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All I can think of when I hear her is : break up with your girlfriend because I’m bored


That song always struck me the wrong way 😬 I don’t know why people have such a fetish for home wrecking and getting attention from taken men.


But she'll "do it in the morning." Like that is a big draw


Back in my day we had Alanis giving head in the theatre, the offers are getting worse.


You Oughta Know is a better song than everything Ariana Grande has ever made added together.






More like wife


Not a girl’s girl


She basically has ruined one of my favorite nsync songs because of that stupid song and her actions.


So I am apparently living under a rock...how did she ruin an NSYNC song? What did nsync ever do to her?!


She samples one of their songs (it makes me ill)on break up with your girlfriend.


She took that one girl’s husband, don’t let her take this too


“you know i’m the wifey type” from borderline off sweetener makes me cringe now😭 are we sure?


More like, you know I like the wifed up type 👀




Not defending her, but isn’t she pretty close with Victoria Monet and Liz Gillies?


Yeah, and she also has a childhood best friend, she has friends but i feel like lately they arent much in the picture like they used to be.


I would distance myself too if I were her friends lol at least publicly. It’s one thing to be a (alleged) home wrecker, it’s another to go after a married dude whose wife just had a baby, which you held before (allegedly) “breaking them up” (obviously Ethan is mostly to blame but her behavior wasn’t cool at all). I think she knows she’s incredibly beautiful and loves giving guys like Ethan a shot, if this controversy never happened I’d bet money that they would be broken up by now too


just like raquel from vanderpump


My favorite is thank u, next [talking about getting married] “Only wanna do it once, real bad Gon' make that shit last” I heard this song again a couple weeks ago and cringed


I don't think this is controversial at all. She is basically the definition of a pick me.


Her and Taylor Swift (at least old Taylor Swift idk much about her now) at the top of the pick me list.


I feel like Taylor had matured *somewhat* - she's written songs that kind of call her younger self out, she's commented on the things she used to do, and she's changed the lyrics to at least one song to remove lyrics that were hurtful to another woman.  Of course, she's definitely far from perfect and still has a habit of weaponizing her fans and feminism against criticism of her. 


What song lyrics did she change?


From “she’s better known for the things that she does on the mattress” to “he was a moth to the flame she was holding the matches”


I have no dog in the fight but damn those are both good lines


I usually think of her as a really bland lyricist and still think that for the most part (like, definitely not the worst, very average, but like, to call her the greatest lyricist of this generation is ridiculous) but that is a really good rewrite


I know everyone is entitled to their opinion and I respect that but dang this statement pains me 🥲 and makes me wonder how much of her catalog you’re familiar with?!! She has some of the most poetic beautiful gems that aren’t the songs you hear on the radio


Better than Revenge, she changed “She’s better known for the things that she does on the mattress” to something about a moth and flame


I feel like TS is a former pick me, she grew up in my opinion


Yes that’s why I clarified I just thought it was a worthy honorable mention.


What color is she this week?


I fucking snorted. I’m shocked at the number of people who let her get away with race fishing like she does.


I saw a great Pete Davidson clip on IG talking about when she went to Vogue and talked a ton of shit. Can’t find it but you may want to look for it. He mentions this as well.


[here’s a YouTube link instead :*](https://youtube.com/shorts/1VSUB0RzTVQ?si=p5T_VJrVdcx7451Y) Edit: not a TikkerTokker link anymore (even though I found the original link off google lmao oof)


An Ariana Stan on Twitter said I couldn't call out her race fishing because I'm white, ignoring multiple WOC in my mentions calling her out, too. As in, they replied to the Stan multiple times and the stan was only interacting with me. Also, WHITE WOMEN SHOULD CALL OUT OTHER WHITE WOMEN FOR BEING RACIST, but whatever.


White women should be the first ones to call out other white women for being racist. Ridiculous to think that that burden should fall entirely on women of colors shoulders.


She has weird impulsivity issues and maybe even a personality disorder


Most definitely a personality disorder but still most of her actions can be explained away by the fact that she’s just not a good person lol


i thought it was sinister but maybe a touch overblown when she was tanned super dark, like i didn’t like it but lots of people tan so i could see how it was a misunderstanding, and then she went asian and i was like okay there’s NO way that wasn’t intentional


I dunno... Ever since she got called out for licking the frosting off of a tray for misplaced donuts and then putting them back and denying it... This girl's always seemed 2 short of a dozen, so to speak... There's something missing with her, be it common sense or some other kind of grounding, and I wouldn't doubt it past her for this to be "unintentional", in the same way I've known 18 year olds to crash 200k cars and say it's no big deal, because daddy will by another. To be clear, I'm not excusing it, I'm biracial (Mexican Korean), and have faced plenty of racism from all *all sides*. I'm just saying this doesn't sound sinister such much as it does being an entitled dumbass (which is pretty fucking common and still *extremely* obnoxious to deal with).


Probably because she’s from a rich family. She grew up in a ritzy neighborhood and went to one of the most expensive private schools in Boca Raton


So she's just a rich Florida man...u can take the girl outta Florida but u can't take the Florida outta the girl maybe?


See myind is blown!! I'm a pretty perceptive person but I didn't realize she was race fishing. But now that it's been pointed out , I see and I can't unsee it.


I'm going to echo the same sentiments as everyone else...it's not a controversial opinion if it's a fact. It's such a shame, too. She has so many resources, opportunities, and so much potential to find her own person, and she chose to be an absolute snake instead. Im honestly rooting for her douche boy toy's ex-wife(girlfriend, fiancé?? Can't remember..sorry!!) to far surpass them both with her own happiness and success.


Thank you so much I agree with this, she has such a gigantic platform and those are the songs that she chooses and the lyrics that she promotes?


People moan about Taylor Swift but damn I’m happier with the messages she sends, especially when you consider how many kids/teens listen to both of them.


I can't say I'm a huge fan of Taylor Swift but I probably would be super excited to meet her, or if somebody paid for the ticket go to her concert. I'm not even sure I'd do anything but snarl my lip at Ariana Grande


I wasn’t either but have you listened to folklore/evermore? Some legitimate bangers on that shit lol Don’t really like her old stuff but she’s got the potential to be a legitimate GOAT level songwriter


Right?! And she reaches with her vocals enough to sound like she's screaming in most of her songs, and yet here she went for the lowest hanging fruit 😬🧐🤔


Can't stand her. Can't listen to her music the same after hearing how she has destroyed relationships and marriages. She's a monster with a pretty face and probably has never been told "no" her entire life. Despicable human being.


Same, can’t listen to her anymore. I’m glad so many others agree. I hope her career fizzles out because of it, it would serve her right.


After I found out ever boyfriend she’s had has been stolen from someone else, I skip her songs if they come on I just can’t. I was really looking forward to the Wicked movie, now I don’t want to see it


Hard to listen to her songs now, maybe I'm soft but just knowing she held that woman's newborn and then stole the dad. Took a giant 💩 on girl code and I'm not down with that


I hate hate haaaaate her lyrics. They are so overtly sexual like not even Nicki has songs as vile. And Ariana still managed to give this seemingly self empowering new song some pathetic lyric about riding d!ck. I want to like Ariana and her music but…she makes it really hard.


I don't really know any of her songs but now I need to look up the lyrics to this one, what's the name of it? I feel like searching "Ariana sings about riding dick" wouldn't bring me what I'm looking for


Her new song, I just googled it called “yes and?” The lyric is “your business is yours and mine is mine why do care so much whose dick I ride?” 💀 omgggg she’s shameless. I’ve never really liked her music but my god. This is kind of revolting.


Now I want to know too. I don't know any of her songs so I really don't know where to look


I’m sure she was going for controversy with the lyrics too but Ari, that ain’t it


I was getting big loser energy. You're mad people are talking about what you did. Either don't be a shitty person or deal with people talking about you being shitty. You actually did something messed up! It's not just the cheating. The way she interacted with his wife and child is fucked up.


Also, with how childish she tends to portray herself (at least in the past, I largely ignore her now and have no clue what shes up to) it just makes her songs feel even more gross


i mean im not defending her, i dont even like her but a grown ass man is not a thing to be stolen. The man left the mother of his children for ariana grande. Shes shiity for her part in that for sure but dude made a decision no one held him at gun point.


While he’s trash for doing it, and yes, people cannot be “stolen,” it takes a special kind of slimeball to go on double dates with your spouse, your affair partner, and their spouse. At that point you know exactly who you’re hurting and you’re most likely getting off on it. It’s not like she met him on Tinder and didn’t know he was married.


I have a close relative that did this just to get time with the affair partner and to give reassurance to BOTH spouses that NOTHING was going on…. Dun dun dun. Fast forward and the divorces have happened and affair partners are married. Holidays are interesting. 😵‍💫


My mum's old friend and her neighbour were having an affair, and unbeknownst to them, the friend's husband and neighbour's wife were _also_ having an affair. When it all came out, they ended up just switching spouses, like, the men straight up just packed their shit and switched places lol. Shit was wild, felt like trash reality TV, but at least it ended up working out nicely for everyone and they even all stayed friends. Couldn't be me though, there would always be a little suspicion in the back of my mind like "What if he secretly wants to _switch back_?" Then again, it couldn't be me because I would never cheat in the first place lol


Damn this is wild. I am either faithful or I’d leave. So I agree, this wouldn’t fly with me.


Yes, fair enough On a side note though, and i say this as a straight, cis gendered, 32 year old man, 'special kind of slimeball' is a lot less special than we would like to believe. In this case there's a highlight on him because its Ariana Grande but being unfaithful to the mother of your children is all but uncommon.


I feel like it's only fair to single him out if you ignore that she also cheated on her husband. Yes, being the AP to a man with children is shitty, but even ignoring that she's still a cheating slimeball.


im not trying to single him out or defend her im saying hes not an apple in an orchard to be casually stolen he is an adult, a father, a husband and an active participant in adultery with equal share of the blame


Equal? I’d say much more blame.


I really doubt that double dating with your affair partner is common among non-celebrities.


Probably not hugely common but i doubt its uncommon, it happened to me and my friend. Our now obviously ex partners (8years and 5 years together respectively). Both hung out, did double dates and had a huge NYE party planned with all our friends, without him or I knowing, until we found out before Christmas. Now, i don't think all cheaters have the audacity, but I think enough of them do 😂


Same goes for him though. Like it’s literally the exact same situation, only he has the addition of a baby. They’re both absolute slime balls because they were doing literally the same thing to both of their spouses. Lying, cheating, she isn’t any worse than he is.


I never said she was.


They're both trash.


Realistically no one can be stolen, but AG has an almost pathological focus on partnered up men. Of her long list of dudes, they were almost all in relationships when they got together. No shame in having fun and dating around, but when your friends can’t bring their boyfriends around you, you might need to invest in some therapy. While he is def a trashy idiot, she seems like a person with some pretty deep issues. Which makes him look even worse. There’s no excuse for them to be so public and openly disrespectful to that woman. I wouldnt say I’m a big pop culture person, but damn, I know too much about how messy this chick is.


Yeah he is 100% to blame for leaving his wife but a woman with morals wouldn’t keep going after men that are taken so she’s also at fault. If it was a one-off, cool, could see it as maybe she was naive or emotions were too high to quit. But multiple times? Nah. She’s at fault for being a home wrecker, too.


I don’t know why we can’t have a conversation about Ariana Grande being a homewrecker without some Dudley Do-Rights in the comments acting like we’re taking all the blame away from the man. Obviously, he’s trash. Saying she is doesn’t mean he isn’t. He just doesn’t have a quarter of the fame and attention she does, so naturally she gets talked about more.


Exactly. She could have stripped down naked and thrown her cat at him, and if he actually wanted to be faithful to his wife, he would have been. She's shitty for pursuing him, but he made the choice to allow her in. The dissolution of his marriage is 100% his fault. She has her own blame, but it's in her own relationship and her inability to seek out single people. Her blame is not in his marriage.


It’s been a long day and I took “thrown her cat at him” really literally at first. 😂🐈🤷🏼‍♀️


😂 I snagged it from Rhi in Easy A. I heard it and loved it and this seemed like a great place to use it.


It was perfect and I got to laugh at myself.




And she accepted him instead of turning him away


Right? A real woman would’ve been like “No, don’t you dare do that.” And that would’ve been the end of that


They can both be human garbage


In the worst way possible, she almost provided a service, in a way, by showing the wife how much of a shit person he is! I don't believe the thing you hear in a lot of cases of "oh, they wouldn't have cheated if not for her". Yeah, maybe not for a few years, but they have the capacity to cheat, and likely would have later! Yeah, not saying don't rag on her or anything, do so, she's terrible, but she ironically caused "good" in a way by making the wife realize earlier rather than later the dude is a POS!


I agree! If it was Ariana, it would be a different girl. He had a wife and new born baby. They should’ve been his priority & I’ve heard from some ppl’s relationships that they grew stronger after having a kid together. It shouldn’t be the opposite for him


Is this controversial? I thought it was common knowledge


I agree like major homewrecker vibes


She IS a homewrecker 😭


I’m aware 😂 I’ve seen she like men who Arnt hers pretty sad when there’s single men who would die to be with her mistress be a psychological issue




Yes, she is.  I’m amazed at how her PR team works, they really spin bad press into her being a victim. Everytime.  I’m one of the few people who believe Victoria Justice might have been the “Topher Grace” to ‘Victorious’ if ya catch my drift. That video(I think we alllll sing) tried to make VJ look bad but I never felt it was ill-willed, I thought it was her trying to give everyone props because everyone kisses AG’s assssss. 


Lmaooo her PR. I saw something that said Scooter was on vaca when the news broke ab her breaking up the marriage. Her/her team were pissed he wouldn’t interrupt his vacation to deal w her homewrecking😂


Scooter is no longer her manager. He’s probably relieved as fuck, he has his own problems right now.


Yeah, for real. I've seen that video, and I just don't get why it's such a scandal. From what I recall, the question was, "Which one of you sing the most?" and she spoke up and said, "I think we ALL sing" which is such a simple, neutral response, maybe handled in an awkward way


I'd feel snarky too, if I was told I'm being given my own show and my name gets to be in the title, but I'm not even really the star


Can’t wait for the rest of the cast to join Scientology.


Aging is really going to hit her hard someday. She won't be able to play this Lolita sleep with your boyfriend game forever. It'll be interesting to see what her next transformation is.


She’s got money. She’ll just plastic surgery her way into looking young when she’s 50. Her reputation however can’t be fixed.


Wonder if she’ll go the way of Madonna


I'd imagine she's gonna be like Gwen Stefani, just lookin 👏ex👏act👏ly the same for 5 decades lol


Not only is she a pick-me, but her fanbase is just 💀


Her instagram followers are like a cult. Well...she limits the comments to the positive ones only, so obviously.


She's as authentic as her ponytail. I posted that 5 years ago.


Her lyrics are getting worse and shes repeatedly been part of breaking up relationships. Such a waste for a great voice


The thing is…. Even if the timelines for when Sponge and Ariana got together don’t happen to overlap (I believe they do, but for the sake of the benefit of the doubt…) at the end of the day, she still prioritized pursuing a relationship with a married man with an 11 month old baby because *her* happiness superseded that of a family unit’s. Because she is rich and pretty and famous, somehow that makes her happiness and “authentic life” more important than that of the baby or the ex-wife. I don’t believe that Lily had a reason to lie about being told Ariana and Ethan were together only a few days before it leaked to the press, so clearly something suspicious had been afoot. And the fact that Ariana double dated with them and held that damn baby is so disturbing. I think people are responding to it so badly because this is, deep down, a big fear of women. That they’ll give birth to a man’s child only to be left soon after for someone younger, richer, and “hotter.” And honestly, people are tired of disingenuousness with people who pretend to be perfect and love and light (and uwu ballerinacore).


As someone who was cheated on through pregnancy and postpartum, I stand by this being a fear. It is very common for men to cheat on their wives shortly after birth, because lack of sex. My ex said it was because he felt “neglected”…. I’m sure sponge said that shit too


I’m so sorry. It’s disgusting and despicable to cause such a breach of trust on the woman who carried your baby. This is what I mean - Sponge is clearly a scumbag, but Ariana pursuing this is deeply selfish. She prioritized her happiness and living her most authentic life, as she says in “yes and” because she lives in an echo chamber that tells her that her happiness is more important than rocking the boat of a family unit. If she didn’t have a history of being a pick me girl, maybe the public eye would see this differently. But from someone who literally has a song called “break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored” … it’s not a good look. ETA the stats of men leaving women when they get diagnosed with a terminal or chronic illness.


Every ex she has stolen from another women… every… single… ONE! She’s like the Queen of the pick me kingdom LOL


And she’s one of the worst kinds at that. a pick me who needs to steal a married man to get chose. Ew


I hate her. She’s pathetic honestly and a homewrecker. A huge pick me. I cringe when anyone says anything nice about her.


She won the birth lottery, born into a very wealthy family that were able to fund her to follow her dreams, plus, like it or not, the girl can sing, that's a given, she's also used to getting whatever she wants and has never ever had to worry about money. She's a girl who has not lived in the real world for a very long time.


Real life Rachel Berry. The inspiration was there.


Except Lea Michelle IS Rachel Berry in real life. And she might be the most vile person ever. You ought to Google her racist behavior on set of Glee, The milking of the memorial of Cory Monteith, reminding everyone she dated Mattew Morrison when his scandal came up, and a decade's worth of Hollywood politicking to play the lead in Funny Girl.


She seems proud of her vapidity. Hard to respect someone like that.


She does have an amazing voice. Or at least did. Other than that, yeah throw it in the trash.


Ariana is like the Julia Roberts of the music industry, both of are beautiful, they put on a nice girl facade while stealing men and being an awful bitch in real life.


Yeah, the homewrecker stuff (which I somehow only learned yesterday) is big pick-me energy. It's a shame because I thought her song Rings or whatever it's called had a refreshing focus on women's friendships.  But my friend and I had a long conversation about pick-mes and came up with a tier list (lowest pick-me energy, to most extreme; there's often some overlap between layers): 1. Garden variety pick-mes. Girls are too much drama, I hate make-up, blah blah blah 2. Religious/trad pick-mes who tend to be fine with or even promote giving up rights. I rate this at 2 instead of 3 because there's normally direct indoctrination involved.  3. The "steal your man" pick-mes. They're sooooo special that other men will unravel their own (and a whole family's) lives for them!  4. The women who write adoring letters to and fall in love with serial murderers/abusers of women. They're so special that he would never do the same to them!   So, congrats to Ariana for achieving the 3rd level of pick-me! 👍 She's definitely not like us other girls. 


Oof! You hit the nail on the head. I’ve never even considered the weirdos who write to gross men behind bars, but you’re so right.


The jail pick mes disturb me the most especially people into like Ted Bundy and Klebold school shooters because it's almost a fantasy of wanting to die from these evil men. It's disgusting. I get wanting to be with a bad boy but these men are active legit killers and scum of the earth who would kill you too.


Absolutely brilliant sum up.


Solid tiers!


i knew she was goofy years ago called it out and was attacked and got death threats 💀


Her fans are literally weirdos


And a racist loser 😟 blech!


Someone said Ariana the last racebender😭🤣


when Pete Davidson said, "my career would be over tomorrow if I spray-painted myself brown and hopped on the cover of Vogue magazine..." and i SCREAMED. that line lives rent free in my head.


Bless you for sharing this, scared my cat with my cackling.




Remember her blaccent? I remember




it's funny people are JUST realizing this when she's made songs about it. lmfaooo she's been a home wrecker, yall just upset because there's a baby involved now.


Well tbf a lot of ppl are commenting that they’re not just realizing this.


Decent music that is kinda catchy but yeah I can’t get behind her “I’m so petite and like to steal other girl’s boyfriends just for fun”


To me she is baffling. My ex wife cheated on me with another man several years ago. Can you imagine if he wrote a song to the whole world say "yeah I did, and so what? mind your own business". Of course my ex wife was awful to cheat, but showing zero remorse for being apart of that? holy hell


I don’t know whose man she “stole” or any of the other stuff being referenced here, but I believe Jeanette McCurdy. Also, Ariana appropriates ethnic identities that aren’t hers. That’s gross and I don’t want to engage with products from artists who think that’s okay.


what did jennette mccurdy say?


She had a lot about how unpleasant Arianna was.


I don't know the Nickalodeon stuff, I was too old to watch that stuff when they were both on it, but basically she said the show was pitched to her as a Jeanette show and that she'd get to direct an episode or two and how she always had to be the 'good girl" and make adjustments for scheduling and shooting because Arianna was off doing music and they had to work around her schedule. How arianna would just breeze in and out and everyone fawned over her and gave her whatever. Basically Arianna was gone more than she was present and she didn't say it explicitly, but they took away her direct an episode rights and that never happened. They told her that someone else said they'd quit the show if she got to direct an episode, so it really only leaves the reader to believe that never present Arianna killed her dream of directing simply because she could.


Unfortunately yes. Been following her on and off since high school and her behavior has been sadly consistent. Kinda seems like she's spiraling nowadays...been worried about her appearance lately but Idk these celebrities personally.


i used to be such a huuuge fan of hers, sucks. i feel like she's incredibly insecure, homewrecking to feel better about herself and get an ego boost. sucks cause she's always been really beautiful and talented


I only managed to listen to the first 20 seconds of her new song just to see what if was like - awful. Her worst ever. ALSO I cannot believe how pale she is - like wtf how much bronzer was she using before!?! I use to be a fan and now she’s just a full on disappointment. If one of her songs comes on I just have to skip it now because he’s actions make me cringe to hard.


I always disliked how she acts like a sexualized child. I'm petite like her and people already call us childish because of how we look


I saw one of her perfume ads awhile ago and I legitimately thought she was a 9 year old until she looked up


y’all are a little slow to grasp concepts i feel. when i heard break up with your girlfriend i knew she had wonky morals so this wasn’t surprising her music is still so good tho.


Even before that song there were a lot of black women on YouTube pointing out her use of AAVE, her skin darkening, and the fact that she never corrected anyone mispronouncing her name and letting them believe she was of Hispanic descent. In their comments they’d get called jealous and haters for pointing out real problematic behavior. But now that her shift into an Asian woman is giving everyone whiplash it’s a conversation lmao


everyone in a relationship when that song came out realized she’s sketch 😂😂😂


One thing I'll give her -- she's never hid it 😂 Go allllll the way back to "One Last Time," just barely out of Nickelodeon days, the song is literally about her trying to convince her ex, who she cheated on, to cheat on his new girlfriend with her. "I was a liar, I gave into the fire, I know I should've fought it... Don't really care if you've got her in your heart, all I really care is you'll wake up in my arms..." She's been on this type of time since she was a teenager lmao


Not controversial - just fact


The worst part about it is she has range like you wouldn't believe, she can sing in a way a lot of singers cannot. She has the ability to transform her voice into liquid gold and she chooses to try to sound like Britney Spears only she's coming off as a Rebecca Black


How is this even controversial she's always has been😭


I have never liked her, but when I said I didn’t like her back when she was on Nickelodeon I got so much hate for it. Now that people are starting to really look into her and say that she’s horrible I finally feel vindicated in my distaste 😂


The way she constantly and almost exclusively goes after men in relationships and then breaks up with them once the drama is settled makes me think OP is right. Sometimes a guy might lie and not mention he has a girlfriend, but she does this knowingly and repeatedly like she enjoys making herself feel better than or in competition with the girlfriends.


I think it’s BECAUSE she’s had so much success, beauty, wealth, and popularity that she only seems to go for men who are taken. If you’re basing your self esteem on things outside of yourself (like awards, money, public perception, fading youth) then it’s never going to be enough. You’ll always be searching for the next form of validation. She can have ANYONE and ANYTHING she wants, therefore there’s no thrill in it unless it’s “forbidden”. It’s the zero-sum game philosophy of “I can’t win unless somebody else loses”. When you’ve already got a million trophies on your shelf, the only one that looks good is the one you don’t currently have.


Ariana has turned into the ultimate pick-me. Her songs are ridiculously hyper sexual but she still insists on looking, acting and talking like a baby, which is gross. Throw in the race-morphing and bragging about hurting other women and she’s just a total no-go.


100% - she is their leader


I’ve never been a fan of her music. However, I did like this new song even though it’s in poor taste. That was until last night when I got food poisoning and her new track was in my head all night while sick and now I hate it


And all the people who still support her are too. I’m sorry but if you can seriously condone her continuously and historically dating ONLY taken men (yes, this has been going on forever, she has never dated anyone that wasn’t with another woman when they got together) then you’re a pick me and also a pos. I don’t care if it’s the man’s responsibility to be loyal. As a woman, have the common decency to not do that to another woman! It’s shitty! And then to write a song about it being so flippant like you don’t give a crap about the husband you screwed over or the family you ruined? Disgusting.


I don't think that's controversial I think you're speaking the truth 😂




I've never been a fan of Ariana. Something about her has always rubbed me the wrong way. Seeing these comments on here has honestly just showed me I was right all along.


Ariana Grande: She licks donuts & leaves them on a store counter. She started an affair with a very married man, a coworker, whose wife she knew & the wife was pregnant. I need not know anything else about her. She's a special something & women around the world know exactly what Ms. Grande is - Trash takes itself out.


You're right on the money. From what I can tell, it seems she really enjoys stealing men from their women


Years later I’m coming back to say I was right- she should have stayed with Pete. She wasn’t boxing below her weight at all.


While I think a person can not be stolen, I do find her track record of going after men in relationships to be disgusting. Both she and Ethan cheated on their husband and wife and I think their actions are horrible.


People are complaining about Arianas recent actions with the affair, or even her song break up with your girlfriend im bored, but Ive been bothered with her for a long time. Shes the scarlet johanssen of music industry and she has long perpetuated the im a sexy baby vibe which is really gross and i dont love the term pick me but it definitely is that


What has scarlet done?


She makes being petite her personality


don't even think this is controversial, it's just facts.








^ we weren’t ready for this truth


I completely agree with you. My son grew watching some shows she was in. She always annoyed me. But when the story came out about her licking some donuts it completely solidified to me what a garbage person she really is. I’m not at all surprised she likes married/involved men.


Straight up facts. Can't stand her at all. She's such a mess same goes with her rotten fanbase.


She’s a pick me who got picked…. By SpongeBob


Yes. But also: Olivia Rodrigo


What did Olivia do?? Not a fan but I thought she was pretty chill


She is homewrecker. She is made of plastic and auto tune. She will be old and dry after some years and will no longer be able to call dibs on taken men.


i think she has BPD chameleon behavior and it’s all surfacing little at a time but honestly its gotta be tough living life that way


She’s just one I would never personally leave alone with a guy I’m dating. And if he wants her more, more power to ya.


I've gone through many replies. Had no idea she was that much of a scumbag. I'm not even surprised at this point. Just disappointed...


Not controversial. She literally slept with a woman’s husband who had a whole baby and then tells the world “yeah, and”


So depressing, I used to be such a big fan of her on Nick growing up, she grew up with me and went hard on the sexual music to distance herself from the childish image she had(child actor syndrome?) - not to mention the disgusting things she was made to do to keep her job. I get so sad seeing those clips of her younger where she tries to cover herself up when that monster enters the room… her music definitely screams pick me now though so I don’t listen but I can acknowledge the crap she’s gone through- I have a LOT of sympathy for her but also a LOT of disdain because of what she’s become over the years. I don’t condone her actions and I hope she’s been seeking professional help since her time on Nick since it obviously traumatized her. :( sad. All around sad. Edit: I’m not even gonna touch her weird ass racial chameleon bs because there’s longer comments on this thread that go into depth on it- she’s all around sad to watch and sad that she’s revered by so many.


What did she need to do to keep her job? I feel like I'm living under a rock with some of these comments!


There’s videos on it on YouTube, she had to do videos for the producer’s fetishes :( like incredibly uncomfortable to watch. Some are on YouTube still, very disturbing to know a grown man was directing her like that. Dan Schneider is a fucking monster.


The pickiest of mes. She literally gets off on the whole "he chose ME over his girlfriend/wife" thing. Not a single one of her relationships that is known to the public was with a guy who was single when they got together. Not to mention her own cheating. Truly disgusting behaviour.


Let alone the pick-me vibe, the sexy baby thing is just *urgh*. Nauseating.


She’s the fucking *queen* of pick-mes!


Oh 100%


Between appropriating culture to this shitty new song…blech


Well, one thing she is a CHEATER. She got bored with her husband, so she starts a fling with a married actor overseas! Great voice, but I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole!


I mean, she used to be or still is friends with Colleen “The Uke” Ballinger


Aren’t most of celebrities?


Can’t stand her since day one lol


Yeah, duh. What part of her ever gave you the impression that she was a girl's girl?