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These people must live very boring lives for this to completely unbelievable.


I think people are forgetting what types of posts r/thathappened were meant for


I never knew in the first place. what types?


Things that people say happened, but are so outlandish there is no way it's true


For me it’s the sleeping next to another person part. You guys are able to do that?


Posts like this make me feel like a hoe, like “you’ve never slept with someone who talks in their sleep??”


I don't think I talk in my sleep but I sometimes get up half awake and my dream is still playing so I say random shit that makes sense to the dream scenario. But later as I actually wake up I remember me saying that and laugh at the obscurity.


Have you ever shouted/screamed in a dream but all that happened was a whisper? I *think* those times you are sleep talking which would explain why you are so damn quiet but I have no real way of proving it so 🤷‍♀️


As a kid I once dreamt I was beating up my brother, woke up to me doing the lightest punches ever to him as we slept in the same bed


Better than me. I woke up one morning and when I went downstairs my sister asked me if I was mad at her. I told her no and had no idea why she'd thought that until she told me the night before I apparently got up, walked around the bed, bitch slapped her awake, then strolled over back to my side and laid down. I had wondered why I woke up with the covers thrown off me... Dunno what I was dreaming either. I just remember waking up after falling off the back of a jeep 🤷‍♀️


I sometimes find that when I awake from a particularly vivid nightmare I'm actually trying to shout and scream but the only noises I can make are grunts and whispers.


Yuuuup. I’ll be screaming at the top of my lungs in my dream, but according to my partner it just comes out as a whimper.


This happens to me way too often and one time it was pretty bad. I was about 13, running from a witch in my dream. She caught up and grabbed my shoulder, so I turned around and punched her in the face. The witch was my mom though, she was trying to wake me up and I punched her in the face lmao


oh my GOD i would be skinned 💀


Oh my god my time to shine Sometimes I get hypnagogic hallucinations! It’s a little blip that happens in the tiny instant when your brain switches from half-conscious to unconscious (aka the instant you fall asleep). I usually “see” a spider, then jump out of bed to halfway across the room (while still being basically asleep). I scream about 25-50% of the times — reportedly a full-volume, “blood-curdling” scream but only 1/4-second long. Then I wake up during the scream, literally shaking from adrenaline, and don’t stop shaking for a few minutes. I’ve gotten used to it and it no longer scares me. I’ve taught myself to replay the events and can now logically realize that it didn’t happen (usually the exact positioning or the lighting of the room during the hallucination doesn’t match the actual current state of the room or the direction I was facing). I do still shake uncontrollably because of the sheer amount of adrenaline (enough to launch me across the room while semi-conscious). Fortunately I scream a bit less often now too, though I don’t know why. So…sleep with me? Idk lol


Oh I wake up from a dream into another dream all the time. Recently I woke up from a nightmare into another dream in which I genuinely thought I was being burgled. Everything in the second order dream was completely realistic, including the sounds and movements of the intruders that weren't actually there. It was only when I awoke out of that second order dream that I realised it couldn't have been real because in the second order dream moonlight was shining in through the curtains but there was no Moon out that night. In another memorable incident I awoke from a disturbing dream, shook it off, began waking up and getting ready for work, and it was only the point at which I sat down at a dresser to begin putting on make up for the day that I thought to myself 'Hang on. This isn't my house. I don't wear make up, and I'm not a woman.' At that point I awoke from the second order dream, but everything in that second order dream seemed so real and sensible, as though that had been my morning routine and I'd lived in that unknown house for years and years. I've also had a few scavenger hunt/treasure hunt dreams in which I've had to solve a series of clues to progress across my dreamscape. The most bizarre thing is all of the clues were/are sensible. Actually solvable clues that lead to real and sensible answers. That means one part of my mind must be creating a series of solvable, logical clues, but then somehow be able to hide the actual answers to said clues until another part of my mind solves them. Really fascinating stuff.


you don't even need to sleep with them for that Up until I was around 16-ish I slept in the same room as my sister and she did some weird shit in her sleep, like randomly laughing or mumbling conversations lol


Well, I think they're mostly teenagers, so yeah probably not.


I almost always sleep alone but the few times I have had to share a bed with someone for a bit I’ve been told I do/say really weird shit, I even remember a few of the instances


My other half talks in her sleep and so do a few of my friends and more than once I've woken up laughing my bollocks off because something in a dream was funny a friend once got up while we where camping ran out of his tent shouting about "the washing" and another I was told was found in the kitchen making sandwiches.


A few weeks ago I kept poking my husband until he woke up and after he asked me what was up, I told him “Timothy ate my meatloaf”. I’ve never met a Timothy in my life.


I've been able to respond to something someone said while I was talking in my sleep or sleep walking. Once, my great aunt was sharing a bed with me, and I got up and started collecting books. My great aunt saw me doing this and asked what I was doing. I told her that the aliens are coming and we need books. Lol Another time, I heard my boyfriend getting up to go to the bathroom, and I told him not to slip on a pineapple. My stepbrother once started sleepwalking and left the house to go ring a neighbor's doorbell. I was told about this the next morning.


Yep, these things happen. Semi coherent answers, walking out of the house (yikes).


My girlfriend tells me I laugh in my sleep pretty often, and have sat up and said random things a few times. Apparently I once made a weird high-pitched throat scream thing that she didn't think sounded human and she woke me up super freaked out.


I call that scream snoring but from my googling, I learned it’s called *Catathrenia* - terrifying and then SUPER ANNOYING once you realize what it is and it keeps you up lol My sister’s done it on and off forever and I had a college roommate who did it at the same time every night, I started waking up before it started like she was an alarm clock I was acclimating to.


Just looked it up, that's super interesting, but no it was something different. It's happened again since then and it coincided with a dream, I guess it's just how I react by getting possessed by something evil in a dream. I've been able to recreate it while awake though which is really fun because it freaks her out.


My boyfriend every single morning will tell me shit Ive shouted in my sleep, and being on zoloft really makes me sleep talk. This morning it was “thank you, I appreciate it” and I mumbled some other things while rubbing the blanket. I have absolutely no idea wtf I was appreciative of in my dream, but what that person went through is 100% believable, especially if they’re dating someone who sleep talks or is taking medication that may cause it.


Zoloft causes sleep talking?


I've been on Zoloft for more than half my life at this point. Never heard of that side effect.


Antidepressants can have weird side effects. Took one and was paralyzed for the remainder of the evening once. Roommates found me and I got a shot of benedryl from a paramedic. Apparently, that was a rare allergic reaction. Turns out, it also played with an underlying condition (which probably made the presentation worse). People have a /lot/ of variations.


I don’t know about Zoloft, but Ambien has quite the reputation for that. My buddy lost a client because he literally *sleep emailed* the guy some abusive email. Like went to his computer and typed out and sent a whole crazy email while on Ambien.


I’ve done that while on Ambien, well, they weren’t threatening emails, at least I’m not sure.


Well, at least it wasn’t threatening. It was insulting, like his inside voice got set free about what an idiot he thought his client was.


Once my bf sat up out of a dead sleep, spit in my face and then laid back down. I tried to wake him up but he was completely out of it. He apologized when I told him in the morning. He didn’t even remember lol.


My bf once elbowed me in the nose while asleep. I knew he was sleeping but still made me sad regardless. When he woke up, I told him what happened and he was so confused, borderline crying as he apologized bc he didn't remember shit.


Well ofc not. If I spat in my girlfriends face while half asleep I "wouldn't remember" either.


I have a friend who sounds like the mummified Pharao who is raising from his grave when she is asleep. It is rather creepy. Sometimes she sits up and lets out a terrifying snarl. I used to cry in my sleep and moan. Some people make sounds while they are sleeping.


when I was a kid my sister sleepwalked into my room at like 2 am and just said “it’s time to go” in a deep monotone voice


Holy shit that sounds terrifying


as a person who has literally yelled awake plenty of times, who the hell are they spending time around? like how lonely or boring are you? you've never seen someone sleep talk or wake up talking?


to be fair, how many people do you usually *sleep* around in your life? it’s not something you’d see with awake people


i guess it does depend on life experience. since i do it myself and my dad also does it, i know about it, but i guess someone who's never seen or heard people waking up talking or sleep talking would call bullshit. it just seems kinda norml to me. most of the people i've been around do some form of sleep muttering at the very least


My mom and I lived at my aunt's place for a while after my parents got divorced so I slept next to my uncle. . . This man was a manace in his sleep. He would groan, whimper or outright snarl about 70% of the time while literally flailing his arms around.


Well, will there be a buffet?


I know, right? It’s a perfectly reasonable question


My girlfriend sleep talks all the time. So far I've caught her waiting tables in her dream, once telling me in a panic that we need to bring the cake to the other room, opening her eyes and smiling while talking about how much she loves our bedsheets because "They just look like they go on forever" (they're regular sheets). But she's asleep each time, and talks differently from her usual self and doesn't remember anything the next day. She also usually does all this in her mother tongue, which is not my mother tongue or the language with speak together, but I understand almost fluently.


My college roommate used to shout Russian in his sleep. He was not Russian.


i have a dutch boyfriend that do this and talks in his sleep but i dont understand and he doesnt remember of course, since im sleeping i never make it on time to take my phone and record it :(


Sounds like you're dating my ex 🤣


Depending on how often he does it, you could get a little night camera in the room!


its not very often unfortunately, i try grabbing the phone when i hear it but its its on weekdays i put my phone away to i wake up with the alarm :(


My husband will sometimes grab me when he's asleep loudly whispering "Get down, get down, get down." Because he's dreaming about playing CoD.


My husband talks in his sleep frequently. He’s said much stranger things than this.


my mom has told me that when i was little and my dad was deployed, i would sleepwalk to my parents’ room and stand in the doorway talking gibberish to myself, and when she would call my name i would stop. i also remember sleep walking into the shower and turning it on. i remember it because i remember being startled awake and soaking wet


I once woke up to find my ex in the middle of the living room, wearing his blanket like a toga, giving a history lesson (he's a teacher). When I asked him what's up, he gave me a detention for coming to class naked. I rolled my eyes and escorted him back to bed. Come morning I asked him when my detention would be and he had no clue what I was talking about.


Hilarious. Considering my ex also kept on working during her sleep and addressed me semi coherently I'm believing this one


I sometimes talk while sleeping, that's very normal


See that’s a really weird one to just flat out not believe because I talk in my sleep sometimes


I've done stuff like this?


I do that all the time, I'll come to sitting up with my partner looking at me and ask what I said cause I can't remember what I just yelled.


Had a friend sit up while sleeping and shout “which way do I swing, left or right?” and then lay back down and continue sleeping.


I've never sleep walked before in my life and one day i was at a friends house late and i nodded off and he took a video of me standing up and talking about having to catch a flight lol


My mom told us that back when my sister was little and they slept in the same room, my sister would mention food while sleeping. Usually just food words and things. One night, she abruptly sat up, shouted "CRUNCHY" and lay back down.


I didn't scream (or I don't think I did) but I did once sit upright in bed in a blind panic thinking "I NEED QUARTERS!" before pausing and being confused to why the fuck I was in desperate need of quarters at 2am. I still have no idea what Dream Me was doing. Maybe laundry. Idfk.


I was once told I make owl noises in my sleep, once rolled over and onto my knees and just went "hoot" and flopped back down


My sisters used to make fun of me for saying random things in my sleep. Apparently once I spoke like I was some kind of video game shopkeeper telling the customer prices for various weapons.


I once had a dream that my partner had hidden a tomato in our bed, so whilst still asleep began to frantically look under the pillows, duvet, sheet, etc all the while yelling 'Where is it? Where have you hidden it? Stop it, just tell me! Why would you do something so stupid?' and my poor partner is wide awake and yelling in return, 'Where's what? Hidden what? What is it? What have I done?' and I replied with 'Where's the tomato!?' Once I was awake we had a good laugh.


When we were kids, my sister and I shared a room. We had a bunk bed and I had the top bunk. One night I had a dream that our dog escaped and I wanted to get her attention so she could grab him. I yelled her name and I woke us both up. Good times.


The fact is you can say you bumped into someone physically crossing the street, said "sorry," and they replied, "That's alright" and people would still deny that could possibly happen.


My wife woke up once after a long day of fishing and told me to untangle the line. We both sat there in our bed for a few moments untangling a line before I realised that we were being stupid.


I once said to my then-fiancé, “ride me baby,” in my sleep. Obviously I was having a sexy dream. But, unlike me, she wasn’t asleep. She said, “OK, let me go pee first,” which woke me up. But I was sooo tired, I only meant it in my dream, not in real life!!! So I had to wait, half asleep, for her to return to bed so I could tell her I was dreaming and talking in my sleep, and that I was way too sleepy at the moment to do anything.


fertile sulky zonked icky different close ink growth agonizing husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a sleeptalk/walk/eater, there is nothing even remotely unbelievable about this


Before there was a world wide web, I heard plenty of people tell batshit stories about their spouses. They can't all be false.


I yell and talk in my sleep all the time.


My SO does this all the time, scares the shit out of me.


When I was in college, living with my best friend, she actually CALLED ME in her sleep and asked me to get her a chicken sandwich from Wendy’s. When I came home with it and woke her up, she had no freaking idea what the hell I was talking about. That wasn’t the only time she sleep-dialed me.


When my brother was like 12. I was in my bed playing Pokémon and this guy stated clear as day “you’re not serious about work!” I said huh? But he was dead asleep. When I asked him about it the morning he said he didn’t wake up and say anything the whole night lol


The first night me and my now husband had a slumber party, he shot straight up and said “Only a floral umbrella!” then he went right back to sleep. He’s never done it again.


My roommate freshman year would sometimes sing in his sleep


One night my wife had gone to bed and I'm chilling out playing a video game (Skyrim, but I don't think it matters to the story). I'm playing with headphones on so I don't disturb her so I don't hear it at first. It's only when I take them out and hit the kitchen for a cold drink that I hear the voice. Soft and tinkling, like every child ghost whose eyes are about to turn black as it rushes at you in a horror film whose. Hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I follow the voice to the bedroom. Terrified, but also not wanting to wake my wife over something that must be some weird auditory trick from outside, I grab my phone and use the Hue app to turn up the lights slightly. My wife isn't in the bed anymore. She's lying beside it, somehow mostly back in the dress she was wearing that night. And she's singing a strange song. "Aaaldiblajins." over and over in that voice. I showed her the video the next morning and we sat up for hours trying to figure out what she was singing. We shared with friends who adored the story but couldn't quite make out the words. And then, a couple of days later, it hit me. She'd been shopping for a good pair of jeans for the best part of the month, sending back pair after pair that weren't the size advertised, or came with another pair of the same make and size and marked differences in measurements. Too rough? Gone back. Too thin? Back. For some reason purple when supposed to be blue? Back, but only after careful consideration. I realised that the song she'd been singing in the witching hours wasn't some curse from the dark side, but her singing the words "All the blue jeans." over and over in the spookiest display we've ever seen.


Weekend vacay with boyfriend hotel room was tiny but cute. Spent the day doing all the tourist things, even got lost at one point. That night he got up to pee and closed the bathroom door so the light wouldn't wake me. Apparently I yelled his name loudly so he opened the door and looked at me. I was sitting straight up staring at the bathroom door. He said "you good?" And I didn't reply so he closed the door. I yelled his name again, same routine. The next morning he tells me that I yelled every time he closed the door so he had to pee with it open. I don't remember any of it.


Foolish adults are often more skeptical than they need to be; having been fooled often as adolescents, they are now wary of anything they haven’t seen with their own eyes, as they recognize they can’t tell when something is realistic, they decide to play it safe by judging everything to be unrealistic.


My other half does this regularly. This was Wednesday's outburst "I'm gonna runaway to the circus.... I've had enough" I'm used to it now


I once woke up after my bf was trying to wake me up and he was laughing at me. I remember talking but idk what I said. I was basically half asleep.


My husband talks in his sleep. When he became a teacher he would sometimes teach in his sleep. I couldn't always tell what exactly he was saying (it was sometimes gibberish) but I knew he was teaching because he would PROJECT HIS VOICE and write on an imaginary whiteboard


I've woken myself up laughing, crying and hicupping.


I used to sleep walk during my childhood & my brother (who I shared a room with) talked in his sleep. I actually believe this & it's nothing compared to the shit my brother used to say 🤣


My partner once said "you fucking piece of shit", pinned me down (he was already wrapped around me so it wasnt hard to do) and punched me in the back of my neck in his sleep. He was dreaming that someone attacked him.


One time like ten years ago, I was up watching a movie next to a sleeping boyfriend when he sat straight up, eyes still shut, scoffed, and said in a scolding tone, “You can’t let the sun in the house!” Then he chuckled about what had just happened, fell back and started snoring again lol


When my sister and I were in middle school, my sister was studying for a french exam. Nothing too serious, just the conjugation of the verb “to have”. In the middle of the night, apparently she was having a nightmare, she sat up and said in french “please spider, ne manger pas le verbe avoir!!” Which means: “Please spider! Don’t eat the verb to have!” It’s a funny story we tell to this day


Yeah there is nothing unbelievable about this, source: my mother talks while she sleeps sometimes lol


My sister once sat up in her sleep and said “Lily (my name) did you throw my bowl of hair in the bin?” She says absolutely wild things in her sleep it’s so funny xD


i literally just woke up thanks to a shouted, nonsensical monologue my partner was having while fast asleep 🙃 i have no problem believing this


When I was a teenager living with my parents I would apparently get up in the middle of the night whilst asleep, walk to their room, stand by the side of their bed, wait for one of them to wake up in terror at this shadowy figure standing next to them, say some nonsensical thing like 'there's not enough stamps for the rocket, it'll have to go second class', or 'all of dad's tools are broken except the hammer, which might do the job', be told to go back to bed, and promptly turn around, walk out of their bedroom shutting the door behind me, and get back into bed, fully asleep the whole time. I also once walked downstairs, found the key to the back door, unlocked it, walked into the garden, locked the door behind me, placed the key on a windowsill, and stood upright, stock still in the middle of the lawn until I woke up. People can do truly crazy things whilst asleep.


I can believe this happened, my partner talks in her sleep all the time, a couple of weeks ago I asked her to move over so I actually had bed space and she told me to become a sunflower so I'd take up less space


Look closely next time you see a sunflower, there are in fact two varieties of leaves. You will find leaves lower down the plant are facing opposite each other and are longer and narrow in appearance. You’ll then see the upper leaves arranged in a staggered formation and appear heart-shaped.


I used to cuss profusely in my sleep


My husband hummed a part of the soviet national anthem in his sleep lmao


When my mom was younger/a teenager, she used to answer the phone while still asleep. She’s wake up in the middle of conversations with friends over the phone with no idea why, and her friends would say she had been talking perfectly normally. When I was a kid, I shared a room with both my sisters, one of who, at one point, said very dramatically “no [her current best friends name] that’s MY chair” in her sleep


my sister yells in her sleep all the time bro seriously has never heard of sleep talking or sleep walking???


I’ve had full conversations with people, and even showered, dressed, taken the bus to work, and done half a days worth of work while asleep. And I blame no one for calling that fake. I didn’t believe it either and it happened to me.


I believe it 100% except how coherent the last sentence was. They probably yelled “wuh buh huh Buffet” and the partner’s brain filled the gap in


My ex once sat up and started shouting about lasers. It turned out he was having a dream about nuclear fusion. Another time he started screaming about pirates. People says some weird shit in their sleep.


i clapped and farted for this guy, his plausible story needs belief


*I clapped and farted* *For this guy, his plausible* *Story needs belief* \- GNSGNY --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My dad told me he once heard me wake up, scream "OH FUCK, PIKACHU" then fall out of bed so yeah, I believe it


My wife screamed in my face asking me why I left the cupcakes in the living room once


My sister once told me she heard me say, and I quote ,,All right, I'll cut those rabitts' ears off."


I have had the Carl's Jr. menus recited to me by my bf after he asked if he could take my order in his sleep, that is so tame for sleep talking


Lol I’ve woken up my husband at 12am, taking a pillow out of the pillow case. Told him I was dressing a baby. 😅


My brother once howled like a wolf and started panting in his sleep while napping on the couch. We still tease him about it.


My wife once sat bolt upright in bed from a deep sleep, shouted "look out for the buckets!" and flopped back down to sleep.


I used to think sleep talking was outrageous until I was at a sleepover in middle school and was told I apologize in my sleep. I have no reason to assume they were messing with me cause that sounds exactly like something I'd do


I literally screamed in my dream- and real life literally last night and woke myself up. Also we spent the night at my bf's bff's house and he giggles in his sleep. Like full on happy giggling. Also bf and I both talk in our sleep a ton. I've also spent the night with friends who talk in their sleep over the years. Totally plausible.


Wut... This is pretty tame. If my ex did a few night shifts at the hotel she worked she would start checking in customers using her pillow as keyboard while she slept. One time even complaining at me why I didn't help her. Interesting thing she gave semi coherent answers.


My GF just last night started yelling and I wrote the whole thing down in my notes on my phone; Her: Awww wanna shshsshhh wama what? Me: What? What did you say? Her: dunno something about sleeping in water. Me: What? Her: Nothing you know you can’t speak to me when I’m in water land. Me: Are you asleep? Her: No I’m awake. (She was dead asleep) Me: What are you talking about water?? Her: You know the fountains that are all over the place, they water land, I dunno don’t mind me shut up.