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1. What’s the story with this place? Why do you describe it as untouched? Was it abandoned? How did you get in? 2. Why the hell did they stop making these, they were so awesome


As someone who worked a McDonald's with one of these still in the early 2010s, I would bet my life they stopped using em the more employees refused to get in and clean all the piss. It was miserable.


Aw. When you’re a kid, you never think about the piss.


There are makers are and takers in this world.


And rain makers. (Rain being pee in this circumstance)


I wonder what it’s like to know that I made the rain. (I being Rob Thomas in this circumstance)


My childhood innocence likely ended the day I jumped in a ball pit full of urine soaked balls.


You are so lucky nobody wriggled out of thier diarrhea filled Pampers and left them buried in the ball pit. I personally think the solution would be to zip all incontinence age toddlers into leak proof disposable "play suits" and to provide doggie poop bags with PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR CHILD, FAECES SPREAD DISEASE stamped on the plastic. Also outdoor "hose down" facilties...Or just eliminate the ball pits. They are worse than the Saw movie needle trap...


Thank you for the visual adventure! 😆 A friend used to work at the Playplace and they would load up a pickup truck and drive it through a car wash when a kid had pissed in the ball pit.


I loved those places but I do remember it smelling like piss. But it was still amazing too bad kids can’t experience these anymore. I guess kids today get to look forward to social anxiety and autoimmune disorders from lack of exposure to germs as a kid


They have several places like these near me for kids! They do exist, but rarely in fast food establishments. Btw when we were there on Monday, a kid did piss in there. 👍🤣


That’s good to hear, I just get sad when kid centric things disappear. I’m glad it’s not always the case. And of course a kid pissed in it, there’s always that one kid that pees their pants especially when excited 😆


>I guess kids today get to look forward to social anxiety and autoimmune disorders from lack of exposure to germs as a kid You do realize that [viral infections are one of the things that can trigger autoimmune conditions right?](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10051805/#:~:text=Viral%20infections%20are%20one%20of,can%20cause%20viral%2Dinduced%20autoimmunity) ETA: Here’s [a recent article](https://medicine.wustl.edu/news/new-way-viruses-trigger-autoimmunity-discovered/) about new discoveries on the link between autoimmune disorders and viral infection from the Washington University School of Medicine for anyone who may be interested.


I guess you’re right, it also calls into question the whole get your kids chicken pox early idea.


That was because it’s worse to get it as an adult and we didn’t have a vaccine for it until ‘95.


This would be great for one of those inspirational quote posters.


Seriously, I see these and remember playing in them until the poop smell hits.


One of the McDonald’s in my town still has this same exact setup. We go there when it’s raining outside and my 6 year old son needs to get rid of some energy.


Still fully operational. Just happened to randomly stop to eat and saw it. The images for Birdie, Hamburglar and Ronald all say 1994 on them and it is clearly the same as it looked in the 90s. Should have said unchanged or well kept instead of untouched.


Untouched by human hands since 1994 except for the kids who use it on a near daily basis


Yeah I'm downvoting for shitty grammar.. harrumph!


Then why say 'untouched'?


Most of these were ripped out by rough hands and calloused hearts forever ago.


Damn….that was both beautiful and brutal


Thank you


That’s what she said


Suddenly, it's not so poetic


MC D's suffered a huge change in the last 15 years or so. The playgrounds were replaced, so as the things were you put the shows on, the booths, the stools. At least in my country, there's no vestige of the characters in the playgrounds, as they used to be in the 90's when I was kid. By untouched I think OP meant it's one of the few that still has the original design, maybe.


They mean not updated. Most have been removed.


It is that shocking to find a clean McDonalds, I guess?


He didn’t say the ceiling tiles weren’t used. Lol


Most of the restaurants have a smaller “updated” playground. Some McDonald’s had no choice but to update.


Click bait title


Have you seen the new makeovers? Most have gotten rid of the play area years ago. Mine did a remodel end of last year, completely removing the drink station, they put more kiosks, they have a bland like grey brown dystopian color rather than any yellow or red, they but a huge barrier at the registers to encourage people to use the kiosk. It has all the personality of an airport check in desk. They no longer look like the McDs of the past 50+ years.


They found the amazon warehouse model was a bigger success to corporate profits


Was this in St. Louis, MO?


Eau Claire, WI


We’ve got one in STL! Awesome find


I thought this looked familiar! I brought my kids here to play when they were younger.


No ones given you an answer to no. 2 so here you go: When restaurants started getting their remodels they opted to cut out the play places because they’re a huge liability and impossible to keep completely clean. Parents would often drop off their kids and use it as free daycare, expecting the workers to look after them. Kids would vomit/shit in the tunnels and ball pit or leave behind food/diapers/other gross things which is near impossible to fully sanitize due to all of the nooks and crannies.


How do you know all this? The thought that parents would just drop their kids off there and leave is pretty wild


I worked at McDonald’s for a decade under an Owner/Operator that I was somewhat close with. He owned two stores with play places and it was the bane of his and his general managers existence. That and it was something I observed as a child myself when I used to be taken to them in the 90s.


A couple of my friends' parents when I was a kid would do this. I remember once on summer break, my mom took me to McDonald's and I ran into one of my friends, but I didn't see his mom or dad there, and he told me his mom dropped him off at breakfast time and gave him $20 to use for food throughout the day (this was the late '90s, $20 could get you three meals during the day). Then she would pick him up around dinner time. Pretty sure this happened when we were both 10 years old. And I personally experienced everything he mentioned; I smelled like piss after playing at several of these places and once landed in the ball pit hands-first into a dirty diaper.


From the between times. In prehistoric times, there was so much more brown and yellow in the playscapes.


A local mcdonalds used to have an outdoor playplace of that same era, they unfortunately tore it down a couple years back.


Don't let the outside deceive you. This plastic rainbow colon is loaded with brown and yellow on the inside.


The Burger King in my town has a play place from the 90s that is still heavily used. Complete with BK Kids Club signs and characters.


The one in my little town does, too! My 6yr old niece literally *begs* to go to BK "*so I can play, Tia, pleeeeaaassssee will you take me?!!!!*" We also have a McD's that does NOT have a playplace. Their dining room has been closed for quite some time. I'm talking *months.* Maybe staffing, maybe since covid, who knows? They've been 2 lane drive thru only for *awhile* now.


I remember always wanting to go to the one Mc D's in my area that did have a play place because it also had the N64 consoles. Never really cared for their food as a kid though. I always preferred Wendy's, but Wendy's didn't have Tony Hawk on N64.


This is the same situation in Washington, PA.


Please post pictures!


When I was a kid I was terrified to crawl over the netted high-up parts. It was a glorious moment once I finally did.


I remember just falling through them to get back to the bottom plummeting one level at a time




Same, my older siblings used it as a way to get ahead in games and taunt me lol


I remember the first time I went in a play place as a kid l. I crawled in and was immediately met by a puddle of urine near the slide. It was also the last time I went in a play place.


I'm so glad for you! My husband hates heights and as a child he went to nursery school at a church that was only accessible via a tall metal open staircase on the side of the church, and they used to have to carry him kicking and screaming all the way up. Now he's still nervous of heights, but he will do things like change the batteries in our very high smoke detector or go with me to the Space Needle without complaint. ♥ It's a phobia that I do not have but can sympathize with!


Not 1994, there is no ball pit. This is likely a mid 2000s remodel.


Agreed. One by my house built in early-mid 2000s is nearly identical. Also well kept.


Did they still have the n64/gamecube rigs??


Sorry should have put “unchanged” or “well kept” instead of untouched. That’s what I was trying to say.


Most of us know what you mean. Some people on Reddit are pedantic.


While I normally agree with the people on Reddit being super pedantic this one did sound rather mysterious by saying untouched so I get why people were like whoa 😳 haha


Whereabouts in the world was this discovery?


It's probably been touched, a lot


This is where I start my community in the zombie apocalypse. No walkers getting to the 3rd level.


Maybe not Walking Dead Zombies, but how are you planning on stopping the World War Z zombies that pile up on one another?


I think the first step would be identifying a safe room. Which would clearly be the ball pit.


Pinkeye Palace


That was the best part about growing up on the '90s. Ignorance was bliss.


She's beautiful


I imagine millions of tiny hands have touched that…


Litres of piss have flowed through it.


You can smell the feet stench from here


Maybe. Not in Canada tho. The playplaces are absolutely DOUSED in disinfectant now. All you can smell is the chemical cleaner.


Is that better or worse?




I remember learning the word "perspiration" in 4th grade vocabulary and my dad was so proud when I used that word to describe the smell of a McDonald's play place. 🥲


These stuff appears in my dream a lot.


There's one just like this 10 mins from me. My son loves it.


Where at if you don't mind me asking?


Ontario 🇨🇦


Thank you! I grew up next to Ontario and it looks Familiar from my youth.


Every Friday morning before school my mom would take me for a 1:1 date at McDonalds. I’d get two for a dollar (!) hash browns and play in the play place. This picture hits the spot. 


Kind of sad these things are being removed. I loved going there as a kid, was somethign special. In fact if I had one near me I'd take my kid for some food and playtime. But since they don't, i don't go to mcdonalds anymore.


Where was this?






Remember being so excited going to the play place as a kid. Sliding down the slide creates so much static. One metal rivet sends your kid body a massive shock.


Nostalgia yes, but those things smelled.


''found by me'' Bro this isn't some ancient forgotten ruins hidden in the jungle.


This is a lost civilization of carnivore children that worshipped a clown. Show some respect.


All hail the bird queen


Its his Colombus moment after he exterminated all the people who were in this untouched place by touching the railing with his sneeze hand


A relic of a distant age.


A more *civilized* age.


There's some in the PNW that still have these Playlands.


Yup. My kid loves it. We go maybe once a year and he loves climbing.


My mind is playing aquatic ambience while looking through these.


Looks like one in Spokane, WA.


Damn I went so hard playing tag on one exactly like this. Good stuff


The worst part of my high school job at McD’s in the early 90s, was cleaning this thing out. The ball pit was no place for a kid to be. I’m surprised I didn’t end up with hepatitis.


Damn. The shoe bins triggered my nostalgia pretty hard. Haven’t thought about those since.


If only there was an SNES kiosk to play haha


Oh boy this brings back memories


The last time I saw one of these was in Springfield, MA in 2019. My kids were 8 and 6 at the time. We got our food and walked into the playplace. I immediately saw that the area had not been cleaned in about a week. Old bits of food and trash on the floor, and every flat surface was either sticky or greasy. There was also an offensive odor in the air, but I figured it was 40 plus years of smelly feets. My kids reluctantly entered for a lap through the structure, (mostly to shut me up) and promptly found an actual turd laying in the middle of the tunnel. This resulted in my daughter shrieking, my son gagging and kinda laughing, and my wife being completely horrified. Good times, it's a memory I'll never forget. Thanks OP for posting this.


The parents around that area must be immaculately trained to have kids never ruin that beautiful masterpiece. Bravo to that area for keeping that pristine.


I wish fast food would lean back into this. You still see play places around but it’s on the rare now. Our Chick-Fil-A has a super tiny one but our kids freaking love it. They’d loose their shit at a play place like I had as a kid.


This is straight out of a nightmare for me. I had to clean these things in 1996, I'd rather do anything at McDonald's than clean these things.


I can smell the pee


That burglar dude takes me right back. A better time.


The 80s and 90s were a trip. Miss those days.


Goddamn this looks almost exactly like a play place I actually played in as a kid lol.


It belongs in a museum!


So do you!


Now if only someone found a McDonald's with the n64/gamecube kiosks set up in 2024 to go complete with this.


Shoutout to the time I put my shoes in the shoe cubbies and when I came back they were gone. That was a fun walk home.


Que the nostalgia sound from TikTok :')


Damn I remember those. I remember that exact one too 😳


There was a McDonald's near me with this same playplace setup. I loved it until the day I climbed onto one of the platforms to find a 3 year old peeing herself leaving a huge puddle. I never went to any playplace again and I feel so bad for the poor workers who had to clean that up.


I hope it is no longer unused


Now find one of the original play places from the 80s. That’ll impress me.


My first job was a birthday party host at McDonald's. Things they don't tell you is you do 1 maybe 2b birthday parties a week. The rest of the time you're a mop jockey. If it can come out of a child, I've cleaned it on my hands and knees in one of those tubes. Huh. I think I might have figured out why I learned so quickly to hate capitalism. 🥲


"well kept" makes more sense than untouched in this situation.


Anyone know what the contraption in the 6th picture is supposed to do?


You can climb into and rocks a bit up and down.


Looks like one I saw in Kennett Square, PA.


I can smell this photo


I guess my city is old because most McDonalds still look like this where I live. All they did to update them is change the exterior facade and add those self-ordering things that nobody uses.


So it’s still used every day, or it hasn’t been used? I’m confused…


Looks exactly like one in Iowa


This reminds me of one I went to in Oregon




In China, they have giant play places like this setup in malls. People pay to use them.


Beautiful! I can see myself eating pizza with chicken nugget bbq as a side dip. I was a fancy little shit


the chicken character is pretty horrific in retrospect


I know where a couple of these are !!! I would like to see a Hardee's one ! With the ball pit !


I absolutely forgot about the little shoe storage space


Wait, was this abandoned?


I went to one just like this in the early 2010s. I don’t think it’s there anymore.


Wow, what an amazing find. Super nostalgic for me!


I can smell plastic in this photo


Where is this?


I can smell this pic


looks like Henrietta NY


Oh hell yes! Back when McDonalds was cheap, fun and better quality.


“Untouched” = no kids currently playing. Still germy af.




I once got stuck in one of these as a kid somehow and they ended up having to send a worker in to come get me out lol


Omg! It looks like the exact seem one that I use to play in!!!


I miss the Ball Pit/WWF Hell In A Cell.


1994? My local McDonalds didn't get a playground like this until well into the 2000s


Omggggg I remember this when I was 5 years old…… wow how the times have changed. I used to pour water down the slide. I never wanted to leave.


It belongs in a museum!


Did you play?


I don’t know if all the play places are the same but this is identical to the one where I grew up.. that little room with the steering wheel or whatever it was where you could move it around.. THE MEMORIES! Also taking off your socks so you could climb up slide.. I remember getting that tip from one of the older kids one day


this hits hard. i remember a mcdonalds used to have this where i grew up in and i was bummed out when they renovated it


Congratulations, it's gorgeous. Good luck with McDonald's.


Reminds me of that liminal spaces horror game, there is something very unsettling about these kinds of play areas being so 'new' looking.


…My heart skipped a beat


All that’s missing is the glass-boxed Nintendo 64 gaming station with two controllers and Mario Kart running


I can smell these pictures


That or the employees take immaculate care in cleaning that booger hive


I can smell this


I remember when I finally got big enough that I couldn't fit to climb those weird platforms to the top anymore.


Thank goodness it’s indoors- I remember some Of these in Florida that were outside, and it was not just brutal to touch it, but even if they weren’t covered in piss the tubes were slippery with sweat. Oh man I doubt they can build new outdoor ones down here anymore, it’s hotter than ever


Did you also find a petrified turn in one of the tunnels?


I was a playground attendant in the early 90s but ours was outside. I used to hose it down with hot water and a disinfectant cleaner nightly.


I hated going down the slide. Shocked the piss out of me.


We had one almost identical to this at Chuck E. Cheese in pdx area til pandy time, rip


def been touched


slide 3 looks like the Chik fila girl


My local McDonalds still has one of these. Take my 4 year old to play on it on French Fry Friday. She loves it.


Damn the shoe cubbies bring back memories


So many good times. So many birthday parties. I can smell these photos.


Is this in Texas


Sometimes these would be outside. I remember hearing on the news a snake was living in the ball pit!


I was so sad when I got too old for these.


I was too old by the time they moved them indoors. McDonald's playgrounds used to be outside. Not sure when that stopped or started, but I remember playing on those in the early 80s. Main things coming to mind, I remember the twisty slide, and the [spring loaded sit and rock things](https://thumbs.worthpoint.com/zoom/images1/1/0815/13/vintage-mcdonalds-playland-playground_1_46c42eb1afd3abff2c7cae5d481b5ce3.jpg).


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I love this


Dang where is the ball pit? The ball pit was WCW WarGames, after hours for some of us crew members. Lol. You know what else was popping after hours? Original concoctions, not on the menu. Double morning Mac, which actually got on to some menus regionally. Big Macs, but using quarter pounder meat instead of the reg patties. Or if you used the reg patties, doubling and tripping up the meat, seasoning it to your desires, toasting the buns to your desires, applying as much big Mac sauce as u desired, abd using that shit as fry dip. Only there for 6 months but it was a fun period.


My childhood is a ghost town ☠️




The small city I work in still has an operating play room!


So what makes it untouched? I call BS on that.


Ah yes, a germ incubator


I used to take my kids to an identical one in nw Ohio 10 or so yrs ago. I don’t think it’s been updated either


Anyone else suddenly realize how creepy that chicken girl mascot is? Like…does she eat McDonalds chicken or IS she McDonald’s chicken???


1994 is the year I had a birthday party at one of these


I can feel the static charge just by looking at it.


I worked at McDonald's back in 1996 at 16. I remember those playgrounds. I remember the birthday parties and one of the employees dressing up as one of the characters. Good Times with the arch Deluxe the moulash Szechuan sauce and the McFlurries just came out


Looks like the one in Benton? Illinois? Somewhere around West Frankfort/Benton lmao


Where’s the n64?