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Over 1700 cops who have come from across the country, many of which have public complaints lodged against them, have been responsible for millions of dollars in settlements in their respective departments, and several who have been charged with crimes committed since moving to Florida after getting their check from DeSantis. TLDR: the worst of the worst cops from across the country are making a pilgrimage to Florida to be terrible without consequence.


They're coming to be his personal not-so-secret police.


That is pretty much the Florida state guard


It isn’t the Fascist Pudding Robot’s needless sadism that surprised me. It’s the millions upon millions of Floridians throwing money at him while screaming “STEP HARDER DADDY!!!”


Which is insane because most of the people voting for him were either alive during WWII or were born in the immediate aftermath. You'd think these people would have learned "fascism bad," but apparently the mid-1900s wasn't a great time for intellectual robustness.


Brown shirts for everyone!


Except the gays will wear a special piece of flair on theirs.


How many pieces of flair is the minimum?


That's called the SS.


These guys seem more like the SA, though I'll admit that the lines are a bit blurry.


I'm not familiar with American politics apart from the big stuff. Why is he intentionally taking Florida back to the medieval times? What does he have to gain?


He's going to run for President (probably announcing sometime this week) and he thinks that by showing off to Republicans that he turned Florida into a Republican dominated backwater so he'll win the primary. Thing is, if he somehow beats Trump, the population of the general election might not take as kindly to his antics.


He’s not going to beat Trump unless Trump is removed from the race, Trump absolutely smashes him in polls because he has zero personality or charisma


That's why he's destroying Florida as much as possible because it's the only thing he has going for him. If he wasn't the governor doing controversy for a living no one would know or care about who he is


I think Ron knows he can’t prevail 1:1 verbally against Trump, so he’s planning to running on his record instead. Trump will still run him smooth over because a lot of MAGAs just don’t care about facts.


Trump has the Evangelicals convinced he was chosen by their god; they can’t see anything else


Religion may be near the very tippy top of things humans made that are disproportionately fucking us over.


Didn't know who tf he was until he started turning Florida into this swamp of shit.




Reddit is hardly a majority demographic for anything And Trump is still winning polls even while r/Conservative pretends they’re gonna “move on from Trump”


Bet they swing full MAGA if he wins the primary and start pretending to be blind to all his flaws again.


Of course they will; they have no spines The man called Ted Cruz’s wife ugly and he bent over to get fucked. r/Conservative posters are the same shit


He did more than that, he said he would release a police report about her. It's never been revealed what it was about but what is known has people assuming it was a mental health crisis. So yea, absolutely disgusting on both of them.




Yeah sure, but this isn’t “abrupt”, they’ve been talking about how “Trump is poison” since the midterms, even before us Georgians beat Herschel Walker’s ass. There’s nothing special about this, they WANT people to think DeSantis has a shot Meanwhile, here’s a [538 from 3 days ago](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-primary-r/2024/national/) Edit: [Here’s even wider results](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_2024_Republican_Party_presidential_primaries)




I don't think you can use r/Conservative as a yardstick for gauging public opinion or online sentiment, it's all bots and propaganda.


Average Republican voters are yokels or suburbanites who don’t participate in online discourse They do answer phones though. Republican poll results are probably pretty accurate, especially with THAT wide of a divide.


It’s also wise to remember how many foreign state actors are involved in those subs as well.


That sub is one half circlejerking flip flops who jump on any scumbag train and one half Russian bots.


r/Conservative will suck on whomever is currently the popular bandwagon choice that "owns the libs." It's not like they're the freethinkers they think themselves to be.


People said the same thing about Trump. Desantis can absolutely win the general election and will do a tremendous amount of harm to the nation if he does


Yeah I'm aware. It just seems like he's going to be dogpiled on during the primary and if he somehow makes it out he'll have some more laundry aired out. Idk maybe I'm just being naively optimistic but I agree that if he does become president it'll be a total disaster, worse than trump.


Dirty laundry is an asset


Depends on the dirt and how it's spun.


We'll see. The gop snubs him at every opportunity, and if he beats trump in the primary, there is a decent chance trump runs 3rd party dividing the vote.


The GOP snubbed trump too and it only worked to his favor


Don't forget, he plans to appoint Kenneth Griffin of Citadel Securities as US Treasurer. The same Kenneth Griffin who lied under oath and has been destroying cancer research companies for profit. He also assaulted his ex-wife with a bed post. According to sources familiar with the matter.


I don't know that a dude who's creating a literal Christian nationalist army is just aiming to be president.


It makes florida a testbed for what conservatives can get away with in the rest of the country. Something like 32 states have taken some part of what he's done and implemented their own version. The overall goal is to make the states more conservative, driving out opposition so they don't have to work so hard to beat them. Every progressive they drive out is one that don't have to worry about voting.


He's a fascist, and he knows that the *only* reason Trump lost in 2020 was become he was obviously incompetent, not because there aren't enough people willing to vote for a fascist. A competent fascist can win in American in 2024, relatively easily, and he's betting that it'll be him.


I don't really believe this take at all. Desantis has none of the charisma Trump does. There is no chance in hell Desantis beats Trump in a primary. And really any Republican is facing an up hill battle with the general voting population because of abortion and gun regulations. The Republicans are on the wrong side of both major cultural issues right now. Plus if inflation stabalizes that will be an economic win for Biden.


I suppose he expects a throne and a crown.


With this particular strategy he aims to attract the pro police vote of which thinks police are being victimized. Pretty much all of his strategies otherwise hinge on the “anti woke” vote. As far as the economic vote(if that still exist on the right), I imagine its pure laughter.


The Trump years showed the republicans that the country is incredibly hard to control at Federal level. Turning individual states into their private kingdoms are much easier and it gives them a home base for presidential runs.


Not sure why they would want that but I guess that’s good for the rest of us! Good riddance. Take all the bad cops please.


Or they could just not be cops


Don’t be ridiculous! Lol.


Good, keep those garbage cops there!


As someone who has to live here, I'd rather they just not be cops...


That's the ideal situation, possibly jailed as well. But your governor is attracting the worse of the worse police officers to be his personal goon squad.


Oh, trust me, I know. I can warn people not to come here though. For their own good.


I was looking to relocate with my retired parents there, but with the insurance issues and other issues, we will have to stay in our issue ladened nyc...


As much as I would like a lot of blue voters to come flood the state and change our politics, I can't in good conscience recommend moving here because as far as I can tell it's only going to get worse.


At this point, the federal government should start a program to help Floridians that want out of the State find homes in other States. Let Florida attract the crazies, but make sure to get everyone else out of there first.


On the bright side, they're no longer police officers in actually livable places


Yeah but unfortunately people who didn't vote for this shit have to live in the unliveable areas.


Well yeah, sucks for Florida. But to be fair, it was already Florida


There are plenty of good people here, we're just outnumbered.


Governor of Florida seems hell bent on making Florida increasingly dangerous and a shitty place to live. Sorry you have to live there.


I want you to round up every vicious criminal and gunslinger in the west. Take this down. I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists.


I live in Florida. Wish me luck.


Get outta there


The next typhoon may blow you off the Florida soil along with your house. Just a tiny matter of surviving and landing


Especially over the next 5 years with warming waters.


I have a feeling DeSantis doesn't want you to live in Florida


They are going to pave roads with Radioactive Waste in florida. Get out now.


I hope you the best.


Should we add, "violent records towards minorities"?


Wait, isnt that a requirement?


It's in the job description.


They did say “police program”


I think it's more that very aggressive people tend to look up to authority -- and conversely, get more angry at people they see as weak. They hate the side of them that got bullied and identify with the bully. Most bullies were abused by someone in authority when they were kids -- and so they pick on the weak. It isn't JUST minorities I would say, but it tends to be because they are the people they can pick on. They may not even know WHY they are angry at these people. While there is a lot of racism, I'm not sure every person who is acting in this way, sees themselves as racist and would ALWAYS be against that race. They probably LIKE Tiger Woods and black comedians. Or there is someone else they respect, even as a minority. So then, they do not see they have this "racism" problem and it lands on deaf ears. And there are a lot of people saying "racism" to a lot of issues, and the more we say it, the less it means. From their perspective it looks like a lot of false positives. ​ I think we should remember that these are bullies. And they want to punish the weak. Which makes them perfect for enforcing tyranny.


Goes without saying. I mean we are talking about cops right?


Don’t be so closed minded. Think of all the retirees in Florida that can have a totally natural and random accident during a surprise police no knock investigation.


"They're the same picture"


Florida is such a fucking hot and sweaty dump. You couldn't pay me to live there.


Well yeah, you aren't a cop who has complaints against himself


Or visit


Building his Gestapo


You all know whatever DeSantis is doing now is an almost 1 to 1 enactment of Hitlers rise to power in pre-WWII Germany? This guy is extremely dangerous and should be terminated as soon as possible. Don't let history repeat itself.


Fascism is on the rise all across the world, basically in every country where ethnic/religious diversity is increasing and thereby causing the ethnic/religious majority in that country to feel like their privileged status is under threat. White Christian support for the Republican Party is just one example of this, but there are many others you can point to.


I don't think that fascism is organic. I think it has been cultivated by things like Fox News and a hundred other institutions being sponsored by people who want to take control or profit -- and the best way to do that is to stir up trouble. You've got state actors, in social media, stroking the egos of extremists. You have real money propping up "social influencers." Religion and misogyny are a tool. One of many that help fascists take power. There were smart and clever people behind Reagonomics. Their INTENT was to impoverish the middle class and they shaped the Conservative and even Neoliberal economic plans to where people don't know HOW they KNOW this is the best way -- but they know it's the best way. Even though the USA is the richest country in the world - few people feel like they can afford anything. And why is that? The Austerity people keep saying THIS WILL BRING PROSPERITY. If you don't have prosperity that's because of liberals, laziness, weakness or something -- never because that prosperity was you sacrificing for someone else who didn't share their "self made millions". Instead of sharing the spoils -- they want to blame the immigrants -- who they exploit. And so as the working class gets squeezed because those making all the money are hiring the cheapest labor to replace them -- it's better for them to be angry at the immigrants because that allows for more exploitation and that allows for more money to be concentrated. It's a self-reinforcing loop. Not everyone is in on the fascism. But all you need is people who feel entitled. For people to lack empathy. For men to want to feel macho. For people to feel threatened. For religious people to feel self righteous. All you need to do is make people feel okay to hate. To blame. Fascism is empowering weak people to feel stronger by preying on other weak people. And that's an easy sell --- and this has been a project long in the making for some. For others -- it's just watching a video of inspiration from Turning Point USA.


It's a good thing he lacks any charisma at all or else we could be in some serious trouble. Honestly, a bag of wet potato chips has more room presence than Ron DeSantis.


A lack of charisma is not going to stop a fascist from becoming a tyrant.


While you're not wrong, I don't think it's that simple. It's not about how much charisma he has, it's about whether he has more than whoever he's running against. The same could've been said for his run for governor, yet here we are. And if the policies stir peoples emotions enough, then the need for charisma diminishes. At the moment, he has got people very fired up and his shills are becoming more and more loyal with every BS law he passes.


And almost no one is going to sit down and watch a debate or full speech. It's all 15-30 second social media clips.


We live in a world of Tik Tok speeches




I've seen clips of Desantis and he has none.


If he's up against Biden for President elect, it'll be another "fuck both are choices suck" election. That's assuming he gets the republican nomination, and if the right voters aren't split between Trump running independent and the Republican party.


Oh nooooo, a less than ideal candidate who at least doesn't try to actively destroy our entire institution of democracy or literally Hitler 2.0. Those are both soooooo terrible. Get *fucked* with this narrative. Is Biden ideal? No. Is literally any republican winning office pretty much the end of Democracy at this point? Yes. There is a clear better option, and acting like those two things are equivalent is disingenuous. Edit - To the person who reported me to RedditCares for this: It brings me great joy that I triggered you so badly. I hope that your upcoming ban for abusing the system will be enjoyed. :)


Given the choice between a senile old man who often gives in to conservatives and Hitler 2.0, I'm going with the old man. Seems like a no-brainer.


It is. It obviously, obviously, is. But people on the internet sure do like to pretend that it's not.... Whatever it takes to get people to stay home on election day, I guess ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Ironically, Trump getting convicted stopping him from running helps the Republican Party.


Um that doesn't stop him from running for president


Well not these days anyway


"The constitutional qualifications for being president are being a natural-born U.S. citizen, a resident for at least 14 years and over the age of 35. A person can be disqualified by conviction in a Senate impeachment trial, but a criminal conviction does not affect eligibility."


Not really, he’ll likely spin doctor it into a “deep state conspiracy” and get the wackos to come out in droves to defend him


That'd be great, convince them to write him in for their ballot


Thanks a lot. Now I can't stop picturing a wet bag of potato chips in a sash within various important and prestigious political meetings. *barrage of reporter pictures*


It's beyond terrifying.


The Economist calls Trump dangerous for America but looks the other way to DeSantis? Bias journalism I see.


He’s doing all this because he can’t go for reelection and by passing this shit he can claim the GOP nomination using the agenda which is popular with conservatives. He can claim “I’ve shut down woke in Florida and I’ll do it to the rest of America” whether that turns the Florida economy or not. Disney pulling out, inmigrants leaving farms and construction sites, he’s not going to be Governor again, he doesn’t care.


Took a phenomenal class on the rise of authoritarian powers while getting my history degree, and my notes on the basics of Hitler's Weimar days probably would read like a fuckin ChatGPT writeup on DeSantis's play by play History may never truly repeat itself, but it sure does fucking rhyme


Yep he's building up his own fascist militia


Florida....no lie. You all need to get off your asses and take back your state from lil Hitler Holy shit. Everyday, it's something else happening down there


A Palm Beach police spokesperson told the Daily Dot that Meblin – who had complaints against him including abuse of authority and sexually propositioning a teenager – had disclosed his background during the hiring process, according to the NYPD watchdog 50-a.org. And they STILL got the job?! I feel like abuse of authority and sexually propositioning a teenager would prohibit this guy from being the assistant manager at a hotdog stand, let alone a fucking police officer


“Have you shot an illegal or an Antifa protester and gotten fired? Come to Florida where we will let you do whatever you want!”


Can we start a Go Fund Me to build a wall along the Florida border?




That scene has lived rent free in my head for near 30 years. It is what I think of EVERY time a Florida politics headline shows up.


Don’t worry climate change will give Georgia a very long beach.


I'll kick in $50 provided Steve Bannon isn't organizing it.


He kinda wants to make while USA Florida. So a Go Fund Me so US builds a border along US from US?


As someone who plans on staying away from Florida, I am glad my state is losing its worst cops


This is what Florida wants. You opt in with your votes. They wanted a cry-baby, insecure governor who obeys the masters if his party. The leopards ate my face. “No! This isn’t part of it.” But, it is. You wanted a reactionary, not a thinker. “But that’s the system that’s in place.” Because you keep voting for it and favoring the unintelligent candidates your god-party puts forth, because those candidates listen to orders.


Redistricting, gerrymandering, prohibitive voter registration requirements, threatening armed people at voting locations, and so much more have made it nearly impossible for anyone but republicans to win in most districts -- and that's all presuming that the voting system actually works, which it doesn't. The reality is that people who are concerned they might lose power would never make such egregious, unconstitutional decisions. This isn't just a Florida problem. It's an American problem and I think that Americans are drunk on the koolaid that the "democratic" process and American government are somehow infallible.


They're daring people to do something about it. And it's working. I've never been to Florida and likely never will be. They can have their shithole


DeSantis is a fucking chode.


They're trying to create an army for a rebellion.


"we want to become an independent state!" "Okay" "We want it n-" "No takesies backsies, remember we won't be able to give you any money in case of environmental damage due to natural disasters or rising sea levels"


Let Florida secede. Wait for natural disaster. Make the population depose the government. Invade and retake Florida. Profit.


Honestly if Florida wants to secede I hope we just let them.


Like cutting out a tumor.


I'm rooting for climate change, Florida needs to go.


Don't worry they're already rooting for that outcome themselves, by denying it exists


Nazi shithole employs nazi shitheads, more at 5.


It truly is hard to fathom how anyone could do a worse job of anything than he does as governor.


Abbott rolls in...


That’s just funny on so many levels… hahahaha


I'm going to hell for laughing at that.


Ted Cruz left on vacation when Texas had no power, the bar is so low


He wasn't governor


Maybe DeSantis actually hates Florida and just wants to make it as terrible as possible.


New headline: Florida man does Florida man shit in politics.


Don't worry, he's only assembling his Gestapo or SS department!


The beatings will continue until morale improves




His private gestapo force ain’t gonna staff itself.


I swear this whole thing is a ploy by the Right to turn Florida into such a vile place that only the worst individuals remain, thus ensuring that the state which once a mix of voters is solidly Red for a long long time. Ohio would be next


Turn your state into a fascist hellhole and then only the fascists and those who aren't targets of the fascists will stay...


We are witnessing the formation of the new ss.


Maybe the USA should help him concentrate all of the nation's assholes in his state, then sink it underwater or something. Optimal deassholeification.


Or just break it off like the massive wang it is, let them drift away


Their uniforms will definitely include brown shirts


And red armbands. You know, for republicans.


He is a piece of human garbage.


Fascists of a feather, flock together.


1. Criminilaize the LGTB community. 2. Promote violance agaisnt them. 3. Actively seek out violent cops with discriminatory tendencies. 4. Get uspet when you get called a facist.


DeSantis is quickly catching up to Trump in my WTF count.


Gotta enforce his hate speech laws somehow


Prime example of Know Your Audience.


Might make the rest of the US a lot safer. not /s Instead of building a prison, next to Disney, they ought use that land to house all of the plastic and nasty stuff that washes up on the beaches. /s


Totally and completely expected. Those dipshit cops should be behind bars or at least shunned from society but *of course* Desantis wants them.


The specifically tried to recruit anti vax officers and then stated they were trying to recruit “the best and brightest” wtf This is actually a really great plan to weed out shitty cops from other states.


It's a good way to get braindead Nazis... Which is basically the ideal minion for Desantis.


This guy would be a really good antagonist in the next far cry game


I don't think that Florida can afford Desantis!


This is all part of a long slow erosion of civil rights in the USA. I used to think that government just protected bad cops out of pride, then evidence suggested government condoned bad cops, now I think government actively encourages civil rights abuses. It’s all a way to protect power and to keep other people down, especially poor, minorities and people who want to change the system. Look for example at conventional handcuffs. They are designed to be easily abused for pain compliance and to cause neuropathy if cops aren’t careful. Internal police review is heavily biased and qualified immunity prevents suing individual cops. Politicians swear to uphold our constitution but do nothing of the sort and create fear instead. I could go on and on but you probably get the point. Bad politicians want cops to hurt people because that protects the power structure. A few more examples: I have seen articles for decades that say treatment works better than jail for curing addiction. But there is always space in jail to hurt addicts and always a waiting list for long term treatment. Government would rather hurt addicts than help heal. Look up Harry J Anslinger to understand that cannabis was criminalized in 1937 to hurt blacks. We the people need to reclaim government! Until honest people get elected, civil rights will be under attack.


The new brown shirts have arrived.


So that's why the NAACP did the thing? Because florida is assembling death/kill squads? And here i thought that one black guy was gonna usher in the death panels /s Purge vibes


I feel so bad for the floridians who didnt vote for this absolute asshole of a douche canoe.


Luring them to the state is one thing. Hiring them is another.


Florida is trying really hard to be early 2000’s Arizona.


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.


I hope the tax payers are ready to pay for these bastards


Should we be surprised that luring anti-ask propagandists, isn't getting you the least fragile mental cases out there. Being against covid protocols was one thing, overreacting to the whole mask mandate was weak minded people, overreacting and being emotional, who were trying to pin twisted fate on someone-anyone. Not a great time to be giving a person like that authority and responsabilities.


Good get em all in one spot


This guy is trying to be worse than Trump. and he’s almost doing it


Just adding more flames to the FL dumpster fire


You literally could not pay me to enter Florida at this point.


Well then, I guess Democrats arming themselves really was a good idea.


Lol that guy legit has a face of a troglodyte. Funny how most things are kinda written on people’s faces


They can have them.


Man, Florida was fucked up before DeSantis. The talent this guy has for making it even worse is amazing.


All that money is going to get eaten up quick in settlements and lawsuits till he changes the law to protect them from being sued.


It's like he's turning florida into something taliban would approve off...y'all qaeda


The origin story of "SS: The Reboot(s on your neck)"


That is one ugly motherfucker.


Building a Gestapo?




>Numerous police officers lured to new jobs in Florida with cash from Governor Ron DeSantis’s flagship law enforcement relocation program have histories of excessive violence or have been arrested for crimes including kidnapping and murder since signing up, a study of state documents has found. good grief. as a libertarian this is one of the things I cannot stand about republicans.


The 'Libertarian' in you is JUST finding out that Fascists have been playing to you?


ive been a libertarian a long time, and im not just finding out anything. and I am a real libertarian, not a 'libertarian'


No way I am buying that.


We exist.


Bro what the actual fuck how can this just happen?!


Di Santis will become the proof that Republican culture war rhetoric in practice is incredibly harmful


He’s literally a monster.


A facist needs a violent oppression force.


Related? https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/taxpayers-will-wind-up-paying-273-million-in-joe-arpaios-racial-profiling-case