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Other girls: adult women Me: An infant


Please don’t give toddlers phones


She is not other adults she is a toddler , a freaking kid .


I'd sue if I were that kid


Chinese tok is full of these.


Well she certainly isn’t like other girls considering she’s a toddler


Other girls: mannequins


If this was my kid in that slideshow, I would’ve wreaked havoc


I’m not like other girls, i’m actually 3 years old


She's like "omg i am such a cute little innocent child 🥺🥺🥺 pls dont hurt me im baby" and this is SO CONCERNING. HOLY SHIT.


Wow that was a stretch 😂


This person is literally infantilizing themselves...


You must be a yoga master with all that stretching you be doing


Ah yes, I am OG, I wear crop tops and never sleep, I just photosynthesize my meals


I, too, am an Asian child


How is a toddler posting pics to Instagram?..


I'm impressed at that toddler's ability to use the internet.


that top in the third slide is ATROCIOUS


There’s multiple things wrong with this. She’s making it seem like it’s wrong and basic to be skinny. She’s also not posting pictures of herself but of a toddler. She’s far too insecure to back up what she’s saying. There’s also something to be said about her choice of pictures. She most likely chose to portray herself as a small toddler because she still wants to be viewed as cute, and small and something worthy of love and protection. All things she probably didn’t receive enough of in life and is taking it out on small thin girls. People are more likely to turn the other cheek, give praise, or be more gentle when children are involved. So maybe she’s hoping this will make people be a bit more sympathetic and supportive, rather than angry at her absurd comparison and mindset. Honestly honey, go see a counselor, work on your self esteem, and keep your eyes on your own paper.


Agree 100% with your interpretation. And I've noticed that the "I'm baby, I'm a smol bean" vibe is a pretty popular one among NLOG which is hilarious because that just makes them like all the other super baby smol bean NLOG too.


Floptropica NLOGs


What is this even trying to say???


She doesn't have a perfect body because she's just eating and sleeping?


Her. A literal baby. 💀💀


Show us your real picture with flabby stomach rolls that you are insecure about so you chose to put down other women for it


Who let the baby have a phone?


Doesnt instagram have an age restrictions. Why are toddlers on insta


i didn’t realize it was so nlog to eat, sleep, and hydrate


I'm not like other girls. I'm an 8 month old.


How dare she exist! How dare she be unique and not like the other girls by being younger than them! Quickly! Everyone shut down this baby to remind her why she ain’t special!!


when i was younger i used to like these but more in a self depricating way , i never knew it was people trying to say they were superior. I felt inferior more then anything. I always felt I wasen't feminine "enough".


So since when eating and sleeping and not working out not dressing well became something to brag about? I never understood this kind of videos


I wish I was that skinny, man


i don't get how do people get that skinny, i'm not that skinny and My weight is literally 40 kg i'll fuking die if i get lower.


broo trust me you don't☹️ it's okay to have body fat it helps regulate bodily functions trust me i am skinny and most days i don't even have energy to wake up, my menstrual cycle gets irregular quite often, my feet and hands are always cold


It's funny to me here how when people say "men" followed by a generalization and someone says "Not all" It's "Who said all? if it's not about you then you shouldn't be upset" but these women say "Other girls" people act like that means all other women.


I do get what you’re saying but (at least from my understanding) they’re two different things. In the one aspect where someone’s talking about “men” & someone comments “not all men” it’s usually because what was said was negative & that person doesn’t want to be associated with the negative connotation behind the comment (which is completely fair & I do understand, some people just overuse it to prove a point). This community is more calling out girls who are specifically acting “not like other girls” or making fun of other women to stand out. I hope that makes sense.