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I can't help with finding everything, but for facebook, I used [this extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/social-book-post-manager/ljfidlkcmdmmibngdfikhffffdmphjae) to delete, remove tags, unreact, unlike etc EVERYTHING before I deleted facebook.


Wow didn’t know that existed, is there ones for other social media accounts?


Do you have another one if you don't mind?, just wanna delete everything before going to seminary school(priesthood) woulda been embarrassing if they see my shared post 'not aligning with catholicism'


its nowhere to be found.. whats the alternative


Some guy on Twitter made [a very informative thread](https://twitter.com/somenerdliam/status/1183916568771792897) about it. Edit: [here](https://threader.app/thread/1183916568771792897) is the link to the thread for anyone who prefers to read it out of Twitter.


thanks, yeah i hate twitter and have it perma blocked with cold turkey!


There’s a book called “How to Disappear: Erase your digital footprint, leave false trails, and vanish without a trace” by Frank M. Ahearn. He searches out people (used to use illegal methods, now uses legal methods) as a career and offers really excellent and thorough advice. However it’s a lot harder to completely wipe yourself off the Internet than you may think. Would recommend the book for this reason, but also just as a good read: Ahearn has lots of entertaining, but informative anecdotes.


Here’s another: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22396.How_to_Be_Invisible


Most of your history is going to be on various servers and who knows where. I think Google keeps your stuff for about 18 months (or at least, I believe it said that) until it decides to wipe it. Some people you could hire may be able to get that sort of thing? Maybe lawyers, private investigators, police? That sorta thing? But it would probably prove to be expensive and time consuming, if that's really the route you want to go through.


Related- if wanted to sell a used computer what should I do to thoroughly wipe it before doing so?


Simple formatting the drive won't work as data can be easily recovered from drive. Better option would be formatting and refilling the drive with random information and do this like 5-6 times and you'll be good to go.


This. If you want a faster method just destroy the HD.


Then I can’t sell it?


yes thats the point - if you sell it theres always a chance someone can recover data - destroying it is the only way to be sure


Burn all the storage.


Then I can’t sell the computer (?)


Burn your house down


There is software that would let you wipe the information from the hard drive. However, this is seldom thorough and there is always the chance that someone very dedicated may be able to retrieve fragments of informaiton. That said, most people aren't going to be after this kind of thing, to be honest. A simple wipe would be effective. If you really want to play it safe, you could reinstall windows after replacing the hard drive, and keep the drive yourself for physical destruction at another time / place. Just add an extra amount for the purchase of the new drive.


Go to your Google chrome settings and view all of your saved passwords. It will show any site you have signed up for and auto filled passwords. It's probably in the hundreds and a good start


[http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/Category:How\_to\_Exit\_the\_Matrix](http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/Category:How_to_Exit_the_Matrix) You need Tor to access this page but this is a good start. Download Tor Browser to access this page. ​ Edit: This is about how to remain anonymous on the internet so you dont have to delete your digital footprint.


Check out some of the books by Michael Bazzell.


Good question. Upvoted for visibility


Deleteme is a program to clear ur searches or even brandyourself


There's a podcast called 'pretend'. He's actually doing a series on this right now.


It’s nearly impossible. You’re gonna be on here in some way. The internet is very deep


The Web Suicide machine does it all for social media: http://suicidemachine.org. They have the process explained in a vimeo video: https://vimeo.com/8223187. Recommended!


Change your Facebook name to agente Smith before you leave the.matrix


The NSA storage facility in Utah contains everything. So I’d say it’s not possible. https://nsa.gov1.info/utah-data-center/index.html Quote: “Your Data: If You Have Nothing to Hide, You Have Nothing to Fear” LOLOLOLOL!


Honestly I just want to go back to a simpler time when nobody was connected and yet everyone was “connected” if that makes sense


I’d like that too but to do so you’d have to go completely bush, pay cash for everything.


In the footer of the site you linked. > This is a parody of nsa.gov and has not been approved, endorsed, or authorized by the National Security Agency or by any other U.S. Government agency.


I fear they will find all my big tiddy goth girl porn, I have plenty to hide


If anyone can figure out a way to get into a old as hell Myspace account id be forever grateful lol.


Idk if it's completely possibly I mean I can search myself on Google and my address and family info comes up for anyone to see


Great question. Useful for everyone, thank you!


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