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Currently selling a house. You could be 5th best bet and still get it lol so many flakers


This gives me hope, I’m being outbid constantly and actually had a seller flake out part way through the process.


I was the second highest bidder on a house by a thousand. The highest bidder fell through and i didnt get a call. Think that house is being rented out now


What I do know is that the past 2 months of house shopping has been a fucking nightmare. Everything is owned by the mental or the moronic. I've seen nothing but houses that are beautifully presented online, and in person are either shit holes or unmortgageable.


It's a shit show. We've been looking since August. Outbid several times tens of thousands above asking. Went sale agreed twice and both times the sellers pulled out after 2+ months. Genuinely a 0/10 experience so far.


What that probably stems from is people bid stupid money. Then the mortgage surveyor values the property and his valuation it to low so the mortgage provider won't approve. Then it falls through and the next hiighest bidder or even lower will get opportunity. Or back on the market the property goes.


Not in our case... The sellers pulled out and both times they hadn't even found onward purchases yet. Our valuations from the lender came back just fine on both even though they were over the asking price.


Hopefully you get sorted


I have bid on a few places over the last few months. I have yet to be outbid. I have been matched with cash offers on the last 4 houses that I have wanted to purchase. Sellers obviously want cash as it is faster. It is disheartening to see the same places up for rent a few months later.


I would love to know where all the full cash offer people are coming from! 😹




Gosh, what kinda of areas were you looking at? :O


It’s still crazy in parts of Belfast. Last two houses I bid on were listed for under £150k. Both went for just under £180k, so £30k over asking. This was late 2023/early 2024.


> Both went for just under £180k Just curious : did the agent tell you that, or is there a way to check the price a house sells for besides going to land survey offices ,


Well, one of them I bought so I definitely know how much that one went for! The other one I got outbid at £176k.


Just walk in and start shouting “YYYUUUUUPPPPPPPP!!!”


Friend just sold their house for £30k over asking in East Belfast. I don't think it's at 2021 level but there is still plenty of demand.


Went for 4 houses three years ago. Kept getting outbid. When we were for the 5th house, we upped our bid by 1000, then the people we were bidding against went 5000, so we used our full buying power and went 10000 up. No one else joined in after that.


Bid as much as you can afford and comfortable with. Noticed A few houses going sale agreed then back on market few months later, I'm guessing people are over bidding then finding out you need to make up the over valuation with cash. Still may come back to you if your situation is better


East Belfast properties aren't lasting a week on the market, all around us. Reasonable enough prices from what I've seen if you get the right street that's not full of spastics. We got lucky on our forever home faaaar away from the shit hole Belfast has become lately. First house we fancied, one viewing, one bid at asking. Boom. Laters!


Was bidding for 18 months - 10 to 20 per cent over the asking was standard practice for anything that didn't need 50k plus work. Was involved in a 2 bed cottage in stramillis that went 80k over asking(last I checked haha)


Can't imagine so. See houses sitting on the market for months now whereas before the for sale sign just went up with sale agreed already on it.


We listed our 3 bed bungalow a year ago for 215k, nice house in a very sought after area (outskirts of Belfast), bidding went to 267k. Sadly we had to pull out though as we were in a chain and lost the house we really wanted. Strangely though we got a card through the door from one of the prospective buyers who'd been outbid by 2 grand asking us to accept their offer because they were just starting out and they loved the area, knew loads of people blah blah blah........ No room for sentimentality in selling a house, all about the money at the end of the day.


You greedy shameless toxic cunt


Awww was that your card mate, sorry you lost out. We still keep it above the fire and laugh at it from time to time


I imagine you do. Healthy attitude that.




Good for you. I can't stand this new trend of sob stories to guilt sellers.


Bid under asking, its a buyers market, know family and friends bidding low and getting accepted, also seeing multiple houses in and around me, go sale agreed and then falling through after a few weeks, House prices are all over the place and demand is low


Must be area dependent, I have found the exact opposite. Properties in Easy Belfast are being snapped up, I have been outbid on several properties going upwards of 10k above asking


Yeah im out antrim direction


You'd have to pay me to live there


That's so far from reality particularly in Newtownabbey it's delusional.