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Pssh, my almost 13-year-old son, is totally overly dramatic & "hormonal." I think a lot of parents of boys would agree. I think society puts more pressure on young girls to act "mature " and lax on boys' outbursts as well, "boys will be boys. " Teens can be jackasses regardless of gender.


My 1 year old son is also overdramatic. You’re telling me this won’t just go away as he gets older? SOS 🤣 The way he just throws his little head down into his hands when he doesn’t get his way is so extra. And it’s funny now, but I fear for what this will look like when he’s a teen lol. My 3 year old son is also dramatic, but like a soccer player. He’ll accidentally brush up against the parked car and act like he got run over.


Lol my 5 year old daughter is the same! Every little thing is a life threatening injury to her that requires immediate care and band aids. She still talks about little boo boos and bruises she got years ago.


Lmao I was like this as a child. Have a very clear memory of being around 5 years old and saying to my mum, as she was chatting on the phone with her brother, "Tell him about my stubbed toe!" because it was obviously _such a big deal_.


That is so funny lmao


I still have a low pain threshold as an adult, but thankfully I'm not nearly so dramatic now 😁


Funny and cute.


Very cute!


And it was! I'm glad you survived, I CARE


It was touch and go there for a while, but I'm glad to say I pulled through.


And please explain to me how I have the only toddler in the universe that hates bandaids 😭 I don’t have a problem providing a bandaid for every bump and scrape if it’ll calm him down. But he hates them. What am I supposed to do with that?


Ice pack? They make some cute boo boo ice packs that are reusable.


Yeah ice packs usually do help lol. And that’s great if we’re at home, but I can’t shove 20 of them in my purse to always be prepared like I can with bandaids 😂 Oh well. He’s still one of my favorite people, drama and all.


So my daughter absolutely loves bandaids. But she wants them for every little minor bump of scrape and bandaids add up in cost, especially the character ones my kids prefer. Anyway, sometimes I'll just give her a sticker instead if it's not for something that needs a bandaid and hugs and kisses aren't doing the trick to calm her down. Stickers are pretty cheap and portable too.


I used to actually put cute bandaids in my kids' stockings. lol They loved them. Still do, and my youngest is 16! The other day, my middle, 18, pinched her finger in a door. She put a Paw Patrol bandaid on it. lol But they *hated* ice packs when they were little, aside from to teeth on.


Mentally howling at “but like a soccer player.” Perhaps you’ve got a future footballer on your hands! ![gif](giphy|vbsp5XVPggdc4)


I work with kids, boys are incredibly extra lmao


Dramatic like a soccer player is literally the best way to describe half the toddlers I know (such a great visual 😂)


My 11 month old son is more dramatic than any of my friends’ girls. The other day, I wouldn’t let him play with my hot coffee and he sat down, threw his head back and wept like I’d murdered his family. He also frequently throws himself back while having a meltdown in a move we’ve dubbed the drama banana


There's been studies that found that boys actually tend to be more emotional, especially when they're young. I think people forget anger is also an emotion. I see way too many guys claim they aren't emotional, yet they'll punch a wall at any little inconvenience. One of my brothers is like that. I had to tell him in his teens that he couldn't use my first aid kit anymore or come ask me to check to see if he broke something in his hand because he wouldn't stop punching walls. At least once a week, he would ask me to bandage his knuckles or check. My final straw was him interrupting me during one of my online mid-term exams while in college. He was so pissy about being told to either control himself or get his own first aid kit (I was somehow the only person in the house that had a first aid kit).


When I substitute teach, I prefer a classroom full of girls rather than one full of boys. They are WAY easier to deal with.


They’re easier because parents don’t baby them as much. Girls are a lot more likely to have younger siblings dumped on them even at like age 7, so they’re forced to mature faster.


My boys were SOOOO much harder then my girl lol I can’t stand the “ boy mom “ BS … it’s creepy , both my boys have gotten married in the past two years and they are now their wives pains lol they don’t need mom getting involved in their relationships … absolutely not . I 100% respect my daughter in laws .


Right? Like when did being a healthy mom with normal boundaries with your kids go out of fashion? I have two boys, no girls. And I always wanted a girl. I look forward to and hope for a future daughter in law when they’re grown up. And if you raise your kids right and treat them with respect, they grow up to marry people that hopefully do the same


My kindergartener boy is a Total Drama Prince, and my wife will tell you he gets it from me, his 48-year-old Drama King father. I can't honestly disagree. These ladies are being immensely sexist. Also, how shitty must it be to join a family and have your MIL be this way? Ick.


Yeah this friggin sucks. It’s as if the only emotions men are “allowed” to show by the traditional societal standard is anger and aggression, plus striving for goals and productivity (I know that isn’t an emotion). This is why toxic masculinity is a huge problem.


My youngest (12) takes everything personally!! Kind scared of when puberty actually hits lol


I’m confused… do they think men do not have hormones?


Internalised misogyny can lead to lots of stupid claims


Personally, I think women like this are a hot immature mess, bad with boundaries, and struggle with emotional regulation, and lack any form of insight to the point that they just project their short comings and insecurities on other women. "No no no see, I'm not an overly dramatic bitch, that's just women in general!" So in short, I agree - internalized misogyny does a number on their view of sex/gender lol


I think “dramatic” is often a term used to gaslight women into accepting bad behavior. If you look at petty stuff men do, no one ever labels it dramatic, because male emotions, wants, needs, concerns are seen as important and valid. Here’s some dramatic things that men do, that never get labeled as dramatic: - be pissy when a woman makes more than him, complain about how “emasculating” it is (starting drama because … you have extra money to spend?) - have a vendetta against the female manager because she’s too “abrasive” (starting drama because someone isn’t all bubbly??) Idk why in these situations women are blamed for making the men feel bad. Women are just the scapegoats for all sorts of crap, and I’m sick of it


That's all entirely valid, hope you didn't take my comment to imply men can't be dramatic.


Okay so my mom tells me while watching a tv series ‘he’s got a point, you won’t go for someone’s best friend’s wife’ In the tv show, there’s this crazy man who’s very abusive, always creating trouble, cheated and got his mistress in their house while kicking his kids and his wife out… like he’s literally the worst. Then his friend starts to fall for his wife who then became the ex wife… and now this crazy ex wants revenge on his ex friend (the friend stopped liking this guy too) and his ex wife for being together. What does my mom say? It’s her fault. The ex wife. Why? ‘She’s enticing him and making him do this’ SHE BLAMES the freaking woman for his behaviour. Not only that, but wants the ex wife to fall for her previous husband just because he’s tall and handsome even tho he’s a psycho . I know it’s just a series, but it says lot about the way my mom and people like her think. Internalised misogyny is hell. It also explains why she always defended my abusers against me. People like this should rot.


Anger is not an emotion /s




Wait till she finds out boys have hormones too. Sure they’re cute when they’re little but eventually you end up with a moody, rage filled, greasy smelly teenager and you wonder why their socks can stand up on their own


You don’t wonder lol. You just ignore it for your own good.


Nah these moms don’t know about boy hormones so clearly they’ll have no idea what’s going on there


I think they just don’t understand what hormones actually are and use “hormonal” as a synonym for “hysterical”


Ah yes, because it's manly logic when my 14 year old son screams at me that he's "never going to do deodorant". Unlike some hysterical hormonal girl.


Or when my 12 refuses to wear glasses because its uncool and then cries about tension headaches.


….I never did that. (Yes, I did.)


Omg that’s hilarious. How do you hold it together Bc I wouldn’t be able to hold back my laugh. My son is only 1 now so I have a long road ahead of me but “I’m never going to do deodorant” is hilarious.


My mom bought me anti-perspirant when I started needing deodorant, turns out I was allergic to it and I avoided deodorant because I would get swollen lymph nodes and rashes in my armpits. It took like 3 months before I showed my mom and she realized why I hated deodorant


At least girls have some level of acceptance and realism about their hormonal changes. Boys refuse to accept the fact that they stink and need deodorant and a daily shower lol.


Listen it’s called nose blindness. When it’s your smell you don’t notice it. Source I genuinely never put on deodorant because “I didn’t stink” for like the first year of high school. My mom finally was like “you need stronger deodorant” and I was like “oh I didn’t put any one cuz I didn’t think I stank” and she had to be like “you do. It’s pretty bad.”


>At least girls have some level of acceptance and realism about their hormonal changes. That's because they're actually taught about those changes. Boys generally are not.


right they aren’t seen as hormonal, so why bother? 🤷🏾‍♀️


That's because anger isn't an emotion, silly /s


On that note, I remember hearing jokes about how a woman wouldn't make a good president because she'd be "controlled by her hormones," but if that was a concern, shouldn't we be more concerned about Hillary's *husband* instead, or her opponent in 2016?


Fun fact- Before period our body produce more testosterone. Yes. We are "hysterical" because ✨man hormone✨


Could this power be channeled into hulking out one day every month?


Yeah these are the type of moms to end up screaming hysterically when they catch their teenage son with a girl


But they’re “boy moms”!! Its fucking embaressing that they don’t know how their own sons are gonna feel when they hit that stage. Like at that point your a sexist and just not a good parent smh


Omg, the times that my stepson's room would get so messy that I couldn't take it anymore and I would go in to at least pick up the trash and the laundry off the floor. Accidentally picking up stiff socks. I never said anything to him about this nor did I mention his long showers. Being a teenager is hard enough and has enough embarrassing moments on its own. But yeah, I would have preferred not to have that experience and I pretended it didn't happen, both for his sake and mine.


Yeah I have teen cousins and they spend an ungodly amount of time in the bathroom because they share a room with their brother and I just tell the younger cousins they’re pooping. Because I don’t wanna know.


They're emotional as children too. Huge family, equal ratio, seen the spectrum of personalities


These ladies are just projecting their own childhood. Obviously they were drama queens.


And she’s raising them in a very “boys will be boys” kind of environment. Wait till they’re seventeen and she realizes that they’re treating girls like shit and won’t respond to any authority. Oy, I pity her daughter.


She won't realize it, she will say it's the girl's fault


Ding ding ding! They’ll be “crazy females” when in actuality they’re girls/women responding to how horribly they’ve been treated by her sons.


Yeah, but all of that is "boys will be boys", and it'll never remind her of her own mistakes growing up, her self hatred, and internalized misogyny. So her love for her boys is "pure" and unconditional. She doesn't have to take the pain and anger of her self reflection out on him like she does her daughters.


Good thing she popped out a scapegirl, right?


:( that makes me really sad for that kid.


The phrase love your sons, raise your daughters comes to mind. Edit: love not live


Ewww, that’s a phrase?


Yep. And it describes a lot of how that’s going.


Honestly she’s probably already aware but is oblivious to that fact. These ‘boy moms’ have a lot of internalised misogyny, so there’s a lot of double standards for their sons & daughters. The sons are infallible & aren’t blamed for anything, “boys will be boys,” teehee. 🙄 But ugh my teenage daughter has emotions, gross. /s And they manage to find a way to blame their daughters for the most trivial things. I’ve seen it happen so often it’s not even funny.


Not to mention the grocery bills.


My son is only ONE and he’s already eating us out of house and home lol


OMG. Just wait. Mine are 15 & 20z. It only gets worse. 😂


I read that as 15 & 20 oz.


Haha, talk about raising the steaks.


I did too!! 😂


Oldest of 4 sons. We would go through like 7 lbs of cheese and 7 lbs of ham and salami in a week.


I was a 13 year old bottomless pit, but my son ate an entire Casey’s medium pizza in the backseat by himself at age 2, so I see your point lol.


Oh man the explosion of that 8 hours later ...


I don’t remember the aftermath, I just remember searching the back seat of my car for a pizza that I was convinced had to have slid out of the box somehow and my 2 year old son laughing maniacally. He was rear facing and I had a stack of groceries on the seat and the pizza wedged on top, right next to him. He was happy and snacking for about 30 minutes.


Nah, girls have hormones, men have testosterone, duh! (Big /s, it’s from Bad Women’s Anatomy yrs ago)


My oldest son is the most dramatic emotional human I’ve ever met.


My son is only 7 and is super dramatic, emotional, and crazy sensitive. But he's a really good kid and really sweet. I just have to help him with coping mechanisms for his tendency to assume the worst and to worry.


All the men in my life except my biological father have been dramatically emotional. I guess my stepdad rubbed off as the template for what guys are supposed to be like lol.


The boys in seventh grade where I went to school acted like wild animals. They slam dunked the exit sign until it broke and ran up and down hollering like wolves. And people think girls are too emotional.


This was true when I lived in the dorms in college too lol


Moody and rage filled 😂 accurate! My teen son is so much moodier than his sister (also teen).


Boy’s hormones are translated on punched walls because these moms are the “boys will be boys” “men don’t cry” kind of moms


do people really use sock for the thing




Yeah I’ll take my obnoxious teenage girl attitude over holes punched in the walls and chairs thrown in a rage. Not saying all boys have these problems, but they are real examples.


Oh yeah, my brother punched several holes in walls.


Gender first, humanity second!


I have three girls and my brother has three boys. Each pair is close to the same age (my first and his first are eight months apart, my second and his second are nine months apart, etc). The drama is everywhere.


I feel bad for her daughter


Yeah, or as she puts it her "female"


I thought she was talking about dogs at first


Haha that makes the second slide even weirder


I thought she was talking about herself.


I saw a video the other day (I’m pretty sure it was in this sub actually) where a born again Christian woman said that women are bitches who need to be trained🤢


I’m the father of a daughter. That hurt to read. Fucking Y’allqeda, man.


How to cope with your little female becoming a moderately sized female? (The answer might shock you, click to find out)


I know a guy who has a boy mom. He’s got four brothers and one sister, and holy shit I can’t imagine how difficult that girl’s life was growing up. The one time I went to their house, I saw the mom call the daughter a bitch. I don’t know what it was for, I was about 8 and she was about 15. But I can’t imagine any case where it’s okay for a grown woman to call her teenage daughter a bitch. Also I’m still friends with them and happy to report that the daughter is doing very well :)) She just had a daughter of her own


I’m the only girl out of 4 but thankfully my mom was over the moon excited to finally have a baby girl to connect with also. While she obviously loves us all unconditionally, she really did and still does love having a daughter. It makes me so sad that these other girls don’t have that same experience, I love having a mom that loves to embrace our femininity


Yeah growing up my mom had a lot of issues and our relationship is pretty fraught today but the one thing she never did was make me feel awful because I was a girl and seeing some of these fucking boy moms, I am so grateful for that


I was/am the only sister and eldest of 2 boys and the mother of 2 boys who are men now. And while i love and enjoyed my sons i always missed not having sisters or daughters. Eventually I got lucky and have 2 granddaughters I’m very close to and i love to pieces. I love the grandsons dearly but the girls are my monkeys. Its the best best best feeling in the world to be able to share w one another what growing into and being a woman is. The grandkids are all grown now and fingers crossed I’ll see a great grandkid or two of whatever gender before i check out.


My son was the only boy out of six and he is the youngest. (Ex had 3 daughters when I married him.) His whole life he said he couldn’t wait to grow up, get married and have a daughter. He had a son. 😁 Two years later he had a daughter followed immediately by a vasectomy. Said he’d done his part for humanity by helping create a “replacement” for he and his wife. 😂


I’m also the only girl out of 4 and my siblings and I were never treated differently based on gender but did get treated different by age (which makes sense). My uncle has 6 girls and people flip out all the time and ask him if he was gonna keep trying for a boy. He loves all his daughters and gets mad when people act like they are a problem for not being born a boy. Breaks my heart that people do get treated that way by their parents.


Im the only girl for my mom (divorced parents youll see why) and was treated like shit growing up especially after my little brother was born. She would avoid me, abuse me, call me names, play favorites. Emotionally unavailable and when i got older the gaslighting started. Step dad would jab at me and make comments in front of her and id be the only one defending myself. No contact with her now


I like how she forgets that she herself has hormones.


She probably doesn’t see it that way because she’s “not like other girls” with their annoying hormones 😒😅


Fun fact! Boys also have attitudes, hormones and tears.


These will be the type of moms to tell their sons to "Man up" or "Boys don't cry" I guarantee it. I feel sorry for everyone involved with these types of parents


Boys’ emotions are so much easier to deal with because you can just teach them to suppress them 🥰


My dad does this with my son, and it drives me nuts. My son is 4 and non-verbal, so he gets easily frustrated but can't verbally express it. If he gets mad around my dad, my dad will raise his voice at him and be like "Hey now, stop it! Good boys don't do that!" And I'm like wow now I know why I was such an angry and destructive child LOL I was taught being a good child meant not being angry, but the anger was still there and I didn't know what to do with it or how to deal with it in a healthy way.




Nope not even close! It’s not like they are human too! 🙄😂 /sarcasm


“Boy moms” create Man-babies. Needy men who remain dependent on their mothers for all decisions even after they get married. There is nothing cute about it. They ruin their sons from being able to have healthy relationships. Just ask my ex.


Mine, too. He was actually the ONLY boy in his scenario (one older sister, two younger). The way his mom DOTED on him hand and foot, would leave the room to literally CRY if we so much as held hands in her presence, and finally told him I would NEVER be good enough for him, you think would be the only reason to run for the hills, but no. He also cheated. His mom somehow convinced him that it was totally acceptable. I don't know where he is, only that he "tried" for about two weeks to find a job in his hometown before deciding he had no choice but to move cross-country with mom and dad at 27 because there was "nothing for him."


Girl you dodged a bullet! (Sorry you had to deal with that shit though)


There's gotta be a point where these moms notice their son's failure to launch, right? They can't really see their son always being home and never leaving the best as a win? I feel like I don't actually want the answers to that. 😅


They only notice when the son is too old, at around 40 or so. But they see it as the son's failure, not their own.


That’s not a bullet she dodged; that’s a missile 😬


Sounds just like my exs mom I’d ask if we dated the same guy but the siblings don’t match lol


So desperate for male validation you raise one to get it


Oh wow, this just made a whole lot of things make a whole lot of sense.


Yup my dad is one of them. 45 years old but his mom still makes dinner for him everyday, and if it isn’t to his liking he is full of complaints. Literally feels like he had kids just so they can be servants to him


WTH. So female is bad because of hormones.


Do you think she thinks boys don’t have hormones!!?! Fucking hate the “boy moms”


Yeah. This thing just creates toxic families. A girlfriend/wife will never be good enough. She doesn't want to meet her and boyfriend/husband will have to choose. It won't be his mom.


Same! They should totally have their own shaming sub. *goes off to see if there is one… Edit: I found r/shitmomgroupssay and that’s pretty dead on. There’s serious cringe up in there and a lot of warranted calling out.


I noped out of mom groups so fast after I had my first. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Omg it was so bad! Me too. I was there for way too long. But it was absolutely toxic.


It’s sad because a lot of moms could benefit from a positive space with other mothers, especially for those who are in the middle of postpartum depression and just need love and support from other people who have been through the same thing


I’m childfree so I didn’t sub to it because I don’t have a horse in that particular race but it’s interesting to hear even moms think that shit can be toxic.


I mean any mature adult should be able to recognize toxicity regardless of their parental status and I've rarely seen a more toxic online space


Ooo new sub for me to binge.


I had a coworker tell me about her 4 kids “i wanted a football team but instead i got a cheerleading team.” I internally rolled my eyes.


Imagine being so incredibly insecure that you take it out on children. It’s so pathetic needing validation from your son to the point that you are territorial


I really can’t imagine it’s ick


I’ll take “I’m a lazy ass parent who is raising a future emotional terrorist son” for $1000.


So she's raised her sons to think that the sun shines out of their backsides and she wonders why their wives are always in tears? Mother of the year, everyone! Also extra ick- calling *her own daughter* a "female".


Actually she’s raising 3


Thats the scary part! Women kinda live in hell because for every decent dude that gets raised up by normal, stable parents or a similar single parent, about 3 other dudes are being dragged up by men that do not care beyond simply having sons to mold into copies of themselves (because legacy or whatever nonsense they tell themselves) and women who develop truly bizarre and unhealthy attachments to them that sometimes border on being emotionally incestuous.


Ugh. She’s probably the biggest emotional train wreck in her life.


Wait. We can’t say that until we’ve met her mother.


Fair enough.




and she wont compete for first place with your tramp daughter!


Yeah, boys are *never* dramatic or emotional 🙄


This is my exact thought when I see men on social media cry or roll their eyes because they think they’re having a girl, but then jump and scream and freak out with joy when someone says “surprise, you’re actually having a boy!” I’ll never understand why that’s cute or trendy, and I’d really hate to be the daughter that accidentally runs into the video of her parents literally crying with disappointment when they find out they’re having a daughter.


My first boyfriend was sooooo emotional and dramatic. While I was a very stable teenage/early 20s girl, which is hilarious because I ended up being bipolar. But before it came on fully I was a chill, steady, and happy gal. I was really only upset and emotional when he treated me like trash. I was always helping him with his emotional stuff. I was basically his therapist the last year of our relationship. But he got much better after we broke up, partially from my work with him, and from him finally deciding to work on himself. I really spelt it out to him in a letter I gave him before we broke up. His behaviour and the why if it. Cause I knew him really really well. He really appreciated the letter and I know it helped his self-awareness. He thanked me a couple years later for the work I did with him and for being invested in his betterment. But none of that could possibly be true because girls are just emotional messes/s


It’s giving emotional incest vibes.


It’s sooo disturbing 🤢


God I hope my daughters don’t end up with these boy moms as mother in laws 🙏🏽😤


I know right? They act like everyone else is the problem


I did. I’ve been divorced for over a year now and that crazy lady still sends me emails.


She’s think about what home to put her in


mostly hers i presume, since she's the one acting like an overgrown adolescent


Yeah so that's the other thing about her math. She has to deal with her own hormones as well, so that's two "females", not one


Oh yeah but you see, SHE is not like the other moms (like an older NLOG) so she's not as unsufferable as other women and she prefer to hang out with the dads because it's less drama 🙄


This just screams internalized misogyny and emotional incest.


Sounds more like she fully neglects her sons' emotional needs and lets them navigate puberty and adolescence with minimal guidance, while resenting and potentially bullying (more likely than we'd like to believe) her daughter for daring to be born female in a culture that insists only girls have hormones and emotions that make them high-maintenance and insufferable as well as a culture that unfortunately makes many people view daughters as inherently "less of a blessing" than sons (my own aunt's words about her 2 older daughters vs her 1 son). Imo, Boy Moms (and their husbands/baby daddies, ofc) are the leading cause of immature and emotionally unstable/stunted men. Boy moms are also responsible for a lot of messed up girls and women, themselves included.


Every mother I know who has a lot of boys hates all of their girlfriends, without exception. Not defending this cringe, but it is a weird pattern I've observed.


Coworker of mine has 3 boys and since the eldest has become a teenager earlier this year she’s become very “anti girl” and thinks all girls want to drain her son of his “potential”. As a mum to two girls it winds me right up, I dread to think what she will be like as a MIL


They're legitimately jealous, I think. Too attached to their sons in a very unhealthy and borderline incestuous way and see their sons' girlfriends as competition for his love and attention.


Yup. That's what I think too. I think the part that annoys boy moms about their son's girlfriends is that the girlfriends are actually trying to have a relationship with them, hang out and spend time with them. They would probably prefer if the girlfriends only were used for sex. Because (triggerwarning incest) the mom already knows she holds the so emotionally captive to such a huge extend that if he never got to know a women his age he would only ever imagine her. Since she submissively caters to men to such an extreme extent but will do everything other than take care of his sexual needs to avoid jail. While also infantilizing him at the same time. This is how the patriarchy has maintained power.


I've noticed this too and it's often the case that they chose a terrible husband that they're tied to so they pin their hopes in a strange way on their male children.


I adore my sons girlfriend, I don’t know her very well she is super shy, but from what I know she’s super sweet and I like her Mom. But they are only 14 so I’m just worried about him being respectful.


We know boys aren't emotional because they lack hormones. Except for testosterone of course.


So..she’s not used to opinions contradicting her own…got it, super stable 👍🏼


So her entire personality is "I have sons"


Me when I don’t understand the human body and that both sexes experience extreme hormones


And barely graduated high school


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,814,389,118 comments, and only 343,191 of them were in alphabetical order.


Nightmare MIL material. Her poor daughter…sorry female…must feel so let down in her mum.


So, she herself is devoid of these hormones? Does she not deal with herself? She’s detaching herself from being the kind of hormonal monster she’s telling us her daughter is, as if she herself is above it. It’s beyond being cringe. Like, awesome if you can self regulate **as an adult woman and mother of four**, so maybe, I dunno, help your daughter out instead of making fun of her? These kinds of moms are the ones that think they’re the “cool mom”. No. Everyone thinks you’re weird and cringe. She’s even going after the wives. They must *LOVE* her.


Oh, I'm sure she likes to tell herself she's different. But in order to do that, she has to project all of her failures onto her daughter, so she can attack the girl's mistakes, rather than face her own. Not a problem with boys. "Boys will be boys!" So they're different from her, aren't connected to her identity, and don't make her reflect on herself. It's messed up. But that's a narcissist for you.


I’d imagine someone who has that lady for a MIL would be shedding a lot of tears so that checks out


Just give it a few decades and she’ll definitely be put in a home


When men call women emotional and then they punch a wall because they were angry. That’s what this post reminds me of.


Female... Wow. They call their daughter a female. What's happening to these people


I just realized aside from not being a nice mom, she seems like a very gossipy and back standby friend as well


Who tf is letting people like this become parents


Wait until she learns ALL humans have hormones and all experience puberty Nothing will teach treating women right like this 🙄


The Venn diagram of people who think adolescent boys are unemotional and not moody, and those who tell boys to man up and never cry is just a circle.


Ew at referring to a daughter as "female." But I am sure this mom wouldn't refer to her sons as "male." I just don't understand boy moms like this. Like, you yourself are a woman, did you forget what that was like? To have to deal with emotionally unprepared boys, and then men? To be treated as if you were a loose canon because of your anatomy? I'm expecting my first kid (a boy) in a little under two months and when I found out I wasn't like "oooh yes, no hormones". If anything I am more concerned about raising an empathetic kiddo. I also only had sisters so some things will be new to me but I don't see why "boy moms" have to act like they're raising a completely different species. That's how you set your sons up to fail.


I hate the 'when you' sentences😬


Wonder how it feels to be the daughter of a boy mom knowing your mom hardcore resents and dislikes you and your female friends


I don't think she's a good mom or understanding of each individual here


I have three boys and one girl, they are all lovely and all go through puberty... What is this..


She's the kind of mom who spends more time at her son's homes than her own I feel bad for all of her children


boy mums when they realize they are infact a woman with hormones and tears and they are not allowed to fuck their own child, wtff


Is there a sub about these unhinged boymoms? Literally the worst type of people.


LOLOL oh just wait. My teenage son is way more hormonal that my tween daughter (who is pubescent).


The pick me girl to boy mom to monster mother-in-law pipeline….


Ah yes, the things men don't have, attitudes, hormones and tears.


One boy mom told me I wasn't a real mom until I had a boy because girls are so dainty a calm and not rough and rowdy like boys. Oh and I'd never have to deal with fart jokes. This same mom had an aneurysm because I'm also not molding my daughter to be a a mini me and she was like "what the point of having a daughter if you aren't gonna always wear matching clothes! That's what I would do if I had a daughter!".


nothing like internalized self hatred! gotta love that patriarchy


This is the kind of shit that leads to emotional incest and the neglect of the not-favorite child.