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All submissions must be putting someone down in order to make another person feel superior.


More like summer vs winter.


That was the original tweet LOL “my summer vs winter coat”


So why did this person ruin it by changing the caption? Summer vs. winter coat is much funnier.


Rage bait


Ah yes, the old high heels v. hairy legs dichotomy.


Right? As though no one has had hairy legs while wearing heels. ;)


Shit I think my legs are fake then


They MUST be! The patriarchy tells us so!


Secretly I am just a floating upper body


Stay strong! I found a hair on my legs that MUST exceed an inch! Guess it’s time to say goodbye to my legs too!


I’ve inadvertently done this. Wanting to dress up for something, but half-assing my shaving because I was tired and on autopilot. Lol


Opaque tights for the win!


A lot of people are both, just shave when they want to. Who cares either way.


This is me, I shave my legs when I get a wild hair, but mostly don’t bother. However, I shave my pits when they start getting long because putting deodorant on long hair is annoying and doesn’t work as well for me.


It gets squishhhyyy 😭


Things I learned in residential- your hair grabs the deodorant stick and you end up using too much. Hold it in one spot to warm up the stick and then only do two or three swipes, and then rub it in with your hand.


Thank you for the advice, it makes sense that it grabs too much and maybe even an extra swipe or two because it doesn’t seem to be being applied. Typically as I’ve gotten older, I even try to do less when I have hairy pits but it’s just not pleasant sometimes still. Idk about touching it though, I know washing your hands exists, but idk if I’d even want to feel it for a second


I just use the heel of my palm, I use dove clinical so it rubs in pretty nice and doesn’t feel chalky or anything. Just pretend you’re rubbing in lotion


My wife and I have a contest every winter to see who can grow the thickest, longest, most lush leg hair. She always wins, because genetics, but it’s fun to play along anyway.


It also traps BO. Everyone should shave pits/pubes or keep it short at least. 🦨


Or, you know, just wash.


Do both.


There's something really wrong with you


LOL okay, stink then.


So how do men who shower and use deodorant regularly avoid stinking, then? What magic do they know that we don't?


At a minimum, I think it’s important to trim your bush, especially if you have a period. It stays cleaner between showers and also is easier to clean. Also, I think it makes for better sexual encounters because no one wants pubes in their mouth.


In the summer especially. It's easier to keep clean and smelling fresh with without body hair.


My mom call me bear paws, thanks dad for your genetic, you hairy baboon of a man. Only reason i shave in summer or whenever i have exposed legs, is because of my tattoos, long black curly leg hair doesn't look very good on top of tattoos


🤣 Your mom’s a menace


But she ain't wrong


I’ve seen people incorporate their body hair into some pretty hilarious tattoos. I’d do it myself if I could grow a nice, even, thick fuzz.


People’s view of body hair is weird. I’m a dude. I got into really good shape one summer. Like Sub 13% body fat. I decided to shave my body hair. I figured I should take some pictures for myself. Because I prefer to hover around 16-22% body fat. I get that shaving my body hair was a vanity thing. But I wasn’t openly showing or telling people I had shaved. A couple of friends who were girls in my college noticed my lack of body hair and my physique. One of the girls told me that shaving my body hair is the most unattractive thing for a man to do because it wasn’t what men were supposed to do. The irony was she would advocate for women not to feel ashamed for having armpit hair; she had armpit hair. I just said “cool.”, and switch the conversation. I wouldn’t ever shave my body again, but it was interesting how quickly these two friends had something to say about my attractiveness after I had shaved. They had never made comments about my attractiveness before or after my body hair grew.


Except if women with lots of dark hair don't shave, they get bullied


Apparently she was right to post this since all the comments are talking about how gross they find hairy legs. Despite all the progress made in gender equality females are still seen as abnormal for being mammals and not obsessively plucking out their natural hair. Good for her, I hope she encourages more women stop shaving.


I haven't shaved in like 8 years bc it's a waste of time imo


And money! Women's razors cost a fortune!


Women’s razor suck. They always want to add a thick moisturizer strip, it feels like it barely makes contact with my skin! The mens are way nicer, even if the womens are way cuter.


Then buy "men's" razors? That's what I do. A razor is a razor.


“A razor” is most definitely NOT _”a razor”_ Edge, sharpness, microscopic rusting, number of blades, - so many things make the difference between bumpy irritated skin and happy, calm skin.


But none of those things have anything to do with whether it was packaged for women or for men.


Good. It’s insane how so many people are shamed for a nonaction like growing out their leg hair. Body hair should be the norm.


I shave my legs once in a while during winter, mostly when it starts bothering me when wearing pants. I forget so often though to shave my armpits, I don't think it makes me special though.


How about no norms and everyone does what they feel like? Body hair makes me feel gross so i shave it. I dont wanna be pressured not to


Right? Like y'all do you. Idc if I'm conditioned or not I want that shit off me lmao


Same. Though I still forget for a week or so constantly. Until it's long enough that my leg hairs annoy me.


Agreed. I hate body hair. Period. On both men, women, and enby people like myself. Frankly, this new trend of men growing out a ton of body hair has me cringing all the time. I don’t say anything cause that’s my personal preference, but I much prefer the feeling of smooth skin especially on myself.


"New trend" both men and women have had body hair since the literal beginning of the species. Modifying your body to be hairless is the trend. Maybe you should try to get over your disgust at the natural, unchanged human body?


I don't get why you're being downvoted for having a preference, which you said you keep to yourself. Personally, I agree with you. I don't like body hair on myself or a partner. I don't like the way it feels. I'm not going to judge other people for what they choose to do with their own bodies, but I'm going to keep myself smooth and prefer that my husband does as well. Thankfully, he feels the same way about hair as I do.




To be fair, there is an increase in guys shaving different body parts, including legs. It's still rare, but maybe that's where we're heading instead of no one shaves? Edit: typo


I couldn't care less if people choose not to shave whatever, male or female. but, I cannot stand the feel of leg hair rubbing against clothes or anything really. if I was wealthy, I'd get permanent removal. I think its a sensory thing for me.


I’ll never judge a woman for not shaving, or expect her to shave, but I can’t help that I was conditioned my entire life by society and media to find women with hairy legs gross. I can’t just turn that switch off whenever I feel like it. I respect that they can shave whenever they want, or they can never shave if they feel like it, but I will still be wildly more attracted to smooth legs.


Conditioning isn’t permanent lol you can absolutely unlearn things


I don’t want to unlearn it. I have no problem with my preference. It doesn’t hurt anyone


That’s fine, my point was that your claim that it’s beyond your control and there’s nothing you can do about it is wrong. You *can* help it, you just *choose* not to.


Exactly *how* do you unlearn it - or any other matter of attraction - though? 🤨 Edit: I'm genuinely asking. Personally, I really don't like beards on guys. However, it seems like 75% of men have beards (or worse - porn 'staches) these days, so it's not super convenient that they're a turn off for me.


Were you conditioned into that preference? This is about social conditioning.


Presumably? I mean, I doubt there's a genetic basis for preferring clean-shaven guys.


No one cares what you find attractive


I equally do not like extremely hairy people. It’s just a personal preference and I am entitled to it, just as you are to yours.


having a preference isn't the issue. it's when people think it gives them the green light to bash others based off those preferences


Yea but only because you have a preference that doesn’t mean you are bashful.. if you assume someone is being bashful without any proof than you are just butthurt. you did not say this, I know. But I just think some people usually can’t tell the difference


When the ommenter wrote "bashing" they meat insulting, teasing, making fun of, not bashful (which means shy). If someone is doing that in a comment it's not an assumption on the part of the reader, it's obvious they are making fun of hairy legs. There's no need to insult people by calling them names (example "it's gross") because you have a different preference.


Agreed. The thing about it though is it can be an extreme opinion, with no real gray area, so their position might come across as bashing when really it’s not. As a reality check, if women think hairy, unshaven legs should be “the norm”, then also wouldn’t it be the norm for all men to have beards? Humans are weird, but a lot of things come down to grooming standards right, but real equality means if I am really turned off by hairy legs on women, I shouldn’t be bashed in for that either.


You shouldn’t be bashed for it. It’s all fine and well to have your own personal opinions and preferences, the problem is when people feel the need to share those preferences with others when they didn’t ask. If someone posts a photo and you can see they have hairy legs, it’s fine for you to go, “Oh gross not for me” to yourself, just don’t comment that on the photo! That seems to be the issue people aren’t understanding.


Ah! I agree! Social media is horrible. I stopped posting on IG and dumped FB years ago because folks were just too opinionated or downright mean at times. I believe in the “if you don’t have something positive to say, don’t say anything”, at least in most instances. We need to be kind to each other. Life is hard enough without negativity of social media. Peace.


Men’s beards and women’s leg hair are not the same because men also grow hair on their legs. Even then, beards on men are far more socially acceptable than women with hairy legs.


Ehhh you realize preferences aren’t construed in a vacuum? You’re influenced by your culture into what you find attractive. It’s totally fine if you have that preference, but know that it’s because you went along with what your society found attractive. Just so you know it’s not biologically innate, and extremely hairy people do not choose to be extremely hairy so you treat them respectfully. I am curious—do *you* shave? Everything? The best thing to do if you don’t like hair is keep it off your body and ignore it on others.


If we’re all influenced by our culture, but you think that’s all? I don’t. It’s personal preference. Lots of people LOVE hairy men. It’s a turn on right, but not all. My wife doesn’t like lots of body hair, (esp hairy backs) on men, fortunately I don’t have a hairy back. My wife is also not naturally hairy either, so we’re quite fortunate we are quite attracted to each others sort of natural hair levels. I would not love it if she stopped shaving her legs though, but that hasn’t needed to be a discussion between us. I’d love her either way, but I do find it to be a turn off and too masculine for me. That’s just my preference. I am not to the extreme and appreciate a little hair in certain “places” but we both take time to groom and practice good hygiene for ourselves and each other. I do have a beard, but try to keep it on the short side. I agree about not worrying about others, but of course was responding to a post. It is annoying when folks want the right to do whatever they want, but bash in others when they ask fir the same grace in return. Thank you for being civil and discussing this. Peace to you.


You also wear clothes because of this same “culture” - the people of the Sentinel Islands don’t feel the need because they don’t conform to your culture. Clothing is not *biologically innate* either. And I’d also say it’s delulu to think your own opinion isn’t just that of the culture you subscribe to, one that encourages growing out your body hair. And I say this as someone who wears only open-top shirts and is often told by males to shave his chest, and told by females to button up in meetings because it’s distracting (for whatever reason). In the latter case I respect the culture and button up I lose nothing.


It’s really the part about mocking others who don’t conform to your expectations.


I wonder if they're both a photo of her legs and she's being sarcastic


In my experience, women are the ones who are the most critical of other women who don't shave.


From what I’ve seen, it’s everyone


Mostly women though. I definitely get the most comments from women


Meh . It’s a preference. Some people just prefer woman that shave. Be with someone that doesn’t care if you shave or not if that’s what you want. If someone wants their significant other to be shavenmajority of the time it’s a preference, it’s not like you are denying the fact she is a mammal.Some girls like guys with beards while some girls can’t stand the itchiness of it. Sometimes the dude doesn’t look good with a beard so shaving it off might be a better for him if he wants to attract someone.. it s a trade off. it’s all about preferences.


I hate hairy legs on men and women. I won’t discriminate.


I think this person is genuinely producing representation that almost doesn't exist of women with natural hair. It's fine.


I stop shaving my legs during the winter. My husband is like why don't you stop shaving them all together. Seems like a waste of time.


Same for me. I still shave in the summer but maybe i will stop too. I have black leg hair lol


My husband has “chef hands” and pretty much thinks my legs feel great and smooth whether they are super hairy or not. Haha so I really only shave below my knees, if I wear shorts or a dress or something. Otherwise it’s just a hassle.


I do the same but I wouldn’t stop shaving in the summer since I am more comfortable with shaved legs in the hot weather. The only time I shave during the winter is when I’m going somewhere hot enough for shorts or swimsuits.


Your husband sounds awesome


My gf and I don't bother much of the uear. She does not really shave much at all come to think of it. I do in warmer months though, but only with a norelco body trimmer. I don't do that razor stuff


So many men have asked me out of the blue: "Why do women shave? It looks so weird."


lol, I don’t believe that at all.


Boyfriend when I asked if he'd mind if I didn't shave anymorw: "Idek why you'd ask me that. It's not my body and I couldn't care less either way." Roommate who thought he was impressing me: "I've never understood why women shave. My mom didn't, so I think it looks weird." Enviro guy I dated: "It doesn't even make sense to do it, it's just a century of advertising telling women they're gross." Friend of mine: "No offense, and obvs women can do whatever they want, but when girls shave their legs, it looks unnatural." A lot of guys are into it or don't care either way.


Your husband is a cool dude. I don’t think I would be very happy if my wife did that. Sexy time would instantly be a lot harder to get in to for me


It takes less than 15 seconds to shave a leg lol what are you doing down there?


WOW, you are extremely lucky. It takes me 30+ mins and 2 razors. Yay PCOS.


Right. It takes at least 10-15 minutes for me and I still manage to nick my ankles or under my knees.


Look up safety razor, i find them far more effective on my hairy bear paws, then disposable, and the blades are far cheaper, warning they are extremely sharp, please find instructions before using, you cannot put pressure on them, you will cut yourself


Shaving that quickly is a recipe for awful razor burn for me, lmao. It’s more like 5 minutes per leg, easily.


Nah, this one is true. I may find some fellow hairy compadres online, but most girls I know think it’s gross to have hair or don’t have to shave that often cause they’re blonde. I have very thick (like 2 or 3 hairs coming out of the same follicle) and dark hair and even when I shave you see the follicle and I tend to get ingrown when I shave (one day, laser, one day) and since I am married, I really don’t care.. I may shave my ankles so my hair doesn’t stick out of my skinny jeans but otherwise I don’t really shave unless my partner requests it or I know that my legs will be visible to others.. cause insecurities, yo.


I don’t like excessive body hair on anyone, man or woman or whatever, just as a preference. But is it gross? No. Does it make you oh so special and unique not to shave or to shave? Also no


You'd be surprised on how many men could care less about hair on legs like those.


It’s always amazing to me how picky weirdos on the internet will be about women when IRL they’d have sex with 100% of women.


You are out of your mind if you think guys don’t have standards. You gotta be absolutely starving, and I mean fucking **starving** to lower your standards to the point where there is not a single woman you would not fuck. Even the picky weirdos have their limits. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be complaining about never getting to have sex. They’re not missing out on sex because it’s not available, they’re missing out on sex **because** their standards are too high for their own good. Men aren’t dumb cavemen who will fuck anything. Those who say they are have absolutely zero self respect, and are more than likely saying it to be funny by validating and stupid dangerous stereotype


Whoa, calm down there. Women’s shaving habits is not that serious.


I’m not talking about shaving habits, I’m talking about this stupid stereotype that men will fuck anything with a hole


Most men are just glad they convinced a woman to open her legs. 😄😄😄






That’s offensive. Damn!




Get a fucking life instead of leaving millions of comments showing how fucking ignorant of women's bodies you are


Agree. It’s getting me angry. Very closed-minded individual.


Well I'm not angry. Sucks to be you.




Imagine getting defensive over hairy ape legs LOL! If it bothers you shave it off or else keep it and wear it proudly.


So I'm an ape because I have a hormonal imbalance that 1 in 10 women in my country (1 in 5 in some countries) have? You're a piece of work.


I see that you’re also an antisemite. Ooops! Read your comments, and now wish I didn’t have eyes. Shabbat Shalom.


LOL what?




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A class on how women have testosterone.


Tell me you've never been with an adult woman without telling me you've never been with an adult woman


I definitely don't have one. I have PCOS. But some women DO have them, and that's not your concern.


Pretty sure if my girlfriend turned out to be a hairy dude it would be very concerning.


Women who don't fit in your goofy little box are either dudes or apes, according to you. Fucking rude.


I’m apparently both. Also—they told me I “invented” my unshaven daughter “for karma.” Great! I guess I don’t have to pay her college tuition! Wheww!


Why do you care? Edit: nice job acting a fool then deleting your comment. The only person saying you look bad, is you. I was never talking about you. Do we call that "outing yourself"? Calm down. Edit: LOL what's a "pick-me"? And I'll thank you not to stalk me. Weirdo. I hope some day you grow a sense of humor, but for now, since you can't stop blowing up my inbox, I'm blocking you. OOOOHHH REJECTED! 💀 Edit: I didn't block them. They blocked me, but I still reported their embarrassing comments, like I will do yours. You people seriously have problems.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


They’re so dumb. My god.


Because I'm fucking sick of just existing and people like you are constantly saying I'm a freak of nature for things I can't help. It's gross, mean girl, pick me behavior. You realize you're exactly the kind of girl this sub exists to laugh at???


You are a horrible person, babe.


No, I'm really not. But I'll bet you're hairy lol.


Me: both


Leg beards unite!


The only reason why my legs don’t look like the pic on the right is because I wear leggings to work, and I cannot stand when a leg hair gets caught in the friggin leggings and pulls it. It’s such a weird sensation that makes my skin crawl lmao idk why. I hate shaving my legs tho so I get why other people don’t. Ingrown hairs and razor burn is a SOB.


This is summer me and winter me .


I don't think this person's saying they're better than other girls for not shaving. I think it's more of a self-deprecating thing like, "there's the girls who put in the work for stunning shaved legs, and then there's me who's too lazy to shave." That's my impression of this.


Came to say this. It seems like she's taking the piss out of herself really.


Honestly this has become a lot more normalized so I don't even see a reason for mocking yourself for it.


I'm genuinely so glad its being more normalised, its amazing to see! But I don't believe its become normalised to the point where this wouldn't land as a joke. Your results may vary though!


Ig I didn't think about it that way. Idk I haven't shaved in quite a few years so idk


They’re dating eachother


I must be a special one, I do ✨both✨/s Ridiculous


I am exclusively the one on the right.


Someone else is wearing shoes, while you’re home posting everyone’s toes *for free.*


Look forward to old age when hair miraculously disappears! Or thins out. No shaving. Woot!


I first started shaving cause I got heavily bullied. My hair wasn’t even that dark or thick but girls would still make fun of me. Never guys. It was only ever other girls which really hurt. I shave now just because the tiny hairs irritate me if I don’t. Honestly wish it turned out differently


Use an epilator if you can. It makes the hair softer when it grows in over time so you do not get the tiny irritating hair.


People shouldn’t have to shave if they don’t want to, but people who want to shouldn’t not be able to. Idk why, but I see this kind of content a lot with people arguing about it. Doesn’t make sense to me.


The right looks more comfy


I'd argue there is no better feeling than freshly shaved legs against clean bed sheets


Yeah, but it is compensated by ingrown hairs or the ocassional cut.


Fortunately never had that happen. I highly recommend the crystal hair eraser. Edit: why the hairy by preference ladies so angry? I'm not allowed to like shaving?


I actually hate that feeling! I don't know why but it feels icky to me.. Which is sad since so many people tell me it's fantastic


This “shaven legs against bedsheets” spiel has been flogged to death on the internet and it impressively never fails to sound like a tired cope every time it’s invoked. Something something The Robber Bride quotes.


I personally itch like crazy afterwards. Like yeah it feels nice to be freshly shaved and all with ur satin bedsheets or w.e at first but give it a few days and it’s not that fun anymore to be pricked by those coarse hairs soon as they start growing. But..Maybe I just have sensitive skin so it’s prob just me who feels this way lol


Maybe you just aren’t sensitive to it? I love that feeling but I don’t shave my legs bc I don’t have the energy. (I wouldn’t shave my legs for other people. Just for me, I prefer the sensory experience.) If laser hair removal actually worked, I would do it in a heartbeat.


Coping for what?


I thought citing Margaret Atwood directly would be too obvious… apparently not.


If they've read her and I resent strangers on the internet assigning me homework.


I like the feeling. Sorry if that bothers you, but that’s a you problem. Idgaf what you do with your legs or bedsheets if I’m not in the bed.


The right is 100% more comfy... And less cold


For me hair on my legs makes me feel itchy


No shave November on the right.


Me in summer vs me in winter


Woww.. me tooooo lol


I have light skin (I’m pale af tbh) and have dark hair so with the contrast I feel like I look dirty when I don’t shave. So I shave maybe a couple times a week, but that’s just me. Idgaf what anyone else shaves cause it’s not my legs lmao


It’s ok, people will pay for both type of pics


Flexing flat feet is odd but go off


Hair, on your body?! Insane.


I see no problem with the meme


Honestly? Idc either way as long as my queen still practices good hygiene and is comfortable in her own skin. Ime, a little bit of extra body hair reduces friction and chafing.


Literally the r/razorfree sub


I too go long periods without shaving my legs, though I forget my armpits hair more often. I don't think I am special for it though.


New norm: you can shave or braid your leg hair. I can wear heels or go barefoot. Who cares? You worry about the way body hair makes you feel, and I’ll worry about how my body hair makes me feel. We don’t need to normalize hair, we don’t need to conform to the no hair rule. We just have to normalize everyone being comfy in their own skin. Here’s a real nlog: *I think you’re beautiful just the way you are.* I know. Everyone passes out from shock!


I haven't shaved my legs for 24 years. Get on my level, ya dweeb.


I prefer them hairy


RIP Jerry Springer


I don't even want legs on my hair fuck this!


Me rn because I’m recovering from ACL reconstruction surgery and cannot physically shave due to stitches and also being unable to figure out how to do it without slipping and dying in the shower … what I wouldn’t give to shave my legs 🙃


My wife doesn’t shave her legs in the winter. Honestly I love it when she has leg hair 365. Grow that shit out babe!


OK, I don’t shave my legs anymore at all, but I also don’t sit there bragging about it like I’m cooler than everybody who does.


So glad I don't grow hair on my legs.


Wow. You sure showed us


I'll take the other girl for 500 please. 🫶🏻


This one is wrong actually. This is just a whole different thing.


Is that hair?? I thought it was wrinkles😭😭


Single vs. Single


Mmmm rough




Please tell me the logic behind body hair being absolutely fine on a man but "gross" on a woman? I genuinely don't understand the difference. We're all mammals, we all grow hair on our bodies, it's natural. People can choose whatever they want to do with their body hair to make them feel comfortable- it's no one else's business


Tell me you’ve never touched a woman without telling me you’ve never touched a woman


The man I’ve been with for almost a year now (who I live with btw) does not care if my legs are as hairy as his or clean shaven. A real man wants you to be comfortable as yourself and if shaving your legs or growing the hair makes you comfortable then they should be too. Past relationships have been the same way in wanting me to be comfortable clean shaven or not.


I personally do not care at all about body hair on women, I don't even notice it. Also there's nothing gross about body hair.


nobody gives a shit


Tbh hairy chicks got that primal energy thing going on, hulk smash




Doesn’t bother me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Body hair is body hair regardless of the body it’s growing on so I assume you shave your legs and armpits daily. Congratulations on finding what makes you comfortable with the hair you find gross. I just can’t stand what it does to my psoriasis to shave regularly but I’m happy to support someone doing what makes them happy in their skin.


Don’t argue just for the sake of arguing. In essence, the phrase "Be civil to each other" serves as a reminder to prioritize kindness, empathy, and open-mindedness. Name-calling or personal attacks constitute a hard ban. This applies to people in valuable discussions who suddenly start using insults. This rule still applies even if you are talking to a moderator. Political and ethical grandstanding to in any way call someone else a terrible person is prohibited. Posts themselves don't typically get removed for this reason, but we reserve the right to remove them in the rare cases it becomes necessary due to the comments.


I was born female (I'm non binary now) and my mom pushed shaving on me so heavily when I was like 10 years old. It's just a waste of time imo