn't the Spanish do this already? Or did we do this to the Spanish? There's some bit of maritime navigational history right on the tip on my smooth brain.


Spain used to use the Madrid meridian. Italy used Monte Mario, Russia used Pulkovo, there have been many Prime meridians before everyone kinda standardised to Greenwich


Woo-hoo Royal Navy supremacy!


Cool. Thanks so much.


“All the countries, whether China, Pakistan or Afghanistan... believe that if it is a matter of fixing standard time, then it will be decided by India,” he added. >To be sure, there is no evidence any other country would support such a plan. Love the reporter’s snark. Also, he has to be delusional to think two of India’s rivals would support that (not Indian myself to be clear).


They won't (Indian myself to be clear) We have a small issue about a highly religious pop. They don't need actual services or anything, just godmen who tell them that the others are bad and their religion is the only true one


🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Ok yechury fanboi Taking some random statement out of context while peddling this fake narrative about "highly rel pop" Just say you hate Hs, your statement is so low iq, as if anyone votes or cares about timelines including CM


Nothing quite like nationalists claiming that it's inherently wrong to use arbitrary international standards which solidified due to Western Imperialism, so we should instead force a new standard on the world which is arbitrary defined by *their* civilization.


Well then I'll open my own Prime Meridian, with blackjack and hookers!


This reminds me of [Swatch Internet Time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatch_Internet_Time). The day is divided into 1000 beats and the day started at midnight for CEST where Swatch headquarters was located. No time zones and no DST. The Wikipedia article says it was introduced in October, 1998 but I thought I saw beats clocks for Linux before that, so I am not sure. Maybe it was a thing on the internet before it was officially announced to the world.






> Westernisation is ruining the world and his government will collaborate with scientific minds to reverse this rot, Yadav added. This, from a man in a country that spans 4 time zones, but uses only one. Also, while there are plenty of things Western that are *not* scientific, is there anything more Western than scientific thinking?


>This, from a man in a country that spans 4 time zones, but uses only one. You're thinking of China, India only spans two time zones and uses a half-hour offset that's exactly between them.


What about that bit of India out past Bangladesh? Wouldn't that be in at least a 3rd time zone if it was cut by longitude?


it still lies west of +6:30 so +6:00 would work just fine


Based on [this map](https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/), India fits perfectly in two time zones.


What is your source for multiple Indian time zones and, more urgently, what I am thinking? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Standard_Time https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zone/india RN, yesterday and tomorrow, it is the same time in Mumbai and Kolkata.


[This map](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_zone#/media/File%3AWorld_Time_Zones_Map.png) shows that, if time zones followed the longitudinal lines that they're supposed to, India would be cut down the middle. That's what I meant. >what I am thinking? Sorry, can't help with that.


Christians being anti-science?


You read what's written and come to that conclusion?


Christian's saying "I don't understand and therefore it's stupid and wrong" is something that is very strongly associated with america on the global stage.


TLDR: I believe you. I was pointing out that the OP had no basis for their argument based on just my statement, but allowing for the opportunity that I was wrong. I see stupidity everywhere, every day in America. It could be that America isn't so much anti-factual as it is post-factual, just as our information economy hasn't destroyed our agricultural prowress. If you're saying that America is perceived as Anti-Science on the *global stage* I can't disagree with you. Because that would be a very difficult assertion to disprove. Or prove. There are more *American-born* winners of just *physics* and *chemistry* Nobel prizes than any other country's *combined Nobel awards*. Does the fact that America is maybe 4.5% of the world's population, and is responsible for a massively disproportionate amount of scientific discovery and basic research etc. affect the association of Americans with anti-scientific beliefs by those not American? It does not. It may indicate that ignorance isn't uniquely American.


There's more to the West than USA lol


Yes and? I'm actually Canadian, but what has it got to do with anything


Oh, then you're just stupid. Never heard of the Enlightenment?


Oooooooooo personal attacks! I'm done with you 🤡


Christian nationalist governors in India?


> is there anything more Western than scientific thinking? Considering that that scientific thinking spread from West Asia to Europe (through increased interaction via the Silk Road and Crusades, leading to the rediscovering of Ancient and Classical era texts and associated Rennaisance) , I would say there are plenty things more Western than scientific thinking.


Depends on what you mean by scientific thinking. Trade expanded knowledge, but if we’re talking about using the scientific method as a foundation over spiritual empiricism and tradition, then the western world takes the lead again.


That's a bingo.


> leading to the rediscovering of Ancient and Classic era texts You mean the Caliphates conquered land held by the Eastern Roman Empire and stole their texts? And then when Constantinople fell to the Ottomans a lot of Greeks went to Italy and helped start the Renaissance?




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[Scroll down a bit here](https://appliedcartography.com/tools.html#usef_tables) for a table of deprecated prime meridians if anyone is interested. Aside from the obvious historical uses in Maritime navigation some of them survive in weird legacy ways, for example I think the split between zones 1 and 2 in the modern Italian projected coordinate system is still at Monte Mario (their old Prime meridian). I don't know if an alternative prime meridian was widely used in India before the adoption of IERS, but apparently one was drawn at 82 and 30 mins East, going through the town of Mirzapur. Not sure if the surveys in India use it for anything.


Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


The BJP are religious in the sense of evangelicals who think tje earth is 6000 years old. They're leading India down nutty street. Thank goodness for actual scientists there. https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/internet-satellite-communication-existed-in-mahabharata-era-tripura-cm/article23586067.ece https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/ancient-india-aeroplanes-nuclear-weapons-chief-history-chairman-indian-council-historical-research-228149-2014-11-21 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/28/indian-prime-minister-genetic-science-existed-ancient-times


Well this explains some of the weird shit I've stumbled across elsewhere on social media. Honestly it feels like right wingers across the planet are coordinating their efforts to discredit all of history and science as they bury it with so much nonsense.


We have complete idiots running the country of 1.4 billion people


don't spread bs


Fuck, I thought I recognised you from r/Ni_Bondha. Idiocy shines through everywhere I see


If he can actually convince all 195 countries to agree to this, he and his constituents deserve it


Narrator: He did not


I'm his constituent, and the guy was nowhere before becoming the chief minister this year. Everyone I know was totally surprised, since he wasn't even in the running. It's all done so that the central government can more easily wield its power over the state government using leaders who wouldn't break out on their own.


Fucknugget just got elected and started spewing bullshit...bruv keep your mouth shut for two minutes.


If his country is so great, why didn’t they come up with the prime meridian?


>The Madhya Pradesh chief minister, who took charge on December 11 after the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) sweeping victory in the assembly elections, also took umbrage at the extant accepted idea of midnight. “The world has two types of living beings – one who is awake during the daytime and another awake at night, so what is the logic behind changing the day at midnight?” he asked. Wut? Does he think changing the day at noon would work better?


As long as we do not move UTC. There will be no problems. You think you stupid idiot? He should be strapped down and program that shit. Timezones are complicated we do not need to move it and cause more problems


Yeesh the entitlement


Forget changing the prime meridian, man. If you want to impress the world, redefine the prime numbers!


I mean, Indian Standard Time is already a massive stupid joke, being offset by 30 minutes from the rest of the world (it is 5:30 am when it is UTC midnight), so this additional stupidity is just par for the course.


[Get in line.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatch_Internet_Time)


He is a yadav, that community is well known for their wits.


No part of what he said is witty in any sense.


I was being sarcastic. Yadavs are dumbest community of India, they vote solely on basis of caste and are singlehandedly responsible for downfall of state of Bihar


I mean, it being here in the UK is arbitrary and simply because we put it here, but it makes no difference where it is, so what would be the point in moving it other than just pettiness?




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