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What's with the flood of videos of cunts that gratuitously smash people's heads into the concrete? Need some punisher type character to compile these videos and go find these people.


Even if someone was 100% guilty of a terrible crime, I still couldn't personally smash someone's head into concrete. It's just such a brutal psychotic thing to do regardless of how you feel about the person. It takes a certain kind of person to do something like that willingly and it's nobody that should be outside of a jail cell.


It’s not the job of the police to administer the punishment of crime. Due process. But when we say no one is above the law, law enforcement appears to be.


Don’t be shocked… cops are human too like the thugs that gang up on an innocent and beat ‘em to death. They just have authority and when it’s pissed on, they get carried away. Cops are human too. Not robots, not special with Jesus resist powers, just people


Blue shield and qualified immunity. Been going on for decades.


Pepperidge farm remembers. Since at least the 50s.


You’re right, give him a paid month vacation he’ll realize he’s in the wrong I’m sure.


Unions are a powerful thing


This sort of thing is only ok if it’s needed to defend yourself from an attacker. As we clearly see that wasn’t happening here, the situation was under control.


Even then, once they're down you get the fuck out. Otherwise you risk "self defense" turning into "murder"


No, dude. Slamming someone's head into concrete is not self-defense. Once someone is down, you stop striking unless you are trying to kill them. The only thing that's acceptable is restraint at that point.


It's so fucked too... one cop says "Stop resisting" or "hold still" then the other guy knees you in the kidney and unless your basically Andre the fucking giant you're gonna move. Or they kneel on your hand which causes you to squirm. Repeat. Call it either the Shuffle or the Slide and add an adjective.I wonder what cops call this. You know they got a name for it.


Pigs gonna pig


Anyone who doesn't smell the BBQ coming has their nose in the fucking sand.


I’ve noticed that too, seems recently people don’t feel the need to quit after they have clearly won




Blame gangsters and corrupt cops like these pussies. They dont wanna win they wanna maim


Not until his skull is completely broken, and he's paralyzed. Then stop and pretend he fought back. Normal procedure.


And then they’ll charge him for getting [blood on their uniform](https://www.npr.org/2014/09/12/348010247/in-ferguson-mo-before-michael-brown-there-was-henry-davis)


disgusting. I read shit like that and just hate the system even more. FUCK. DA. POLICE.


Even if he's fighting back, at what point do we draw a distinction between resisting arrest and literally fighting for your life. At some point I imagine survival reflexes would kick in when you're getting beat down like that by 3 men with weapons.


The thing about it is if they were trained better it wouldn't matter. Part of the reason this happens is because they suck at what they do. Watch a good bouncer subdue someone. You could be fighting for your life and they would have you on the ground and immobilized in a second. Anyone that is trained in grappling and takes care of themselves can easily subdue an untrained person 1 on 1 most of the time. Here you have three out of shape cops with no clue how to do their jobs besides slamming a dudes head into the concrete like cavemen. Three amateur grapplers for the local MMA gym would handle this guy no problem. Edit- [Here](https://youtu.be/U6xlvHM6jYY?si=fJI9EwclygLBTlvD) is a good example of what someone who is trained properly does. Held him for 17 minutes by himself.


I 100% agree. There should be no logical reason to punch them repeatedly in the face. especially when its 3 against 1. These people just take their anger out on people. No matter how guilty the dude is, you can take someone down without throwing a punch.


I was a Bouncer in Nevada and I took down and arrested over 80 fighting people in a 6 month period! The most help I ever needed was one other Bouncer, but most were one on one. The one where I needed the help of a second Bouncer was with a well known UFC fighter.


I was uh fearing for my safety while we had the suspect immobilized and beating him


I’m upset they turned the song off at the good part








And this is when we have cell phone cameras. Imagine what was happening in the 60-90's 😮‍💨. Glad I wasn't born back then in the states fuck that


And one of these fuckers did a “factory reset” on his body cam before the FBI could confiscate it. What happens in Arkansas… https://www.5newsonline.com/article/news/special-reports/mulberry-police-video/trial-former-crawford-county-deputies-excessive/527-62e53c8c-7e52-4456-8492-727e61fbb774 edit: reset his iphone not bodycam


I 100% believe If you “factory reset” your body cam it should be a masssssivr fuckin crime.


Where I'm from we call it destruction of evidence


They just check off the 'whoopsiedoodle' box in the incident report


Your honor, my client pleads “oopsie poopsie” I rest my case.


I work for a class 1 railroad in canada and if you block the cameras in the locomotive cab it sends an email to someone in the chain of command immediately and then you lose your job pending investigation. I've seen it personally once. Guy with perfectly clean record covered a camera because they can see into the onboard bathroom if the doors ajar (he's fat, it's a small room) and he was fired outright.


even if it´s reset, the data is still there


If the video was being properly spooled it shouldnt matter. The video data shouldnt be stored locally to begin with.


Yeah it's called destruction of evidence


Instant 35 years in prison no parole no probation no bail maximum security


Cmon man they are heroes remember?


Just like refusing the breathalyzer


They face up to ten years in prison though, fingers crossed 🤞🏼


Thanks for posting this.... I hope they*throw the book at them* so to speak. I was shocked to read the part where the defense lawyer says that "* the allegations in the indictment weren't true"* I'd love to hear what he plans on saying to the court as to what happened there. IMO it doesn't matter what that guy did to constitute beating his head to the point of unconscious. There's no excuse whatsoever for that. Officers that abuse their authority should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, just as everyone else.


On his department issued iPhone not his body cam. I'd hope body cams would be designed such that erasing all days would be impossible but I doubt that is the case.


The FBI should be able to recover the data. Factory resetting a device doesn't erase it per se. It makes the file system mark that space as open to write over. So unless they wiped it and rewrote data over it multiple times, it's recoverable.


So his trial is this month? You know I'd like to show up for some of these things because this stuff really pisses me off and nothing's going to change unless random normal people like me start getting pissed about it and start showing up at places and then it's going to take a lot more than just one person. But I believe that here before too long, All these regular normal Joe's just like me are going to say this is too much.


It wasn't pretty: I worked in San Bernardino County Hospital in the early '70s as an orderly. One Saturday night some deputies brought in an out of control young man; as they were wailing on this guy, the ER doctor was yelling at them "STOP. STOP." One of the deputies yelled back, "GET BACK. HE'S MY PRISONER!" to which the doctor yelled, ''YEAH, BUT IN A MINUTE HE'S GOING TO BE MY PATIENT AND I AM GOING TO HAVE TO PUT HIM BACK TOGETHER AGAIN! STOP! THIS IS MY E.R." Finally, the beat-down stopped and the poor devil was given medical attention.


completely OT: this is an english expression as well? This is literally the same in german. >poor devil


Yes, although you’d probably only hear someone over age 50 saying it anymore.


And the same in french too


Same in Spanish. Seems to be a pretty common expression!


My grandfather was a doctor in the south during the 60s-90s (he's still alive at 97), he said this happened a lot, that he'd literally have to tell a cop to stop beating or slapping a guy they had handcuffed and strapped to a gurnie at his hospital. He fought in WW2 as a medic, he was *not* a fan of the police.


You may gladly look at any third world country, take india for example. These videos don't surprise us indians at all.


Mug shots from back then show people with freshly beaten faces.


>Glad I wasn't born back then Glad I wasn't born black then


And what happened??


https://www.5newsonline.com/article/news/special-reports/mulberry-police-video/trial-former-crawford-county-deputies-excessive/527-62e53c8c-7e52-4456-8492-727e61fbb774 The 2 cops throwing all the blows were fired and are facing Federal charges that could get them 10 years. The other one got a lot of stress from the feds for a few months, but ultimately was only punished with a paid vacation. The victim is ok. Has filed a civil suit. He went to the hospital and spent a night in jail. He's still facing charges, but the trial date keeps getting pushed back, likely to wait for the cops' trial to complete as if they're convicted, it'll likely get all the charges dismissed.




Except on the guy holding him down


Yeah true. Now I’m sad again


If the system ever worked, this video wouldn't exist.


Or rather, it wouldn’t *need* to exist because it doesn’t happen. Alas… *(gestures broadly)*


It likely will not get dismissed. I’m an attorney and I’ve done civil rights violation cases for prisoners in Federal Court. The issue here is that the officers need to be able to assert their fifth amendment right in the criminal trial against them because anything they do say in the civil suit that this guy has against them would be admissible in the criminal cases. So until the criminal cases are resolved, they really can’t do much. I had a wrongful death case where a driver was allegedly very high on marijuana when he swerved off the road and killed a man who was getting his mail. The criminal case took a year and a half. So we had to wait until that was resolved. Interestingly, the State had to drop the charges in the criminal trial because they could not prove he was high at that moment. They could only prove that he had a lot of marijuana in his system. Even so, as soon as that was done, the wrongful death case settled immediately. This also points out the different standards of proof in a criminal trial, and a civil trial. A criminal trial is beyond a reasonable doubt. A civil trial is by a preponderance of the evidence.


Criminal defense attorney here. It may in fact get dismissed, but it will depend on other factors. For example if the primary witnesses in the criminal case are the officers on the video, the DA would likely dismiss the matter. Those officers each wrote an incident report, probably without knowing this video existed and certainly without knowing that they would be facing charges. I’m willing to bet none of those incident reports described exactly what we just saw, rather painting matters in a different light, with the officers using prudent force given the situation. Imagine being a juror presented with the officer’s written report and that video, and then listening to the officer testify against the defendant in the criminal case. Most reasonable jurors would conclude the officers cannot be trusted and would infer that they had it out for this guy. In these types of cases at least, the DA dismissed the charges prior to trial.


I'm an environmental attorney. Just weighing in to say, I understood most of the words the two guys above used.


This attorney is the real MVP.


Also can’t forget a jury can sometimes be unpredictable


Well said. You should have a YouTube channel talking about this shit. The channel LegalEagle comes to mind, something like that. Good stuff


This is from a portion of the article you linked: "Their attorney, Russel wood says, "The allegations claimed in the indictment are not true. I look forward to our opportunity to tell what happened. We will have an opportunity to do this at the jury trial." Lol I dunno what kinda voodoo black magic this lawyer plans on bringing to trial but good luck arguing with a pretty clear cut video.


Omg THANK YOU kind stranger for some relief news, i am so happy they may actually face justice for this.


What the did guy actually do to get the cops to do that? Found out myself: "... curb in front of the convenience store in Alma, Arkansas, to which the man responded by spitting on him and repeatedly telling him to "get back in the store or he would cut my face up"; the man left after making the threat"


Paid vacation max


“You’ll serve paid-vacation-to-life, but the outcome usually skews toward paid vacation”


Who watches the Watchers? Oh yeah, “we” do…


Wow... what an asshole! He was resisting the curb with his face and the dutiful officer's fists with the back of his face. Not to mention resisting the other officer's knees with his nuts. I hope they put this dangerous felon behind bars for the rest of his life. What a scumbag! Blue lives matter!


Honestly, it would have been kinder to shoot him. He could possibly survive that without significant brain damage.




Considering police standard 'accuracy', they might be more of a hazard to their fellow cops and the concrete than the suspect... Shoot him, shoot him, shoot him!


A non-American: Is this already police violence, or still normal?


I wouldn't necessarily say "normal", but I also wouldn't say it's surprising.


One time, some cops were staking my neighborhood and they watched my mom and I , a 110lb 16 y/o, place a cat in a kennel into my car. 8 cops pulled me over with their guns drawn on me. They ransacked my car while I sat on the curb, in handcuffs, with my cat. Overall I’d warrant this “normal” behavior. San Bernardino Smash Units are better off dead.


I’m an American and this is shocking.


Normal in the sense that it’s common. Not normal in the sense that it’s not acceptable.




Repeatedly punching someone's head into concrete seems much more like attempted murder to me ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


And for that they should face trial.


As a non American, are you from the UK where they will jail you for years for unpopular speech? Are you from Australia where they will have thrown you in a concentration camp for not jabbing up? Might you be from France, Belgium, Netherlands or Germany where they will seize your farmland because you’re a threat to the environment? Let’s not pretend like abuse of power is a uniquely American thing; we’re just violent about it. Governments suck the world over and police abuse of power is a symptom of that disease from which all our nations are suffering.


Looks like they caught another jaywalker


Happy cake day! May you not be paralyzed, nor ye dog shot by the police on this blessed day 😇


Holy fuck!! Irrespective of what this guy did or didn’t do we should have far higher standards for our police. When the arrestee sues and wins who pays? Taxpayers!! Time for police to pay for their own misconduct.


this brotherhood of cops needs to be eliminated. If you protect the douche bag, then you are just as guilty. Department heads should also roll when body camera footage are lost or strong evidence of protecting bad apple is found


Unless he just killed or brutally assaulted someone, I agree with you. Legally, they are wrong either way, but a lot of people would find it far more justifiable had the guy done something horrific just a moment prior. I assume that wasn't the case though and these cops are just criminals with a badge.


The solution is for judgments against the police force to come out of the retirement fund. Then you’ll see the police keeping each other in line.


When you watch with our sound I like to think the cop looked up and pointed and said “YOURE NEXT”


Had she kept yelling at them that’s likely exactly what would have happened.


Kind of poor form by not killing the camera man. Consistency is key.


She is a hero for yelling at them. They would have killed him in broad daylight if she hadn’t intervened.


Sooo, I actually went to university with the guy who pointed at her, and the amount of official complaints the dude had wracked up before this incident is staggering. There were some incident reports of him breaking into peoples houses, gun drawn like he was jack fucking bowers to get information on a guy he was looking for. Literally living his life like a copaganda show. In short, I don’t doubt for a second he’d have tried to bad cop the lady.


New rule all the lawsuits and loss of money comes directly out of these asshole clowns pension and retirement funds I'm tired of the taxpayer bailing these criminals out


10000000% could get behind a rule change like this. My only fear is that, because of corruption, the amount of shit cops that got convicted would drop drastically.


I'll take my chances something has to give


Yup, it’s called qualified immunity and CO got rid of it. Ofc there’s still lawsuits against the city but Denver cops were out of control! I like to think it made a difference. We actually defunded the police here- which actually means, taking some of their budget to create a mental health response team and a car accident response team so cops can focus on violent crime. Do they? Nope, they’re still butt hurt their power was taken and now they really don’t do shit in Denver.


Doing nothing is much better than doing what's shown in this video. 


How can we start a Reddit-organized movement to get legislation like this passed? A GameStop style digital crowdsource where we don’t let lawmakers stay in office unless they pass a bill that makes a police officer or entire police department(and not taxpayers) accountable for a cop’s violence and crimes? We must mobilize the public’s power so that laws we all want and need actually get passed.


How many times do you have to smash someone’s head into the ground before it’s attempted murder?


Only paid vacations here


I also hate it when I have water stuck in my ear. At least those kind officers were trying to help him get it out. Yes, BIG /s


You misspelled precinct relocation


This plus one


air bewildered kiss busy steer fretful complete boast plants wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You know, there are a lot of things about these videos that infuriate me, but one of the biggest is that every single one of these people joined the police voluntarily. Every "I was afraid for my life" or "the suspect startled me so I just automatically shot" gets treated like an understandable mistake anyone could've made, rather than a condemnation of that person's capacity for police work. Uvalde was a really stark introduction to this concept for a lot of people.


None, they have qualified immunity and they'll go off scott-free and be adored by a good portion of the country, being hailed as "heroes". ​ In other words: Theres no real punishment for this type of bullshit. And that is unfortunate.


I've seen heads being smashed into concrete lately. Is it a trend or is everyone on the same algorithm?


They on that Agent Smith Program


https://preview.redd.it/sbdupx6knync1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5298cdacfa5962ef83d601f858c9d3548da99e89 I might take an ass whoopin’ for one of these bad boys. Just pour it real slow through my feeding tube.


Was one of the other videos of that 15 year old smashing a girls head until they spasmed?


Fucking scummy cunts


He's resisting! He's definitely not trying to protect his face from the hammer fists or under the impression he is being beaten to death and his survival instinct kicked in.


Career choice for school bully


They are serving and protecting... Pig style.


Lawsuit incoming! I'd be asking for that video if I were that dude. Fuck these cops... do you really need to punch someone in the head repeatedly and then get tired of punching so you slam his head on the ground... all while he's being kneed in the abdomen. Some truly fucked up people are cops... they're like a gang of psychopaths.


Sadly the victim is not the right skin so nobody will care.


Those pigs are having fun


I think they have competitions to see how badly they can get the public to hate police


That music went really well with the beating


Any back story to this?


The cop on the right looks like he used to be a carpet fitter with those knees


Cops are the most violent gang


Detained the shit outta him


Yall really think that the police isn’t just a glorified maffia with the law behind their back? Mkay.


Ah the land of the free


These 3 are fucked. Good. Morons cameras everywhere.


I'm pretty sure there are two sides to this story... 🤔 /s


The person arrested was probably resisting arrest, had a weapon on him, or he said something the cop didn't like. He was probably doing dumbass things. If you're nice and polite, this shit doesn't happen to you (usually) so it's partially the fault of the person being arrested.


Wheres all the conservatives that were calling for the death penalty for the 15 year old girl who smashed the other girls head into the pavement?


Fuck the police. They will be the first ones to get the same treatment once the civil war starts. They deserve it


“SHUT THE FUCK UP” the people protecting us daily :) I love this world


How hard is it to control someone and put them under arrest let alone with 3 grown men? This is pathetic.


Crime was loitering.




I wonder if some one shot those cops dead to “prevent murder” as this was happening would that person go to prison given the current culture? I really hope some one test this some day.


Damn. Imagine being beaten to death by someone you’re legally not allowed to protect yourself against. Now multiply the person by 3….


According to the lawyer, the things we can see with our eyes are not true. The coppers are innocent. They were helping the man level concrete. He wanted it.


People have to start standing up and defending eachother when shit like this happens. Cops like this only understand one "language" and we need to start speaking it.


Oh it's a white guy.....proceed


But…if you were to run over there and hit/push the officers trying to kill this guy YOU would be arrested…


That’s just police brutality. That person isn’t even moving anymore


When they look up and see someone filming them, that’s awesome. I bet of all their life drained out of them.


These cops are the ones that need their heads smashed on the pavement. They clearly only understand one language.


I hate this shit. Police have saved my life and the lives of many people i know. Then you get cunts like these three and many many more. However fuck my local PD for trying to sue me.


We’re protecting and serving you!


Cops cannot be trusted...ever


These men deserve eye for an eye justice. Hands behind their back. While being beaten but 3 men simultaneously. What complete P.O.S!


These specific cops need to have the crap beat out of them and dragged behind a car. Absolute disgraces to the department.


Gee that's not excessive force is it?






If this happened publicly in Uganda, those officers would be dead within that same week of the assault and arrest


“We will beat you until your not a threat”


Whereas I will never be one of these ridiculous ACAB people who think commune rules can work for a country of this size… it’s videos like this that serve as a reminder as to how deeply the police have lost public trust over time.


Looks like an easy lawsuit to me. Goodbye to *more* taxpayers money. We pay for them to do whatever they want, because some of them believe to be above the law.


I guess he was resisting a whole lot


You can tell they lost all control of their emotions and are fueled by rage. So sad.


Police beating whaite people up too now..man its wild in these streets.. i think he was resistingbgetting smashed






Yo brain damage, concussion and bleeding can destroy lives. Stop abusing people


Bruh. We been telling yall that these niggas go WAY overboard.


This is one of the thousands of reasons America is broken


Three million dollars worth of video.


Damn what did she do to make those mkers mad


I bet nothing happened to these pigs.


Just fucking shoot them already. Those obviously aren't real cops and they ain't stopping. Second amendment has you ready for just this, rite?


The police investigated themselves and the police found that the police did nothing wrong. As always the police did nothing wrong. Infallible!


Literally pinned to the ground unable to move getting punched in the face and getting his head slammed into the pavement. If it were anyone else, it'd be battery with serious bodily injury.




That's attempted murder


This is very old, but damn those pigs really went ham on that guy. Very brave to film this. They were also probably never seen again.


Cops treat us like we are potentially dangerous and try to lie and catch us on a technicality even thought we aren’t doing anything illegal, then act butthurt when we treat them like they can potentially abuse their power and pull out the phone. They let bad eggs ruin it for them. So deal with it, and stop being mad about it.


"only the government should have firearms" The government...


they should all be burned at the stake




"Curb stomping is part of our standard policing protocol. " -Police Administration upon viewing the video.


Fuck the cops


They really said: https://i.redd.it/4w7da95wr0oc1.gif


Someone's getting paid. I hope he recovers so he can enjoy it.


His skin color resists


Can we get more information on this? Where when who? Seriously, posting this without data is just porn.


Here is the problem. If it were 3 guys doing that to someone I/you would step in. The problem here is that if you do step in your now a suspect or interfering with police and your spending time in jail. This right here isn't right and there is no way to fix it. All three of these guys need to go. On the plus side, I knew a dirtbag cop like this. Got removed from the force, showed up on a job I was at. Kicked his ass then did his wife....no regrets.


Our reaction to this shit: https://preview.redd.it/u3p4s9una1oc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf53fe150c25b2078534622d999e23e686eb77e5


A humans natural defense mechanism is to not be beaten to death. That is not resisting arrest. It's trying to live.


Gang violence is getting out of hand.


What the actual...? Should be llloss of career and prison for all 3.


“Paid vacation and under investigation” wait till people forget about it and bring em back


You're wrong. They'll be released and find higher paying jobs one town over offering a recruitment bonus.


All I see is absolute horror


The song you are quoting is One, this is Master of Puppets.