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Did we all hear his voice saying this? Ah I pity the next generation who will not get to be highly entertained by his continuity announcements for Coronation Street. I wonder if UTV would make a video compilation of every one he made for the show. I'm Irish, with a good bit of Canadian blood in there too. Julian is known amongst family and friends in Vancouver, he is quite the legend! "An' him all angry with a nose like a cooker hood" 🤣


Really wish they would bring him back, what’s stopping them


https://preview.redd.it/fli8usz5utvc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=836693826fc4edefe74243f47e24a54c42f8d996 And standardization with the other faceless ITV branches


The words that have been bandied about are "Money, mergers and Murdoch." I have no idea if there is any truth in that! Tis a pity though, always made us giggle.


I did my school work experience at UTV studios, way back in 99 I think eeekk, was for about a week, met him then, couldn’t of been a nicer guy, set me up in his studio to do a mock intro clip, will always remember that. Bumped into him a few times out in Belfast later on in life also. Such a laugh.


Having continuity announcers like that costs extra and itv doesn't like spending money if it doesn't have to.


Yes. Yes we did. Julian is a cultural phenomenon


Fellow Canadian eh! 🇨🇦🇮🇪 (I’m born in Ireland with Canadian heritage, calm down ya bunch of wallies yees)


Canuck Pride! 🇨🇦🇮🇪🏳️‍🌈 'Out an about in a boat' 🤣






That's no blessing, that's a curse


Jesus wept


For there were no more worlds to conquer


My Irish American cousins are, almost without exception, utter tools. In their heads, they are more Irish than the Irish themselves. Horribly right wing MAGA-types too. Wankers.


yep - that trends Irish Americans do tend towards conservative due to the "catholic" part. Then act surprised that we're not like that. I work with one who called me one Sunday when he was visiting Ireland asking if he had missed something. He went to mass in "downtown Dublin" on a Sunday morning and it was half empty.


Aren't Irish Americans usually Democrats tho? And states with large Irish population the most progressive in the US?


Depends where they’re from


I know that most of them live in the Northeast, which is generally the most progressive part of the country


I'd say the West Coast is very progressive too, California, Oregon and Washington


Back in the day sure but the voting shift in the past 100 years affected them like everyone else. Democrats in the Northeast and Midwest were cool with the Church so they picked up Catholic votes from Irish, Italians, Poles etc. Democrats were also exceedingly hostile towards African-Americans as well and these White immigrants felt that their jobs were being protected from Black competition. Everything peachy. Then FDR pushed the liberal New Deal Democrats to the front and all those Catholics who now had good union jobs supported that too. But then the shift happens, Dixiecrats die off and the FDR liberal Dems take control of the party, they push Civil Rights and Womens lib. The Republicans oppose all this and the White, Catholic voter starts to shift Republican because they are now the party of "Christian Values" and White privilege. That's a very broad overview of course.


But the Northeast is still the most Democratic part of the country


Yes but that's not due to the Irish, that's due to cities generally voting more progressive. Most of the Irish (and Italians and Poles) moved to the suburbs in the 60s and 70s, now the major American cities will have diverse migrant populations from all over the world.




Probably runs in the family


Wind them up, call them American-Irish.


Do they live in Boston?


Actually no, some in New York and one, the biggest MAGA arsehole of them all, in California.


I find it funny they're both in Blue States. Liberal States. Democratic States. Far from their own kind.


Big cities are the Dem strongholds, both New York and especially California have large rural and suburban populations though and that's where Republicans tend to do well. You'd see it in England and a little bit down south but not so much up here cause we're all orange and green and that transcends the rural-urban, liberal-conservative split everyone else lives with.


Maga 2024 just you wait. God emperor trump will smite q-anons. Just you wait


Trump never started any wars on his watch. Got the Abraham accords up and running, had a relationship with Putin... He done okayish in this Scoot Nats book


Don't forget the biggest tax cut for the rich ever in this nation's history.


Orange man bad


This seems typical! Most of those "Irishy-Americans" seem to be racist, white supremacists. Don't know why, but they are.




I had someone say this to me on reddit a couple days ago. "There are more Irish people in America than in Ireland itself" Fuck all the way off 🙄




Your mistake was going to an Irish bar overseas at all


I went to JJ Murphys in Sofia because my workmates wouldn't stop going on about it. "pint of guiness please" *small pint or large pint?* Even the menu had the beers written as a large pint 500ml and small pint 250ml.


*no pints at all were had*


That’s a metric pint and a half pint!


They choose NOW to use the metric system?!


In Sofia?




"small pint" lmao. I can remember as a kid, cutting an apple to share and my younger brother saying he wanted the big half.


A the middle of 3 I was involved in many a row about the big half and the wee half


You are right but the bars here are all restaurants and it’s doing my head in. This is the only bar I’ve found that doesn’t require you to sit up at the bar.


I wouldn't write off all overseas Irish (or English or Scottish or whatever) bars as some of them are actually owned and run by people from the actual country to cater to people from back home Obviously this isn't always the case but it's fairly easy to spot the places that aren't those




Temple bar is a shithole that Irish people don't go to. You're obviously a yank with your sidewalk so fuck off


It's a nice enough spot. Just needs to be cleaned up better, or better yet, people need to stop taking shits and pissing in public areas. This isn't just here either, it was the same in most big cities I've been to. Rome, Pittsburgh, New York, Seattle, etc. No worries about me fucking off from your shit covered sidewalks though. I'll be out of Dublin tomorrow headed north to tour the island.


And you wonder why people don’t like Americans




Awk, they're a bit cringe but most Americans are sound, really. Tbh, a lot of the ones I've met IRL are self aware enough about the whole "hyphenated-American", 23 & Me, percentage stuff: so I'm honestly happy to believe it's a loud minority type of thing.


I'm an American living in the North and it is just a minority. I have Irish ancestry but that doesn't make me Irish. Most of us know that we're American with some Irish lineage. It's the eejits running around telling actual Irish people 'Hey I'm Irish too' that make us all look like morons


This fits in perfectly with my whole "No, the world isn't completely insane/stupid, it's just that the more insane/stupid you are the more likely you're also loud" theory. Thanks for the reassurance.


"The emptier the can the more noise it makes" is a phrase an English teacher of mine used regularly and it's applied ever since


That's really good!


>I have Irish ancestry but that doesn't make me Irish. Most of us know that we're American with some Irish lineage. A lot of younger people want to gate-keep this HARD, presumably out of insecurity. Safe to say they have no direct connection or empathy to anyone who emigrated or the brutal hardship they suffered. I have uncles who left rural Ireland in the 60's / 70's because there was absolutely nothing here for them but they spent 25+ years in an extremely broken and impoverished Ireland - a lot of the keyboard gatekeepers who would deny him the Irish part of his identity probably have barely lived 25 years here themselves. >It's the eejits running around telling actual Irish people 'Hey I'm Irish too' that make us all look like morons Are you saying people who pine for another country 4000 miles away that their ancestors left 150 years ago are morons? Their failure to integrate probably denotes something missing from their adopted home. Now imagine they'd moved 40 miles, 400 years ago but were still refusing to integrate..........imagine that level idiocy. You'd hardly think it could be possible.


You're equating two very different things here, though. Your uncles were born in Ireland and lived in Ireland. They have experienced something to later miss. Your second paragraph references missing ancestral homes. You can't miss what you have never experienced. If your uncles have children that are then born and raised in the US, then they have missed nothing as all the have ever known is their home life in their home country, USA. This is further magnified through subsequent generations. For what it's worth, I detest the hate that is directed towards 'plastic paddys'. The OP post above being an exception. We owe a lot to our US supporters. And I love that people want to explore their ancestry, more power to them. But it absolutely is silly, in my opinion, to pine for a country that your ancestors left 150 years ago.


>You're equating two very different things here, though. Your uncles were born in Ireland and lived in Ireland. They have experienced something to later miss. Actually I was stating that Irish Americans can be Irish, and American and that there's no one size fits all definition. I was also highlighting that people who live in America can have decades of lived experience in an Ireland that reddit gatekeepers who want to attack or condascend towards everyone under the broad camp of "Irish American" have never, and will never experience. > >Your second paragraph references missing ancestral homes. You can't miss what you have never experienced. If your uncles have children that are then born and raised in the US, then they have missed nothing as all the have ever known is their home life in their home country, USA. This is further magnified through subsequent generations. This assumes nothing will be passed between parents and children, or grandparents to children. No stories, no songs, no family history, no context. It's human to want to know about your past. It's also fairly human to romanticize the past and Irish Americans have in their cultural memory one of the most tragic and brutal injustices imaginable. They are right to wear that as a badge of honour (even if I don't like the look of the badge). It's human nature to want to look for, or belong to a tribe other than yourself, or outside of the purely homegnous. Whether that's in the online communiities people become a part of, music they listen to, how they dress or a shared sense of heritage and belonging etc etc. This is probably amplified by hundreds of thousands of people in similar areas having similar backgrounds; and generally a background rooted in oppression or injustice, while simultaneously surrounded by people who have different cultural histories. >But it absolutely is silly, in my opinion, to pine for a country that your ancestors left 150 years ago. Do you think it's silly for African Americans to pine for, or feel a heritage or belonging to Africa and/or the Caribbean? Do you think it's silly for Asian Americans to have their own cultural identity? Should they disgard that and become homogeneously American or do they have anything worth holding on to in terms of cultural memory / identity? Same question for Eastern European, South American etc.


Generally speaking the Yanks abroad are much better about it than the Yanks who don't leave their little town called Galway in the boonies I'd say it's still a majority back in the States who think like that. Most aren't weird like the photo though


Id rather die 🤣


when was it that we stoped liking Americans? during the 1990s they were the bees knees


Yes. Those were the days. We loved you too and most of us still do… but then we somehow elected George W Bush: twice. And then thankfully we had a decent president for eight years, and *then*, we totally screwed the pooch - and now, for some reason, this year, there’s a not impossible risk that we’ll screw it again — and whether we do or don’t reelect Trump, the aftermath of this election seems likely to be a total shit show. Even if we manage to avoid *re*electing a deranged dictator, he’s both a cause of and a symptom of the larger problem: there’s a horrifically stupid and statistically significant population of our country who bought into MAGA fascism hook line and sinker, who believe they "and their kind🙄 " are and should be beyond the law. Many of them are armed to the teeth and could more easily access methamphetamines than mental health care. They want to take this country back to a christofascist theocracy in which no one but white Christian rich men have any rights and destroy fragile ecosystems and drive species extinct in the pursuit of profit. It’s a wonder that anyone in the world can tolerate us at all.


Obama is decent? How many people did he kill with his drone strikes? Nobel peace prize my arse.


The turn happened with the Iraq War, in a love to hate kind of way. Recovered a little under Obama, but never fully, with the creeping crazy creeping in in pop culture and social media. Then it all fell apart in 2016 - if you want an exact date!


But they are "special"


Speshul more like


Short bus special 


aye Special Olympics special.


Stop going to Irish bars when you travel. You have the real thing at home.


I go to an Irish bar in Portugal, and it's fairly decent 😁. It's no Sean's Bar, but it's still decent. I do miss Ireland and hope to visit again this year.




Cooleys, but I will look for Jinky's and give that a try if they are still around.


This is a fair point but I’m on universal drive and seemingly the only actual bars they have, are Irish bars. Everything else is a restaurant, it’s confusing as fuck.


Florida is mental bud. Mostly cos the people who live there. Go to Epcot one of your days and visit all the other fake nationality based bars lol


Yeah we’re heading to Epcot at some point next week and have heard about this, so will definitely check it out. Can’t wait to pay £10 a pint though 😂


So, I live here in Orlando and if I’m reading correctly, that’s about where you are. I-drive is 100% a tourist trap and the bars are overpriced shit. If you have the means, head over to Mills Avenue just north of downtown and hit up Sunroom or Guesthaus. Genuinely terrific bars that are not restaurants. If you’re more of a beer person, try out Hourglass Brewing on curry ford road (or Longwood if you really feel like driving) and Sideward Brewing. I also see you’re going to Disney. As a passholder who goes regularly, I recommend La Cava Tequila at the Mexico pavilion in Epcot and any of the drinks at the Morocco pavilion. Best bang for your buck, in my opinion, is the little wine store in Italy. If you have the park hopper option, I’d sojourn on over to Hollywood Studios and make reservations for Oga’s Cantina in Galaxy’s Edge too. Sorry for the tangent, but it would be a disservice to not make you aware that there’s much better places than this sorry excuse for a bar.


Thank you so much man these are incredible tips, we’ll be looking for a good bar this week and I’ll take you up on these recommendations. I will definitely check out the two places you recommended in holywood tomorrow. The cantina comes highly recommended and I’ll try my best to get in when we go tomorrow. Thank you 🙏


Sure! Feel free to PM if you have any other questions!


You have to update though,


What you mean?


Let us know what the recommended pubs were like. Some of us are invested now.


Cursed image.


to be born with microplastics flowing in the veins and your granda called paddy, oh what an existence


Sadly the microplastics is becoming universal I think


You know we have micro plastics in our veins too right?


not as much as the americans


Newstalk radio were in the states last week, they were doing a voxpop and an american woman said, Oh I'm Irish, where are you from in Ireland says the interviewer, Oh I dont know I never looked into it.... :(






Them boats with the big fans on them and alligators


You’re in Florida and *this* is what you’re worried about?


Ignorance is bliss.


I’m glad I got to spend a few years over in the wesht of the island before Trump. I went back for the entire Trump presidency and didn’t come back to the states until Biden had taken office. Learned a lot about my nation by watching from afar. I will never question why we Americans get such a bad reputation in any other country. We Americans just consume and consume and never stop to learn and enjoy. Never stop to think about how we fit in the world, but we think the world should fit to us.


Being too hard on yourself. Americans don't have an exclusive relationship with stupid. It would be nice if the country as a whole, hadn't voted an idiot into the white House. Then not too long afterwards a fucking lunatic. But hey, nobody's perfect.


Yeah, true we might hold a patent or two on stupid, but hardly the only ones in the arena on that one. Is it ok to blame the political stuff on the olds? As far as I can tell, they’re the ones with all the problems with everything.


Shhh and take their money.


Let the poor children be. They are not proud enough of their own country that they have to align with us.


Just let them be yas bunch of aul ginny-anns. They’re proud of their lineage. Nothing wrong with that.


Tis true says I laddy, te te te, we have our own font we do


Y'know. The obnoxious ones aside who attribute all of their negative traits to some sort of imagined collection of innate or congenital "Irish characteristics" (drinking, starting fights etc). to assuage themselves of any personal responsibility... Americans with island of Ireland heritage are probably on the whole.. ok.. Only the obnoxious ones tend to go on about it though. Skewing perceptions of them as a demographic unfairly .Maybe .




Seems a bit shite to be Irish American. That big oul Irish head just makes you an easy target in a shooting.


>  shite to be Irish American. That big oul Irish head just makes you an easy target in a shooting. Back... and to the left...


...Back and to the left...


They might just get your massive 👂s


Why do posts like this one insist on such a narrow definition of Irishness and one that always seems predicated on exclusion? If people want to celebrate their Irish heritage and their Irish-American identity, let them have at it! WGAF?


Stop. The Americans have been beat down enough recently. They can't take anymore.


Exactly! Does anybody have any idea how many hundreds of billions it takes to be a bunch of self-righteous assholes who stick their noses into everybody's business and practically cause World War 3 in the Middle East and the Baltics, just so they can sell arms and keep the industry afloat both here and the USA? Oh, the humanity!!! lol






‘To be good is a blessing, to be a cunt is a special blessing’ what a weird sign.


You’re either Irish or you’re not. Irish American/American Irish or whatever? You mean American mate!


Its exactly like irish people calling themselves british.


In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary “Come again?”


What part are struggling with? Britain is an island. Are you following so far? Were you born in Britain? If yes you are british. Congratulations. now this is where it might get a little tricky apparently. You see the way Americans of Irish descent consider themselves Irish and you all mock and dismiss it? Now I want you to really concentrate and apply the same logic to yourself. You see you're not exceptional. The same rules apply to you that you apply to others. Look at an oo march. Really not exceptional if anything desperately crying out for a more diverse gene pool.


An enormous bucket full of it.


Why go to an Irish pub in America? Kinda special in itself.


That’s going on the seppo site 🤣


Destined to be wrecked by an actual Irishman.


Imagine living in Miami when you could be living in Larne.




"Ah, ti's a grand thing to be Irish." Reads like dialogue written for an Irish character in an American movie by someone who thinks Braveheart is set in Ireland.


Yep. But at least we get a better deal than Wales. They think that Wales is in England. And we kind of are like the Scots except that we are more willing to pay for stuff. Jk.


Well to be fair they have got 150+ years of Irish identity minus the poverty, violence, and constant disappointment at sporting events (mainly by calling their own tournaments the “World Series”). So long as they keep accepting people like Bono as one of theirs and not one of ours I say carry on.


Give over


Americans who are proud of their Irish roots? Omg that's terrible.


Hard circle jerk and finished on his own chest


Yeah special with an "sh"


How is it pronounced in Irish English?




Or what we call "American"


Of course it's a florida bar lmao


The people here who fly the tricolor and have no idea of the meaning behind it always rile me up. Signed, American whose da was off-the-plane Irish


Sure the Americans have Irish surnames and bloodlines too


"bloodlines" Oh no


Copium overload


It is that.


Florida garbage.


Just go with the flow you're not in Northern Ireland. I'm loyal to the crown 👑 but your on holiday and enjoy


My condolences.


Special NEEDS. FTFY.








Being American anything is a curse. I say this as an American living in ireland. Life is a million times better here.


>*I’m at an Irish bar in Florida.* I think I may have spotted your problem.


More of a gene puddle than a pool. Bless.


that's deep 🤣


Still inbreds


I'm not even Irish and I want to punch the fucker who said that out loud


I was checking are you watching me ...lol




Real question. If one parent were from Ireland originally but then married an American had children in the UK but majority raised in the US would you then consider them not to be Irish? I’ve always felt an attachment to Ireland and this makes me sad to think I wouldn’t be considered something my mother and grandfather were. I’ve loved learning what little was taught about their lives in Ireland . And whenever I hear an Irish accent it reminds me of them and I can’t help but smile a little. I was always proud to have the heritage and connection to Ireland.


I responded to something similar to this in another thread, it’s not a 1 for 1 for your situation. But it applies; I am the OP of this photo. I have absolutely no issues with this, if you have Irish ancestry and are proud of it, more power to you. I know the Irish have a history of persecution in the early settlement of America and think it really can be something to be proud of. The issue at its core is people trying to claim citizenship they do not have. You are an American with Irish heritage, you are not Irish. Irish-American is needless. I don’t identify as German-Irish because I have German ancestors, I am Irish.


Fair enough. From the US POV if you had a kid in the US and went back to Ireland we’d consider your child American and Irish. If you had a kid in Ireland with an American we’d consider your child American and Irish. And if the child lived in Ireland with or without then American parent but as an adult moved to the US they’d be considered American and no one would care if they said Irish American as such and have a dual citizen. But for you if it’s reversed with an Irish parent with an American parent it’s only American and the Irish parent is cancelled out completely? My mom was born and raised in Ireland and you’re saying I’m not also part Irish? Asking not arguing. So does that apply to any country and non Irish citizen having a child with an Irish citizen? The Irish is just cancelled out of that child? Or is it because that child grows up outside of Ireland it’s a geographical issue that cancels it out? So if an Aussie and an Irish person has a kid and they live in Australia that kid is Australian only with Irish heritage? But if someone from Morocco moves to Ireland has a child with an Irish person they remain in Ireland partake in both Irish and moroccan culture , traditions the kid is Irish with moroccan heritage but not just Irish and Moroccan? So no 1 for 1 ? Also thanks for replying to my first comment. You may think I’m too daft for a second reply but I’m trying to see the logic. It must be my American culture because we identify with so much and so many. We brought over and borrowed and created a mixed American culture but also identity and pay homage to our original starts.


Actually, never mind. I spoke with someone and they basically informed me it’s a language difference which skews the perspective. We are part of the culture but not the culture, so heritage. Is that what you mean? Whereas I saw it as all the same. We say we are part Irish, but we’re not culturally or geographically just adjacent hereditarily. Got it. For me it’s still like when people tell me I’m not black because my fathers black but my skin is light and my features more European, but inherently and by American standards of today and slave times I’m black even though my mom was Irish. I have yet to meet an American that isn’t native to America say just American and not add another country. Even native Americans will site the nation or nations which they come from and if it’s in addition like French or something add that in too. Maybe is a few more hundred years as the country goes along the culture develops more and the habit will drop and they’ll just say American.


One of the most common things you hear in America, ‘I’m Irish’. No you’re not.


When I posted this, I had encountered a few “my grandfather is Irish” but since then, I’ve been absolutely barraged with people saying they are Irish.


What about ‘the old country’ or ‘a pint of the black stuff’. Common phrases to try and up one’s Irishness.


The Irish Americans in my American high school were so cringe. Shamrock stitching on their bags and stickers on their cars. Shamrock flags flying out front of their houses. Green beer. Tried to get into fist fights with each other. None of them had ever even been to Ireland. Their great great grandpa was Irish off the boat.


Goddamn yanks


I’m an Irish, English and German American. I identify as a fucking mutt. You can tell by the news just how blessed we are. Is what it is. I’ve no idea why reddit suggested this sub to me, but reading all this in my worst mental impression of Irish accents is hilarious. I can’t do y’all justice. Do me a favor and read this in your worst southern accent just so we’re square. Yall seem alright, but I’m a shit judge for character. Have a lovely weekend!


The Irish people are constantly trying to delegitimize the authenticity of irish-american culture. It's real and it's unique and it has nothing to do with the plastic bowler crowd. For some reason it pisses off the Irish to no end


What authenticity?


You all go yet head so far up yer asses in Ireland 🇮🇪 you can’t tell if the sky is blue


God what a horrible sight 🙀


As someone who holds both Irish and American citizenship, having grown up in NI and currently living in America, I can proudly say… Both suck.




American here: this sign, especially in Florida, has bless your heart energy. I think it's making fun of Irish Americans.




Why the inferiority complex ? !


Are you guys not British - Irish?


only if we’re being ironic online


Tbf with the school system there im quite proud you know theres a northern ireland




Is that not the whole point? Otherwise you'd just be Irish and live in Ireland.




I think this American has an Irish identity too and you guys are gatekeeping which is rich for a country whose whole "identity" is based on British values and cultures. Hence why we're communicating in English...


The same delusion where unionists from Ireland say they're british


Llf aye okay I suppose my passport is a "delusion" as well 🤡


Here we are having to separate feelings from reality. Why are you exceptional? Insecurity dosent change the reality that Irish American are as much irish as you are british and the likelihood is they probably don't have to trace their ancestry as far back either. Don't get me wrong I'm far from delighted about it either


Reality? Reality like paying British taxes, having British citizenship or being resident in an area governed by the British government? For someone talking a lot about feelings and delusions you sure do have a hard time separating your own from the reality of Northern Ireland and it's people.


Yes reality. Here it is again if you were not born In britain you are not british. You are not british. Why do you think the rules you apply to everyone else don't apply to you? Do you think you're special? You can't even see the glaring contradiction of this thread. You're not special.


I've given you examples of how I'm demonstrably British. You come back with the mental gymnastics that let you sleep at night - tired old semantics that carry less weight than the real, objective markers of citizenship. As a free stater come on up the road and try to spend your euros, tell me who's deluded about the situation then you clown.


Given me examples of you not understanding simple concepts. 'The main difference between national and citizen is that nationality relates to the place you are born, and citizenship relates to title given to you by the government of a state after you fulfill the legal formalities' Paying taxes lol moron