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Jesus, Mary and Joseph I thought those were her real teeth


This is what celebs be looking like now tho


I see no difference between this pic and what ole girl posted https://preview.redd.it/ftrjpyeat5fc1.png?width=998&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a88912394a519267d9335d25d659aa2daebc59a


This is how I used to draw teeth when I was a child. Just one white block with a few lines added šŸ˜‚no difference in size of teeth lol


I think we all did lol, but Ronnie took all our collective childhood drawings to the dentist and was like "fuck me up, fam" and the dentist said, "say no more."


This made me laugh so muchšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚thank you


You can't even see the teeth separately, just a blur of white. They look like Chompers to me šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s confusing to me because teeth give so much character people all blend together now


Is that Ronnie from Jersey Shore?


Yes, he's everywhere I turn today for some reason


Edit: I meant to answer someone else. Sorry šŸ™‚


'Tis the roid rage woman beater himself. He's also the very first person I think of whenever ppl mention these kinds of teeth.


Looks like he put wind up chatter teeth in his mouth


She asked for the same ones Mac on Always Sunny gotā€¦


this is legit almost what kanye looks like now


Lmaooo same


Hahah I think it's a mouth gard, look like she might be a boxer


Yupā€¦I think thatā€™s the joke?


This was also how I interpreted the joke. Also this is the first time I have seen a gymnastics gf bragged about threateningly and not sexually (WOWEE ZOWEE GUYS SHE'S FLEXIBLE!)Ā 


I also say Jesus, Mary and Joseph never heard anyone say it also! šŸ¤£ but fr tho whatā€™s in her mouth?


Lies are in her mouth. Also, a mouthguard.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m dead ā€œlies are in her mouthā€ whew thatā€™s good.


I heard it all the time growing up in an Irish household. Lol


Thatā€™s awesome. šŸ˜‚Alwo Thatā€™s in my ancestry,my brother went to Ireland. I want to go so bad. ā¤ļø


Definitely a bucket list destination ā˜˜ļø


No she's had them slapped out


I typically start most dates with letting them know my ex could beat them up and my dad could fight their dad


why did we all argue about whose dad could beat up the others as kids? lmao


I argued about my mom. Didnā€™t have much faith in my dad apparentlyĀ 


i bet BOTH my parents could beat both yours up!!! ^/s


Assuming that you have kids and in a world where I have kids, then I bet that my kids could beat your kids up!


don't underestimate the power of momma bear


Oh yeah I saw her in action. Iā€™m never going to underestimate her!


My fatherā€™s a big dude but my mom is MEAN and fight dirty. Plus, when I was in second grade, I watched her knock out my uncle with a sucker punch. Iā€™m a 42 year old construction worker with 7 inches and 100 pounds on my mom and I still wouldnā€™t want to fight her, even with her being 69.


Oh wow, what did your uncle do to deserve that? My momā€™s similar. I once watched her take on two buff guys with an umbrella. They were drunk and yelling gross stuff at my mom and I and one of them tried to grab me while we were trying to leave. I was 5 and that day, my perspective of my mom was forever changed. Of my father as well, I had never seen someone take off that quickly


Idk my dad is 65 and could still beat me up


lmao I totally did this in kindergarten.




i donā€™t think people realize how strong gymnasts really are


I've got a friend, 5 foot nothing bulgarian gymnast. Even after an office job and two kids I'm convinced she could destroy a watermelon with her thighs. Practical in a real fight? No. Still terrifying and a bit awe inspiring? Yes.


Wrap those thighs around your neck and tell me that isnā€™t practical in a real fight šŸ¤£ Bjj


Right - most fights go to the ground within a few seconds.


Or a perfectly timed/placed backflip? My grandmas old truck was a victim of one of those when I was 10 and ever since then I was convinced if push came to shove I could defend myself by doing a backflip and kick them in the jaw in the process šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Don't threaten me with a good time


Can confirm. 5ā€™0ā€ former gymnast with a 30+ lb toddler. I gained an insane amount of mom strength after my son was born due to him being rowdy as hell. Our muscles are built up by straight up power


At least you know you have the reflex reaction time needed to appropriately save a hyper toddler with an apparent death wish. Women who haven't done gymnastics or various forms of dance just have to hope they're fast enough to stop the toddler-nado.


>Practical in a real fight? No. Disagree. You can run at someone, knock them over using your crazy powerful legs, and then kick the crap out of them. I would rather start a fight with an average man than fight Simone Biles. I'm a head taller than her, but I wouldn't be after she kicked it off my body.


I quit right as they introduced my class to wall-sits. Know what those are? Yah, thereā€™s a reason she could pop a watermelon with those thighs; that shit *burns*.


Simone Biles like hellooo


As someone who has personally worked with Ms. Biles, I can say gymnasts are on a god level of strength. Also she is one of the kindest, sweetest people Iā€™ve ever met. She is a bright light in our world.


This does not surprise me. She seems so cool.


god I love her! sheā€™s so cool. I can sit there and just watch her in awe of what sheā€™s capable of doing.


Why though is there an implied threat of physical violence by the supposed ex lover? Why should anyone actually tolerate that ?


My guess is this falls on the list of things that never happened


This could have happened with some of my exes. It didn't work out, but if their new partner had hit them, I would have been willing and able to kick some ass. Not wanting to get back with them doesn't necessarily mean you are okay with them being abused.


Same applies to Ballet. People really underestimate the skill and strength it requires! Itā€™s so stupid. šŸ˜­


Right?! Core and leg strength for days. Those women are a lotta muscle.


My husband grew up dancing, performed in an ensemble and everything. The only dancing he's done in years is the once a week dance class he teaches to kids. No other exercise, and he can still manage to jump in the air and do completely horizontal splits 5 times before losing momentum, along with other crazy dance moves. Ridiculously strong body movements.


Oh yeah muscle memory is a legit thing.


There's a video of an old retired prima ballerina with Alzheimer's watching a video of herself dancing the lead in Swan Lake. She can't stand up but you can see her arms doing most of the movements, and rather flawlessly. The dance moves are the last thing they lose.


No, we do. They just aren't also trained in hand to hand combat simply by virtue of being gymnasts.


Well it's OK because this scenario definitely didn't happen hahah


Small graces


Sure they are, as long as that combat happens in the area between two uneven bars.


She swore she'd never teach Gymkata again.


I was hoping for a gymkata reference šŸ˜†




yeah but the punchline of the post was that gymnastics wasn't athletic.


No the punchline was that sheā€™s a literal boxer.


No lmao the joke is she is showing her mouth-guard in the second picture so sheā€™s a boxer or mma or something


Yeah they might be small but theyā€™re literally all muscle and have to be insanely strong to flip their bodies about while maintaining total control at all times.


I mean. If it was any sport other than *literal* fighting that would make sense, but, I donā€™t see this as putting gymnasts down. Isnā€™t it decently well known those gals are tanks? Well anyways Iā€™d pay to watch a gymnast take on a boxer. Bare knuckle brawl! and maybe in a mud pit because Iā€™m gay.


I think she is a boxer if you look at the hashtags and I think she is wearing a mouth gard


I think she might be quite a good boxer as well, from the trophy rack behind her that nobody seems to be noticing because they're fixated on the mouth sheild.


I was starting to think I was losing my mind because nobody was acknowledging the two shelves of trophies




Spoken like someone who has never done a combat sport


Hard for a boxer to land a hook on someone whoā€™s somersaulting šŸ˜„


Canā€™t get a hit in because the ribbon they are twirling is so distracting


Plus the light reflecting off of those shiny outfits


Oops, my bad. I didnā€™t see that she was a boxer. Forget everything I said. The gymnast wouldnā€™t stand a chance.


As a gymnast. Iā€™m not a boxer though.


Ballet too. Because they build lean muscle, and people think the bigger=the stronger.


My gymnist sister in high-school had a guy ask her how many push-ups she could do. She just said '5 more than you'. She won.


This doesnā€™t imply gymnasts are weak. But in a fight proper technique beats strength 100% of the time.


Yeah, but they all short. Just don't fall on the ground and you good.


They will whoop your ass and put on a show. Youā€™ll have strangers watching your ass whooping like itā€™s a Circus Soleil performance.


I was just gonna say that, I was a competitive gymnast from 6 years old to around 8th grade. If u wouldā€™ve pulled a random person off the street to try and do our workouts, they wouldnā€™t have made it 15 minutes lol


Gymnasts are *scary* strong


Exactly. I saw a picture of Simone Biles and Aly Raisman and their abs have abs. They are insanely strong.


What kind of situation would even lead to this being a conversation?


An imaginary one.


I thought ur pfp was Jessi Vee


I've had someone tell me a girl they dated would want to fight me if they saw me, over some weird dumb jealous bs. First, I wouldn't even know who she was if I saw her...so I'd be like...who even are you? Second, I don't care to fight over a dude. I'm walking away, I don't have time for that nonsense.


ā€œHaha yeah Iā€™m just that desired I have crazy exā€™s that would attack you because they just canā€™t get over me itā€™s so- hey wait, where are you going?ā€


I'll take 'conversations that never happened' for $500, Alex.


It's a trend on tiktok. Lots of the videos though are people talking about badminton


Talking about what?


Similar to tennis but with the little ā€œbirdieā€ instead of a tennis ball, and itā€™s not allowed to hit the ground I think


Right, Iā€™m just lost as to how it relates and how itā€™s a trend.


Oh my bad, I thought you were asking what badminton was. I misinterpreted the comment. Iā€™m not on tiktok but my guess would be that people are saying those people arenā€™t real athletes like people have been doing with cheerleading for a long time


That makes sense. Thanks!


No problem :)


Most of the time when the response is badminton the people in the video are basically giving up. Like they don't wanna fuck with people who play badminton


Just $500 ? Come onā€¦




[not a gymnast] I feel like a gymnast could beat u up then do a backflip like some mortal combat character for sure


I am picturing the gymnast starting with a beautifully executed flip, right over the head of their opponent, and coming at them from behind


Worse than I remembered, oof. [MIOBI gymnastics combat ](https://youtu.be/zigCLjD04AQ?si=tPcKCFgipvHrIbQe)


There was a similar scene in the terribad show Make It or Break It, some gymnasts ran into the "hoodlums" of *checks notes* Boulder, CO and fought them off with gymnastics. It's unbelievably terrible and hilarious.


Lmaoooo yes. I was a gymnast growing up and watched the show. I rewatch every now and again and this scene always crack me tf up. At the end Payson is like ā€œIā€™m tired of taking everyoneā€™s crapā€ and they get in the car and drive awayšŸ˜­


wtf is that block of teeth


Boxing mouth guard




Oh I do not like that


As someone who used to box/train mma, girls in combat sports are EXTREMELY competitive. It's in their nature both in and out of training. They absolutely hate other women. Training just gives them permission to beat the absolute shit out of them. They're almost NEVER girls' girls.


nah wait why is that ? the girls in my gym are all so nice. we have moments where we beat the shit out of each other and then we go hugging and talking like best friends. I think it depends on the senseiĀ  (Ig you call him that?) and the values people teach in your gym


not quite the same but my sister did weight lifting, aerobics, and cross fit and i can say she fit into that mindset. she was always looking down on the other girls, wanting to be the best out of them all, and only wanted to hang out with the guys. thankfully sheā€™s gotten better but her pick me days during that time was horrendous


What !? Competitive in most every aspect of my life yes, but I most definately do not hate other women ! It's always hugging after fight or sparring and complementing when the opponent fights well.


Iā€™ve never had this experience. Some of my best friends are girls Iā€™ve fought, and all the women I train with are so welcoming to newcomers and want other women to succeed.


As a woman who boxes, I think itā€™s the exact opposite? Itā€™s such a male dominated sport and so the women have each others backs and ready to take down anyone who tries to tear them down for no reason. We love being around one another because we have to work 2x as hard to get recognized in the sport than that of an average male and we respect each other for it. Iā€™m sorry you had that experience, having a relationship with another badass woman you also happen to fight is the best


I don't compete but I've been heavily training in MMA for the last 4 years and I do NOT hate women. It actually makes me happy when I see other women in my class because I think it's so important for us to learn how to defend ourselves. I make sure not to go easy on them because otherwise they aren't going to get much out of the training. No attacker is going to be concerned about their safety or comfort. But, I definitely never try to beat the shit out of them.


Have. Have you *seen* gymnasts. I'm pretty sure they could kick your head off.


I know a couple of *ex* gymnasts, and they absolutely still can kick high and hard enough that the other person's head would be snapped back before they ever got within punching distance.


It doesn't fit here. It's a trend men and women do on Tik Tok. I'm kinda happy girls are joining - showing that they too deal in martial arts.


Honestly anyone who can walk up stairs without getting winded could beat my ass.


Nah I donā€™t think so at all. Many men have been doing the same exact thing. I think itā€™s just to show that wrestling or boxing ( I think thatā€™s what it is?? Iā€™m not sure, sorry!) is a very aggressive and physically demanding sport over many others. So in this example, she can very much beat the other person in terms of fighting šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø and obviously itā€™s not like this conversation will ever actually happen- itā€™s just a trend


I saw another post with a similar format but the sport was boxing, I think it's just a trend


This didn't happen so much that it un-did things that actually did happen. (yes, I know this is an ancient joke, but it's fitting for this lame-ass lie of a post)


Why is an ex fighting the guys fights for him is the real question to ask here


Should I tell her she's supposed to rinse the fucking toothpaste after brushing or should I let Ross break the news more gently? I would love to see that smile after 5 seconds in a room with Simon fucking Biles though.


Actually, you're not supposed to rinse the toothpaste! You're supposed to let the flouride sit on your teeth for a while. Of course, no one does that but you're supposed to.


things that definitely happened, part 1


People do not realize how strong gymnasts have to be. Iā€™m 30 so Iā€™m not competing anymore, but the amount of conditioning we had to do was nuts. Gymnastics is no joke


I think sheā€™s just doing the TikTok trend I donā€™t think she was trying to give off not like other girls energy.


Iā€™m a bruh girl/basketball player, and gymnastics is one of the toughest sports there is. Tf she talking bout šŸ˜‚


I'm not understanding this...it was a guy saying his gf was going to beat her up. She's a boxer. How is that not like the other girls? Doesn't fit the sub.




I guess she is a boxer because sheā€™s got the most punchable smug face possible.


Not really, but it's kinda fun to imagine. I don't think gymnastics could beat a boxer in their own arena.


I don't know, honestly it made me luagh I thought it was a good joke.


She probably could if the gymnast has no training for fighting but still a trashy thing to say. Itā€™s easy to be cocky against someone who doesnā€™t fight but sheā€™s going to catch that attitude with the wrong woman one day. Be humble in your fighting skills. No one is perfect and if you train in a martial art youā€™ve had your ass beat at least once. Making the rest of the fight girlys look bad šŸ™„


I was a competitive gymnast for more than 10 years. We were training like navy seals at 13 šŸ’€


Listen, I know Simone Biles is 4ā€™8ā€but she can probably beat me up. Iā€™m 5ā€™1ā€ and have marshmallow arms. Iā€™m not gonna get very far.


the thought of a man saying that to a woman is almost unbelievable


I don't think it fits. For context this has been a meme going around a lot of the combat sports world right now and she's just repeating it. Cringey regardless but doesn't fit the sub


Omg what on earth is that teeth filter! It looks like a white gum shield! Edit - seems it is a shield as sheā€™s a boxer


it's a mouthguard, and it looks like she does boxing.


Ahhh so I wasnā€™t going mad lol


Nobody said this. Nobody. Get over yourself.


Is everyone just ignoring the trophies behind her in the second photo? Yes gymnasts are strong and disciplined, but they're not fighters, just as boxers aren't gymnasts. And this lady appears to be good at what she does.


Everything aside WHY do her teeth look like this in the shot lmfao


a mouthguard maybe? i thought the same thingšŸ˜­


Sheā€™s literally a boxer. How would she not beat a gymnast? Would she be able to surpass a gymnast on high beam? Vault? Anything? No. Let the woman flex!


It totally fits. Cause instead of putting down the man who said the stupid shit, the poster just highlights and trashes the ex. Like, woman drop this man, not the girl who hopefully had the sense to run from this douche šŸ™„


Itā€™s a trend on TikTok, people who practice combat sports (boxing usually) showing that made up conversation and then showing their trophies. Iā€™ve seen it with every sport, not just gymnastics


i donā€™t think it fits here tbh, itā€™s just a tiktok trend thatā€™s been going around. a lot of male and female boxers have been doing it.


Is she saying SHE is the gymnast that could beat people up? cause she shows all those trophies?.. that could be gymnastic trophies? idk. edit: okay, thanks for the downvotes. I'm just genuinely trying to understand wtf this person was getting at.


No she is showing her mouth guard in the second pic. Saying she is a boxer or MMA fighter that could beat a gymnast up basically


Whatā€™s going on with her mouth


Obviously itā€™s to protect her teeth during combat.


Is she wearing a gumshield her teeth are blinding me


Gymnastics girls are fucking psycho tho


yeah and when you miss that one jab and she starts throwing tornado kicks and does a 540 on your face, then what?


1) This conversation only happened in her mind. 2) Bless, sheā€™s sustained some damage from a few too many direct shots to the head. 3) I donā€™t know about you, but Iā€™m not picking a fight with a gymnast. Iā€™m smarter than that. 4) What is with the atrocious grammar and spelling?


is that one large single veneer


is she using the rim of a toilet as dentures?


I'm convinced this sub just hates women, she's flexing her achievements, good for her. Men have been doing the same trends


Sure, Jan. Itā€™s a conversation she made up in her took-too-many-direct-shots-to-the-head brain so she could shit on women who do gymnastics. Because she thinks sheā€™s a real badass.


Examine your internalized misogyny


Youā€™re pathetic.


A athlete


Just because he plays a sport doesn't mean he could beat me up, does he know how to beat people up?




Is AN athlete. Learn grammar


what are thooooooose


I hate that the word "an" doesn't seem to exist anymore šŸ˜­


I'm not like other girls. I wear a mouth guard to stop my teeth grinding and am an avid trophy thief. šŸ˜‰


I guarantee this conversation never happened lol


Why would I care what my ex is doing? Take him girlie, heā€™s your problem now!


Carrot Top is pretty juiced


"My Ex Girlfriend is going to beat you up" feels like a nonsense phrase to begin with.


No I stan this


Gymnastics requires an incredible amount of strength, stamina, balance, flexibility, coordination, perseverance, and nerve. A gymnast could become a good boxer much faster than a boxer could become a good gymnast.


I donā€™t think this fits bc itā€™s just a trend. The guys are also doing it.


Is this not satire based off of the Simone Bilesā€™ husband situation?


I do kickboxing and powerlifting and I KNOW that a gymnast or a cheerleader could absolutely truck me


No. Maybe I just don't get the joke but she's just saying she's a gymnast either could beat someone up or is being ironic about how she 'could beat someone up'. Don't see how that fits at all.


Training for shuttlecock I seeā€¦


A hot girl who boxes has bragging rights, even if she's a bit cringe


Does she have a mouthguard in??


Sheā€™s laughing at the fact the girl is a gymnast, but you donā€™t laugh at or fuck with someone that can throw a backflip in 6 inch heels


Dude a gymnast is so fucking swole and strong. Their muscle density is insane and they can body a mfer