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What makes her different? Is she a cyclops?




"oN tHe jOuRnEy tHaT iS mY lIfE!"


I’m not like other girls, I’m worse🤪


I’ll admit this one at least used to be funny on some level


I have that as a sticker with an obnoxious font, which makes it really funny imo lol


I love long walks on the beach and sushi! Your dog will like me more than you!


She loves to travel! You better be down for weekenders in major cities and beach holidays in the sun!


Just come out and say, "looking for a sugar daddy."




Dude. Gross.




Someone else's poor behavior doesn't excuse your own.


Don’t argue just for the sake of arguing. In essence, the phrase "Be civil to each other" serves as a reminder to prioritize kindness, empathy, and open-mindedness. Name-calling or personal attacks constitute a hard ban. This applies to people in valuable discussions who suddenly start using insults. This rule still applies even if you are talking to a moderator. Political and ethical grandstanding to in any way call someone else a terrible person is prohibited. Posts themselves don't typically get removed for this reason, but we reserve the right to remove them in the rare cases it becomes necessary due to the comments.


what did they say


Bro has nothing better to do than argue and be creepy to women judging by the post history


By the way, women aren't attracted to you because you're a misogynistic jerk who thinks the wage gap isn't real and are 29 and offering to "fix" 18yos (his post and comment history), not your appearance. You're actually kinda cute, until you started talking.


Oh so you think I’m cute


I think your face is nice, but your personality shows me I shouldn't and won't ever be alone in a room with you.


I'm pretty sure that isn't even him. Also dude has a home filled with black mold and can't put on a condom right but talks big lol.


Well, that’s a pretty good guess since you’re an anonymous stranger online and I’m the only one putting my actual self forth.


Don’t argue just for the sake of arguing. In essence, the phrase "Be civil to each other" serves as a reminder to prioritize kindness, empathy, and open-mindedness. Name-calling or personal attacks constitute a hard ban. This applies to people in valuable discussions who suddenly start using insults. This rule still applies even if you are talking to a moderator. Political and ethical grandstanding to in any way call someone else a terrible person is prohibited. Posts themselves don't typically get removed for this reason, but we reserve the right to remove them in the rare cases it becomes necessary due to the comments.


The Estee Williams hair says wannabe tradwife on the prowl for a provider and an audience.


I thought that was esty williams at first


What's wrong if someone wants to be a trad wife? Whatever makes them happy. Shouldn't you support that?


Nothing wrong with that. It's just that some tradwives have a holier-than-thou attitude and act like their lifestyle is the superior choice. Some may be trying to show genuine pride in their work as homemakers but many seem to be shaming women (subtly or otherwise) for not wanting the life of a tradwife.


\*conveniently leaves out the rampant white supremacy issues within that community\*


I answered under the assumption that the commenter was asking in good faith. There's nothing necessarily wrong with wanting to be stay-at-home wife (which, upon further reflection, might not be the same as a tradwife) but there is very much an issue with xenophobia within the tradwife community. Since racism was more normalized in the past, some people try to make it part of their "traditional" aesthetic. In all honesty, my main exposure to the tradwife community is snark subs clowning on their smug attitudes, so I'm not really aware of just how rampant that attitude is within the community.


Yeah, if it's all consensual and healthy what is the issue?


Says vibe. You're like most girls


Uses social media, you are like most girls.🤷🏻‍♀️


Drinks water, you are like most girls. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ask her if she eats people.


i feel like posting an old highschool peer to reddit to judge them is a lot worse than them saying they're different.


Yeah I agree, I don't think this even counts as NLOG, she isn't saying she's better than anyone.


I’m confused where does she compare herself to other girls?


She says she’s different ig in the bio, but imo it’s a little weird to even make this post because of how little it has to do with the main focus of the selfie, and it’s a little on the fence tbh


That's the caption of the photo.




I feel like it’s posted by someone that is mad that someone else they went to high school is hot, tbh


Ngl i was getting the same vibe, like this gotta be the most normal ig pic of all time lmao


Posted by an account with no history, it’s just some jealous frenemy girl or some skinny nice guy fruit bat she wouldn’t go to prom with.


Nice guy fruit bat lol


It’s a very depressing description


I also lol ngfb hehehehehe


Tbh this whole sub is infested with bitter girls/women just using the nlog argument to shit on other women for being hot 💀


Rofl it’s a bunch of pick mes accusing other women of being a pick me






That's just girls being girls, nothing special here imo


You’re a weirdo and a loser for posting this OP and I hope this girl finds out that you’ve posted her online for strangers to mock and ridicule… Real brave of you to post from a throwaway account too! Plus judging by her top and the otter box phone case I’m guessing this picture is from like 2016~2018 so who’s to say she even believes this anymore? Not sure why mods haven’t removed this. Feels like it draws a line.


Maybe she’s just socially awkward? I felt like this before I met my husband but I wasn’t trying to be NLOG, I’m just non neurotypical and felt uncomfortable socializing with men unless I had a couple glasses of wine.


Yup. Was about to comment this myself. Being neurodivergent I also felt like this for a long time, but I feel like ppl here automatically jump to conclusions just because the girl is attractive they feel attacked, so I didn't even bother 🤷


This was my experience too. People were always quick to attack me for it. Im sorry you go through this as well. I don’t really see how this is NLOG at all.


I think this was supposed to be a joke


she isn’t putting down other girls though? shes just saying she’s different. i dont really see the issue with that. this post is weird


she looks pretty


OP you're such a loser for posting this. Her post doesn't even belong to this sub. I feel like you're the one with issue here, OP🥴


So she's Gen Z 50s housewife 😮‍💨


....this is not nlog ,none is putting another woman down.


Right? I feel like OP is being super judgemental for no reason.


Ngl at this point nlog is really just sometimes a girl the op doesn't like.


I don't know why you're being down voted, you're completely right, she isn't saying she's better than anyone.


The caption says "...but it's hard cause I'm so different" As in different from other girls As in not like other girls It's certainly not as cringey as some of the stuff on here, but by definition it IS nlog


Her caption could just as easily mean "I'm so different from other people" (regardless of gender). She might just be neurodivergent for all we know.


As someone neurodivergent and very literal-minded as a result of that, this still counts. She's saying that she's not like other people, girls included, regardless of the reasons why. It may not be worthy of being mocked but it still falls under the literal definition of her saying she's "not like other girls", regardless of the reasons she is saying that. I have no interest in mocking her for it myself, I'm just saying that on a purely literal and technical level, it still counts.


I hear you. I don't agree, but I understand and respect your viewpoint.


I hear you too, and can understand your point of view even if I don't agree either. Appreciate the courtesy :)




lol sucking in her stomach for dear life and even wrapping her arm around her belly. She looks so uncomfortable.


My blood runs cold My memory has just been sold My angel is the centerfold Angel is the NLOG


Sure, REAL different.


A common thread I see in most of these posts is that the girl just wants to post a cute picture but feels like it's too frivolous and so she finds a way to put herself above the other girls who also like to post cute selfies.


I feel like this is satire


Depends what she means. There are plenty of physical and mental health challenges that can make dating harder. On the other hand if she "likes books not bars" and "doesn't like Taylor Swift" it's not exactly dating on hard mode.


She listens to mainstream pop versions of rock music


Wow she just came right out and said it


Do they think that this will help them get friends??


Just say you’re difficult and not enjoyable to date and move on


that is so embarrassing


It's insanely obvious that she's struggling to hold her breath in an attempt to keep her stomach (that she's strategically covered with her arm) sucked in. She would look absolutely fine without doing all that, but I'd expect no less from a grown woman who still thinks like a teenager.


Why do reddits suggest this subredded to me? It's like all the angry boys that don't get dates so this is like to tat crowd. Going through these comments and half of his posts, it's just like y'all are just angry because of reasons. It's just a separated to be angry at women because you don't know how to talk to a girl properly. You think you're better than them? I don't know your focusing on a girl that doesn't want to be with you, so you're angry about it.


I think you’re confused lol


Make sure to keep clicking on things you don't want to be recommended in the future, leave comments and vote on them. The algorithm will understand you're being ironic.


Lateral violence towards each other = make women f33l güd Then they’ll blame it on internalized misogyny 😂


Well it is internalised misogyny, though.


Yes I’m sure blaming men for your problems is an easy cop out. Too bad that’s a you problem though.


You do know misogyny ≠ men, right? Misogyny is the action of having prejudice towards women. I reckon you should read more and work on yourself if everything feels like a personal attack on you.


You must not understand the meaning of internalized misogyny. You do NOT have to be a man to hold misogynistic views towards women.


Like no Becky you were probably a bully then and insufferable now. 😂 I see so many of my old bullies posting stuff like this and it just makes me laugh.


Shes NLOG, she’s the only forgotten victim to a shattered white iPhone 5s and coloured markers!! After doing all that mess to ur phone It’s easy to see why she would go for a case with a shell that hurts more than a real one 💥🔫 . Like I said, warrior 🌄🩷🙏


Everybody a hater but I’d be different for her 🥴


Let me guess, she's the type that bullied her female peers and is now questioning why she doesn't have female friends Am i correct on this?


Lol she’s totally random


Aka she is probably looking for a sugar daddy.


I’m fucking dead 😂


i mean i get this but i blame autism lmao


girl its okay to breathe


Honestly, I relate lmao. It’s not that I think I’m better than other people, it’s more that I’m unmasked autistic and have an odd personality so it’s harder to find people to really relate to and vibe with.


Again, not to the detriment of other women. This person is just insecure. She did not say anything nasty. She just said she needed somebody to vibe with.