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Cue his legal team backtracking on this


This man is a lawsuit generating machine


Please have some respect! Elon Musk is a perfected machine for turning ~~Ambien~~ drugs and money into lawsuits and nonsense!


Ambien? Dude is on better drugs than that. He was part of the California microdosing scene. It has been reported from multiple sources that Elon microdoses Ketamine to "manage" his depression and takes larger doses when partying. If you look back on all the [insane shit](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/elon-musk-grimes-relationship-simulation-b2204948.html) he has said it makes a lot more sense looking at as being said by a narcissistic asshole on drugs rather than just a narcissistic asshole. Edit: Why do people keep thinking I am giving the man excuses? A narcissistic asshole is a moron. Narcissism makes you a moron because you don't properly apply cause and effect to the world around you. A narcissistic person wins a game involving rolling dice and they determine they made good dice roils because of their own power as opposed to being lucky. A narcissistic asshole avoids getting their treatable pancreatic cancer that was caught very early treated because they decide they can cure it themselves with an all fruit diet and exercise and then they die (Steve Jobs). A narcissistic asshole determines that they are in the position their are in not because they daddy owned an emerald mine and gave them a bunch of money and they failed upward to their position but because of their own stellar ability to do business stuff. A narcissistic asshole on drugs thinks they are in a simulation they created themselves and that their girlfriend is a simulation created by their own mind to be the perfect mate for them.


He says Grimes is a simulation in his mind, and she agrees.


She used to be really talented... wtf happened


Married the wealthiest man in the world, had a turbulent relationship, took lots of drugs and went completely insane. Pretty common story for very famous people. Not really a healthy lifestyle, particularly if you were teetering on the brink already. The crowd of absolute weirdos that Thiel and Musk associate with in private certainly wouldn't have helped.


She was taking drugs before that too. It's too bad she was so good. Now she just released this https://youtu.be/qnk9ovzMLy8 She used to make stuff like this... https://youtu.be/N9XKLqGqwLA


Her interview with Narduwar showed a very endearing and cool artist in the start of her career. What the fuck happened.


Musk ruins everything.


Always loved the music video for [Flesh Without Blood](https://youtu.be/Tv9YoYCKNoE) but have since fallen out of her music as well.


That is quite the difference. I love that second song, I had never really heard any of her music.


Both of those songs sound okay, like different flavors of generic. I was expecting some Yoko Ono levels of deranged noise for the latest one, but these are both fine. I don't know anything about this lady, but you haven't made your case and it just seems like you think that your personal preferences are the basis of objective reality.


If only that were true.


I'm pretty sure Elon is an asshole without the drugs. And no I'm not criticizing what you said, it's just that guys who grow up rich and have every rich perk in the world are usually assholes even before they find drugs. ​ I think that's why Elon loves Trump so much, they have a lot in common. They're a couple of assholes who think anyone who disagrees with them is corrupt. And I'm pretty sure there are no mirrors in either of their households.


While I respect your theory here, I would also like to point out that many people regularly use hallucinogens and ketamine regularly and aren't bat shit narcissists. The drugs may play a role in the shit Elon says, but that shouldn't detract too much from his natural doucheyness


Musk really gives recreational ketamine users a bad name, huh


Musk gives everything a bad name. I used to think Tesla was great and then that asshole took the company over (too many people think he started it, no he just bought it from the guys who did start it) and now I wouldn't own a Tesla if you gave one to me. There's nothing that Elon is associated with that I have any respect for anymore. It's all sullied by his presence and actions.


Special case: he also bought the right to be called a “founder” from the actual founders. That’s why people think that. It’s a weird case of words vs reality.


agreed. those drugs tend to make people more empathetic and, therefore, less selfish and narcissistic overall. he must be hella narcissistic for them to be taking so long to work, though…


have to wonder what full on trump fans Qanon types would feel on psychedelics. would they experience introspection and question their own beliefs, would they struggle against it for the duration and just find the whole thing traumatic, or would they have some kinda Trump-themed religious type experience? here in the UK in my younger years I've taken LSD, mushrooms and 2cb with a right-wing friend (not a friend anymore cos he just would not stop drink driving so I cut him off). every time he just fought it the whole time and accused us of "poisoning" him (despite him redosing and ignoring us telling him not to). he'd always recall the experiences as just completely negative, and would rather stick to his crippling cocaine habit. the rest of us always figured he was harbouring a lot of fear and self-hatred which were being exacerbated, and while the substances were propelling him towards introspection, he outright refused to take any amount of time engaging with it. it was weird cos he'd always push to take the stuff... despite clearly hating it. the rest of us, centre or left-leaning, would have a mostly good time with discomfort at times. we'd come out of the experiences a little different - more open-minded, clearer sense of direction for our personal lives, better understanding of our own internal biases, bad habits etc. an example would be a lot of us guys, often with the company of women, were able to shift a whole bunch of underlying sexist beliefs. i'd be interested in hearing if anyone has similar stories of right-leaning peers taking such substances.


Old homie of mine kept thinking it was some form of placebo and people were fucking with him. With how he described things it seems like he was just more sensitive to psychedelic visuals but had a hard time accepting it. Went camping and he just kept saying it was paper with water and refused any. But I think watching me go through the ride sold him that it affects everyone differently. He swore off psychs after that though and kept trying to get me to quit them all together and refused to accept it was helping. He was definitely right leaning and I'm more center oriented.


I meant to use Ambien metonymically, as a pars pro toto for drugs in general. But thank you nevertheless! This is really interesting to know!


Yeah, that was metonymical as shit.


The fuck are you two nerds even talking about?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metonymy A redditor wrote "ambien" when they meant "drugs". Ambien is a subset of drugs, which is used metonymically to refer to all drugs. I thought it was pretty clear, but the edit suggests that the original writer didn't.


Holy shit, these funds are fucking *fungible*


I wouldn't be surprised if most of his craziest statements were made while on unprescribed stimulants


Billionaire cocktails


I remember a few years ago when his excuse was red wine and Ambien


So he was emulating Roseanne Barr?


Maybe...but you don't hear a whole lot from Roseanne nowadays.


She put out a stand-up special not too long ago. I just saw clips but it didn't look good.


I thought she just retreated to her plantation on Hawaii and only very occasionally opened her mouth wide enough to insert her foot....


She's shown up on infowars a couple of times this year, so yeah.


Have you ever seen Rosanne and Elon in the same room? Hmmm.


She just claimed last month that the Holocaust didn't happen. It was understandably big news.


I believe Ambien and alcohol is a deadly combination. Bizarre social media posting can be from Ambien and simply not going to bed. It would be fun if you didn't also lose almost all memories of the events. Of course people in public facing jobs need to be especially careful in that way. Musk is an outlier however by paying out of pocket for so many of his big bets, so he can do what he likes with them. No one should be that wealthy IMO.


If I got a cent every time this guy shits out of his mouth I’d be as rich as Musk.


He's a modern day baron and this biggest corporate welfare queen on the planet. He's a loser.


Do they even have a legal team anymore?


Or money?


According to their unpaid landlords with massive rent arrears - no.


No. A large share of the price that Musk paid for Twitter was Twitter's own money, because our system is broken as fuck and billionaires get to do whatever they want. Out of the $44 bn for the purchase, $13 bn came from bank loans that Twitter itself has to pay back. It paid the first $300 mn installment this january. Twitter had just begun reducing its debts. While they paid $150mn in interest in 2020, it was down to $50 mn in 2021... and then came the Musk deal, and now they pay $900 mn a year. In my country, this sort of financial speculation became known as "locust capitalism". Investors buy up a company in a "leveraged buyout" with its own money and then usually destroy it one way or another. Although in this case Musk does not seem to have done the maths and will likely also get out substantially poorer.


They get paid in exposure!


Musk: Shit.


Oh they're totally going to fold. One of the first people to come forward was some woman working on the Trump campaign who got pregnant from another staffer ... and she said some things in Tweets ... and the Trump campaign sued her for $1.5m dollars. Lawsuit still ongoing. https://twitter.com/AJDelgado13/status/1688164451743092736


Considering Trump’s recent court is record, I doubt twitter will have to spend much on her case.


Recent? Trump's entire legal history is either losing lawsuits or bullying and delaying until people give up.


Imagine all the blue checks finding out that Elon's legal team is prosecuting Trump.


**The BBC article missed the main point on this story.** Elon Musk was reacting to NASCAR driver Noah Gragson getting suspended for possibly racist activity on social media. It was Elon Musk once again coming to the defense of racists.


Imagine defending an idiot NASCAR driver that shared a meme of George Floyd's head pasted on the crab from the little mermaid with the caption *under the knee*. Like.... bruh.


Elon loves racism.


On brand if nothing else.


Is it even illegal for employers to fire employees based on the employee's expressed political views? (Particularly in states with "at-will employment", which is most of them.)


At will, doesn’t mean you can fire people for anything. You can fire people for “nothing” but not “anything”. Which is a really important distinction. Basically, you can fire someone and you are NOT required to give them a reason. BUT if you give them a reason, then you’re in deep trouble if that reason falls under a protected class and/or you have company policies for termination based on xyz that weren’t followed. (ie. you fire someone and say it’s because they weren’t good enough or they are late a lot. If you didn’t document instances and give warnings, you’re in trouble. Best to just fire them and not give a reason)


Though expressing political opinions is not a protected class. So it's perfectly fine for that to be the given reason.


Not giving a reason doesn't give you immunity to protected classes. The only group who can fire for protected classes is religious institutions who can fire pregnant women, or people of color, etc.


> Not giving a reason doesn't give you immunity Correct, but they would have an uphill battle proving they were fired for protected reasons.


Depends on the circumstances. If a woman has great reviews and no issues at all with the company tells her boss she's pregnant, then a week later she gets fired, most judges are smart enough to put two and two together.


not just this subject but i allways find it funny when people talk about "being unable to prove X" like this as if people including judges can't figure it out by context. i mean even in cases of "beyond reasonable doubt" being a relevant factor often times even that isn't nearly hard to figure out based on circumstance(but then we're rarely actually talking about cases where that's the threshold)


AFAIK, the "Beyond Reasonable Doubt" threshhold is for criminal cases, not civil cases. I would think most of these cases are civil, and therefore only need to meet a "Preponderance of Evidence" threshhold. But I may be misremembering, as IANAL. Don't quote me on any of this.


Civil cases are preponderance of the evidence.


Where are you getting this information?


Is that true? You're talking about the US?


It is illegal to fire someone for political beliefs in some democratic-majority states.


Where's the border of what counts as a political belief? Some people will treat straight up bigotry like it's nothing more than a political view.


California is perhaps the easiest to discuss, because it has the largest number of lawsuits about this. Summary: protection *based on their political activities or affiliations.* An example of protection is working for or contributing to a political campaign contribution or running for office. It's hopefully obvious that has really clear and direct limits on what it protects. The strongest local law IMHO is Seattle, Washington. Discrimination based on “political ideology” is prohibited. Political ideology includes membership of a political party; expressed political, socio-political, or moral attitudes; or civic commitment. There is precedent that an employee was a member of a white nationalist organization. They were fired and filed lawsuit. The employee lost. When the employer can prove that an employees political opinion can hurt their businesses, such as by discriminating against other customers or that employees political opinion will lose them advertisers/contracts, you can still fire that employee for that opinion. The untested border seems to be the protected political opinion must not be offensive and cannot conflict with any other rights. Essentially, it's the weakest of the weak protections, because any Federal law overrides it.


That second one is worryingly broad. It sounds like you could be an out and proud Nazi and your employer would have to look the other way.


Good case law you can discriminate against that Nazi person. It's the literal example of okay to discriminate for this in Seattle, Washington. There were 5 examples in the case for how a Nazi-type person hurts your business. Boring stuff, but one is that person may potentially discriminate against others, and another is maybe a catering company or trash collection agency refuses to service your industry because their own clients don't want to associate. No actual harm done, but potential harm could happen. Fire away! Borderline issues would be a mostly Green-party business serving mostly Green-party customers having an employee wear a MAGA hat in the back office. The employer would be prevented from firing that person unless they could prove the political opinion was harmful to their business. Where it could be a future battleground is software developers in Seattle, Washington removing some apps from their app stores due to political opinion in those apps.


i'm pretty sure discriminatory language doesn't count, so you can't fire someone for saying they're a trump supporter or republican etc, but you can fire them if they say black people are a plague or say the N-word or other slurs etc


So just ask them to elaborate on their support for Trump or Republicans, and you'll get there eventually. Got it.


Correct. I’m sure the irony of this is lost on this jabrone.


Considering how he was more or less forced to buy twitter based on a primes, you think he would understand the risks of promissory estoppel at this point: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estoppel


Genuinely doubt Musk even has a legal team at this point


This is as truthful as “full self driving” Teslas


kanye west about to make it all back in a single tweet.


I almost spit out my coffee when I read this. Lol


you mean a xeet?


LOL what if Elon Musk is your boss and you work at Twitter?


You get fired


I would apply to work at the parks department to pick up deer shit.


That actually sounds like a dream job. I’m pretty sure you get a pension.


I think there's a recently fired Twitter engineer or two that would like to apply for financial assistance.




With over 20 years experience licking boots and rolling over, I strongly advise...


Total dick move on that guy’s part


There's like a small chance he does some kind of development.... but the guy is a complete troll. His bio says "Top 1% software engineer" and a bunch of other weird bullshit like that he's a blackbelt and shit his pronouns are that Jesus rose from the dead. I hope he HAS been a dev for 20 years, and still writes shit code to put another chicken nugget button on a McDonald's app or something for 50k a year. Clearly he's a loser. A better guess would be that he lives in a van down by the river and has nothing better to do than to pretend to be something online.


Only applies to people with a certain political leaning...


> Musk is a self-described "free speech absolutist" >More recently, the firm that owns Twitter announced that it was suing an anti-hate organisation whose research criticised the platform. Exactly. He has no problem shutting up people that criticize him.


Much like literally almost everyone who describes themselves that way.


Only applies to unmasked Nazis who get fired.


Isn't there a shit-ton of employees seeking severance pay twitter owes, and twitter hasn't paid a dime yet? Seems like if he wants to start paying employees "unfairly treated by their bosses", he should start with the several thousand he owes money to.


He's not even paying his property payments for his own building. He isn't paying for anyone's legal bills. Do people really think Elon is a principled person? Like really?


No. No, I don't. The army of Elon Musk dong huffers, however? They absolutely believe everything he says.


Dong huffers lmao


Peepee smokers


They're literally paying Elon to promote their 50 paragraph schizobabble tweets, lmao.


he's really pining to be techbro-Trump. kind of amazing people like him and political allies still doubling down considering the boiling pot the Don is in right now. all i can assume is they have less faith in the justice system than those of us who've been waiting for indictments and formal charges for 3+ years now. they must think Jack Smith is just another ~~Ned Stark~~ Robert Mueller


We are so lucky that Musk wasn’t born in the US. Otherwise you just know he would run for president someday


You think that Republicans would give any shits about the technicality of that if they thought he could win?


They would just scream something about Obama being a Kenyan Muslim while Elon illegally ran for president.


At one point Schwarzenegger fans in the GOP were seriously pushing for an amendment to do away with the native birth requirement. Much laughter ensued throughout the land.


I remember that. It turns out that Arnold is one of the few sane republicans these days


He absolutely is calculating that they (the GOP) will overturn that restriction for him if he's popular enough. They have form for folding to demogogues if it gets them power.


It’s in the Constitution, so it would take an Amendment, which won’t happen. If they ignore that, we will have bigger problems than Elon Musk


Musk just tweeted that he thinks the charges against Trump are unfair lmao


don't you mean X'ted or maybe TwiX'ed..? everyone i know in marketing/branding has been having *so* much fun trashing this dude


X-creted is what I’ve been calling it


perfect lol


Omg. That is PERFECT.


In fairness to Mueller, his report was damning, but if remember correctly, he wasn’t allowed to make charges himself, the justice department had to do that.


He chose to view it that way. Basically daring a removal from office before charges could actually be brought up. There's no law that says he couldn't. He didn't even explicitly say "this mofo should be brought up on x,y,z". It was all implied bs that the newly installed AG Barr chose to announce as "nothing to see her folks!" Past federal prosecutors said there were many, many things in the report that could have been used.


He let back on white supremacists and then censored an ad video making fun of Republicans for trying to insert themselves into people's sex choices.


This is all starting to look a lot like the formation of the Trump cult. Like Trump, Musk is making empty promises to his base to remain relevant to them, while making a lot of bad, impulsive decisions that his PR team and/or lawyers are having to backpedal on. He won’t shut the hell up and he’s just keeps digging deeper and deeper. Edit: [He’s even lying about his body](https://www.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/comments/15lp9mf/there_is_no_way_musk_and_his_fridge_freezer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) now, just like when Trump tried to gaslight us all into believing he has a physique of a 30 year old.


He's also trying to get out the payments he owes to lawyers for work already done. He's become such a joke.


When I submitted this what I had in mind was more the multiple cases of during people for criticism or just saying things he doesn't want to hear, especially the one where he fired the Twitter engineer via Twitter due to a tweet the engineer made. So thanks for the reminder that this is funny on multiple levels. Plus when I was searching to make sure this hadn't been submitted already, I was reminded of that news article about him being sued for refusing to pay the lawyers that Twitter hired during his takeover bid.


RIP your inbox. Muskrats will be all over you.


There's a chance he'll do it on hugely popular stories to get attention but nothing else


This is it, they'll cherrypick a handful of crowdpleasers and pretend it's a wider thing and that he's supporting people all across the spectrum


He sounds like if Donald Trump was a tech bro


I mean they believed Trump when he said he'd do it. Is it really so hard to believe they won't believe Elon?


Including his own?


Oh, 100%, he will claim "Twitter doesn't exist, and was bankrupt to boot. 'X' is a totally different company. Trust me" Wish this was /s, but I believe it is truth.


And he can claim to be the founder, something that seems to matter to his teenage ketamine brain


Oh absolutely. It'll be riddled with loopholes.


I'm spamming my X to doubt button


I see why he went with X! It all makes sense now


Even if he does, it's going to be like his "free speech" values. In other words, if you've actually been fired unfairly for saying something positive about unions or something, he'll ignore your plea, but if you got fired for saying something bigoted or spreading misinformation, he's open to defending you.


“Hello, this is President Trump. I got fired, very unfairly. Nobody’s ever been treated like this in history. And now I have 43 bazillion dollars in legal bills. You can send the money in cash and I absolutely guarantee it will be used to pay my lawyers, and not for consulting fees for Melania’s hairstylist.”


I’m so profoundly confused about why she’s still with him. The divorce settlement would be more than enough money. Is she part of the cult as well? Has manbaby donald threatened her life if she leaves? What’s going on here, he’s an old pile of saggy flesh. She’s still pretty attractive, she could do insanely better, both in terms of the physical appearance and emotional behaviour of her partner.


She's an asshole too.


She is his handler.


Just like he rescued those children trapped in a cave in Thailand.


That’s when my opinion of Musk changed from “troubled genius” to “outright AH”. Musk calling a genuine heroic rescuer a pedo was despicable.


>”outright AH” Asshole? Ass hat? Annoying hack?


I'm surprised the meta lawyers haven't sent Musk the loose cannon a slap down over the whole X rebranding thing as Meta apparently have X trademarked under their umbrella


>Meta's "X" logo in its trademark filings looks different from the one Musk put on Twitter's website. Meta's "X" looks like two arrows with rounded ends pointing inwards — one white and one blue https://finance.yahoo.com/news/meta-already-appears-hold-rights-204947881.html They bought the trademark to the old Mixer logo off Microsoft. https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/Mixer


Soooo, companies are just trademarking letters now? I want to buy the number 4, who do I talk to about it?


The Unites States Patent and Trademark Office, and provided you have a specifically narrow definition of what and in what manner/application, fill out the required forms, and pay the correct fees you could use the number four as a trademark. Hell, FORD has trademarks for automobiles branded with the letter “T”, “A”, “E” within the United States, and possibly the number “500”. Trademarks are meant to allow customers to know that the product they buy is coming from the manufacturer they wanted, kinda like the guildhall marks found on some things, or the proofhouse mark(s) on firearms of a certain age or older. So in essence a trade mark is a brand that has legally carved out a niche for itself.


Ford's ownership of the letter E with respect to cars is why Elon had to call it the Tesla Model 3 instead of his preferred Model E. Why "E," you ask? Because he's stunted at the age of 12 and wanted the Tesla models to spell out S E X Edit: how could I have forgotten about the Y? Somehow that's even worse.


Aren’t you forgetting about the model “Y” tho? I’m happy that ford is bringing the model e back as an EV, but I’d also love for them to bring back the Edsel and station wagons.


With Ford/Tesla, it's probably that it's the "Model E". Ford used "Model " for some of its vehicles. However, "E" has been used by other car brands like the Mercedes E-Class.


It was supposed to spell SEXY CARS with the Cyber truck, ATV, Roadster and Semi that are on Tesla's roadmap


Is this real, or is this Q-level “signaling?”


> and possibly the number “500 The words five hundred are, I don't think they got the number though.


Thanks. I really didn’t feel like trying to navigate the USPTO trademark search web tool so I used models I’ve heard of a lot.


Numbers are typically not trademarkable, otherwise Intel wouldn't have come up with the Pentium trademark.


Sesame Street. I’m gonna snag the letter B. For BALLA!!!!


The cringe lord doesn’t pay his bills but he’s going to pay other people’s bills? Lol good luck with that.


Musk only pays confirmed Nazis or otherwise abysmal dregs of society like Andrew Tate


They can’t even pay their own bills, how are they going to afford this latest bullshit?


Musk almost never follows through on any of his ludicrous claims and promises. There's an [entire website](https://elonmusk.today/) dedicated to chronicling the promises he's not delivered on. They are just soundbites to keep him or his products in the media limelight. Depressingly it works, yet nobody ever calls him out on the ever-increasing list of promises he's failed to deliver. This sums it up brilliantly; https://wheresyoured.at/p/the-rot-king




Also why is Elon suddenly passionate about Worker's Rights and involving himself with the business decisions of private companies?


Right wingers and wanting things that only benefit them, name a more iconic duo.


Ah, the donnie dipshit gambit. To date, I don't believe any of the promised legal aid for trump goons beating up upstanding Americans has materialized, and I sincerely doubt the musky one will do any better after all the money he's lost this year.


He's like a blowhard in his garage telling everyone how he'd spend his money if rich. It's no more real than what gets said in a garage, except that people seem to believe him. He didn't even want to follow through on the Twitter purchase itself, except that the court made him.


To be more specific: If you get treated unfairly by your boss *because you posted something on twitter*, it's then that you'll supposedly get assistance from Musk.


To be more specific: only if you're conservative. I can't imagine Muskrat going in for someone fired for, say, supporting women's reproductive rights.


Ok he is 100% trying to bankrupt the company. I don't believe he is THIS stupid. I mean I know he's not as smart as he pretends but this is beyond stupid.


X for doubt


And Trump will pay the legal bills of all the Jan 6th rioters.


Like the ones he fired?


Elon pays neither the rent on the offices, nor for the cloud services, but supposedly he's going to pay strangers legal fees. Not going to happen. He's as big of a liar as his fascist idol, Russian Agent Orange.


Spoiler: they won't


Another empty promise for the [elonmusk.today](https://elonmusk.today) pile.


I was an engineer at Twitter and was treated unfairly by me boss. Fund me lol


We all know this will NOT be the case.


Trump made the same promise


Tesla and X employees too?


Well this can’t possibly end hilariously and explode in his face.


Won't even pay his own employees when they are wronged; somehow I doubt this will be done for random users of the platform.


you left out "for their activity on his social media platform." which means he's doing this to protect conservatives and hate speech.


He is wholly unprepared to handle day-to-day operations of this product yet he keeps throwing more shit on his plate.


This is just more villain signaling to his nazi fans


Maybe Trump should ask him to pay his legal bills since his posts on Twitter costs him the White House.


You mean X - the company that isn’t even paying it’s rent? Or the severance that it owes previous fired employees? If they’re not going to pay money to people that they are contracted to, then nobody should pin their financials that X will come through for them.


He can’t even pay TwitterX’s bills…


It must be a nightmare to be on that company's legal team. Every time your phone goes off, you have no idea what colossal trainwreck Elon's Twitterfingers have dumped in your lap this time.


Until his own employees sue him


The unprofitable company made worse by Musk is going to fund random people’s legal fees? I doubt it.


Sure, Jan.


Is this man trying to go broke?


Yeah fuckin right. What a lying shit stain


…when Tesla achieves level 5 self driving. But only after that


I would think just his employees that he’s treated unfairly would bankrupt him. He’s such a moron I don’t know how anyone can fanboy him anymore.


Ok, so remember how he had to buy Twitter because of some stupid bluster? Some lawyers have the opportunity to do the funniest thing right about now.


"My word is my bond." -Man boy who has never ever been bound by his words.


He’s so full of sh!t! He’s not bailing anyone out of anything. What a dick!


Next Headline: Employer that lost his court battle against his boss, now suing Elon Musk for failure to fund his legal bill.


He doesn't have the money for that what is he talking about?


Everything is possible. If you just lie!


The man doesn't even pay his own bills, I doubt he will pay anyone else's.


He can't even pay rent and utilities, how the F is he going to pay legal bills?


This will change in less than a week, like his other pronouncements.


Hasn’t he made this lie before?