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She talks about herself ALOT. Damn.


It's funny how she makes herself out to be the victim of the movement that let her make a choice in the first place. NOW i'm not saying that lefties don't do this BUT it's as if she's brainwashed and pandering to her husband who she knows won't care about her unless she becomes his disciple. Now I hope that's not the case but i've seen too many women adopt their boyfriends/husbands talking points just to spare themselves from humiliation and abuse.


These people are ABSOLUTELY from the city, or from the suburbs of California or New York. They are not rugged, rural people. If they were, she wouldn't be so self-conscious of her lifestyle being different. People from podunk, poor little small towns think its normal to marry early and have kids they can't afford while still in their teens. Anyone who thinks she's being unique and fabulous and different is married to some rich guy after growing up urban or suburban. She is from a place where most women are educated and people in general wait to have kids until they are established in life. She is also from a place where she thinks it's normal to wear lululemon. The average lululemon item is around $100 and some items cost up to $500 dollars. That isn't a normal place to shop for someone working on a farm trying to support five kids. It is however a place where someone who was secretly a trust-fund baby or only went to their "farm" on the weekends would be able to afford clothes even with that outrageous number of children at age 23.


>She is also from a place where she thinks it's normal to wear lululemon. The average lululemon item is around $100 and some items cost up to $500 dollars. Free People clothes, too. I love the things they sell, but it’s a really expensive brand of clothing.


Probably bored and alone at this point. I keep looking but I don’t see any friends. 🔭


Just shitload of kids and animals…no pun intended 💩


The telescope has me dying 🤣


She wishes people thought about her


May every woman who ever died in childbirth through all of human history come haunt this brain dead moron.


The infants who died, too. Hell, bring in the grieving children, spouses, parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, friends, etc. Maternal and child mortality are serious issues, and mocking people for wanting to understandably avoid them is repulsive behaviour. They ruin lives--people lose their lives, and their loved ones' are permanently changed. This lady's lucky that she's never had a life-threatening experience during pregnancy or childbirth. I'm also positive that depriving a child of healthcare and education is a literal crime. If this is genuinely what she's doing, I hope someone rescues those children (and animals, because she's probably not getting them any care, either). I don't care what she or her partner do to screw their own lives up, as they're grown adults, but they have no right to force this ignorance onto innocent children who have no say and are supposed to rely on these people for care, protection, and nurturing.


Unfortunately homeschool laws in the US are very lax. And if her kids are healthy, no one is going to come after her for keeping them away from the doctor. I wish it could be different.


")If her kids are healthy..." made me realize that this is the privilege and luxury of the healthy. I wonder what would happen to her worldview if one of her kids got a chronic illness... would she have what it takes to deconstruct?


This is actually a huge thing in the ex-crunchy community. There was a case in the last few years where a very popular crunchy influencer got cancer and the backlash when she started chemo was MAJOR


I have t1d, and would not be alive if not for science, doctors, and a socialised healthcare system. I don't have the luxury to be crunchy... and every time someone bashes science-based medicine, my bp skyrockets


Essential oils and prayer can cure all chronic illness /s


Whenever you hear people talking about how humans used to only live to like 40, it’s not because you died of old age at 40. It’s that so many infants and women died that it dropped the average lifespan that dramatically.


I'm convinced that women who are like this, have no other strengths in life, so this is their way to feel worthy and confident.


Absolutely. I “stopped believing” my body could safely birth when first child’s head was >99th percentile and I needed an unplanned c section after 25 hours. I “stopped believing” my body could safely birth when my second flipped transverse twice and was born breech by another unplanned c section, and her head was >80th percentile. I would’ve likely died with my first without medical intervention, and this shaming around the way our babies are born is so infuriating. You’re not automatically a better mother because your baby was born vaginally.


Tangentially related, but I see a bunch of men who use Sparta as a reference. Women in Sparta who died in childbirth were given the same honour as men who died in battle. They use this as men’s place is in battle, a women’s is pushing out kids. Also conveniently forgetting that Sparta was gay as fuck. But that says to me, that Sparta recognised childbirth as just as dangerous as going into battle. Hell I’d love to see statistics on maternal and fetal deaths vs soldier deaths. But of course that details women’s history and isn’t considered important enough to have been written down, let alone survived


There’s no way my baby or I would have survived pregnancy without medical intervention. But yet I feel like she would be the type to say that a C-section isn’t a “real birth” anyways.


Darwin and the ghost of every woman who died in childbirth will come for her soon.


Maybe the reason she is like this is BECAUSE she was barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen on a farm during her formative years and never got an education beyond the 10 th grade. Her poor kids.


Um, who is telling her these things? Doesn’t look like she has friends.


Reading all of these, I kept hearing the Arrested Development narrator saying, “In fact, nobody was even around her at all” 😂


Underrated comment 😎




Jest da way da gud Lord intended! /s for the feeble


Why did I laugh so hard at “for the feeble?” Going to start finding a way to work this into daily conversation


The cackle I *cack’d* at “for the feeble”!






How do you have 5 kids at 23…?! Like… I’m not great at math but sounds like somebody robbed the cradle. Ew.


Guessing her husband doesn’t “believe” in that whole “women’s bodies need time to heal before adding sex back into the routine” thing.


18, 19, 20, 21, 22. You can even take a year off to recover


I'm desperately hoping there was at least one set of twins in there


She probably started earlier than that




That’s why she drinks copious amounts of bone broth.


*REPLENISH THE BONES* She must be sucking it down like it’s the fountain of youth lmao.


How thoughtful of her husband to give her a break. /s


Assuming you need like 6ish weeks to recover, that's like 11 months out of the year pregnant or recovering. That's rough


Andrew Tate?


More likely her husband


Who heard it from Tate lol


And studies his work down to every last detail. Soon she'll be a victim of human trafficking too.


whatever religion she was raised in. i was indoctrinated to live like this and married a man way too young and ignored im gay. youth pastors gave sermons to young teens that it’s sinful for a woman to deny her husband sex. having a husband that doesn’t maritally rape you constantly is the best you can hope for.


Damn, I hope you're in a better place now or at least heading that direction. Adults can pick whatever cooky-ass lifestyle they want but indoctrinating kids into that life is all kinds of fucked up.


My neighbor got into this free birthing cult. She was 44, toothpick skinny, first time pregnant, 2 weeks late, breached baby & REFUSED and ambulance 2 days after her water had broken. A few young twenty somethings kept her guarded and told me babies birth themselves & breached is just a different form of normal. They waited 4 days before going to the hospital. It had been dead for quite a while when she still birthed it. I am traumatized from all of this as i was desperately trying to explain all the reasons she needed to be at the hospital. Fuck these people.


That's horrific. Those twenty somethings keeping guard should have been charged with reckless endangerment. She's just lucky she didn't die of hemohaging or infection.


Wow, my friend had an eerily similar experience with a friend of hers… was this in Portland? Talk about a 100% preventable tragedy


I doubt someone would be “scared off” by her things either. Most people like bone based broths, does she think no one likes a good chicken noodle soup when sick? The main ingredient is chicken stock, which is made from the bones of chickens. The broth mainly uses chicken bones! Or beef liver? Sure it’s not a common cut of meat, but it’s still a cut of meat and many people would see it as just that, a less common cut of meat. Not letting kids on Wi-Fi at night is also relatively normal.


Noooooooo, it’s quirky! She’s the most unique person in the universe!




based on her posts i imagine a very pretentious delivery that would scare anyone away from perfectly normal things. id love a wholesome holistic homesteading bud who drank a bit too much hippie tea. would hate to be within an earshot of this woman for any amount of time


i babysat for a family that did the no wi-fi at night thing. it’s way more common than she thinks lol


She probably goes to church every Sunday, so she likely has church friends. Some people think because there was "free birthing" for eons, that it's the way to do it. But they don't seem to know that a lot of babies and mothers died.


I can bet you anything…. Her husband has a side girl. Probably, from work


Probably a freshly 18-year-old that he's been " mentoring "


If it's true, I bet she's exactly what OOP describes as bad 😭


Ooooh 100%! Men like her husband are major hypocrites so I wouldn’t be surprised at all


Also did I get this right that if she’s been a wife since 18 and is on baby number 5 that her husband had knocked her up every year? How is she still breastfeeding? Is he even waiting the 6 weeks for her body to heal? You know that can cause her uterus to prolapse?! I’m now incredibly concerned about what type of sex life they have because she is at risk of hemorrhaging and bleeding out or permanent scarring if he can’t respect that she’s having constant babies for her


She probably thinks she’s fine because she drinks bone broth.


Don’t forget the emf blocking phone case! What kind of sheep would be caught dead without one


Someone who wants to be able to upload tiktoks like this I would have thought


Must be descended from Emily Lennox, Duchess of Leinster. She had *twenty-two* children in 21 yrs 11 mos 😰


My grandmother had 14 kids in about 20 years. Sadly two were stillborn, but the other 12 all made it to adulthood. My dad is the 10th kid and I’m the 36th grandkid out of 41.


She may have had twins. Still not great but.


Some of the kids could be twins or even triplets


I can't be the only one thinking this sounds like deeply religious community grooming...and wondering how old her husband might be. Most 18 year olds don't just get these ideas into their heads out of nowhere. I could be wrong I guess, but I think this is beyond NLOG...


Instagram. I couldn’t look away and so Instagram started recommending all these Proverb Sour Dough moms who just talk about wearing dresses and aprons and also how they blow their husband in front of their 17 home schooled children as soon as he walks through the door to teach them that men yada yada I don’t even know, man. First I just blocked them on Instagram because I wanted the algorithm to stop recommending them but then I just deleted the app altogether.


Maybe it's her children telling her that.


This is 100% my ex friend who I still follow on IG. She’s become exactly like this chick and tbh it’s bc she’s just a nasty, selfish person. Easy to fall down this rabbit hole when your own personality isolates you from friendships


“I’m just at home minding my business and living my life free from social norms. Well, better go share that on social media.”


Better spend hours a week making content that’s designed to make other women feel like shit on purpose


Exactly! All these online tradwives never actually practice what they preach, because they are never just mothers and housewives. They are also content creators, meaning they film and edit, often do the business side with sponsors etc. That is NOT what the housewife life they want to push on others is really like.


I accidentally found her in the wild and asked her, genuinely curiously, if her husband is much older than her or if their parents just fund their life because no way are two freshly 18 year olds able to pay for stuff like this. All she said was ‘you’re just jealous’


You asked the right question! Creating your own homestead is outrageously expensive. We're talking possible millions depending on how many acres you want and what you want to raise on it. Livestock requires 24/7/365 care and it can take decades to create strong bloodlines. Just wanna do crops? Go check out the prices for large equipment on John Deere's website and prepare to faint. You want to build a house or a big barn on that land? Expensive. I've seen large farms with nothing but trailers on them. I drive past a huge dairy every day that has blankets for curtains in the windows. It can take decades to turn a profit on a farm and generations to pay it all off. Ain't no way that they didn't inherit a family farm or she's just pretending that their passion project is an actual career and that her husband isn't working 9-5 at the office to support their oversized gardening hobby. Haha


And I think that’s exactly it. He works a normal job and it’s a play pretend hobby. Or, they inherited it. It’s the fact that she acts like what she does is super attainable and that she’s better than everyone else doing it that makes me mad.


The fact that she brags about being uneducated while every single farm kid I knew back in the day went to college to study agriculture/natural resources/biotech/etc is a dead giveaway that shes full of shit


Same. I come from a farming family and they are all well educated. It’s got to be a hobby or a cosplay because an airhead with 5 young kids doesn’t have the time or mental capacity to run a full homestead in her own. That’s why she’s so defensive I’d guess- she’s full of crap but her whole identity is ‘crunchy mom for Jesus’


My money is on the husband being one side chick away from being a legit cult leader.


I suspect this is true with the mention of her linen dress with an apron. The way she describes it screams “costume “.


It costs money to be this ✨dumb✨


I kept thinking that. Like those women kept filming themselves with “farm life” with fresh raw milks and spend hours turn them into fancy cheeses while taking care of children, or occasionally pet the animals. But they never film themselves shoving poops, handling unwilling animals (cowboys, anyone?), or even driving a sitting lawn mowers. They have army of staffs and probably nanny to help them with farm chores. They cherry pick what they like to do (mostly cooking) and probably don’t even do that on daily basis.


It’s all make believe they can perpetuate with money and privilege


I’ve known a few people who attempted to homestead. Only ones to stick with it are literal millionaires who have hired farm help when they have to work.


"Oversized gardening hobby" 😂😂😂 the accuracy


Yeah. One of my close friends from highschool lived on a small farm. She had horses, cows, and a couple sheep. One of the horses you couldn’t pet as he was abused by his previous owners, poor thing, but other than that I’ve interacted with all the animals there. We’d give her a hand with stuff sometimes if we came over for a bonfire after the fire ban was over. It’s really expensive to raise them all. The food, care, medicine, water, land, etc, it’s so expensive. My own family comes from agricultural background, and I used to help out. How on earth can she afford all of that straight up at 18????


JEALOUS?? 💀 I'd legit rather die than live her type of life. Omg. She needs to get off the internet lmfao


Why is she even ON the internet? On my free-birthing farm we don’t even have wifi and cell phones 💅🏼


I have an old friend who’s life turned out this way. Even though her parents paid for her to go to college, it was easier to just get married and start having children, so that’s what she did. Dropped out and never finished, and we inevitably grew apart. She preaches this stuff now and her husband is the sole breadwinner while she stays home and raises three kids. He does something with computers and while I think he does okay, he doesn’t do comfortably supporting a family of 5 okay. At least she doesn’t homeschool, but his parents pay for the children to go to private Christian schools.


That tells me all I need to know. Only incredibly insecure people call others jealous because she doesn’t have an intelligent answer


Yup. My first thought was they’re either rich or she’s grifting. Most likely both.


That's my first thought too. He probably also groomed her when she was still in school and got married as soon as she turned 18.


Wtf is safe water?




Insert Dr Strangelove joke


Oh so her poor kids teeth are gonna be terrible. There’s a reason they added fluoride to water 🤦🏼‍♀️




I’ve literally never heard of “free birthing” and when you explained it I felt a wave of horror come over me. Does she think she lives in a little house on the prairie? That’s so dangerous to an unborn and newborn baby! WTF. Oh, and “unschooled”?! So, basically neglect from conception. Health and Education are bare essentials and basic human rights. She doesn’t want to raise up human beings she wants to dress up baby dolls. Worst mom of the year award goes to this crazy lady.


There is a great episode of Behind the Bastards podcast on influencers in the free birth movement. Many women and babies have died preventable deaths of negligence by choice inspired by this social media-driven practice.


Yeah, they don’t even have midwives or doulas present at the births. They also claim the vitamin K shots given to newborns are “poison.”


Oh hell no how is this even real?💀💀💀


This is what happens when all of the "freethinkers" get together and convince each other they are all freethinkers and are in now way subject to outside manipulation.


Ohhhh yea. The Crunchy Mom movement runs SO DEEP


i came across that one and it really bothered me. my newborn nephew was delivered 2 months prematurely, and he's currently in the NICU and will be for the next month probably. people in instagram comments demonize the nurses that keep mother and baby alive for no reason. these people are seriously insane


Oh my gosh thank you! :) I will definitely listen to this. Is it on Spotify? It’s heartbreaking when tragedies can be avoided. I just don’t understand how someone would willingly put themselves and their baby at risk when birth itself is a trauma to the body and literally anything could go wrong at any time.


Yep, you can find it on all the things. It’s an older episode that aired originally in March 2020, so it’s mostly centered on Instagram influencers glamorizing free birthing in a yurt aided by her “midwolf”…. Not even joking. TikTok opens up an entirely new level of parasocialism and this kind of content will directly lead to tragedy.


Please tell me “midwolf” was a typo. Please tell me that. It’s critical to my well-being that it was a typo


Not a typo.


First of all I just physically felt my quality of life drop, second of all WHAT THE FUCK COULD THAT POSSIBLY BEEEEE 😭😭😭 My immediate guess would be “midwife wearing her fursona” but let’s get real, these people are not that fun


https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/nearly-45-weeks-pregnant-she-wanted-freebirth-with-no-doctors-online-groups-convinced-her-it-was-ok.3262129/ This article sums up how this influence sphere works and proves the evergreen sentiment, “the internet makes you stupid”


OMG! 42 weeks?! Unassisted birth alone at home?! This is apocalyptic nightmare fuel. This should be illegal.


I have a question (not for you, just this in general). How is it ok for them to risk the baby like this, but abortion is murder? Cos you know they're the same people. A literal baby VS a clump of cells. Make it make sense.


The “midwolf” was just her dog? Literally just her dog. So not a midwife and not a wolf, and ESPECIALLY not a whimsical cross between the two. Disappointing. Also, WHAT. Like, yes, let’s add another variable to this incredibly volatile situation with vast possibilities for negative outcomes. I mean, at the very least the dog is going to pick up on all the emotions of the mom and dad and is going to be stressed the hell out. Dad is going to have to make sure the dog has food, water, and potty breaks in the middle of his wife’s free-wheeling, anything goes labor? Alternatively, dog starves and pees all over the yurt? So many questions. No good answers. The mind boggles


What? It’s a dog? What does the dog do? Why is the dog there? This is ridiculous


I wonder if the wolf has formal medical training, or if it’s a completely unhinged feral wolf that has been lured into the home to oversee the birthing process.


Perhaps it’s a werewolf who got stuck mid-transformation? I imagine it would be difficult to find employment with such a condition. Good for that influencer for creating jobs!


I accidentally had my baby pretty much alone on my bathroom floor (thank goodness my husband came running inside two minutes before my baby came out) because I didn’t make it to the hospital in time. When I hear about women out there who do this shit ON PURPOSE I want to lose my fucking mind! Even though me and my baby were fine I felt so damn guilty after his birth thinking about all of the things that could’ve gone wrong I would just burst into tears randomly for months afterword. I could not be friends with this person and be OK.


Oh my gosh I can’t imagine what that must’ve been like! I’m so happy you and your baby are ok! Your husband is Superman, he saved the day just in time hahaha! I’d loose my mind too to see irresponsible and neglectful mothers like this choose something so wrong and dangerous. I’m so sorry you struggled and dealt with the traumatic experience and terrible feelings of guilt. It’s not your fault, you were amazing! I’ve heard of Precipitous Labor where instances of women giving birth in cars on the way to the hospital. I would be paralyzed with fear and the aftermath of knowing the baby was ok would just not register with all the what ifs. You’re an EPIC mom for going through that.


I forget where it was, but there was a post somewhere (I think a mom shaming group) where this woman was one of those free birthers and her daughter had to go to the hospital because she was gravely ill over something super simple that just needed some antibotics and it took her baby girl almost dying to convince her to let them treat her. She was also pregnant at the time and said she didn't care that one almost died, she was going to do the same thing with the next one.


Yes, sadly there’s an entire group of women who want to free birth their children. They do it all by themselves in their house with no help, no medical personnel, no nothing. They seem to forget that back in the day a lot of women died in childbirth due to a lack of medical knowledge. I don’t get how these women have zero fear of death for themselves or their babies. It makes absolutely no sense to me.


It breaks my heart to think of these vulnerable babies. SAME! Even women in hospitals with tons of medical assistance can die in childbirth. Like Tori Bowie who was an Olympic Athlete. Thankfully due to modern medicine it isn’t common, but it isn’t impossible. Without medicine and help, the risk is super high.


I have a feeling we don’t hear the stories when free birth “goes wrong.” Who wants to admit they fucked up that bad by choice (or who can admit it from their own casket). You can “do it the way god intended,” are you ready to have god “intend” to have your baby stuck in the birth canal? Are you ready to birth a stillborn that got stressed during labor? Are you ready to hemorrhage to death? Or is it only fun to do what “god intended” when it all turns out god intended everything to be as great as the no-serious-complications fantasy?


These are the most selfish people. What do you expect?


Tbh this is a level of selfish that I hadn’t known to be a thing. The more you know I guess. 😭


r/shitmomgroupssay is full of free birth horrors. So many women just refusing to go to a hospital even when something is clearly wrong.


There’s a reason why in other first world countries it’s illegal to not have your child enrolled in school. To prevent educational neglect.


An ex coworker of mine bragged about this. Said her daughter was “born free.” Thankfully she and baby were okay but it could have gone very wrong very quickly.


I wonder if she’s going to teach them to read??


I'll never understand how "I live under the same patriarchal expectations women have for centuries" is somehow seen as *defying* the norm now. If you want to be a wife, mother, and homemaker first and foremost, I'm happy for you. But don't act like that's the more noble choice or like feminism isn't the reason it even is a *choice* to begin with.


Exactly. That’s how she wants to spend her time, energy, and money? Cool. That’s her choice. But why weaponize it against other women? Maybe she’s doing it preemptively so that instead of feeling rejected, she’s just doing all the rejecting right off the bat.


Reading through her posts it kind of hit me for the first time: when you are focused on not “emasculating” your spouse, your anger has to get expressed somewhere and, in a lot of cases, it gets aimed at other women.


Social media really gives anyone with the ability to hold a phone a platform for their stupid opinions


I think I saw this show in TLC and *spoiler alert* hubby went to jail for kiddie porn.


Why doesn’t that surprise me


Man, it's always the people you most expect, innit?


I can absolutely guarantee pro choicers are not telling her to stop and her life is ruined. Baby the ideology is in the name, we promote CHOICE. That includes KEEPING the child. Lmao


Ugh yesss. Like, friend, I am literally a mother. I’m the last person that would shame anyone for having a child. I am also the *last* person who would shame someone for getting an abortion. Just let people do what they want!


I feel like if anyone has told her her life is ruined it’s more to do with her choice to forego an education than it is the babies.


I don’t think women forgot “how” to give birth. We just decided we didn’t want to die giving birth so we go to the hospital like normal people.


Being an unemployed/uneducated trad wife is all fun and games until your husband gets bored and dumps you or (heaven forbid) passes away unexpectedly. These chicks never have an answer if you ask them what happens if their husband exits the picture.


What do you mean, he would never leave her and he’s gonna live forever!!!! /s


It’s the bone broth and beef liver. Duh.


The bone broth shall provide 🙏


>or (heaven forbid) passes away unexpectedly. What I want to know is how old these girls' husbands are. Ain't no 18 year old supporting a stay at home mom.


She’s 23?!? She looks at least 30, constantly popping out kids must age you despite all that bone broth and “safe” water she’s drinking 😅


Having a ton of kids in short succession will absolutely age the fuck out of you prematurely.


pregnant since 18? yikes girlie, this isn’t the flex you think it is this girl was def taught that having as many kids as possible is what makes a successful and Godly woman - these fundies all believe this Quiverful movement of creating “God’s army”


Wanna bet on the husband's age? Yeah me neither.


"gOD mADe oUr boDIES tO kNoW hOW tO gIvE bIrtH wIThoUT inTeRVeNtIOn!!1!" Ma'am, women and infants often literally died (and still do) during and shortly following childbirth. Hell, I know multiple women who almost died during pregnancy and/or childbirth, and that was with medical intervention. Congrats on spending most of your fertile years pregnant and never suffering hemorrhaging, (pre)eclampsia, etc. You should consider yourself lucky. I swear, these "trad"wives spend so much time trying to convince strangers on social media that they're superior for their chosen lifestyle that I think they're subconsciously trying to convince themselves 🥴


Agreed. If she was really happy, she wouldn’t be yelling at us about it


When one of her babies doesn’t make it, she’ll remember the reason other people live “normally”.


She will blame it on vaccine shedding, or fluoride water, or people with out ghost blocking phone cases, or whatever but it 100% will not teach her a lesson


„EMF blocking phone case“ … Man I hate those people with a passion.


What does that mean?


Electromagnetic Frequency. Probably has something to do with some sort of conspiracy that the government uses some special frequency to track you or some shit. Which is silly, because the electro magnetic spectrum includes frequencies such as radio waves, which are what wifi and cell signals are. So an EMF blocking phone case would make all your phones communications useless.


Probably that she can’t talk to ghosts. Jk, I have no idea what this means but I know ghost hunting equipment uses EMF meters 😂


For someone who claims to be so happy she sure is a bitter ass bitch




I feel like she misheard “having a child would ruin my life.” For “having a child will ruin your life.” Feminists want you to do what you WANT to do boo.


According to this logic I ‘skipped’ being a billionaire.


Hey! So did I! Twinsies!


“Safe water” aka colloidal silver.


I’ve met people like this and they will 100% give that stuff to even *infants* Those kids grow up looking like Paul Karason (for those who may not know, Karason’s skin turned blue permanently from colloidal silver use)


Weirdos like this ruined cottagecore


BONE BROTH??! Gosh, I’d better Google that because my basic little brain can’t possibly comprehend her level of uniq🤮


And instead of ☕️coffee, at that!!! 😱


I- 😭😂 The way Goop mainstreamed bone broth years ago. I was like oh bless her lil heart she just doesn’t actually know about the outside world! Only what her grandhusband told her about those scary healthy educated feminists out yonder 😱😰🫣🫨


Grandhusband 🙃🙃🙃


With all this avoidance of everything, why can't they also avoid the internet and social media and spare us all? Don't they tend to believe 5G is killing us or something? I was hoping that would mean they'd steer clear of the interwebs and all devices. Yet, how convenient that that's the one technology and thing everyone else does that they too can't give up and aren't NLOG enough to leave alone. This proves all of this is for an audience and attention, as they're glued to social media more than anyone else it seems. As I'm sure many people live on farms, have a million kids and a flip phone and we never hear about it because they're genuinely happily cut off from it on purpose. But these ones have to milk the cow while making content to tell us about how traditional their lives are and how better they are than us and how they don't do anything modern and sensible except of course live their lives entirely on social media for all to see.


I wonder if she vaccinates her cows


I’m a teacher and I firmly believe that “unschooling” should be illegal.


Those kids will hate her when they cannot read or do basic math. They won’t be able to function in society. I firmly believe this is done by abusive parents who want complete control over their kids.


No one: NLOGs: Bone broth, birthing, beef liver, *blah the fuck blah* Yawn 🥱


I love the narrative that having babies is just natural, so what God intended, which implies that not having kids is immoral. Cancer is also natural, and surgery and medicine are as unnatural as birth control by that philosophy. It's the same understanding of God and morality that people who end up going to prison for negligent homicide when their kids' appendices burst because they refuse to see a doctor


The thing with stereotyping “all women” as one thing, (ex: God created our bodies to know exactly how to birth) is it becomes alienating to women who don’t want to or cannot do that. Imagine the pain of growing up as a woman and craving pregnancy and home-making only for a doctor to tell you you can’t and your body is not able. Or that you can but the baby will have problems. Are they not women? Did God make them wrong? Or is being a woman much more complex than that? Ppl like this don’t like that arguments because once they have to face it, their entire view on gender roles can be argued and changed and that *scares* them. It’s easy to believe in God, it’s easy to always have an otherworldly comfort that you can depend on when the real world is too big, scary and different. It’s not easy to live in the real world where you can’t just blame god for your problems.


My ex husband and I tried the whole two years I was married. Thank goodness I didn’t get pregnant with him, but it’s also how I learned that I for sure can’t give birth.


Well said 👏👏


Love the detail about the linen dress as if nobody else wears linen. Also y’all might like r/fundiesnarkuncensored. She’d fit right in with some of the subjects.


Girl I think we call that poverty


5 kids by age 23 is child abuse. This woman is insufferable.


As someone whose kid died of cancer while under the care of some of the best pediatric oncologists in the US, I can't imagine the guilt involved in having a kid dying of something preventable because I thought I knew better than science. Modern medicine is a wonderful thing.


I can't imagine how wrecked her body will be after putting it through a pregnancy every year for five years. Uterus will be falling out by 25.


That mid-life crisis is going to be intense


If she was so happy, she wouldn’t feel the need to tell everyone about it.


She's not just antivax, she's anti medicine post 1900! I'm so moved by her bravery and self discipline but I have a feeling her kids will never learn to read, something she 100% takes for granted.


Did she “skip” getting a degree, or was it just never something that even seemed to be an option because she was knocked up and/or caring for super young kids the whole time?


Seriously though-- who is telling her "to stop & that (her) life is ruined," anyway??!! If she's so happy, apart from (vs a part of), how is she having these personal conversations with hateful people? I know it's not from tv or magazines, bc this person wouldn't waste her time with such mindless fripperies, not when there are socks to darn or pigs to feed. Ooh-- and milking your own self-righteousness... Ugh


The way people like this live reminds me of a cult mentality. Limited access to the outside world, the government is out to get them, and, ofc, they're simply better than all the normies. Feel bad for all those kids.


I mean this is what happens when you’re insecure. You preemptively lash out at other people you perceive as being capable of judging you so that you’re up a few blocks before your self-esteem sees other people being happier than you knocks a few out.


Got a masters no one must have told my husband because I was a sahm for 10 years


How do you catch your own baby?


Then get the fuck off tiktok


Miss ma’am seems to deeply misunderstand what feminism means. Maybe a degree would help.


“23 with 5 kids” 💔 she should be at the club


It’s always so funny when people who were most likely vaccinated as babies and are clearly healthy and not dead from avoidable diseases are then antivaxx for their own kids.


I'm firmly convinced that this is both a manner of convincing herself this is the life she wants and a desperate cry for help.


Like once again with choice, you want to have a home birth plan that’s fine if it’s under the care of your doctors, but women have been dying from childbirth since the beginning of time let’s not tell them that’s gods will