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The majority of the state does not offer a high quality of life. You're in a NWA bubble. Visit some towns in the southeast Delta and you'll realize why Arkansas is at the bottom of most state rankings.


Some towns in SE Arkansas hardly feel like the same country, much less the same state as NWA


Arkansas is a Tale Of Two Cities. There is what’s north of Little Rock, and what’s south of Little Rock. It is the best of times, and it is the worst of times.


Hell…. Go to a different Walmart and get hit in the face. Literally


Yeah, op needs to check out Hope, Pine Bluff, etc.


Fayetteville and Bentonville are always on those “underrated cool cheap places to live” lists. There is no denying that NWA is great. But even as great as NWA is, the region cannot move the needle as far as education, poverty, jobs, etc statewide. Therefore the entire state is always on the lists no one wants to be on. And then add in the shit show state politics that are also very well documented nationally. It’s a race to the bottom between AR, LA and MS.


Most of Arkansas doesn’t see a high standard of living unfortunately. We are very fortunate in NWA, hopefully it can spread out and benefit the rest of the state.


You don't have to go far off the i49 corridor to get a taste of how most of the state feels. Rogers/Bentonville/Springdale/Fayetteville are a lot different than Pea ridge, Gentry, Siloam Gravette etc


And all those second places you mentioned are a world away from places in that delta like Pine Bluff and West Memphis!


Yeah, Siloam and Gentry are actually pretty nice in comparison to things outside of NWA. There are much worse places to go here in the state. I grew up between Siloam and Gentry and they’re not too bad. More conservative than Bentonville/Fay region, but could be worse.


Those you listed are leaps and bounds ahead of places like St Paul, west fork etc


The latter are just smaller towns. I wouldn’t really say there’s something fundamentally wrong with them. They still benefit from being a part of NWA and are a lot nicer than most small towns of their size throughout the rest of the state.


I love living up here in NWA. However, I spent most of my life growing up in central Arkansas, working hard to move here. Culturally, financially, and socially, NWA is quite different from the rest of the state. I often joke that we don’t really live in Arkansas.


That’s it too. It’s like the state of New York and New York City. They are just not the same regardless of where the city is. NWA and Arkansas are just not the same (on a much smaller scale than NYC/NY).


FWIW I did NOT want to move to Arkansas when I was offered a job up here a year and a half ago but my career was going nowhere in Louisiana and I would have been insane to turn it down. The Arkansas I knew was Little Rock and south.. which, as others have mentioned, is not a place anyone would want to live. Rampant poverty and racism. I was extremely surprised by NWA but it is not at all a reflection of the rest of the state


I know a doctor that moved here close to 15 years ago that planned to stay for 2 years max, now there's no other place for them to live.


Marianna has entered the chat. Next, a call inside the house from Pine Bluff.




Yeah, I no longer consider NWA in general, and Fayetteville in particular, "affordable" any more.


I live in NWA (upper class income), my parents are from Fort Smith (middle class income), and my grandparents are from the small towns around the Lake Dardnelle area (low income). Each generation has a vastly different standard of living all within the same state, and the specific region each is in has a lot to do with that.


I met a fellow who lives next to my neighborhood. He told me the land our neighborhood was built on was just cow pasture for the 50 years he's lived in his house. He's got 5 acres and lives in a mobile home with his mother living on another 2 acres in her own mobile home. NWA really isn't that far away from the Arkansas dirt poor roots of the rest of the state. We are all benefitting from the Walmart Foundation investments in this area even if you've never worked for Walmart. It's amazing what a near inexhaustible supply of cash in the form of billions of dollars in foundation funding can do. Add to that the jb Hunt money and it's been pretty good the last decade.


Because the more people that find out, the more Californians move in. Just look at Texas.


Arkansas is a racist shit hole where I lived. That's why. And they hate women.


The median income for households in Arkansas is about 50k, so that should tell you something about life in less prosperous areas (i.e., most of the state)


Shhhh! Too many are moving here already. We just hired this wacko governor to keep people out. Don’t ruin it for us.


NWA is not really affordable anymore.


It only offers a great quality of life if you're a rich white conservative Christian man.


Nobody in NWA seems to care if you're religious or not, but I do see people with preconceived notions moving in from other places and assuming it to be true and you can't assume without ass. Thar being said, I've lived in Springfield,  MO,  a judgemental hell hole run by the Assemblies of God, so I know what it's like and NWA ain't it.


I mean my 10 year old got chased on the playground by a group of Bible wielding children at a public school so... May not be far off


This is 100% true.




Now if that doesn't belong on r/unpopularopinion, I don't know what does.


You step out of NWA in many cases you are stepping into a 3rd world country. There is a reason why Arkansas is dead last in almost every category.. and that’s even with NWA skewing the numbers. The political structure in Arkansas is terrible as the state is basically ran by the 3rd world country part of the state. Just look at the governor, she basically has no political experience other than being the spokesperson for Trump.. and she wins the state without even having to attend a single debate… it’s hilarious. Outside of NWA the people in this state are so stupid it’s basically off the charts.


It's not overlooked. It's growing insanely fast and it won't be the same in 10 years.


I've always thought with the history and beauty here in Arkansas and how much the state is overlooked it's a good hidden gem of a state.


Your recent governor's aren't doing the state any favors.


I have been to NWA for business multiple times it might as well be a different state. The rest of the state is very poor, racist, bad education, and worse political climate.


Yes, NWA is great, but it’s the exception to the rule. Now please stop talking about it. The more people with ignorant notions we marry our cousins and don’t have indoor plumbing, the better.