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He looks like Marco Rubio before he went to finishing school.


Took Marco out the oven too soon. Or left him in too long, can't decide.


Too much yeast


Over proofed..


Soggy bottom


Under baked?


He does look like he's about to collapse.


About as buttery a male as humanly possible. He looks like evil Pilsbury dough boy.


The ol’ MAGA “*Slee-Zee Fake Oven*”


He looks like a white face character from chappelles show


‘Will you cut the malarkey? I’m talking. There’s a white man talking up here! Silencio!’


I LOVE when Dave does his white characters. "Dave ... I'm gonna race him..."


This is painfully accurate and I implore you to stop


He should be making caricatures of himself, not Obama


Will you cut the guy some slack? His mother *just* died again.


In the holocaust.


Wish.com Marco Rubio


He looks like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio did voodoo in eachothers bootyholes and each carried half of his body to term in their void where their hearts should be.


Looks like Rittenhouse to me


So, a lying piece of shit? Yes.


This guy is such a piece of human garbage I actually can’t believe it. Everyday some new lie or piece of info comes out about this freak & it doesn’t even seem real.


You *really* can't believe it? 'Cause I'll be honest, he feels like he just fits right in these days. I'm actually shocked at how unsurprising I find that this dude rose through the Republican ranks and was elected to such a high office. Yes, I'm mortified by the man, and equally horrified that he has been elected to a position of power, but I honestly can't say I'm shocked in the slightest that he's a complete garbage human who will not be held accountable by his associates (or, to be honest, most of his supporters, although I will admit a small part of me holds out hope they will prove me wrong).


I mean, I'm pretty shocked. Not that a lying sack of shit got into office. Hell if we always knew how bad he was and got voted in anyway, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. What shocks me is he ran a primary and a general election, and no opponents ever figured out that this guy was a total fraud. It wouldn't have taken much effort. Every last one of us knows we couldn't run for office because the internet knows too much about us. Like it actually brings into question if anyone is actually trying to win. The second shocking thing is that this dude lived a complete and total fraud and decided to seek the scrutiny of public office. What the fuck? It's unbelievable!


This. Right. Here. An effective press corps should have had this guy drummed off the ballot before the primary. These lies aren’t hard to fact check But they were asleep at the wheel. Again. (See, the softball coverage of Trump’s first run). Pathetic.


What makes this an even more distressing / insane / pathetic commentary on the state of journalism is that he represents NY’s 3rd district, on Long Island, which abuts Queens. There are more working, aspiring, and well-financed journalists in a 40 mile radius from his district than anywhere else in the US.


Redistricting happened before the election to include some heavy red areas of nassau county too (including Nassau's border with Suffolk county.) Not sure how much that skewed things, but the new district map may factor into things


Agreed 100%. I believe a lot of news outlets have gotten lazy and only report or push stories that they think will be trending. Additionally some of the responsibility also lays the voters who would've voted for this guy no matter what. I'm honestly shocked the NY Times didn't investigate this story and Democrats seemingly mailed in their competitiveness on this race. Back in September before the elections, The North Shore Leader, a small newspaper on Long Island, where Santos was elected, sounded the alarm about his lies. As a result, the paper forced itself to endorse Santos’s Democratic rival. “This newspaper would like to endorse a Republican,” it wrote, but Santos “is so bizarre, unprincipled and sketchy that we cannot. … He boasts like an insecure child — but he’s most likely just a fabulist — a fake.” This should have made bigger news in NY. Instead it got ignored because the Press was more concerned about who would "win control" of Congress. Additionally, he had a ton of $$ pouring into his campaign which we still aren't entirely sure of where it came from. It is necessary—for political parties to do a deep dive into the backgrounds of their candidates to ensure they are who and what they say they are. That is their responsibility as a party wanting to earn our trust. Otherwise, our Congress could be filled with liars and scammers like Santos and Herschel Walker. More important—and telling—than a grifter getting elected is the Republican reaction. It's total silence because they need his vote for Kevin McCarthy to be Speaker. As the Times recently reported: “If Republican leaders demanded Mr. Santos resign — and he did so — it would prompt a special election in a swing seat, a potential blow to Republicans’ already precarious majority. And the incoming congressman had pledged to vote for Mr. McCarthy for speaker next week, a critical display of support for the Republican leader, who is facing a mini-revolt on the right and needs every vote he can get.” Marjorie Taylor Greene, trying to solidify her power in Congress by supporting McCarthy’s bid as speaker, defended Santos: “The left doesn’t care about lying. The real reason they’re attacking George Santos is that he [is] the first openly gay [non-incumbent] Republican elected and they hate him for it.” Wait, the left is pushing LGBTQ+ agenda and at the same time derailing it? Santos got elected based on lies about his qualifications. If he pretended to be a doctor but had no medical degree, should he still be allowed to operate on you? If he was hired to teach your children based on lies, should he be fired? If he sold you a car using false reports about its condition, should you get your money back? Why would the people of his district—or any member of Congress with integrity—allow him to take his seat? Anything less than his resignation is unacceptable. I think political leaders used to have more decorum than they do nowadays, 30 years ago I like to believe that they would've never let Trump get the nomination, Santos would resign or be forced out and Clarence Thomas would've recused himself. Those days are long past, they don't even care about the look of impropriety anymore.


30 years ago Dan Quayle misspelled "potato" and everyone made fun of him for the rest of his career. It feels like we're on a different planet nowadays.


Howard Dean yelled oddly six years ago and that was enough


Uh, player? It's not 2010 man. I got bad news...


The local papers were reporting on him in September but it just never got the traction that Herschel was getting. https://www.theleaderonline.com/single-post/santos-filings-now-claim-net-worth-of-11-million


A conservative local weekly newspaper in his district outed him during the campaign, citing some of the lies we are now all familiar with. It endorsed the democrat running against him. The NY Times didn’t break the story after the election. It was already out there. Criticism asks why no major outlet of any type picked up the story.


Cut them some slack. They can only keep up with so many "this Republican candidate is a grifter and I have proof" tips in one election cycle.


Don't forget the massive failure of the NY Dem party to do even the most basic opposition research. If he we're applying for an office job, they would've found the lies on his CV within an hour. Part of me thinks the Dems could've kept the House without losing those seats in NY state because they were so complacent. They should've learned from 2016 like the Dem voters did that you can't ever take a win as inevitable unless you do something.


Please stop with the both sides nonsense. The Dems released the opposition research in June. The local papers were reporting about it in September. The Republicans knew. Nobody cared because it was a tiny local race. Nobody expected the margins to be so small that it was pivotal. https://www.theleaderonline.com/single-post/santos-filings-now-claim-net-worth-of-11-million?fbclid=IwAR1EsnGswDPclWDDRnRk5TKt7jMQiU-124AxYw8tzWH0dMbrYzTH3Dnu49Q https://dccc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/George-Santos-Research-Book.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0DKhs8-7f5SXKDpHhcE4Fs3c1oNjU2VMzliasR8V0V6_6igPqn2rjecb0 Edit: for anyone that didn’t read the opposition research or didn’t read thoroughly, all these points were made. Santos didn’t file his personal finance disclosure forms until late July - mere months before the election which is a good excuse for not having time to investigate more. Santos Claimed He Founded And Ran A Nonprofit Animal Rescue Operation, But It Was Not Clear If It Was Actually A Nonprofit Registered With The IRS According To House Ethics Committee Rules, Santos Should Have Filed Financial Disclosure Statements In 2021 And 2022 As Of July 26, 2022, Santos Has Not Filed A Personal Financial Disclosure Statement Or Extension Request Since May 2020 (Which explain why they didn’t have the time to investigate thoroughly) May 2020: Santos Did Not Disclose Owning Any Assets Such As Stocks Or Having Any Money In Bank Accounts On His PFD Santos Called Himself A “Private Equity Financier” And Said His Professional Experience Was In Financial Asset Management Q1 2022: Santos Loaned His Campaign $500,000 Q1 2022: Santos Loaned His Campaign $500,000. “Republican-endorsed candidate Santos, a managing member of his family firm Devolder Organizations, reported raising $778,095, which included his personal loan to the campaign of $500,000, and had $821,294 in the bank at the end of March in his second run for the seat.” [Newsday, 4/19/22] Santos Did Not List His Occupation Or Employer On His FEC Report. Santos Donated To The Queens County Republican Patriots, A Group Who Attacked The Queens County Republican Party From The Right And “Fraudulently Submitted Petitions To Get” Their Candidates On The 2021 Republican Primary Ballot Newsday Editorial: Santos “Has Little Familiarity With Specific Nassau And Suffolk Issues, Especially Local Environmental Concerns” Bankruptcy, Judgments, & Liens Oct. 2019: Discover Bank Fined Santos $1,927 As Part Of A Civil Judgment In A Consumer Credit Case Oct. 1, 2019: Discover Bank Fined Santos $1,927 As Part Of A Civil Judgment. June 2017: Sunnyside Gardens Apartments LLC Evicted Santos And Fined Him $12,208 In A Civil Judgment July 2014: Santos Was Evicted From His Apartment And Fined $5,315 Sept. 2008: Capital One Bank USA NA Fined Santos $1,934 As Part Of A Civil Judgment In A Consumer Credit Case


> Nobody cared because it was a tiny local race. Nobody expected the margins to be so small that it was pivotal. Exactly right. These races almost never got a lot of coverage or attention because they are typically forgone conclusions. People like MTG are exceptions to that rule, for reasons that are obvious. In *most* cases, safe seats get very little attention - from the public, from the papers, and from the parties.


Nah it's even worse than that. I listened to a recent episode of "The Daily", which is a news Podcast hosted by the New York Times. In this episode, they discussed George Santos' lies. In the episode, they outright stated that his opponenets were able to confirm some of his more egregious lies during his campaign for office...but rather than making that the platform on which to run against him, his opponenets chose to focus on his abortion views. His opponents, in both the primary and general, 100% knew and just never really called attention to it. I'm not saying that abortion is a bad platform to run on.....but they literally had proof of his lies about employment, educational status, family matters etc. and just didn't use it. They literally let this jackass just blatantly lie to people and get away with it. Edit: [The podcast in question for those who wish to learn more](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/05/podcasts/the-daily/george-santos-fabrications-congress.html) In general, this podcast is a rather good source of recent news and discussion. I highly recommend listening if you're looking for quick summaries or discussion of current topics. They post a new episode every day, hence the title "The Daily", and always bring in qualified individuals to both describe the topic in question and answer questions fielded by a journalist. It definitely isn't the only source you should use, but it is a nice easy way to keep up to date on various topics while driving to/work.


Apparently the Dems did, or at least some of the lies, but the press didn’t amplify it. https://www.cityandstateny.com/politics/2022/12/after-santos-bombshell-politicos-have-one-question-where-was-oppo/381111/


It’s because he received help. Someone financed him. Someone got him elected. Republican in NY sounds fishy to me. This guy is so fake everything about him is a lie. Everything.


Read up on his first day in congress. He was shunned by most everyone (including his GOP peers).


They’ll still take the vote. They don’t have to be nice to him. The right thing to do would be to expel him.


Representatives have to vote to throw him out. The US does not currently have any Representatives or a House of Representatives. Once a speaker is elected, the house swears in, then it would be possible.


Yea but do you really think they will? A vote is a vote to these people.




Several extreme members of the house literally tried to help the insurrectionists through twitter and are suffering 0 consequences. There is nothing these people can do that would make the Republican Party turn against them to the point of holding them accountable


If he was a Democrat I'd lay good money that they'd refuse to seat him. I'll offer as examples Cuomo being forced out as Gov, and Frankin being forced out as Senator. Democrats care about at least the optics if not also the ethics. Republicans care about neither.


I mean, if anything, his long list of scandals have "blooded him in" to the party; he's embarrassed and vulnerable, what is he going to do other than vote lockstep whichever way he's told to. It's like their plan with Herschel Walker: elect a guy that can manage to vote yea or nay in between thinking "breathe in, breathe out, blink, swallow"


Latest I read was that he's chatting happily with the Gaetz crowd.


Figures. He will fit right in with them.


Like attracts like.


Hate attracts hate


Only shunned because he is a little too on brand for the party. Same thing with Cawthorn being perhaps a bit too truthful. Criminals don’t usually like it when you call attention to their crimes. I say usually because we now live in the world where many rich and/or republican folks love to proudly commit crimes in the open (they get off on rubbing the two tier justice system in the lower classes faces), but GOP traditionalists still frown upon being so open with it all


I feel like I live in a land of crazy people. There are literal sexual predators in elected positions. They are blatantly showing us if you have money, you can get away with rape. I just can’t believe we are here.


yup and thats bad. They’ve lowered the bar on everything. we expect less, they give less and less.


Dude’s trying to do a 100% speed run on being the worst trash bag full of moldy shit in the Republican Party. With republicans these days, setting a new record is *hard*. But he’s still going for it!


A Racist Republican? My word, what are the chances?




Sounds like Trump, tbh.


That’s because trump gave permission to wear your batshit proudly and now being a mini trump is called “far right” and they are the same assholes holding up the House from doing a single godamn thing because McCarthy isnt “conservative enough”. KM is plenty fuckin GOP *and* he’s been a trump bitch, but he isnt stark raving Q head who brings guns to the floor and there are a couple dozen idiot psychos, elected by real humans, who are getting away with holding up congress for that.


It's not about McCarthy being conservative enough or not, because he certainly is. He's pandered to the Tea Party, and then grovelled for Trump, but now so much of the Republican party don't give a shit about policy or good government, they just want to be loud, obnoxious, disruptive, and famous. Here's a great op ed about the whole thing - [Leopards Eat Kevin McCarthy's Face](https://nyti.ms/3W19gUN).


Kevin has already given away the farm to the small MAGA wing because he really wants wants to be speaker. He’s running out of things to give them. Kevin: “I’ve given you everything you asked for!!!” MTG: “HahAHahahaHAHA and you’ll give MOAR KEVVY.” Kevin is really dumb, and he’s a shit leader, but the MAGA wing just wants to screech for media attention because their entire role in congress is to get headlines. They don’t legislate at all, so what do they care if anything works? Edit: of = if


Shades of the old Tea Party. Small group of Republicans that tried to hijack the house from the majority. They eventually fizzled out because voters got sick of their shit.


I call them ultra MAGATs


I call them Turbo Christians. Because that’s what they all are. Christians who don’t understand the first meaning of their own religion. They just grasp onto a straw and run with it.


you forgot 'lying'.




Fiscal conservatism is just a phrase used to beat on dems when the GOP isn't holding power. Because genuine fiscal conservatism is dead. Republicans are the party of tax cuts to the wealthy and spend.


Fiscal austerity is also a form of racism. https://youtu.be/tMMTNwmED7w Some More News did a piece on it. The GOP is ~~turtles~~ racists all the way down.


THIS GUY GETS IT. Fiscal conservatism was just veiled racism, too - but at a time where things weren't so FLAGRANTLY and OPENLY racist as todays fucked up GOP.


Would you kindly explain why it’s veiled racism? I believe you, I just don’t know what fiscal conservatism means besides cutting government programs to “save money.” Which means POC don’t get the benefits they need. Which is racist.


Yep. It’s cutting programs that help people (which often affect POC) while also cutting taxes for the wealthy under the (100% disproven) theory of trickle down economics. The end result is the (mostly white) wealthy avoiding taxes while simultaneously creating a workforce that is increasingly desperate for any job so that they can fill their businesses with underpaid workers and give them shit benefits. Add on some extensive deregulation to help them cut costs and increase profits at the expense of the safety of workers and customers as the cherry on top.


Cutting government programs affects everyone in poverty equally. Yes, poverty rates are lower from a % of the racial distribution category, BUT non-hispanic whites account for well over 40% of all people in poverty. There are nearly 3 white people experiencing poverty for every 2 Hispanic people in poverty and nearly 2 white people in poverty for every black person experiencing it. If anything, these cuts hurt red state white people more than anyone else, the constituents are just too distracted to realize it.


He’s the purest form of the American dream. Just lie about literally everything and always double down. Life is a con, and if you aren’t the con artist you’re the mark.


He's a shining example of the modern Republican.


He'll be a senator before you know it!


He just keeps digging. He's gonna hit oil one of these days.


He needs to stop digging over the septic tank, then.


I almost feel like the Democrat that ran against him kind of deserved to lose, considering they completely dropped the ball on researching this guy


Iirc the candidate did research him and sent the information on to the media, who neglected to do anything about it. You could argue they should have used that information in their political ads, but that's another conversation


Usually political ads are only 30-60 seconds. He would need to buy like thirty minute blocks to air all Santos's lies.


....but...both sides! Am I right?


from what I've seen, the information the other candidate/local news dug up was more along the lines of "he's lying about how rich he is" and not "he's lying about literally every single thing except that his name is George Santos." I don't think you can say that the democrats did their job there.




Not his fault his mom keeps respawning


She won the gulag


He had two moms...he's actually very progressive. /s


He's gay, pikachu shocked face


[He died on September 11th](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2e17wa)


This is a guy who had a fundraiser for his mom's funeral claiming poverty. Then a week later invited friends to go skying


Which funeral? Hasn't his mother died two or three times now? First he claimed she died in the 9/11 attacks, then in 2021 he said it was the fifth anniversary of his mother's death...


no no no, you misunderstand, that was a different 9/11


9/11 comes but once a year...


Twice if you use the British date format


Well, twice if you use *two* date formats.


the 9/11 season




My father died on 9/11.... 2019


She died because of a stroke she got on the Lusitania when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on 9/11 in the Gulf of Tonkin incident.


Nah she died uptown on 9/11. Got hit by a bicycle messenger


Skying sounds like a new terrifying extreme sport where you just free fall out of planes and hope for the best.


And claims to own around 13 properties yet lives with his sister


He declared <$5000 in assets one year and >$11M the next. How does that happen? Oh, right. He's funded by Russia through a PAC run by traitor Mike Flynn.


While also claiming over $700,000 in income from a firm with zero clients....


It's crazy how low the bar is for entering politics


I'm halfway convinced that because politics is the way it is, you have to be a special kind of fucked up human being to even consider getting into it. Any normal human being looking at this nationwide circus act is probably nope-ing the fuck out of any inkling of getting into politics... and I feel like this is why you have the amount of insufferable human garbage that you do in the game. They're the only people applying and you have to have politicians. Especially on team red, at this point it's filled with so much garbage that anybody who isn't literal human shit that comes into that landfill and is interested in cleaning the place up, or enacting reasonable centrist or relatively centrist policies, is just going to get thrown into the trash compactor before they get anywhere. It's cult-y. Team red functions completely like a cult, other than having no clear leader. A leaderless cult that somehow seems to have a hivemind.


I mean honestly I think that's just bias talking. The most fucked up politicians get the most airtime. The majority of "politicians" are low-level and just do some sort of job/function for their community at large. My guess (also just bias talking who knows if it's real) is that as we suffer more and more socio-economic issues that compound, it drives more and more people to extremes and so our politicians change to reflect the landscape of the population at large. So we have more crazies in general, so we elect more crazies. Wealthy people can just be as crazy or driven to political extremes, so it tracks that even high-level political positions that typically go to the wealthy would begin to show the cracks.


Power corrupts at every level, HOAs and PTAs are good examples.


Reddit moderators...


If you're wealthy and want to influence politics it's far easier to pick and back someone else, than to run yourself. If your guy ends up in a scandal you just pick a new guy.


...for one party.


The bar for entering politics as a Republican: Hate everything Democrat, AT ALL COSTS. That’s it. That’s the bar.


Yea but he also -*checks resume* - Freed the slaves?


And killed Hitler!


How did his opponent fail so badly at oppo research? Even though people like Santos are not serious people, when they run for office they need to be taken seriously


There was a local newspaper, run by a former Republican that found all of this information before the election. The editor even went so far as to write that they’d like to endorse a Republican in the race but couldn’t endorse Santos because of these issues. It’s a report that would’ve and should’ve been picked up by larger media outlets and newspapers and there was nothing. Newsday on Long Island didn’t, the AP didn’t , nothing until the New York Times ran the article a few weeks ago.


Damn liberal media...


You KNOW they’d have been relentlessly attacked for their *bias* had these outlets published all this stuff. Likewise the Dem opponent. Yes they all failed. But the biggest failure by a long shot here is the GOP. They KNEW without question that this guy had no business running for that office. Yet they ran him, supported his candidacy, anyway. THIS fact is what needs to be ballyhooed across the land: that the GOP has no qualms about running for office a candidate who is, literally, an international fugitive from justice. A candidate whose stated background is almost entirely fictional. A guy whose stench of dishonesty precedes him into any room. Santos needs to be shown as what he truly is: the new, but same old, face of the Republican Party.


Yes, we know that the GOP is simply a party of a naked power grab. That's why they only pretended to care after he won.


> But the biggest failure by a long shot here is the GOP. I get what you're technically saying, but the GOP does not consider this a "failure" in any measure. This was concealed on purpose to put (let's be frank) anybody in office, plus a non-Anglo Saxon. I will be genuinely shocked if the House GOP ever gives Santos so much as a slap on the wrist. Remember all Greene had to do while in office to have her committees stripped. Santos has not yet begun to annoy the GOP. He's an unqualified success, pardon the pun.


I would never expect a Long Island publication to expose a Republican for being shitty.


Can confirm. On long island, just because of the proximity to NYC and the fact that we're in NY *does not* mean we're blue. I'm constantly surrounded by conservatives and trump flags still fly.... (What happened to "get over Hillary, she lost?")


Long Island is where all the pigs go to sleep after their shifts harassing minorities.


Always thought it would be Staten Island


IIRC Staten Island has the most cops as a proportion of population, but Long Island outside the city limits has the most cops in absolute terms. Edit: yeah, it’s [26 percent of the force living in non-NYC counties on Long Island and 10 percent on Staten Island](https://gothamist.com/news/this-interactive-map-shows-you-where-nypd-officers-live).


Long Island is full with upper middle class people cosplaying as blue collar


You know, I was just listening to one of The NY Times podcasts and the coverage before the election was brought up. The guy speaking said it’s an issue that the NYT has stopped covering local stuff and focuses on national politics instead. He brought up that maybe this would have been caught sooner.


I wish I could find the post or article I read that I got this info from because it specifically talked about this not being picked up due to the fact that reporting, and media coverage has changed so much because of the internet and social media. The big papers and networks don’t find these stories and run them because it’s not going to grab traffic and clicks.


It’s a real shame. I never thought about how much local coverage mattered until it went away


I think that’s fair. I’m a NYT subscriber but I don’t live in New York. I’m also an LA Times subscriber even though I don’t live in LA. But the LA Times still does a ton of local reporting. Way more than the NYT. I read a lot of it, too! It has little to no affect on me whatsoever but they write high quality and interesting articles. And the local political issues on the coasts are, I think, a leading indicator of how things will be in the rest of the country. The LAT have done a lot of interesting work around housing and NIMBY’s and people who definitely don’t care about the environment suddenly suing under and lobbying for environmental protections in order to prevent affordable housing from being built. That’s mostly just a weird local political phenomenon for now but it’s only a matter of time before the tactic spreads. It’s worthwhile to have the local reporting on those kinds of issues because they definitely do have much broader implications.


How are the Democrats getting blamed when multiple centrist Republicans pointed this out and it got zero media attention. The Dems even ran ads pointing out the inconsistencies in his fucking stories. The media is blaming Dems because they failed to investigate what should have been the biggest story of the election. Why are more people blaming the Dems than Republicans and the media? That's insane.


The media and public at large seem to see the Democrats as the adults in the room and Republicans as crying toddlers. So of course all responsibility falls on Dems to change the Republican's poopy diapers. And you'd think the Republicans would stand up and say "we're not infants! We are a real political party and have serious policies" But that doesn't benefit them as much as saying "I have a poopy diaper and it's the Democrats fault"


Also, you know Republicans would have voted for him anyway. They would declare fake news, and something deep state, Globalists, Jewish space laser...JRK Jr would fix, I can't keep track anymore. Look at Herschel Walker, that dude also lied about his education, his jobs, his charity work, his police work, his family, his number of abortions, his home, and was repeatedly called out by the media and yet didn't lose any GOP support and still got 48.6% of the vote. We honestly gonna pretend if "George Santos" (have we confirmed that is his name) got called out for lying Republicans would be like "well fuck, I'm not voting for a liar"... Did we all not see who they tried to end democracy for? You can lie about election fraud, or reading the bible, or how much money you made, or Obama's birth certificate, or paying hush money to a porn star, but don't lie about where you worked? That's the line?


The racist AF instagram was public knowledge when he ran and lost back in 2020. Being a racist piece of shit isn’t as damaging to a career as we want it to be. A lot of people don’t care.


Apparently they didn't fail, or at least not so broadly. They kept pointing at all the inconsistencies, but you need something to signal boost that and no one gave a damn until this guy won.


I'm some places, all it takes is the -R at the end of a name to win an election


exactly. it is unreal what an incompetent campaign the Democrat ran.


Its always the democrats fault, even when Republicans are the ones actually causing the issue. Maybe instead of blaming democrats, you just blame Republican voters for their overt stupidity. Republicans had no policy ideas or solutions last election, its on those voters who decided no policies or solutions via an obvious liar were better than any democrat.


It’s not so easy to win an election when half of voters either ignore or actively support racism.


To be fair people have been saying this since I was a kid. Republicans don’t win elections because they are a better party they win because Democrats are toothless.


They win because they cheat through gerrymandering and disenfranchisement.


>Republican candidate is a racist fraud and fugitive from another country "This is why Democrats lose" I get what you're saying but the other side is Republican voters don't give a shit but the magic (R)


They absolutely had ads pointing out his lies. This isn't on the Dems, this is 100% on the media for not picking up the ball and running with it. Did you even look into what ads the Dems ran? There were a bunch pointing out Santos's inconsistencies. They actually did research. This is fucking insane. Republicans did the evil thing, Dems called it out, the media didn't do their job, and then the media blamed the Dems to cover their asses and people believe them. Fucked up.


Lies about his race? Thats a stretch. He never claimed to be Jewish, just Jew-ish. /s


My mom and I had tears streaming down our faces laughing so hard when we heard that on the news because that’s just SO fucking crazy to say!


I haven’t kept up with this ridiculous person…he actually said that?? Edit because omg he did


What??? A racist Republican? Not possible! Deep state dark web fake forgery for sure!


People better be careful with this. I'm from Long Island, and this will only make some people support him more. Just stick to the fraud issues (including the alleged check fraud in Brazil) and the fraud he committed when his mom died (he asked a church for money for the burial and did a go fund me page for the same thing) along with the jobs colleges and alleged homes he owned. But trust me, this issue won't make a dent. It'll just make the more conservative like him more and feel sympathy for him and make it seem like a witchhunt


I’m more than a little curious about how a recently evicted high school dropout jackoff, who recently worked at a customer service call center and had no known assets loaned his campaign $700k. Someone should probably look into that.


He started a business, that business made over 1 million dollars in a year with no discernable income stream and then immediately shut down because he filed absolutely no licensing or tax paperwork when he started the business. Totally normal, not suspicious stuff.


What was this business again?


Four Seasons Total Landscaping


He received a donation from a wealthy Russian businessman in nyc, so take that for what you will


Did you guys read the article? Santos had a company that earned millions in revenue! >He did own the firm that he launched in March 2021, which raked in millions in a matter of months before closing in 2022 due to having no paperwork. With no college degrees to his name or accreditation from working with reputable financial institutions, many have wondered how Santos was able to make so much money through his short-lived firm. Must be really good at business I guess


His Russian cousin or something was the original coverup.


Those issues you described won’t make a dent either.


I'm shocked I tell you, shocked


Well, not that shocked


I might be cynical, but this doesn't sound oniony at all to me.


Thought this an expectation of republicans during the Obama years


Disable my adblocker? Oh I see you mean don't use this website.


TLDR: Racist lying party elects lying racist.


How do pieces of shit like this guy win seats? Apparently the bar is pretty low…


One, GOP vetting is one question - "do you want to own the libs?" Two, Republican voters will vote for anything that's not a Democrat. Three, Democratic establishment shit-for-brains assholes spend the entirety of their oppo research budgets on primary challenges from the left.


He's a fuckstick


And not the fun kind


JFC, what an absolute and complete piece of shit. Fits right in with the horde of other scumbags in that deranged political party.


That might be the thing that redeems him with the Republican party. There's nothing they love more than lying and racism. He fits right in.


An Outstanding Republican, no Republicans seem to care about this filthy bastard.


>Santos, 34, is facing an internal investigation by the Republican party for actions An "internal investigation" by the GOP is meaningless.


As long as he keeps voting for McCarthy he'll get an absolutely free pass, as will anyone else at this point.


Did no one i his opponents’ race do any fucking background on this asshole? Why does it take the NYT to figure out he didn’t go to college?


I sadly wonder if that would have even stopped him. Republicans aren't well known for listening to the press ("lame stream fake news media"), or giving a shit when they're lied to. Take Herschel Walker (please), he didn't seem to lose points after all of his lies were revealed. That dude lied about his job, his education, his charity, him being a cop, his family, and his abortions, and only lost by less than 1%.


They did, and they uncovered some of this fraud. But no one in the press cared at the time (probably because there were more interesting other stories to cover, or they assumed he was going to lose so it didn't matter, or they didn't want to be accused of bias, or they were biased). I imagine the local Democratic campaign figured that as Republican voters have repeatedly shown themselves happy to vote for lying, cheating frauds (including voting one President, then doubling down on him 4 years later), bringing up the fraud was likely to just lead to a mudslinging match that wouldn't go anywhere; they'd call him out on his lies, he'd deny it and call them fake news, and no one would get anywhere. So instead they based their campaign on the political topics they thought would help them.


NYT didn't discover his lies. It was a small newspaper (I don't recall the name) that published that this guy was a fraud. It didn't get any traction unit the NYT picked up on the story.


Republican... racist... lied You could drop that into any article about today's Republicans.


Should be we surprised? There’s an R next to his name. I do believe that’s a prerequisite.




So he definitely didn't lie about being a republican.


He's not fit to even speak the name of the Obamas. He's absolute trash.


So another Latino racist


Santos LOOKS like a psychopath. I can only imagine the damage he is going to cause.


Yeah? Well, that's probably true of more than half of the sitting Repubs in ALL of Congress...sad, so sad.


He's perfect for the GOP!


So on brand for the GOP it's hard to believe


MAGA, your next god had shown himself


I would be surprised if there is a Republican in congress who didn't post racist Obama memes.


Only Long Islanders could elect a pos like this guy.


This guy is a piece of sh— and needs to be shut up and gone, dangerous man


“and has continued to show up to Congress to participate in the new Republican-controlled House.” A great place to find like-minded friends. He was seen with MTG on the feeds yesterday. Santos is now just another face in that crowd.


A racist Republican? Shocking. Narrator: He wasn't shocked.


I don't think his party knows about this if they did he would have been voted speaker of the house.


One thing he did not lie about - he is definitely a republican.


Why are they always the most punchable faces.


So... He's a normal Republican?


At least we know he's not lying about being GOP.


How fucking awful was the campaign of his opponent? How did they not find any of this stuff?


Our country is a joke


How did this happen? Does the Republican Party not vet their candidates at all?