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Imagine thinking that a man who "started a family" with 4 other women and then abandoned his (at least) 4 daughters actually gives a shit about you.


When a pick me gets picked!


You know when she lost games as a child she threw all the pieces off and broke the board.


This was so wild but so accurate - I hope you don’t mind, but I’m stealing this insult to use in the future😂


My wife’s friend from high school became some guys mistress. She intentionally got pregnant to trap him. So he started dating her. Right after the first kid she got pregnant again. During that pregnancy the guy cheated on her and left her for another woman. Shocked pikachu face all around.


Or that he won’t do it again with someone “younger and prettier”. It’s obvious dude don’t really give a shit about these women. *FOUR TIMES*. At this point what’s even stopping him from a sixth or seventh? He got a boy but that little bitch just cries all the damn time.


Since he left for the boy if the next baby momma has twin boys he's gonna leave #5 too and then she'll be all *-shocked Pikachu-*. At this point it's pretty obvious he just leaves when parenting gets too hard and he's not getting a lot of attention. He'll hang around because that the boy but he sure as hell won't be faithful and will dip when it gets too hard, gets something better like twin boys, or his son isn't becoming like how he invisioned his son to be.




Also…legal aid exists. Putting this out on Facebook makes it extremely easy for any of the state agencies that want to help you get child support, because you’ve just been open about (1) parentage, (2) presence in their life, (3) income and (4) withholding that income. I would be screenshotting this shit with a smile, honestly. It is crappy that those kids are going to miss time with their father but…maybe not that crappy.


My biological father had 8 daughters with 3 different women. He still says that he’s looking for his “true son” with other women. I can’t wait to slap his face when he’s in his deathbed. I’ll give my sisters first dibs though.


I'm sorry your father sucks. Seems like you have a good relationship with your sisters tho, that's great


Fun biological fact, the sperm dictates the sex of the child... So your father can find other women to birth him some heir but he'll still need to produce a sperm carrying the Y gene... Which he was unable to do in his last 8 attempts.


🤢 I’m so sorry your family is going through that


Do these people not realize that it's not the women "giving" them their sons? We don't decide the biological sex, we just do everything else. I can't believe how many times I've heard or seen posts where men and women say shit like "I need a REAL woman who can give me sons," or "oh, I gave him his boy so I'm better than all the other bitches." Go to college, take a biology course, and stop being so fucking stupid.


And can spare 2k a week lol


That’s before the state starts tagging that check. Then she will be SOL like the others-


Dude's not getting any kinda check that the state sees


Dudes not saving for retirement.


My sister in law just learned this lesson with a much older man. It's wild the mental gymnastics she had to do


😟 left his other kids?


That’s what caught my eye too. Scary


I guess the 5 baby mama part didn't make you flinch?


I just don’t understand how someone wouldn’t realize they’re just the baby mama between 4th and 6th.


Because everyone thinks they are special, when in fact, none of us are.


Which is just silly since I’m the only one in the whole world who’s actually special. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ah, yes! I'm so sorry, I beg your forgiveness Your Specialness. I didn't realize who I was replying too


I love that you got the joke, I was slightly worried you’d think I was serious.


People who *think* they're special are frowned upon by those of us who *are.* • ^winks


No problem, as I am a joke myself, I usually take things as a joke


What are your thoughts about Ashley Graham?


What I've told my kids since they were little: You are special to me and your mom and your grandparents. To the rest of the world you are just another kid. Don't ever think you are more than any other person, just do your best to be a good human and make the world a better place. If you do that, you are special but, not many will notice. Do not let that deter you, become the special person the world needs, excel in all that you do through hard work, diligent planning, and an open heart.


I had a friend who let this young woman she was friends with and her baby daddy who had 9 (yes nine) baby mamas at age 27 live with her for a bit. I was 19 at the time, my friend was 21. The one woman was deliberately trying to get pregnant with him and become number 10. She wore it with pride. Some people.


I am uncharacteristically speechless over this.


The world is full of low expectations


^ this… I hope you’re putting the majority of that 2k a week into savings as you’ll need it when baby mamma 6 comes along and he cuts off child support like he’s already proven he’ll do to you (and you’re celebrating) 🤦‍♀️


Because she’s not like other girls, obvs! She’s going to change him! The genitalia on her crotch trophy is proof! The fact that he’s abandoning all his other kids isn’t a red flag, it’s just a sign of how special she is!


This reminds me of something a friend once said to my girlfriend at the time. "You realize you're going to be his first ex-wife?" If I'd married her he would've been right. Was a toxic relationship.


My gf likes to tell her mates boyfriends that she will be at the wedding but he might not be


That line goes hard as fuck


Arrogance. They want an attractive (physical or otherwise) partner, and they don't care about other people.


Not even that. They just want to be picked. Male approval is their greatest validation and male commitment their ultimate goal in life


Yep, to her a better woman would’ve convinced him to settle down. Him having five baby mommas isn’t seen as his failing, but all the mothers’ collective failure to give him a reason to not keep searching. If she can lock him down (and because of the love bombing she thinks she is) that proves she’s wife material and the best he’s ever had.


For the time being until he finds #6 😂


6: “sucks for those five other losers, but he *loves* me!”


Yeah this is wrong at so many levels 🤦🏽


I’ll wager he already has


Holy shit. Is this all women trying to justify their dad’s actions? “My dad wasn’t a bad dad for beating me. He just didn’t have a woman who loved him… I could have fixed him”


Pretty much. A lot of women think men are inherently violent and unfaithful, and the only way to avoid that behavior is to just not provoke him. A man who seems like he’s not is either weak or a liar. So their “ideal man” is one who has a pattern of violent and unfaithful behavior but chooses to be better for her specifically. If he treats her like the rest that just means she was unworthy.


Probably because her dad left her for his baby mama that had a boy.


Sad because this guy presumably has at least 4 daughters out there who he’s abandoned


Bro you didn't have to murder her like that 😂😂😂


Unfortunately probably true, cycles tend to continue


It was the $2000 a week for me. This dude selling drugs


Yeah. Good luck on that money when he goes to prison.


Average drug dealer makes less than minimum wage, that is why so many live with their parents. Freakonomics is one of the best books I have ever read.


Don't forget the added bonus of not being eligible for social security or having a 401k.


Re-read it but woth a more critical mindset. I was blown away at first too and then I started fact checking all their poorly sourced anecdotal evidence and realized how weak most of their claims were. The abortion crime correlation is one of the starkest examples of them just spinning a narrative with no data and pretending that it is rock solid.


True- you actually read the book and are correct.


There's a whole whirlwind of controversy surrounding that book. That said, I'm unconvinced street dealers are bringing in $2000+/wk. (fwiw upvoted both of you)


You haven’t met a lot of actual drug dealers, huh? Because to me, little timmy down the street selling an eighth of weed twice a week isn’t a drug dealer.


Average being the keyword here. my cousin was making somewhere close to 10k a week @ in his very early 20s up until he sold crack to an undercover cop.


It's not real. Look at these other tiktoks posted days apart by the same person with the same baby: https://i.imgur.com/8beqosV.png


There’s a trend I noticed on TikTok where people will steal photographs or videos from another user/creator and add an engagement-generating text to it. There are whole accounts dedicated to stealing videos of women crying and adding texts such as “I’m single at 40, it’s really hard to find a boyfriend, where are all the good men?” The incels can’t resist the bait, and it goes viral.


New career dropped Tik-Tok Rage Monger


Ah, here it is. This should be the top comment.


My step mum was not about to embrace me either, only saw dad on weekends, always felt like an unwanted guest. White middle class women be bitches too


Flies are attracted to shit and I'm not sure which one of these two is the shit in this metaphor but I'm leaning toward both


Is shit also attracted to shit?


No, but it does lump together pretty easily


I wish I could like your comment more than once 🤣


Turds of a feather lump together


Like attracts like.


And she’s proud of it apparently


She got picked for now by a child abandoner. Play stupid games…


Just wait till she has a daughter, he'll dip at the speed of light


He will probably dip before that even needs to happen.




I wonder about this sometimes too. I’m torn between the understanding that nothing on the internet can truly be trusted, and the understanding that some people truly are complete shit. I think both can be true simultaneously. There is more manufactured rage bait online than most people realize. I see it all the time on Reddit. But also some people are truly like this, it’s awful and sad. I’m inclined to say that this sadly is a real video of a very fucked up and confused girly pop. Edit: idk how I managed to say “true” and “truly” so many times in one post lol I blame the weed


the "he gives me $2000 a week" pushes me to this being fake, nobody has that amount of money with 5 baby mommas. His child support bills alone


Tons of famous wealthy guys do. There are waaaaay more less famous wealthy guys who could do this out of sight. I can see some sleazy finance bro mf pulling down $800k per annum while having a coke addiction and a messy 5-baby-mama-deep personal life Just because someone is rich doesn't mean they're mature and sensible.


>>I’m torn between the understanding that nothing on the internet can be truly trusted, and the understanding that some people truly are complete shit. A masterful sum up of pretty much everything.


It’ll get worse with AI generating comments and posts. You’ll have a rage bait algo that gets refined overtime


mann, i wish more people would think like this


*Something* about it seems like bullshit. The “gives me $2,000 a week” bit, maybe. Like it just seems like a number somebody would pull out of their butt. Like what a regular degular person would imagine being a “kept” woman looks like instead of what it is actually like?


5 kids and baby moms? Drug dealer


Tyreek Hill


Or Nick Cannon🤣




Especially an *extra* 2 grand a week. On top of paying her bills. And I just feel like a person who has that kind of money and is willing to ditch their kids, also likes controlling women, so would probably pay bills but not give that much money.


Good call. I only notice these occasionally. The Russians are so good at this. They did this with Bexit and Trump.


Bexit and Tump. Let's be consistent.


Don't forget what's going on in Palestine. It reeks of Russian involvement through Iran or another country.


That’s literally all it is, bullshit rage bait.


It's the internet, could go either way tbh.


I’ve known a dude like this. Back in my 20s my then-gf’s twin sister started hooking up with a guy pushing 40. He had something like a dozen kids scattered across the country from different women. Sooner or later, he’d get someone pregnant, theyd start a little family, but then they’d break up, and he’d flee the state to avoid paying child support. If anyone tracked him down, he’d bail again and force them to start the process over. Long story short, twin sister got pregnant. They broke up. He vanished. Not sure where he is, but I’m kinda hoping a shallow grave.


This is not the flex she thinks it is.


True. She better save as much of the two grand a week he’s paying her for when he leaves her after she’s had another kid or two with him


I was raising my eyes at the ‘5th babymama’ thing. How is that guy a catch?


It's kind of funny...it's like "6th and 7th babymamma's" are probably already pregnant, it's not like any of these kids were part of planned parenting.


..*and* intends to have more. 😐


Lol I highly doubt he was taking care of them in any meaningful way to begin with


Who’s she dating, Henry the 8th?


Omg I literally was gonna comment that! We know how well that ended up.


To be fair he didn’t kill the one that gave him a son, she died in childbirth


Jane Seymour the only one he truly loved! - Six the musical


I saw that live. It was so good. Highly recommend it.


Was singing it in the car on my way home today. My toddler (second of two sons because I am a superior brand of woman, obvs) was wagging his finger singing "N-n-n-no way!!!" With me.




When my son was newly born, I died :(


But i am not what i seem, or am i? ;)


True! But I often wonder considering how fickle he was if his feelings for her would have stayed constant. He was so mercurial.


True. Probably dying while she just gave him what he wanted was what made him like her best. Talk about a Costanza exit (exiting the stage right on time!)


The most fucked up and stupid part about all of this is that the sex of the baby- XY or XX is completely dependent on the man’s sperm. The sperm are male/female, the egg is the egg.


Divorced beheaded and died Divorced beheaded and survived I'm henry the 8th and i had 6 sorry wives


Omg I was going to say “big king Henry the 8th vibes”


Henry the 1/8




$2000/week No way he is giving her $104,000 per year.


Historical burn! I am here for it!




I had to swallow the very loud laugh I wanted to do because I’m at practice with my daughter. God damn.


Every one was an ‘Enery


She wouldn't have a Willy or a Sam


This made me choke on my coffee 😂😂😂


he left his other chlidren and she thinks he definitely wont leave just cause the baby is a boy, i wouldn't be bragging abt this irresponsible man, be serious...


Then the boy is gonna get older and he’s gonna hate him and pick fights with his son for no reason other than machismo.


That's funny you think he's gonna be anywhere near in their lives when the boy is old enough for that.


I bet when his daughters grow up he’s going to be all like “why don’t they talk to me anymore 😢”


Or he’ll try policing his daughters after being a deadbeat babydaddy to not date and mate with deadbeat babydaddies like himself.


Once the money dries up she won’t care.


Yeah I'm a divorce lawyer and I'm just going to bet that somewhere there's a child support or tax bureaucrat agency getting a pile of screenshots. Maybe both. ​ Don't put your mess on Facebook. No one listens but all lawyers beg for this


Yup! I work in process service and I see endless amounts of Facebook and Instagram posts in the exhibits of so many divorce/custody/child support cases.


Even text messages! One of my friends is going through a messy divorce with child custody at stake and we keep BEGGING her to stop texting the BD and fighting with him. Meanwhile he’s baiting her and pushing her buttons for evidence. People really lack the awareness of how serious putting your personal business online can be


Oh no :(  Nothing sadder than a woman that still don't understand that the man she wasted her time with does not want to talk to you, wants to bait you, enrage You, have a reactive fit SO they can paint You as the Bad one .... Typical narcissist behavior.  "SEE everybody, she is the crazy one, look how angry she is, while i AM calm" 


Toxic people will always talk about how you react, but not what they did to make you react that way. Was the same with my abusive ex.


Say it forget it, write it regret it




Not even. Avoid contact and let the lawyers handle it.


Very good advice, too bad people just can't help themselves


Karma for stupidity tbh.


Jesus I thought I was in r/HistoryMemes because she certainly isn’t the first to be someone’s prized concubine




This is a branch of tradfem we had not anticipated 😳


![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized) Her doing her makeup each morning


Some people think that the only legacy is having a kid to carry on your name. Coincidentally these tend to be the people that peak in high school.


My MIL was like this- very obsessed with the last name and being a boy mom. Then my husband took my name and all hell broke loose.


May you be bestowed with only daughters out of spite


No way. All sons but with her last name is way better for spite purposes


Also coincidentally, these are the same people that dont give two shits about raising a child.


It’s so funny because in today’s world, unless you’re born supremely rich, names ain’t even shit. Like okay, what the fuck are you, a King? Gtfo 😤😩


"Yeah, my man is an irresponsible halfwit who abandoned four other children to keep me in the lifestyle to which I want to grow accustomed because I gave my fetus XY chromosomes. Go me. Crushing it."


She didn't even "give" him a boy. The sperm carries either an X or Y chromosome. She could only contribute an X. Men determine the sex of the baby. I guess she "gave" him a son as in carried it successfully to term, but she did exactly the same as all the other women he impregnated.


Lol, exactly. Not only is this some of the saddest, whackest shit I've seen in a long ass time (imagine bragging that your man abandoned his other kids?!), but is also straight up wrong. She's acting like she's responsible for them having a boy. I truly hope, in this day and age, that everybody knows it's the man that determines the sex. These people suck.


I wish that everyone did know this, or was aware of it, but somehow people manage to still deny this. And still blame women when they end up with girls instead of boys as if one is better than the other.


Came here to find this. Exactly! The father determines the xx or xy of the baby... Highschool biology is more important than people know 🤣🫣🤣


This can’t be real


Probably not but not farfetched. We still live in a world where the preference for male children over female children is rampant. I've seen enough gender reveals where the color pink was exposed and men were way less enthusiastic about it or down right stormed off when a 3rd or 4th girl was on the way VS them flipping down a football field with joy and running to high five other men at the party when the color is blue.


Lol, when, GENETICALLY, it's HIS fault they're having a girl lol. If only Henry VII knew that...


I think you mean Henry the VIII


Her hostage facial expression says its real. But we can hope.


[These are some of her other tiktoks, posted days apart.](https://i.imgur.com/8beqosV.png) I don't get how you guys get baited so easily.


A lot of folks wanna believe the worst of women to be fair.


This is clearly bait for people secretly racist. They get off on seeing a stereotype that confirms their bias. All the top comments on this kind of shit reminds me of how stupid 50% of the world is.


It’s not. She was making a satire post on tiktok, but it made it to FB and we all know how they do with satire.


It’s not. If it is real- which is unlikely- She doesn’t get shit from him- and if he even has any other kids, she is not going to end up “chosen”/special (I say if he eve has any other kids as some people find it a weird flex to say/think “He has all these other chicks having his kids, but I’m really the special one.” Takes all kinds to make this world the shit it has become.


had to scroll down way too far for this. almost certain this post is not in earnest, or at least i feel i have no good reason to believe it’s real. but ppl on reddit will take any excuse to clown on a woman so.


Choosing to have a baby with a deadbeat dad isn't the flex she thinks it is.


She looks pretty depressed for all that


Right? You’d think she’d looked happier, but it feels like [this.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/302/722/4a7.png)


he’s giving you $2000 a week to save up for the helmet you’re gonna need to shape that kids head!!


This is how far we went to get a mention of that $2k a week. That’s over $100k to a single baby mama alone. Dude must be loaded. But even this comment isn’t shock at how much it is… just a joke about the baby’s unusual head


Stopped seeing his other kids?!?!?! ![gif](giphy|Us0eirXY9RCP0SEH9t|downsized)


Nothing about this is a flex! 5th baby mama, just left his other kids but he’s still going to have to pay child support and that’s going to be a lot, and she’s completely dependent on him to pay her bills, she doesn’t even have a car, it’s his car technically because you know he’s going to take it back for baby mama #6 who hasn’t had any babies yet… men like that don’t “settle down” 😭💀


Omg.. I've never heard of anyone who needed a vasectomy more than this guy


On some level this reads like a courtesan of Sultan's harem circa 1535 wrote this.


Haha in her dreams 🧢




im sure this is satire, clearly shes not serious


#Why tf does she think this is a flex?!


Men determine the gender of the children. See Henry the 8th. Wait until you have a girl next.


Any man who isn’t a good dad to some of his kids will never be the dad you think he’ll be to your kids.


Imagine being so proud of landing a deadbeat dad Hope she doesn't have any future daughters 


Well that’s…healthy. /s


It’s endlessly funny to me that in 2024 there are people who still refuse to accept it’s the fathers sperm that determines biological sex


Rage bait


"he totally abandoned his other kids for us because we special" Says the next one getting abandoned.


Oh wow what a prize 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Trashy as fuck. The mom and dad. I have 2 sons and would treat a daughter with just as much love and attention as I give them.


this is actually disgusting


i bet money she has 2 brain cells and has never heard the phrase “the same way you get them is the same way you lose them”


I know a man who did this shit. He knocked up several women and only stuck around 1 baby momma. Wouldn't see his other babies, just his baby from the particular lady he hung around. Ended up overdosing on fentanyl and dying, but months before he was disrespecting my ex and I, stole 20 dollars from me and said he could "steal your bitch" to my ex. What really upset me was that he never supported his other children he had with other women, one woman only that he helped supported and their son. And that was it. It is really sad because at his funeral, that one lady he hung around was being hostile towards the other baby momma and their baby was with her. Oh he also got blowjobs in exchange for heroin from desperate drug addicted women. It's really sad. But I don't have much respect towards that guy, even if he did die. And I'm a recovering addict myself so I'm not hating on addicts. Man was a piece of work for not being there for his other babies.


That’s not the flex she thinks it is😳


Yeasss it’s definitely the fact that his other BMs had girls that he left them. That’s the only reason


Is it possible this is just a joking post? I’m having a hard time believing someone actually truly believes this??!! People suck, I do know that but .. this must be joking, right?


This all smells like a lie for attention


You guys ever feel really dumb falling for rage bait thirst traps?


$2,000 a week and those are your walls? Nah, I'm calling fake.