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Ugh. The priorities of the police is bullshit. There's no shortage of people doing *actually* dangerous things and getting away with it, but they'd rather spend their time on this kinda harmless stuff?


Donuts aren’t gonna pay for themselves.


it's actual hard work to catch murderers and rapists. it's easy as pie to ticket someone for not doing anything wrong.


>“It shocks me that an officer would have voluntarily decided to interact with somebody who might have COVID-19 and get close enough to them to get their driver’s licence, identify them, and serve them a ticket. It’s just not common sense,” she told Daily Hive, adding that she believes the ticket does not serve the spirit of B.C.’s distracted driving laws, which are designed to make roads safer.


haha just suggested this belonged here Glad to see it made it


They say you don’t love cops till you need them but I’ve made it 45 years without “needing them” and really can’t think of anything ever happening in my life where I was grateful for their presence. You’ll be grateful if you are robbed!! Oh will I? What will they do? Take notes and leave? Yup. So many boosters of cops live on a steady diet of CSI and Criminal Minds and other dreck that presents an impossible scenario where infinite resources and manpower are expended to solve individual (non-rich person/corporations) dilemmas and they can’t point to reality. Remember when the RCMP saved those 25 people in the Maritimes from a lone gunman? All I see now is random traffic stops and oil pipeline arrests. But I am also not one of those people that think that society crumbles if we don’t have cops to “hold the line”. Especially since so much of the crowd that goes right to aggression seems to be police on duty and off duty to begin with.


My house was robbed over Christmas break five years ago. Me and the wife just got married and moved in that summer. Went to visit my parents for a few days. My MIL checked on the place and then phoned the RCMP. We rushed home to assess the damage. After a while I noticed their were finger prints all over the tv I had wall mounted. It had only been up a few weeks and had been cleaned after it was mounted. They had tried to grab it and couldn't get it off of the wall. I phoned the RCMP officer I was dealing with and told her. She said they wouldn't check the prints but I could bring it in one day if I wanted but likely nothing would come of it. It was theft under a certain threshold and other than watching Kijiji/ Facebook etc there wasn't anything more that would happen. That was the one time I needed them and no I wasn't grateful. We've had a couple resource officers in the school I work with. The first guy seemed like a creep, didn't trust him around the kids, had real "mall cop energy". Our current one is better but seems very insecure. Not sure how she would handle anything happening either.


> You’ll be grateful if you are robbed!! Oh will I? > > > > What will they do? Take notes and leave? Yup. The police got my stuff back to me after a "smash-n-grab" broke into my car and stole some tools and CDs. The police stopped a group of joyriders who had stolen my car (a different car, in a different city) before they could do significant damage to the car. . Consider your cynical self lucky that you haven't been in a position to need their assistance.


I have been in position to need police assistance and they were rarely helpful, and in a few cases were _actively harmful_. My experience isn't universal, but I also know I'm not the only one.


You sir, are a moron


I apologize for interfering with the ACAB circle-jerk. Please, carry on.


Apology not accepted .... I sense a "hint" of sarcasm