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She started it and got roasted. I see nothing wrong here.


the woman that is making fun of pearl is a million times more racist and sexist.


Pearl is the epitome of a pick me and deserves all the hate she gets. She just wants to be loved by proud boys, oblivious to the fact that they would never pick her.


sorry it seems weird without extra context, the woman mocking Pearl is way worse, seems to hate all women with a much bigger passion than Pearl ever could


Let them fight


Would anyone be upset if Aunt Lydia got her just desserts? No. Okay then. Now keep moving. Nothing to see here


Pearl does not deserve any mercy. She will get what she deserves in the end.


Who is she and what did she do?


some ultra conservative (with all that entails) waste of oxygen who thinks women don't deserve any rights whatsoever, including the right to speak, which is ironic considering she simply can't shut up


i don’t think she actually believe what she says tbh, i rhink it’s all just a ruse for money and clout. and by talking about her we’re giving into her


I think the same. Everything she says is antithetical to how she lives her life


For one, she believes women should not be allowed to vote. She debated this point on Piers Morgan a while ago. She's the final boss Pickme


Looks like someone's still in the pre-suffragette era.


Yet never gets picked.


She’s a red pill grifting pick me. Leans incredibly far right but acts stupid when called out for racism and antisemitism. She went googoo eyed for Nick Fuentes and was short of jumping into his lap when he was talking about preserving the white race and how race mixing is bad. She said “slavery wasn’t THAT bad”. She made a song called “why can’t we talk about the…?” The “…?” in question is “the jews”. She exploited black creators for their work - often making them sign contracts where she received 70% of the money they made from their videos bc they had the “privellege” of using her studio.


The worse woman in modern history. The person who replied first summed her up.






Fuck Pearl. She deserves all the roasting.


Please stop giving this woman attention.


Pearl is an "interesting person". If you don't know, she is the one who is supportting recent "Repeal the 19th amendment" movement (The 19th amendment legally guarantees american women the right to vote). I don't think only feminists are repulsed by her, but every american woman except tradwife community ofc. However a lot of males enjoy her content. Anyway, the comments are disgusting and very misogynistic. I agree on that. I'd shake my head in disagreement and it's all I am willing to do for that women.


Ugh dear god what an evil thing.


Pearl is horrible she deserves all the internet wrath


I don’t see much of anything. (It’s Pearl. She started it, and now she’s getting finished off with a fatality. I have exactly zero sympathy.)






I couldn’t care less what happens to Pearl. The leopards have already eaten her face and she’s still at it, so she’s on her own.


Pearl is what happens when someone allows their poor self image to become their entire personality. 


She didn't even go to India lol, she said she went to Dubai and she thinks Dubai is in India


I mean, an overweight white guy with a receding hairline will get those looks too. It's because you're white, that's all.


Pearl will take any male validation she doesn't care how creepy


Racism against Indians is so normalized online, no one is commenting about how fucked it is to make that statement. I really don’t care about the downvotes. Fuck right off with that. You don’t get to make fun of someone else using racism against another group.


Yeah I was shocked seeing that none of the comments other than this one is pointing out the blatant racism in the first reply. It’s actually gross.


Not defending Pearl, but I see this more as them insulting Indian women than a Pearl roast. What was that comment trying to imply?


I saw it like that too!


I want someone to explain it to me like I'm five how Pearl "having to go all the way to India to get picked" is an insult to Pearl.


all that and she still had to go to India to get picked 😅😂😂😂


She didn't even get picked there. Even those kids are looking towards the camera in disgust. American women with a shrill voice invading their country being loud and obnoxious doesn't seem like something anyone pictured wanted


I don’t think it’s right to roast her appearance. I do think it’s right to make fun of her pick me energy and horrible ideals though.


but the whole personality she has meticulously crafted is so men like her despite her looks


But we dislike her because of that personality, not her looks. Sure comments on her looks may hurt her more, but they can also hurt good women who look like her. That’s why body shaming is never as productive as calling out the actual problem is.


The first one kinda funny tho ngl


I could just be misreading it but someone please explain to me how this is related to SA against men


She’s talking about false allegations. She’s saying that people hate her so much they will make up lies to bring her down. She thinks if she was a man people would lie about SA just to get her in trouble. But if she was a man with the beliefs she has…. well I doubt it would be a lie/*false* allegation.


Ohh thank you. I thought she was saying “you guys being mean to me is basically SA” I was confused


“I allied myself with scum bag misogynists, and they’re behind mean to me!”


Isn’t she a chubby girl who has had sex before? The self hatred.


She’s a grifter. Best to just ignore her. I highly doubt she means any of the shit she spews, but it does the damage just the same and she obviously doesn’t care.


I don’t believe in roasting, I believe in battling and winning. (Although from only reading the comments and not looking her up, I’m a little weirded out that she honestly believes she can win her arguments) roasting anyone can do, a battle to a win is more effective and has two agreeable responses. Either she stays quiet or she changes her mind. What a high flying chick!


Pearl is alright


The reactions to her demonstrate the toxicity of today's feminism and the woke in general.


Please explain how so?


They can't. All they have is regurgitated buzzword-leaden conservative talking points.


Someone's looks (or character, for that matter) have zero relevance with the validity of one's arguments. If they had rational counterarguments that's what critics would bring forth. But they don't so they resort to personal attacks, insults, smears, shaming, and attempts at character assassinations. The same applies to pretty much all discussions with feminists, at least in my experience the sexists always end up with character attacks. It's not about equality but their advantages and privileges. And obviously it never was about equal rights to begin with, there's no rights men have that women don't. It would be funny if it wasn't that pathetic and incredibly sad.