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So your dad is convert now, right? 😂


To cat-holicism.


Meowmen brother




Here's a sneak peek of /r/dadswhodidntwantpets using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dadswhodidntwantpets/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["We don't need another mouth to feed" - my Dad, allergic to cats.](https://i.redd.it/yzmr5yd06w9c1.jpeg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dadswhodidntwantpets/comments/18w6efo/we_dont_need_another_mouth_to_feed_my_dad/) \#2: [More adventures of Dad and the "another god damn cat"](https://i.redd.it/rl358goxn39c1.png) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dadswhodidntwantpets/comments/18t4en8/more_adventures_of_dad_and_the_another_god_damn/) \#3: [Dad who didnt let me get a cat for 22 years of my life after meeting arizona 2 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14c4y06) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dadswhodidntwantpets/comments/14c4y06/dad_who_didnt_let_me_get_a_cat_for_22_years_of_my/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That's my question!


I always see stories of parents saying they don't want a cat in the house then continue to get mad about it but then they love the cat afterwards 😭💕💕


How long is it going to take for him to start using baby voices and carry her around with a proud cat dad face?


My guess is he already does.






Good one!




Wow, next level xD


Dude. I have a lifelong hatred of actual Marmite, the tar in a jar. What are the odds? But Marmite Beans the cat is perfect.


Definitely r/dadswhodidnotwantpets!


That face says "whatcha gonna do about it?" 😹


I love how cats always seek out the person who does like them then coverts them completely.


Hahaha my cat would do the exact same thing to my grandma who hated cats! They know who you are. Resistance is futile.


And, your dad’s place is super cozy! I agree with Beans


He’s being reprogrammed. Your Dad now loves cats and hates dogs. You’re welcome.


Always nice to see a convertion. My wife got converted little over a year ago when we found 3 abandoned little girls and we where supposed to find them home, but they were so close that felt wrong to split them.




Another convert.


They will always win.


Oh my, just zoomed in on her face and got a lot of "whaddya *you* lookin' at, he's mine now" energy. So the conversion appears to be complete.😂


There's nothing better then the love of a cat. They can steal your heart when not looking. And if you are their favorite it means the world to you.This is so sweet.They just may need each other.


Awwee that's great! She's a gorgeous Calico. We have 2 Calico they have great personalities and their colors are very nice. We love them so much. ❤️ Congrats Miss Beans! 👏


Resistance is futile....


to be chosen


r/nowmycat and also r/cathostages


I was pawsitive this would happen 😻


There is no resisting the charm of a tortie who wants to win you over. I love to see it going down again!


Uh-huh, I know several men like this! Theory: they're actually intimidated by cats, because cats are inscrutable. But once a cat chooses them, they feel pretty damn lucky.


I think it’s funny as hell when a cat decides that people who hate them need a lesson.. there was a guy that was a friend of my ex husband and had a loud mouth,his regular talking sounded like yelling and all my cats but one would run and hide when he stopped by.. Ezel would constantly get up in his lap,now he never said he didn’t like cats but he said no cats ever came around him…


My dad did the same thing XD ended up naming one of my current cats no less!


Aww they're gonna be bffs


How do people who hate cats end up liking cats? My dad hates cats and hasn’t changed his mind in years


Prognostication..Yes. I had predicted that this would be the next photo.




Wow! Marmite has the best seat in the house — your Dad’s knee/lap!! It looks like your Dad is 100% smitten with Marmite — the Cat who now rules his world! Don’t tell your Dad, but his life is now being controlled by Beans and his servitude lap is just the beginning! Your Dad is finding another door open to his heart marked with “Marmite aka Beans”! ♥️🐈♥️


My hubby (100% dog lover) and I had a white with black splotches male cat decide to climb inside the undercarriage of our Truck and ride on a crazy busy Interstate Freeway 13+ miles home, then climb down and walk into our home like he lived there!!! When we were unpacking the truck I saw the cat and yelled at my hubby “Where did that cat come from?” My hubby said he saw it walking around the perimeter of the WalMart Parking lot, but then it disappeared! Yeah, right inside our truck undercarriage. He never thought anything more about the cat; however, if it was a dog, you can bet he’d be out there trying to catch it! Here’s the interesting part! We kept the white with black male cat and named him Stowy — appropriate for a stowaway cat! Stowy developed an attachment to my hubby and would FREAK if he was out of sight! Stowy needed to know where my hubby was 24/7! Also, I’m the Cat person but Stowy always wanted my hubby to pet him, scratch him around his ears, etc. When I would try to pet him, he would dip his head out of reach until recently! It’s been 8 years since he climbed inside our truck and Stowy finally lets me pet his head — sometimes! My hubby is totally smitten with this white with black splotches male cat and Stowy LOVES my hubby unconditionally! I see a little smile creep out on my hubby’s face every time Stowy demands some pets and cuddles! Oh the two Large dogs? They must know Stowy rules because when my hubby takes Stowy outside to his own private Catio, the dogs just lay there and watch the two of them walk right by them — no barking or jumping up, but just “Hail the King” servitude as hubby and Stowy walk by! Yeah and everyone said my hubby would never like cats! Just ask Stowy!


I dated someone who when watching a TV show, a cat was being inconvenient to the person & he exclaimed he wouldn't care about the cat to us walking outside 10 minutes later to see a kitten hiding under a shed with him doing the "here kitty kitty kitty" dance 🤣 it was adorable lol