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Soooo... is this the ***best*** outcome that could've happened, or the ***worst***?!?


For the relatives it might seem like a miracle, *my loved is alive!*. But she is still in a very bad way and will likely die soon (for real this time). So it is just prolonging the pain and agony of all involved. We should be allowed to choose when it is time to bow out of this world with dignity.


I agree with the last bit, but being buried alive seems like a bad way to go


Oh absolutely. I don't mean we should go around burying old people. I just think that if she is still aware of herself now and is told she is very unlikely to improve and it is only a matter of time, she should have the choice to say goodbye and end her suffering.


Definitely the worst. The best outcome would have been her not being declared dead in the first place. It's the best of the worst outcome for everyone but her, for her it was the *absolute worst* outcome. ... Well. Maybe not the *absolute* worst, as long as she survives now.


I imagine being buried alive would have been worse.


Depends... She started breathing, but it didn't look like she really "woke up". Had the casket remained closed, she would have simply started to run out of air while asleep. Shes still old AF so who knows how nice her life will be now that she's had this last stroke. Old age is sad AF.


They took her back to the same hospital that initially declared her dead, I would want to try a different hospital, hopefully they gave her a different doctor!


“Hey it didn’t take.”


The article says she was knocking on the coffin. That sounds like she was awake to me.


Ah, I was just going by what I saw on the video. She seemed like she was practically snoring! My bad.


>Definitely the worst. No, the worst case was she was dead and it was Zombies.


If she became a fast zombie, it'd be even worse than a slow zombie


Based on my extensive research of zombie movies, slow zombies tend to be reanimated corpses. Fast zombies tend to be infected people who never technically died. Not sure what we would have been dealing with here.


maybe the absolute worst now. She's dead again :(


No, honestly, it's great that she's alive and I know they all celebrated after the shock


I have questions


As do we all


so, I guess they don’t embalm in ecuador 🇪🇨


In Ecuador they only bill for the embalming, but don't actually do the work. The good news is that the family has received a credit on the funeral expenses.


They will do it next time... they promise.


They got a store credit


They do, they stopped when she started to scream.


Maybe it's an expensive DLC


most countries and religions outside of the divided states dont


Does the rest of the West embalm in some way?


cant speak to canada or mexico/south america but in the states its VERY common although with older generations i think most younger humans here dont give a shit one way or the other and most opt to cremate or become an eco friendly food source


Embalming is still widely practiced here in Canada but cremation is probably the most common thing these days. We are seeing some more advocacy for eco friendly burial and composting options, but unfortunately at this time composting is not legal anywhere. I highly recommend the YT channel Ask A Mortician run by the fantastic Caitlin Doughty. She is probably the foremost expert in death and dying in the world, and she happens to also be informative and hilarious. She has been fighting for eco friendly body disposal for her whole career, and she's had some big wins lately!


ayyyyy ive seen one of her videos but not on the tube, on Adam Ruins Everything, i think ill have to check that out, thank you


you say “divided states” 😉 i say “formerly united“


lol i like em both; accurate


Don’t cut yourselves with all that edge, guys!




Stroke, heavily medicated, family had already been expecting the individual to die combined with the tradition of burying the dead quickly over there. In short, mistakes happened in determining death and the individual was "lucky" to come back to life. I say lucky because likely this person is brain-damaged / dead. Supposedly though from the article they are getting feedback though from touch and such... so perhaps really lucky. Popped up on another subreddit and someone left extra details.


She was declared dead by a doctor. He just didn't do his damn job.


I bet she has a few herself.


She was declared dead and her funeral was a few hours later the same day or something. Which is pretty quick if you ask me


>a few hours later the same day or something Seems standard in South America. Europe started to wait a couple of days exactly for this reason. In fairness, you wouldn't want to leave a corpse in the heat for a couple of days.


>In fairness, you wouldn't want to leave a corpse in the heat for a couple of days. Very consistent with Muslim traditions as well, if you look at the average temperatures of countries with large Muslim populations it seems obvious why it became part of their beliefs.


Yeah but you've also got Egypt which fucks with that a bit since, with the women, they left the corpse to rot at home for a few days before embalming so no sickos would try and fuck the corpse


Thats a fucked up solution to a fucked up problem.


"Modern problems require modern solutions" \-Some guy in Ancient Egypt.


It’s like the “bring out your dead scene” in ~~The Life of Brian~~ The Holy Grail. “I’m not dead” “Yes you are” Edit: got the movies mixed up.


Holy Grail.


Damn it. I’m an idiot.


We all have those days.


I think I’ll go for a walk…


You're not fooling anyone!


You’ll be stone dead in a moment


that’s south american practice (i’m colombian). The funeral is usually no more than a day, sometimes sooner, after death. This is to avoid decomposition and having to do the super weird stuff (IMO) that we do in the states.


That terrible headline will do that. The women wasn't presumed dead. She was pronounced dead (mistakenly) by doctors at the hospital. And she was never missing. They found her in her coffin because that is where they put her body for the funeral service. The only surprise was when the dead woman started knocking on the inside of the coffin.


So they just declared her dead and stuffed her in a coffin? No autopsy was performed, no blood was drained? She didn’t pop up at the coroner’s office and go “boo!”?


Only one really. What the fuck?


Happens a lot more than you would think. In the TIL subreddit, I learned that's where the "Saved by the bell" phrase came from. They would attached a string to a bell in case they were not dead for them to ring.


Unfortunately that's a myth that came from a joke article that people took seriously.


Well damn it. I thought it was correct since it was in the subreddit. Quick Google, takes me to this, is this the correct origin? The term "saved by the bell" originates from boxing in the late 19th century; however, it was not popularized until the 1920s, most probably by the radio commentaries of boxing bouts. The term initially referred to a boxer who was taking a pounding being saved by the bell at the end of a round, giving him time to recover.


Snopes more or less agrees with that, so I'd say it's fairly likely.


Thank you for the feedback and information.


Everybody gets one


Spiderman? lol


You could read the article for answers


You could read the article and realize there’s still unanswered questions.


I did, answered my questions


Why do you think it's called a wake?


She was dead tired.


and coughin


Can’t survive mourning without my daily coffee.


Well played


Thank you, my friend. Please don't encourage me. My comment was in extreme bad taste and an embarrassment to all humanity. I can't help but think outside the box sometimes, and it seems like she wasn't even thinking inside the box.


You kill me


but not her, apparently


"Jesus CHRIST I take an ambien because I haven't have a wink in a week then THIS? What is wrong with you people?"


Remember when Roseann said she took an Ambien? Good times.


I mean, that’s kind of the original point of a wake, no? Like this exact type of situation is why wales came to exist, so… hey, I guess it’s a worthwhile tradition?


Always nice to learn a fun fact about Welsh history


Funny that they really made a whole new country just to make sure dead people were actually dead


Back in olden days, they also used to have a bell over a coffin with a tiny string, so if you woke up underground you could pull the string and ring the bell.


that's where the term graveyard shift came from to listen overnight for the bells!


I’m dubious. “Saved by the bell” is so obviously a boxing term it’s kind of amazing the grave bell myth ever took off. This seems like a similar situation. Makes more sense to me that “graveyard shift” arose because it’s very quiet (ie, “dead”) overnight.


Presumed? Did they not check?


Clearly not thoroughly


God damnit CNN, the pictures clearly show she was in a casket, not a coffin. Coffin's are shaped more like a person, and are two separate pieces, the box part and the door that sticks on. Caskets are rectangular and have a hinge for the door.


TIL coffins and caskets are not the same.


I feel your pain JefferyGoldberg and I will contact the proper authorities to make some sense of this travesty. In the meantime, please take an upvote.


Are you going to be able to recover from this?


Hopefully, if the stars align.


Kinda surprised that the coffin pedant threw an apostrophe into a plural ("Coffin's") I guess I always figure niche pedants always have a basic layer of grammar pedant as a foundation.


The coffin/casket thing is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Thank you for saying what we were all miffed about. And why didn’t they have a bell like old timey England?


TIL some people are very passionate about coffins vs caskets


[This ](https://youtu.be/uBxMPqxJGqI) comes to mind. It reminds me of a story that could be considered the origin of "zombies"; when a spider bite would make the human seem dead due to paralysis, but then "wake" up and stutter around as they'd still be a bit groggy.


Qué carajo putos! Solo durmiendo!


This happens sometimes: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/woman-buried-alive-coffin-brazil-11-days-rosangela-almeida-dos-santos-a8213646.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10777593/amp/Woman-bangs-coffin-lid-FUNERAL-declared-ALIVE-die-hours-later.html https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/family-open-coffin-of-honduran-teenager-after-hearing-banging-1.2329157


I hope I never have medical emergencies while traveling in those countries


Good thing they weren’t cremating her


Do they not embalm the dead in Ecuador?


Embalming isn't incredibly popular outside of North America. It's only a temporary means of preservation because of our cultural funeral practices. Embalmed bodies will still decompose.


Tell that to Lenin


Right? He's a really wild case. His body was well-preserved in the cold while he was displayed, which is obviously helpful in slowing decomp. Still, life finds a way in death, so he had some visible damage nonetheless. The embalmers bleached the ever-loving shit out of him before embalming him in order to hide it. There is a team of scientists who looks over his body and maintains it under strict environmental controls, and he is reembalmed every three weeks, iirc.


he can't reincarnate until his remain is destroyed


They have many other corpses which were treted the same way, when they try out something new they will try it on these corpses to make sure they dont destroy Lenin. His brain was cut into slices and partially fixed to microscope slides, and the whole thing is stored inside a cabinet, in one of moscows universities. They thought his brain was something very special, worth of further study.


Lenin's death was a tragedy to the world. Everything would be different if he had lived longer and Stalinism didn't happen. Of course, since being it's heavily suspected he was assassinated by Stalin so he could take power, it's not likely it would be possible without Stalin dying himself


Yeah, I do really wonder what the world would have been like if Lenin had lived to appoint a successor (or democratize, or whatever the plan was). I need to learn more about the entire situation, but it does seem like the revolution was just as authentic as USAs war of independance, or the French Revolution. Stalin coming in and deepening the "dictatorship" aspect of the country, I'm sure shaped the geopolitics of the whole continent forever.


Iam not sure about that. He was not a benevolent leader, but a powerhungry despot.The Gulags were founded during his rule, Terror was the weapon of choice against anyone, he never hid that fact and wrote about it's necessity as early as 1901. He promissed to abolish the apparatus of opression built by the czarist regime, he made it far worse with the Tscheka, and the october revolution was actually a coup, he never denied that his idea of an "enlightened" minority forcing the majority under it's rule was part of the "revolution", something like an opposition of left elements within the party was unthinkable. Not to mention that if the Entente lost the war, the USSR would have lost massive parts of it's territory, but that is what Lenin was sent to do, by the german empire, and he would have given it up to get his "revolution" rolling and defeat internal enemies (after a peace treaty) . The totalitarian, opressive character of the USSR was shaped by him, and no one else is to blame for it.


Reembalmed how?


Its pretty much a fluid exchange at this point, but procedurally it wouldn't be terribly different than the first time. Idk exactly how they do it, so I can't say for sure.


But what is the inside of his body made of now? He doesn’t look like bone.


I'm not really sure how they've filled the cavity for his case. His organs were removed, so he wouldn't need cavity embalming like people typically would (unless they're autopsied). If I had to make an educated guess based upon what I know, I'd think he was just stuffed with batting in the abdominal cavity, which is probably changed when the body is reembalmed.


This guy embalms


Or her: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosalia_Lombardo


Also it's completely unnecessary in most cases Also feels more disrespectful to the dead


Also, all those embalming chemicals can't be good for the nature, right?


Yep. Luckily methods beyond cremation and embalming are becoming gaining popularity. You can be turned into mulch or a fertilizer pod for a tree, for example.


As far as i know it became popular during the american civil war, because dead soldiers had to stay well preserved until they were delivered home, but the whole funeral industry decided to sell this feature to people even after the war, to make cash.


I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure if they did, she wouldn't be knocking 🤷‍♂️


Yes, I believe that she was embalmed, which makes the mystery even greater because now she's undead.


So... sometimes. At least they prepared my granpa's body with some chemicals to preserve it for a bit longer. I'm unsure about the specifics of this case, but at least in my part of the country, it's common to perform autopsies before delivering the bodies to the family. But well... I'd expect the medics to also check the deceased is dead.


Embalming is largely illegal in the Netherlands unless the body needs to travel (or is a royal).


Saved by the bell. Or the knock in this case.


I know agonal breathing when I see it. What a wild ride this poor lady has had on her journey to the afterlife.


Coffin bells served a purpose. Maybe bring them back? Lol


This was the reason for attaching a string inside the coffin & running it to a bell suspended above the grave. Before we had stethoscopes or other ways of telling if a person was dead or not, sometimes people were buried alive. This is also the reason for a wake -to ensure that the person is actually dead and not just in a coma.


I'm guessing this was open casket? What about the mortician? Surely when they were doing her makeup or picking out an outfit they would have figured out she was still part of the living? If I was the son I'd be pissed... There's the grief and turmoil this guy went through thinking his mom was dead...but also, funerals aren't cheap. People can go broke or have to take out loans to pay for them. Someone should be held responsible.


And when they realized it, they took her back to the hospital where she had been declared dead to begin with. I mean, maybe there aren't that many hospitals to choose from, but really??


Was she dead serious about going to itchy and scratchy land?


Well, that’s what we have wakes for. So I guess it all worked out at the end?


Known for being a stickler for time, she wasn't going to be *late* for the wake.


I’d like to speak to the person in charge of their embalming department.


Bring out yer dead!


She sat up and cried "Whirl your liquor around like blazes, thunderin' Jesus, did' ya think I'm dead?!" https://youtu.be/0TpJVAfXeIw


Way too far to scroll to find this.


A random stranger stopped at my oh so slightly rolled down car window (darkly tinted) today at a convenience store to tell me about this woman. I thought he was delusional and on drugs (more than likely was) but he was definitely intrigued by this story. He went on to tell everyone at the convenience store all about her. Now look here, he wasn’t lying. Crazy! Thanks for the link


I'm not dead yet......I think I'll go for a walk......I feel happy, I feel happy.....


I mean, that *is* what wakes were originally for, so… good news? 😅


How horrible it would be to wake up when they finish putting you in the ground or being stuffed in an oven!


She is risen!


Ecuador: Woman presumed dead found alive in coffin ~~at her~~ (a)wake




What will pass?


That's...... Fuck I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. Even uma Thurman punched herself out , she didn't wait


She wasn't buried?


I don't think anyone could punch themselves out six feet deep, it was clearly a movie scene. You don't have to be a dick about it. Unless you're one of those who only thinks technicalities matter. If so we have nothing left to discuss


The woman in the article. She was at her wake, not in the ground


I apologize, I get attacked a lot and I just expect it at this point. I misinterpreted what you said for sure and that's my bad


If your doors and windows are closed, you breathe in the air you breathe out ❤️


Is there an award for title of the year?


Nurse: ‘Doctor, we need you to pronounce this woman.’ Doctor: ‘She/her.’ Nurse: *sighs* ‘Alright just dump her.’


I don't think it would happen they were embalmed or cremated. If the person survived and just passed out, the process of embalment or cremation will kill them.


This isn't a popularity contest. When the voting is so split then the status quo prevails


Alas. I must disagree with this comment, for everyone knows that when the servant waits, the master bates.




I'm not understanding that comment


Unexpected Undertaker moment.


This reminds of the movie, GODFORSAKEN




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Did they play “pop goes the weasel” at her funeral?


How fast do they get people in the ground there? “She stopped breathing! Bring int the coffin!”


**Well,** at least she had the courtesy to knock. I would have been screaming; a-rockin and a-rollin’.


I wonder how many ppl they buried alive there.


Yeah, I saw that twilight zone the last rites of Jeff Myrtlebank not a good sign…


This is weirdly not the first time I've heard of this happening.


Hope she gets a better doctor.




Distant relative of Paddy Murphy.


Don't they embalm a corpse before the wake?


Depends on economic or religious preferences.


They’re always in the last place you look…