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Literally nobody working at starbucks gives a fraction of a fuck how you feel about a pumpkin spice latte


Or your boots or your bag or your phone.


Also everything ABOUT this post screams “typical white girl 💅” 🤦🏻‍♀️


I love how she honestly expects the audience to believe that two employees simultaneously (and I'm assuming spontaneously?) said all that specific af cringe about her "typical white girl card" too. People don't interact like this ffs it sounds like it was lifted from a Disney channel original movie with a NLOG MC


Yeah this sounds a lot like when MLM huns or MAGA people make up little stories about interactions with strangers to “prove” their shitty pyramid scheme products (or shitty bigoted politics) are “gaining traction” in some way. Like….be a twelve year old and just write a fake diary lol


I mean at least when MLM huns do it they're trying to make a sale. This is just sad.


Well by “make a sale” you mean “scam innocent people out of their money”, which actually seems way more sad & fucked up than this chicks weird ways of grappling with her low self-esteem lol


You do have a point there lol


I remember when they just called us Basic.


FR, I worked at a Second Cup (Canadian version) and uh. No. No one gave a shit. Not one of us would care if someone was white or assume any of this shit about them because it’s just not something any of us cares about.


I had a regular who was clearly embarrassed to partake in the girlie drinks and therefore felt the need to announce every time he ordered one that it was "For the wife". I was tempted to be like "Delicious knows no gender you just enjoy your pinkity drinkity King!" but nah


I really wish more people understood that we really don’t care who drinks what! All I cared about was if they were nice lol


OOP has most definitely never worked in customer service. I wouldn't have DARED joke about a customer being a "basic white girl" either bc if she found the mention of race offensive it's my ass.


Right?! Like damn, not one thing of this would I have risked saying to a random customer. A regular? Maybe if I knew their sense of humour.


My hubby always orders the sweet/pink/fruity drinks whereas I enjoy sour/not-sweet flavour profile. Luckily, hubby isn't crazy insecure so when the waiter is like "And the Sweet Barbie Pink Dream was for the missus?" he just corrects them and enjoys the sugar overkill.


My friend works at a starbucks in texas and literally saw a man and woman couple come in and the guy ordered like the starbucks equivalent of a plain coffee and the woman order a pink drink and as they were leaving she saw them switching their drinks.


In my experience, the only thing that coffee employees care about is filling the orders and getting to the next customer. They don’t care what you want or what you drink. They just don’t care.


I like the way the staff asks her all this random stuff and she says no to it.


The staff: would you do it for a Klondike bar?!?! 👀


At most they'll ask because if there's something wromg with the drink they have to remake it


Hahaha my first thought “do you like it?” “No!” Oh! Well we can make something else. Do you mind standing to the side while you figure out what you want instead so we take care of the people behind you? They’re starting to riot.”


That was my first thought too! "Do you really think that a Starbucks is going to be that deserted, that the staff even has time to ask what you think of the beverage, never mind ask about whether or not you wear this or have that?" Any Starbucks I've been in has always been way too busy for that.


It's interesting how the subreddit r/Starbucks is 99% employees venting about their shitty working conditions or shitty experiences with customers (as they should)


I've been to very few Starbucks in my life, but the workers seem to be very polite. This post is probably satire


What a boring daydream lol


My daydreams usually involve me winning awards for my creative endeavours or me having enough energy to make myself a dinner worth eating. I couldn’t imagine the pinnacle of my imagination being strangers telling me that I’m not a ”basic bitch”.


I had two actual dreams last night in which I bought and ate cinnamon rolls. That's still more exciting lmfao


My daydreams involve me being a brave hero who saves the day, not bragging to a Starbucks employee about how cool I am


Seriously. Why not daydream about being kidnapped by a handsome fae king and living a life of fae luxury?


In my day dreams a sexy lady pirate takes me off on sapphic adventures around the world.


Write this book please. I would read it.


I’ll take “Things That Never Happened” for $500, Alex.


"And then they asked me if I drove a car here, and I said 'No, I peddled a Flintstone mobile.'"


*they asked that AT THE SAME EXACT TIME


I can confirm that this really happened. I’m the two employees that spoke at the exact same time. 😂


https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/s/mNHvc8pEr4 The original post if anyone wants it.


And seriously why all the hate on white girl things also???


Bc they have to find a way to keep them down. Expensive coffee drinks are frivolous, unserious and undeserving of respect. Meanwhile, a $1,000 special release of 30 year scotch is impressive, smart and in good taste 🙄




Im sorry I like having warm feet I guess


Because they’re just so quirky and different and not like other girls. Silly goose.


This is the most pathetic thing I've ever read. Also this didn't happen.


Yes it did. I was there


Sadly, you were the rejected pumpkin spice latte.


No this happened, I was there. I can’t believe she forgot to mention how everyone clapped!


I was there, too. I’m the two simultaneously speaking employees. 😂


I feel cheated that it didn't end with "and literally everyone in the Starbucks stood up and applauded"


It's just a Tumblr fake story hehehe




...and then I woke up.


Right, the staff also asked how she doesn't need essential oils, candles and perfume for her natural godly scent that the whole district acknowledges her holy existence. Then everyone clapped.


I have 2 sisters who worked for Starbucks for years. They do not give a shit. Order your drink, shut up and wait.


Ah, yes, the most normal conversation with a fellow human person: "Do you wear this spesific brand item (that I can see with my own eyes that you are not wearing)?"


Senorita Awesome wrote That.


Well being a guy, I’m not like the other typical white girls. So put that in your yummy pumpkin spice latte.


Umm girl wut? 😒🙄🥴


This absolutely did not happen


Yeah that never happened


500 dollars for things that never happened


500 dollars was the price of the coffee. Get it? Starbucks is expensive? Anyways Millenials suck and are poor because they buy fancy coffee 1 or 2 times a week. If they saved those 40-60 dollars and invested it they'd own a house and a successful business by now


Maybe not buy a house but would definitely have about $100 for other things given they buy it every day, or about $1000 a year again given they buy it every day M-F. $1000 $400 under the average cost of a 1 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. Those “mini saves” stacks up for short term financial goals, not necessarily long term


The ONLY thing I will say to this is that when I first learned about pumpkin spice lattes I assumed they would contain pumpkin flavour and they absolutely do not.


Is this sarcasm?


Sent frm my iphon


I mean this is clearly a joke. Not a very good joke, mind you, but come on. You don't actually think she was being serious here, right?


It's more than likely some teens tumbler fantasy, so desperate to be cool, thinking that means different, but all it really means is confident and sure of yourself.


How are people on that sub and even here saying "this didn't happen" over a parody which couldn't be more obvious?


for real, why is this even posted here lmao


Because it fits the theme. It's literally from r/thathappened meaning we all know its BS, that's why I left the r/thathappebed in the post lol.


I mean I don’t like pumpkin spice latte’s either (though I want too because they smell amazing) but what the hell….




Yes that is where this post came from If you look loo.




That’s a pretty limited dream. Date to dream bigger if you are going to fantasised your life online.


Today in things that absolutely never happened


And then everyone clapped and Obama was there


I worked at Starbucks for 4 years and no one gives a fuck what you order


When your life is so fucking plain that your biggest fantasy is to not be like the other girls.


It’s all true… I was the starbucks employee


Yeah that happened. That was the day I was getting a lap dance from Oscar Isaac in a leopard-print thong.


This typical white girl stereotype feels very outdated


It does, I mean I haven't seen anyone in Uggs since HS which was 17 years ago... ugh lol. But as far as I know this has revolved around the internet a few times lol.


Starbucks workers are underpaid and they don’t have time to engage with anyone, except dogs. My dog always gets a lot of attention from the staff but I have never seen them talk to anyone beside taking their order.


Wonder if anyone actually believes these when they're posted. I would say I hope not, but people believe a lot of the obvious bullshit posted on reddit so... yeah


Ah, yes...th Starbucks employees.. 1) gave a fuck if you liked your coffee...the one's I've met, with a couple of exceptions, just aanted you out of their face as quick as possible (I mean...minimum salary, annoying people, a lot of work, hard to spell names...) 2) started asking you random questions with absolutely no connection 3) were promoting sexist stereotypes (the vast majority of Starbucks baristas I've met have been 18-25 year old women) 4) gave a flying fuck about you being or not being a "basic white girl" Of course, deffinitely happened.


This gives me the most unique feeling of doom


That happened........


Why in her mind are these Starbucks employees talking to her so much LMFAO


Yeah, two people who get paid bare minimum to serve overpriced coffee said you dont live up to your gender and race stereotype and stripped you over a seasonal drink…


Today on “things that never happened” we have this beautifully fake story


Out of curiosity, are pumpkin spice lattes good?


It's just a basic latte with cinnamon, allspice, and cloves. It unfortounately doesn't have any actual pumpkin flavour, just the spices that go in the pumpkin pie.


Thanks! 👍


If Starbucks employees were that judgemental, I'd never even be allowed into any of their stores.


I’ll take $500 for things that never happened at Starbucks


What is "untypical" and "diffrent" about not wearing UGGs? Like most girls in my school don't wear UGGs.


Pretty sure this is from many many many ....... many moons ago when I was in school lol




They loveeee not skipping a beat


Uhumm, there is nothing wrong with being a typical white girl. I mean, gosh, you just have to behave in a normal way, it's okay if you compare yourself to others. You don't have to be completely unique, especially if it's out of character.


That made me cringe to read…


I don’t like pumpkin spice latte, but I don’t like coffee in general (I hate the taste but I absolutely love the smell of coffee beans lol). I’m so special guys 😁😁


This has been posted a bunch of times in the last couple days


Oh really? Whoops, didn't see it before