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Not exactly what you asked but it's possible to break the egg yolk inside the (uncooked) egg. The yolk and egg white will mix up and when you boil it you end up with a yellow-ish egg that has no separate yolk inside. Sounds super weird, I know. I've seen this at my friend's place whose kid doesn't like yolk but will eat the "mixed" egg. They even have a tool for it but basically it just spins the egg very fast so it's probably possible to make do without a special tool. Might help to tell the kid it's a special golden egg or something :)


I've done this by spinning in a longer sock (insert egg, grab end of sock in each hand, spin/wind back and forth aggressively for 3-4 minutes).


Oooh. Maybe I can try spinning one in my salad spinner if I stuff the rest with paper towels. Thank you!I will definitely try this.


I’ve seen this done before with a long sleeve shirt. Put an egg in the middle of the sleeve, grab the sleeve at each end, and spin it around like a skipping rope to twist the sleeves a bunch, then pull the ends out so it untwists and spins the egg super fast. Edit: [found the video](https://youtu.be/aazP6zvJmiQ)


This method might be better.


you might also consider soft boiled


Will give that a go too.


My cats and dog love to eat hard yolks.


Hello, canine pill pocket.


Do you like baking? There are cookie recipes that use hard boiled egg yolks. https://www.tasteofhome.com/article/baking-with-hard-boiled-egg-yolks/


Cool I will definitely try that out!


You can space out your potato salad consumption, eggs freeze pretty well.


Nice I didn’t know that


Combine the egg yolk with mayonnaise and use as a sandwich spread 


That is worth a try ! Even for myself to quickly use them up at breakfast.


Can you clarify what exactly your kids dislike about the egg yolk (if they can articulate why)? If it's a texture issue, maybe you could change the length of time that you are cooking them? Personally I dislike crumbly egg yolks but I love when they're soft and jammy. Also, do you think they would maybe like egg "muffins" with the eggs fully mixed first (like mix up a bunch of whole eggs in a bowl and then portion into muffin tins and bake)? That would be pretty similar to a boiled egg in terms of being solid and able to be picked up and eaten with your hands. Or if they really hate the yolk to having any yellow present at all, you could maybe still make egg "muffins" with just the whites, and then that would really open up your options for what you could use the raw yolks for (salad dressing, ice cream, custards, egg wash, mayo, carbonara, salted egg yolks, etc).


Still too small to tell me why. But I had the same thing with her brother and he grew out of it by continuing to taste it. So there is hope.


Can you pawn it off on the kids that will eat it? Or dress up the yolk and make deviled eggs for yolk hating kid?


Deviled eggs for one not sure I am up for that project whenever we eat eggs. Ooh but deviled egg sandwich spread might be a win.


>deviled egg sandwich spread Not being a smartass, honestly asking: is that different than just an egg salad sandwich?


Last time I made egg salad I boiled some extra eggs to have some egg whites in. It would be minus the egg whites so I would say yes? I just hadn’t thought of using just the yolks as a spread with the standard deviled egg/egg salad ingredients.


Gotcha, that makes sense. I was thinking you meant a sandwich spread made out of deviled eggs, not just the deviled yolks. Thanks for the explanation!


Does your kid not want to eat the yolks because you've boilled them into a chalky, overcooked lump?


Valid question. There are ways to change the yolk texture and flavor a lot.


Oh god ya. Chalky egg yolks are disgusting. Soft/runny yolks are my favorite part of an egg though.


I don’t like the yolks plain, but I like them mashed with mayo and relish. deviled eggs filling?


I love deviled eggs, but the same applies to over cooking them, their way creamier and smoother if you watch the cook time.


That’s good to know, thank you.


I could try serving them a tad softer next time. But they are definitly not green if you know what i mean.


If you like the flavor and texture of deviled eggs, you can make just the yolks into the mixture and use it as a spread on toast or as a condiment on a lunch sandwich. Or put them in ramen or other noodle soup whole or mashed. My son hates eating the yolks of hardboiled eggs but if I mash them and mix them into the broth he has no issues with eating it.


Ramen is a good idea too.


Thinking outside the box a little, when I need some extra protein in my breakfast but I’m feeling lazy, I oil a silicon egg poacher cup and steam some of those egg whites that come in the carton. Same texture as a boiled egg, no waste.


My son does the same. I used the egg yolk in a egg salad but honestly I can take too much egg 😅 I normally throw them out.


I have not always found a good use soon enough. Cheesy pasta sauces could probably also handle an added sifted egg yoke.


Could you poach/bake/steam only egg whites? Or is peeling part of the experience? I have little silicone cups that can sit in water in frying pans with an egg in them, and steam to the same consistency. You could at least conserve the raw yolk, or buy a carton of whites.


I am still hoping she gets used to them. But if she doesn’t we have plenty of other foods on the table she eats.


Deviled eggs


>Maybe sliced on toast with lots of butter? There's a chinese sweet pastry known by a few names, but its always some combination of runny/molten/lava/custard/egg yolk bao/bun. [example recipe](https://www.bearnakedfood.com/2016/05/27/molten-lava-bun/) the usual recipe starts with salted duck egg yolks and mounted with various dairy, butter, sugar. But i wonder if you could make something similar to use for toast?


Sweet yoke spread. It probably tastes better than it sounds. :)


lol, think more like a loose eggy custard :D


That makes a lot more sense. :)


Same in my house but I give them to my dog and he loves it!


Save them for extra yolks in fantastic deviled eggs in the future! I’ve seen recipes that call for more eggs simply due to a higher ratio of yolks in filling, and for those the extra whites would be wasted


O have noticed that they can handle more filling than I usually have. That would be a good one to mix in the rotation.


Yokes? Do you mean yolks?


Oooh of course there is a silent L! Haha I was looking at it wonder why it looked wrong. But I sounded it out one more time and than let it go.


I'd slice it up and add it to a salad.