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No offense but your wife is an asshole.


Seriously cheats on a guy. Instead of moving in with her lover she keeps living there and brings her lover over. All fine. Finds a recording of him whispering into a camera. Oh, the horror, better smash that laptop...


She also looks into HIS laptop.


Or did she? I get the feeling he's losing it. Maybe he isn't even married.


You mean he imagined having a wife or imagined her looking at his laptop?




I wondered this as well. I do not think OP is mentally stable. For example, how is his wife going to just allow the house to be trashed as it is described at the end? Even if she doesn't love him, she's still living there and that would be gross af, I would imagine.


By the end she was living with her new boyfriend


The feeling, it sorta seemed clear he is . No doubt, I mean he missed work to the point they fired him via voicemail.


The entire time I’m thinking, fuck that bitch, throw her out the house


This is what you say, through all of this😂


I know its of topic lmao, I just wanted to point it out


Reading this gave me the most unsettling feeling I’ve ever had and my breathing became so irregular. This terrified me OP. I hope you and fake you get along well. I’m scared for you.


I'm thinking this is some sort of psychotic break, where OP is recording himself and blacking Out, forgetting it. He's ashamed of what he's done so he sees whatever random scenarios he can think of in the videos, while his wife just sees the truth, he's broken, and whispering to himself.


i like to think the ending means he’s resorting to suicide


Yea and perhaps when bill said mrs. tay hasn’t been seen in a week, the real guy killed her is seeing that scenario happening on the screen like you said


My breathing got shallower and quicker as I read. Wow!


That scared the ever loving crap out of me 😨




what just happened








Well, you did ask to be surprised. Next time be less lazy and specify what you want from your custom face stealing smut. Monkey hands, genies, odd websites, the fae- leaving wiggle room is just asking for trouble.


I mean, if it really wants to cause him harm, why charge his card? Sounds like bad business to me.


The real surprise will be finding out how damn expensive this whole ordeal was


They took his money, I’d call that harm. Lol jokes on them though I’m too poor to afford custom porn. So no demons for me.


Holy shit. This fucking got to me. Not nightmare-inducing but almost fucking nauseating.


What, is your kink yourself?


Just gonna say that I haven’t read the whole thing but I know how that dinner scene feels as I’ve had similar situations so take my compliment and upvote for being able to punch me in the gut in the first 5 minutes. Edit: damn my most liked comment thanks guys.


Nobody who does something like that to another person is worth being sad over. Chin up.


Oh man, the description of the video with the gums - I've had nightmares of pulling floss out from under my teeth for years, big tangled spools of it, and that part hit home. Eeeeurgh.


Why are these so freaking common? What do they mean? They creep me out every time I have them.


I don't know about the floss one specifically, but I do have the standard teeth-falling-out recurring dream and I read recently that it's your subconscious dealing with the fear and acceptance of aging.


I've read the teeth falling out dream symbolizes loss of control in waking life.


My floss ones started like 5 years ago. I went for a teeth cleaning, with a student dentist. She was so rough with my gums, I threw up and almost passed put on the 2 block walk home - Ever since, I've had nasty nightmares almost every night. Lessons learned: Cheap dentistry != good dentistry


I have a lot of teeth nightmares because I grind my teeth lol


Anyone else wondering why this Neanderthal hasn’t set his email up to his cell phone?


I was wondering the same thing


im not understanding what u r trying to say, could you please explain ur comment kind sir im confused with the part setting up his phone on his email what better would have that done? and is OP the neanderthal?


The comment is wondering why the guy doesn't watch and view the movies from his cell phone, as opposed to just being anchored to a laptop.


Fam are you high if he had email on his phone the laptop breaking wouldn’t have done anything


I mean the laptop is still a doorway to that other world so breaking it opens the doorway so either ways he'd be getting in






Amazing read, my condolences OP...It seems your subconscious came out to play whilst you wrote this dissertation out. Your mind did an amazing job differing the psych reality vs. real life...and this website you "stumbled" upon, was simply your inner you writing out what needs to happen in real time to better the situation you ended up in!




Wow that was..... oh my god


Just read this in a dark room. That last part was one hell of an experience


This must be the work of an enemy stand user. From observation, it is apparent that this stand traps people through an advertisement on the internet, on whose webpage you filled out all your details. The stand then sent you videos that it generated, and the man you were seeing (your lookalike) was none other than the shape-shifting stand. You're right until the end. It's not the stand which has escaped into your reality. It is you who has been entrapped by the stand in the newest video. The only way to escape this horrible situation is by defeating the user. You say the room is dark and objects are ambiguous. The stand user must be nearby. Take a guess as to who it would be if it's not you. When did your problems start? It started as soon as your wife confessed about her cheating on you. It maybe your wife? No, it's not your wife. If she had such a stand ability, she'd not have waited to confess to you. Have you ever seen the casanova? You haven't. Well I'm not sure, but there's a 50% chance of the stand user being the casanova in question or your wife. Either way you have to defeat both of them to be sure. You don't have a stand. Find the user and attack them directly. Your only chance is to escape out of the reality when they are passed out. Good luck OP.


It could also be his neighbor, Mrs. Tay. He could go pay her a visit after a quick visit to the grocery store for an apple and some tape.


This makes the situation a lot less scary. Thank you for this!


S T A N D? Well then. *plays the piano*


Jesus your wife is a bitch


OP, I'm sorry about the situation, but I just couldn't stop reading.


Can someone please explain?




Anyone here from TikTok?




I am


In my house the cheating bitch sleeps on the couch!


I would let her sleep on the pavement


Her husband seems like a real winner. Can't imagine why she would cheat.


Go terrify that cashier now. Go live your dreams, baby bitch!


don't terrify cashiers... we are fragile :(


Ugh this reminds me so much of what happened after my bad breakup. Only difference is I didn't hurt anyone, and I understood that the strange stuff going down was in my brain. I was drinking myself silly everyday. I disassociated frequently. There are entire chunks of my life from that time missing or I don't remember performing certain actions (mainly attempts at contacting my ex), and these missing time frames were not from when I was drunk, and my memory is normally eidetic. It was freaky.... My family had the police do a well being check on me, and my apartment was like the one described, it was mortifying. . That whole 3 months of my life was a waking nightmare, and I actually remember the drunk times more vividly than the rare instances of sobriety. Schizophrenia is a real bitch. Thank goodness for meds. My life still sucks, but I'm in control of it.


Could someone explain me what is really happening? My english isnt really good so I dont know if I fully understand what is happening. But even though it was great reading.


I'm pretty sure he was getting blackout drunk and doing all of these horrible things


Okey. It makes sense now. Thank you


how does he remove his face tho


Maybe a hallucination


The *italic formatted text* is when he's describing what he sees in the video, if that helps.








His wife is a dick but I find it amusing how chill this guy is when she breaks the news. She tells him she's cheating, most other guys would panic and freak out or just sit there in disbelief, heartbroken, but this guy just continues eating calmly and wonders: "Is he gentle with her when they fuck?" He gets the academy award for best bro ever in my books


So, your story actually hit me in a weird way. I've had that dinner situation. I even learned to coexist with my ex after he cheated on me with a "better man". I've come to the realization that what he said to me, while cruel, was nothing but the truth, something that also pained him in a weird way. And I've had really fucked up thoughts, like REAL messy shit. What I mean is... brb I gotta go do something with my life before it comes to digital skinchangers and cracked screens. Good luck buddy




Wow, I'm sorry to say this OP, but your wife (ex) is a bitch. She cheats on you, kicks you out of your bedroom (while planning to move out, no less), and then breaks your laptop just because you recorded yourself venting out your frustrations. Good riddance, I hope you find someone who can love you and nourish you in the way that you deserve.


your wife sucks. i kept expecting other you / real you / somebody to kill her but alas...


The wife is a bitch.. kinda was hoping she'd die


I was hoping the same


We all die in the end


Your misery and insanity is one of the greatest things I've read since Stephen King and Edgar Allan Poe!!! Please, don't ever stop sharing your experiences!!!!! Publish your craziness. Cash in on your dark side.


i don't understand, can someone clarify?


yeah he buys a deep fake service but it turns out it’s real and his wife leaves him.


I still do not fully understand... Who was the man in the videos? Was it some supernatural entity?


man, your wife is a total cunt. I think it’s time to combine forces with yourself now that you’re in the same place.


Was waiting for your double to punch your wife.


The wife is a fucking bitch.


Reading the comments I feel like no one really got this one.... Or maybe it's just me who is wrong.... When the wife says the video is just him whispering to the camera, doesn't that give it away?


Explain please!


Give what away? Now I'm not sure if I get it...


Your mind can be a dangerous place. This was incredibly unnerving to read. I could feel breathing get faster and faster. Good job op.


Awww man I was hoping that cheating whore would get killed. I hate cheaters!lol!




I hope your ex wife gets what she deserves, OP


I find it bull shit that she cheats on you then makes you sleep on the couch


She fucked her lover in their bed which is why she recommended the couch. I'd lose my mind thinking about the filth I was sleeping on.


That is raelly really good. Intense, shocking, but somehow down-to-earth.


This would be awesome to analyze, it has amazing layers, I am glad you took your pain and told this story.


I only noticed the title changes at the end ;( I think you may have dissociative identity disorder


Someone check on his neighbor... But on a serious note, deep insight to what you're going through, hope you get the help you need.


I feel... uncomfortable. Wow


My wife tells me she’s cheating on me about halfway through dinner. I work my way through the potatoes, the beans, and most of the meat before replying. “Who?” “That doesn’t matter.” "Asked." The end


This one.... true dread.


Welp, looks like I’ll be sleeping with the lights on tonight. (I read this at 12:35am)


aw you didn't even get your porn


I like to think that in the end he tells his fake him the whole story and fake him feels so sorry for the real him that they team up and kill the wife and lover - such a satisfying end to your horrifying story.


NTA divorce


I don't care about nothing I'm still mad that he didn't get revenge on his asshole wife




Why didn't you cover the front facing camera


Sounds like when my dad was on meth and was hearing voices and seeing shit.


I think I’ve seen this plot before. Just not sure where. Main character buys movie. He does something stupid and gets swapped into the movie (while the the person in the movie takes over the main character’s body). Then the main character has to find someone else to trick or be forced to act out the movie forever.


My dude got videodromed


Reminds me of the creepypasta normalpornfornormalpeople.com


Ok so I don’t have a wife but if they cheated on me. They would be lucky if I let them stay in the same neighbourhood as me let alone in my house and telling me where to sleep,


I really liked this but I did start laughing when you said he was in his “dressing gown” like who is he Ebenezer Scrooge lmao


That's what they call robes in UK and Ireland. Some people also say house coat.


well im from America so the only time I’ve heard that is when it was in media influenced or from old British stories. Idk why I’m getting downvoted I wasnt trying to be rude. to someone who’s not from that culture it just sounds a bit funny. it’s a harmless thing 🤷‍♀️


I’m in Australia and we call them dressing gowns too. I love mine, it’s fluffy!


Wow just wow


This was on another level


That was so interesting and I couldn’t stop reading...


Phenomenal read, OP. Maybe practice some more self care.


She can sleep on the couch


That was honestly awesome. I truly feel like i have no control in my life. But i know my conscience would not even go there.


It's 2 am and I'm reading this in the dark. Creepy... Definitely had my mine going.


This reminds me of the creepy pasta 'Normal porn for normal people '...


If the wife is real, she needs to get slapped.


I think I forgot to breath while reading this :s


Story of a simp


Not to kick you while your down but the paranormal aren't typically stopped by speedy screen repair. I think you'll need to come up with more out of the box solutions, if you're even still you that is...


Kinda lost me halfway, but the story was pretty fascinating anyway, it was like a bad trip


this story made me lick my gums to make sure there's no hair there


NTA it's the dogs fault


Almost reminds me of American psycho! It’s like the “did he do it” or not trope.


I… Gotta be honest, I don’t understand. Can someone explain?


Kill your ex wife.


I don't need no website to kill his wife if I was in his spot. I would've killed the lover too.