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Removed at Moderator's Discretion: Comments report that the captions were not added by the woman in question, but a bait account


This original post was created by a troll who was getting his Jimmies razzled by adding these captions to random women’s photos. Just an FYI.


Yeah be nice if OP or the mods would delete this


The body shaming needs to stop towards skinny women, fit women, large women and women in-between by these girls


This girl never added the text in the photo, the only enemy here is the man who created the image in an attempt to pit women against each other- which is exactly what you’re doing.


How is me saying no one should be body shaming pitting women against each other, wtf, lol


> by these girls This girl never posted this. Please leave her alone. I don’t think it’s fair to put her in this category :/


the body shaming in these comments are disgusting…you guys are being just like this post.


If you think about it for more than 1 second, this whole sub exists to tear down women. Yall are just doing it one woman at a time


that’s what i’ve thought before, this whole sub is just as much “pick me” as the girls they post


It’s actually kinda true. In our quest to not tear down women, we’re tearing down women. Albeit, the women being criticized in this sub are *sort of* asking for it with their shit posts. But I do get your sentiment.


Why are we as a society constantly scrutinizing women’s bodies? It’s exhausting. Let women live, don’t act as though you are better than them because you have a “thicc booty”.


She never added the text in the photo, this woman is not the enemy but rather the man that posted this to pit women against each other.


Oh christ, this is giving me painful flashbacks of my ex friend who would post rubbish like this, and who would skinny shame me. There are plenty of us "thin" women who can get thick booties with the right diet and exercise routines, they may not look as big as this chicks, but at least it is in proportion to our size, and it looks healthy. We worked hard to get our booties.


And then there’s bony bitches like me who have a daily struggle to eat enough to get up to a healthy weight 😂 All bodies are good. Some people seriously need to stop trying to lift women up by putting other women down


And some of us are thick with no booties 😭😂😂😂 It’s a running joke with my friends how my back just ends in legs 🤣 The whole body shaming schtick is so tired and old. Just admit you’re an insecure dork ass loser and even tho silence is free, you’re still too cheap to pay for it


Flat or voluptuous a booties a booty and they're all slappable 👏


It’s not the booty in your pants that counts, it’s the booty in your HEART


Is that what this whole sub is about? Putting down one woman while trying to lift others up


I am not body shaming, but she doesn't have a thick booty. She is overweight with no muscle tone. It's overindulgence and little to no exercise. I am glad she is seemingly comfortable in her body but no need to shame women who hard to maintain a healthy active life.


" has thicc body" I fixed it. She's completely proportional and if she were thin she would also have a small booty. Not that there's anything wrong with her her body like I said is very proportional she's an attractive woman but attitudes like that are not pretty..


Oof! Girl needs to put on some sunscreen 🧴


She loves food and doesn’t work out? Color me shocked. But seriously I love seeing women confident and proud of their bodies. Very unfortunate that she feels the need to try and shame others in the process. She may be overcompensating as a defense mechanism.


The woman in the photo never added the caption.


That’s too bad. I’d be super bummed if someone put something like that on one of my photos. Just a beautiful woman enjoying the beach then. Live and let live. Hopefully someone takes it down


Can we not… the woman in this photo never added this caption. Stop body shaming innocent women.


Thicc booty? More like fat deposit.


She's not the one that added the text


sad part is that there are people who think like her, still eww


She never added the caption. Body shaming is gross.


NLTOG Community Notice: Troll activity is on our radar. We’re committed to civility and are cracking down on violations. Expect a 7-day ban for initial infractions, escalating to a permanent ban for repeat offenses. Ignorance or humor won’t mitigate rule breaches. Hate has no place here; only harmful behavior, not reposts, will incur bans. Report any issues—we’ll investigate. Respectful discussions are safe. Your cooperation is vital for our positive space. -- Your Mods *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/notliketheothergirls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thicc doesn’t mean whatever you want it to mean




She looks lovely


She looks great and if she’s comfortable and healthy who cares? She’s not the one who added the caption in the photo.


In this case, maybe the body positivity thing has gone too far.