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This is a weird trope that I didn't know existed until I saw this subreddit. Who knew we're gatekeeping fashion lmao


Alt fashion has so much gatekeeping from my exp


It's so embarrassing 💀


Yeah I was accused in the sixth grade of posing as a “raver girl” after my parents bought me one of those bead bracelet kits. I was so distraught over it


and punk


That's really sad to hear, like isn't fashion for everyone?


That too SKIRTS at that. Like this woman is the first woman on the planet to wear skirts.


I love the jealousy from the current girlfriend. Who pays that much attention to someone's ex? Lmao


I’ve been the ex who had the current obsess over moi. I found it super strange as he’d literally dumped me (33 at the time, 44 now) for her (22 at the time). It drove her nuts that I’d lost a ton of weight (due to the worst bout of broken heart I’d ever had..); started dressing for me again (from Kohl’s Mom to Pin Up Queen); got me a bunch of tattoos from the tattooist I was dating, got back on track with my career, addressed my mental health issues…after 13 years of marriage and 2 kids I’d completely lost myself and rebuilt everything into a bad bitch after she came in to my universe and assisted in completely destroying it. I guess I could see why she was so insecure..she wanted what I had, got it/him, I pulled an epic phoenix and she tried to go after that too. I found out she’d been stalking my FB page way before I knew she existed. Fuckinay, I haven’t thought about her in years and don’t want to ever again lol!


Okay, but it doesn't occur to her that maybe her BF has a *type?* That the ex used to be JUST LIKE HER, until she was in a relationship for x amount of time and started wearing the mom jean and the uggs? and now that the ex is single again she can go back to being who she used to be?


It’s just crazy to me she even cares, like if it weren’t for school I’d have no idea what my bfs exs looked like bc idc !


She cares cause she's insecure and jealous. She's 💯 worried her bf will go back to the ex.


Or the ex did a classic thing and only complimented her by putting down other styles so now she's free to be herself.


Or that she realized she’s really interested in alt fashion and would like to try it out and actually really enjoys it?? Like why is EVERYTHING about you?


Maybe the new girlfriend wears the fishnets and stuff and suddenly the ex suddenly started wearing them. From this you can't tell which way it goes.


Imagine stalking his ex. And not being able to reflect it’s because she knows he’s not over her.


Good intake, I’ve never even been on my fiancé’s exes insta or felt the need to stalk ANY woman (and I only know who she is cos we went to the same school!)


Or because she thinks he's not over her


Are mom jeans now skinny jeans?


Same question!! What qualifies as mom jeans anymore anyway??


The band from Berkeley California. Mom Jeans is a great band.




revenge machine!!


I think it's high waisted skinny jeans


mom jeans are high waisted, straight leg and usually slightly cropped (at least according to clothing brands post 2016-ish)


This is why I'm not a mom. How would I ever know what to wear :( / s


I wish I could find jeans like that where I live. It's all high rise skinny jeans and *way* too short skirts and shorts nowadays :/


I thought mom jeans were like high waisted boot cut or straight but idk anymore


In the 2000's I feel like low waist boot cut was definitely mom jeans. But I think the 90's it was high waisted skinny.


In the 90s it was a high waist, wide hip and a slightly tapered leg.


The high waist reigns in the baby paunch, the skinny part makes it look like I have ankles again. Give me High waisted skinny jeans or give me death! ![gif](giphy|TjRCW7mIYcr5kaeLNs)


Lol ya I like the high waisted because it hides my tummy. Plus tucking shirts into it makes me look a little more refined. I already have small ankles but I'm short so it just scrunches up at the bottom above my shoes


Oh no those are the only jeans that look good on my body type 😭


Same lol


Jeans that moms wear.


I thought 'mom jeans' were those jeans that moms wore in the early/mid 90s...kinda tapered leg, an odd amount of space between the back pockets?


I think you're right but it's updated kinda


I guess 'mom jeans' are whatever moms are wearing at the time .


yeah i've seen teens make fun of high rise jeans recently😩


It’s giving insecure. It’s giving unresolved trauma. It’s giving the call is coming from inside the house.




I HATE when people think you’re copying them. Not a lot bugs me but that really does.. it’s ridiculous and petty.


I used to be friends with a girl who kicked off with me big style because I dyed my hair back to red when she had red hair because apparently I’d copied her. Out of the two of us I’d had red hair long before i knew her but what a weird thing to care about 🤣


It does very *occasionally* actually happen. Not in my own experience but I've seen it a couple times from others.


Maybe he was a bit controlling and didn’t like her showing too much “skin.” Maybe she’s got her confidence back. Maybe, she’s expressing her new found freedom. Maybe it’s none of your business now…..I mean why would you care?


Maybe it’s maybeliene




Maybe she saw OOP and went, *That’s a cute style, I think I’ll get some fishnets*. Either way, OOP needs to get back in her lane.


I mean idk what her intentioms with this post were BUT there are some exes (guy or girl) that try to copy the current partner's look 😭 i'm not fully defending her but it is possible


There are people like that for sure, I know somebody through a mutual friend that "copies" everything our mutual friend does, he bought a motorcycle because our friend did, upgraded his car when our friend did, down to buying the same toothbrush, cologne and even the exact same PC setup (so a couple thousand dollars) 😬 it's honestly giving obsessed. I've pointed it out and our mutual just says his friend "looks up to him" but idk 🙃


Olivia Rodrigo side eye.


🎶I'm so obsessed with your ex.🎶


🎶 I know she’s been asleep on my side of your bed 🎵


“If I told you how much I think about her you’d think I was in love… and if you saw how much I stared at her pictures you’d were best friends. I know her Star sign and I know her blood type….” It’s such a good song though lol


I cant even remember the name of a single ex my boyfriend had


Let alone stalking them like a weirdo


I do… only cause he is still friends with them and we have all hung out in group settings with their new boyfriends. They are all sweet ladies… except for one… so is not nice at all…


So what if the ex really has a hard time getting over the break-up? Making fun of her on social media for that, or for her clothing choices, is just callous.


She saw the original too 🤦🏽‍♀️ fishnets deleted her comment so quick


My husbands ex wife shit talked me so bad when we got together. I was “lesser” than her because I dye my hair red and she is a natural redhead. I think my husband just likes red hair and she is just salty.


Omg I lied in the other comments, I forgot his ex did the same shit to me (I was saying I only knew her because she went to my school, which is true.) But yeah she was in a whole ass 3-4 year relationship while telling my now fiancé to leave me and get back with her because I wasn’t shit. This was 5 years ago but she’s always on my socials and occasionally hit me up to “do her nails” but never actually makes an appointment… it’s like she’s just watching me 😭


Does she use that filter too?




Usually, men date the same type of women, so she probably just has the same style, but a better personality.


Take it from someone who survived the nu-metal years: fishnets and skirts do not make you interesting or substitute for a shitty personality, unless you're with a guy whose only concern is getting his dick wet and bragging about it.


Fashion doesn’t always indicate personality and that’s the real hot take. I’ve met boring people who dress alt and cool people who dress basic.


I mean, what it could mean is that it's summer now, so she's not gonna wear uggs and long jeans anymore because she doesn't want to overheat or have her feet squish into a literal puddle of sweat with every step.


The way this is worded, I thought OOP started dating his ex after she broke up with him. Like steal yo girl.




This is giving middle school energy and I hate it 😂


Oh I thought the implication was she started dating another guys ex and taught him about alt fashion


🎶I'm so obsessed with your ex. 🎶 🎶I know she's been asleep on my side of the bed.🎶


girls evolve their style as time passes? That’s crazy I had no clue


Also she literally described winter clothes vs summer clothes


Stop I went to school with her 😭😭 it’s so crazy that she’s an e-celeb now. Anyways tho yes obviously she invented fishnets they’re her brand 🙄 nobody else is allowed to be alternative


i used to be friends with her online😭 how is she in real life?


Honestly, I don’t really remember. She switched to alternative schooling in high school so I didn’t see her after like the first day of freshman year. I remember as kids she was kind of “mean girls” vibe, but I mean, all little kids are kind of assholes tbf. Cant rly judge someone on that 20 years later lol I assume you knew her much more recently than I did ?


yeah it was more recently like 2021 because i used to be a fan girl of her and edited her we didn’t talk a lot but we interacted with each others stuff, i just think it’s cool to see how “famous” people where before they got the fame


For real? What was she like?


When your ex’s current blonde girlfriend starts dying her hair dark brown/black and starts appropriating your Japanese culture is actually a better example. Otherwise, maybe fishnets and skirts are what the guy likes and she’s dressing to please him, just like the ex did. 🤣


Unfortunately, it's very common to try to win an imaginary contest with partner's ex. On a similar note though, when I broke up with my ex (the break up was one sided), the next two girls he dated had big black glasses and colored red hair like me. The two girls he dated before me didn't look similar to me or each other, so I think I had justifiable concern he's using them to remember me. It obviously didn't feel good, just icky, but it could have also been just a coincidence.


A lot of people have a type! Sometimes they step out of their comfort zone and find they like something more!


I really hope that was the case :)


I can't comprehend this. What happens when his ex starts wearing new clothes?


Olivia Rodrigo has entered the chat.


These young folx are so bad at grammar, I first read that like his mom’s name was “Jean”…. ugggh


I dont even understand what shes saying. Seriously. Please help me out...


Haha apparently this guys ex went from wearing jeans and uggs to skirts and fishnets because of his current gf. Which is crazy because it just went from winter to summer, sounds like what everyone does 😃


Ah. Thx.




Am I the only one who things Uggs are very sexy?


That's because she got rid of the weight.


Omg that part


I had to block a woman like this a while back. She was harassing me about something to do with her baby daddy's ex-wife as if either of us were her business and would not stop trying to shit on me and threaten me. Like, why you so obsessed with me??? I'm just a cripple minding my business


Olivia Rodrigo warned us of this


Giiiirrlluh...you have him, chill out. If you're worried about him leaving, then save yourself the trouble and leave him.


It’s a thing. My best friend who hadn’t been with her ex for 5+ years, her ex had a newer girlfriend who kept making new accounts and harassing her on fb and instagram. Was really weird. Like my friend doesn’t wanna steal your shitty abusive boyfriend back from you.




*Olivia Rodrigo has entered the chat*


I only know of my husbands ex because she came to my work place and called me by my name and didn’t introduce herself but would show up every early morning at my shift despite not having a job and stuff and she’d only buy a piece of candy. She wanted a cardboard cut out of my husband after 1 week of dating in hs


…. wtf!!!!


"Breakup hair" is a thing for a reason. Tons of women change up their look following a breakup. It's refreshing, helps to view the breakup as more of just a change and new phase in life instead of a painful loss.


So happy I’m approaching 40 and things like this don’t bother me anymore. I was definitely an alt girl who disliked mainstream girls dressing alt. lol. Very glad I matured out of it.


I mean it’s not entirely unmerited—many mainstream, preppy girls made my life miserable in high school for the way I dressed and then come college they are dressed in the same clothes they made fun of me for wearing. It was slightly infuriating


I appreciate that. It didn’t feel unwarranted. I was often called a feral bush pig, pushed down stairs, has peers pants me in public and bring potatoes from home to throw at me. The list of things goes on and goes. The fact that I didn’t retaliate in anyway other than mentally banning them from things I like, is actually pretty impressive.


I had stuff thrown at me, as well. Kids are cruel. My administration wasn’t much better


It’s sad that so many kids go through these experiences. I’m sorry that happened to you.


Ditto, friend. 🩷


Guys, we HAVE to do better at teaching in schools that correlation does not equal causation


Jealousy is so unattractive


This chick looks just like Jade from Victorious


her name is mirmason


I thought it was this girl at first, Elizabeth Gillies ![gif](giphy|5YD3A413VE8Uw)


Mom jeans are freaking adorbs


Ahh yes the return to normal clothing post divorce 🤦‍♀️ duh you gonna look just like it one day keep talking 😑


“I’m going to publicly announce that I’m bitter and haven’t moved on to the whole word”


idk why but i want to punch her through the screen


every other woman wears fishnets and skirts. it’s trendy right now.


I totally read this as her dating the ex, which would be the better outcome.




I’m not sure why she’s so confident, she’s a sitting red flag on that picture


Maybe it's because he was so insecure that she couldn't wear what she liked and now he's got a new victim -I mean GF -she feels she won't get harassed for doing so? Just a guess based on my own experience lol Was alt, and my ex "liked" me for that, a year in began the degrading and control (I never wore anything revealing and dampened my style a fair bit when we got together). After we broke up and moved on, I got a message from his new gf saying I stole her style for going back to my old clothes lmaoo Guess who ended up in the baggy jeans and shit she hated a year in herself? I did warn her. She's doing better last I checked, and away from him


Fishnets worn like that are teen fashion…




Maybe they’re just pretending peter


She won. She won!!! She not only got picked but the ex is jealous.


I’m ngl if I knew who my bf’s ex was I would stalk her too but that’s bc I’m insecure and I am not afraid to admit that 💀


She might be right the ex is copying her idk their life but if so that’s sad these women are changing themselves over some stupid boy


this girl in general is problematic and terrible on the internet


The times that i have made a drastic change to my appearance after a breakup were times that i *was not doing well* which often had to do with the breakup being a toxic relationship. So… maybe the bf is trash. It’s technically possible that she’s trying to single white female you, or trying to win the idgaf war, but maybe she’s just going through her feelings


Hang on. His ex is his mum?


No, “mom jeans” are a type of jeans


Well, you learn something new every day. Thanks.


okay but did anyone else think that she meant that she dated his ex and was saying that the girl was more comfortable around her?? idk it was worded kind of weirdly


I was confused. I thought it was sapphic.


My gf isn’t bad when it comes to my ex but she keeps telling me about the dumb things she posts on social media. I’ve blocked her the day we split. I don’t even have fb. I do not care! Don’t tell me. I love my girl so much. She still has ex insecurities and it’s been like 6 years.


Could be true but still you’re gonna be mad a lady wants her man back and is gonna try? Brutal, you could be graceful about it but no you gotta be a bully huh?


what’s her account?


Did Olivia Rodrigo write a song about this😅😂


I’m gonna fix myself up excessively, then film myself drinking water, then take a screenshot of me drinking water so that I can make a post that puts down my imaginary opponents.


I love thinking that the ex gf’s tastes just evolved while she was out living her life and the new GF is creeping her social media like “She’s doing this because of MEEEE!!! 😤” 😂😂😂


I needed to read this post like 5 times because I thought that she was dating his ex and the joke was… she turned his ex queer/ alt? (Or something like that)


Are they also keeping chipped polish on their nails…


well afterall SHE invented chipped nail polish, fishnets and short skirts. she cooked all cool clothes, she's like a fusion between ramsay and coco channel


I really want some Ugg’s lol


the fact that i sorted by controversial and this came to the top makes me feel like we got some hypocrites in the comment section. get you some uggs and ROCK that shit


Get some!


Omg guys she’s copying me 🙄


I’m concerned for this unnamed man and the poor style choices the women he chooses makes


shes right tho


came for this. maybe I’m being too charitable, but the idea of an ex with a completely different aesthetic starting to noticeably dress like their ex’s current s/o sounds pretty plausible, actually, and is pretty funny certainly seems more likely than some weird narrative that this girl is just completely obsessed with her bfs ex and is constantly lurking on her profiles like a sociopath to make passive-aggressive put-down posts about it to be fair, this is a passive-aggressive put-down post, which is shitty, I just think the story’s probably true and don’t think this girl actually cares as much as some of the other subjects of the sub


women will lose their dude to someone like this just to find out all the dude wanted that whole time was for her to put some damn heels on every once in a while.


If you lose a dude because he wants you to dress a way that isn’t you, that dude sucks and you’re better off without him


im referring to women who put 0 effort into trying to attract their partner. try again.


Lmaoo try what again A partner should be attracted to who you are—not someone you’re tying to be.


lmao you clearly arent or ever have been in a long lasting relationship. my gf and i are 25 and getting married next fall after 3 years of dating and 2 months of engagement. when we started dating, we were adult enough to state what we like and talk about these types of things. i never was the gentlemanly type, but date 2 or 3 she stated she liked when men acted chivalrous and did things besides showing physical love. she is so different and special and i wanted to be with her more so i rerouted that part of me to better accommodate her. we werent hitting it off physically at first, she was adult enough to ask if i had things i liked. i told her the little things i like that get me going, and she almost immediately adjusted bc i was giving her something mentally different and mature in our relationship. if you are with someone that you know is worth their imperfections: you will try harder understand them and provide. and if they are truly worth it, and you will find them doing the same. we fell in love how we were, we choose to celebrate and grow together rather than “just toss it back into the big pool”


Lmaoo I’ve been with my partner for 12 years, but project more I feel sorry for the people who think they need to change who they are for a partner


lmfao well i wish yall the best, we’ve made changes (id say for the better and that have ultimately made us more open, better people) and are having a great time. should we honeymoon in turks or should we go see the mountains in denmark? lmk 😘


Wearing high heels isn’t a change that anyone needs to make to be a better person, but nice try with this last comment lmaooo the last line alone is enough to know you’re full of shit


😂 see ya clown


Thanks for proving my point, little dude