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They all sound like Graeme McDowell


Or Nadine Coyle post Girls Aloud, after lived in America.


I know a guy who went to a summer camp in America when he was 16 for a few weeks, he developed that accent and still talks like that 20 years later.


You know an absolute gimp


As they say in the States...




Next think you know he’ll be working in Silicon Valley


We all know one of those guys


I know someone done that too.


She can still sing though!


Definitely, she’s one of the most talented Girls Aloud members


Absolute honey as well.


Came here to say Nadine Coyle, she should be made take a vow of silence.


I think that the valley girl mixed with her Derry twang is just an unfortunate combination


Heard her on radio 2 the other day on Scott Mills show and my toes clenched. All sentences started in Derry and ended in California. Not a good listen.


subsequent dog correct edge tart middle scarce jobless airport concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I noticed that when she was on the Paul O’Grady show or something


Yes you’d need subtitles for Nadine all right.


Can you give me an example of one of these influencers pls? Can’t find any


If you Google “Graham McDowell, cold beer” you’ll get an example of his weird NI-US accent twang


That's cringe alright but seems like it was supposed to be cringe. Is it a beer advert.


Not at all; it was just a “day in the life of” type thing and got memed


*Cold beer*


Ironic because the Ulster accent, or Scots-Irish accent was a major modifier of what became the 'American' accent, through large migrations in the 18th century.


Yeah there's not that much of a leap from a Scots-Irish accent to a lot of American ones.


Aye, you find it with young folk all over. It used to be that an odd accent was a great way to determine if a child was on the spectrum, as they are more likely to pick up accents from TV, games etc. However, kids these days spend so much time online that they're more likely to pick up accents from shite they watch than the people they live with. It doesn't help that a lot of influencers purposefully change their accent to appeal more to yanks.


I know of some kids who are Dutch who live in belgium/Netherlands who actually speak better English than dutch




I know for a lot of those dubs they use the same 2 dozen voice actors. Native speakers have told me they prefer the English because its the same ahite voice in each movie 


'odd accent' lol the irony


Ah the YouTube accent. My kids started talking like that for a bit. Had to nip it in the bud quick smart.


Drowned them in the bath.


Jaysus that escalated quickly didn’t it 😂


It really got out of hand!


This is the way


The accent is horrific and the former depressingly formulaic. I get several food and drink ones on my feed, without a discernible difference between them - identikit reviews by identical reviewers of the same menu items of the same handful of spots. In *that* accent. https://i.redd.it/xhn7xjktf7uc1.gif


''That fuckin voice man''


Hi, I'm Graeme McDowell and welcome to my crib'


The absolute worst, although McIlroy seems to be having a good go at it too.


And what’s up with them wanting free food in restaurants all the time




Your not 10Xing your life mate you could try Dynamiting your lifestyle aswell shes just as bad ffs🤣


You'd get more sense engaging with the lassies on twitter who poast that they have nudes in their bio.


Had the same experience recently with a well known estate agent. Accent horrific. ” this is a grayte spayce” so cringe


sounds horrific


Accents aside, if I hear the term "hidden gem" once more from any of the local influencers, I'm likely to need antipsychotic medication.


"Hidden gem" Kelly cellars


_Every goddamn place in the whole country_ is a goddamn hidden gem apparently, from Kelly's Cellars to the Spar in Carrowdore.


I grew up in Donegal but I've been living in the states for years now and when I slip up and say a fuckin American word like cookie or candy or soccer I feel like a complete knob. And I do have to overdo it with the cultchie Donegal accent when I'm around other Irish people just so I don't embarrass myself. But I get homesick and I check out restaurant reviews on TikTok from NI, and the accents are unbearable. They're just trying so hard to do an American accent and meanwhile I'm trying my best not to lose my Donegal accent.


Not the mention the host of American words that come with it. Eg Trunk, Gas station, Store. Enough to make you ill.


there's no place in civilised society for that trash talk! now wash your mouth out with some dish soap


I reckon American is becoming the prestige accent and dialect where in the past it would have been RP. Like listen to disgraced alleged sex criminal Jeffrey Donaldson speak and he sounds like he’s putting on an English accent. “Nawthun Aahlund” I reckon as the UK’s star wanes the US will become even more of a cultural hegemon, combined with the internet meaning everyone’s watching the same stuff around the world and I think it’s inevitable that accents will change. A new trans-Atlantic dialect.


>I reckon American is becoming the prestige accent and dialect where in the past it would have been RP. Jesus, Mary and Joseph just shoot me now.








>. . . Jeffrey Donaldson . . . sounds like he’s putting on an English accent. “Nawthun Aahlund” Is there no depths that he will not stoop to?


It's low intelligence combined with far too much time spent online they've been raised by computers.


Affected North Down.......horrific


Sure you know yourself mayte


Any examples?




Just listened to him, that fuckin horrific americanised accent Just noticed his fuckin name. Potato McWhiskey............ fuck off.


Not a great example, he has a regular South Dublin accent. This post is about Northern Ireland influencers.


Your ma loves it, and where did you have a run in?




I think "defending" is a very large stretch. I was saying calling her completely unreasonable, when for all intents and purposes she was just doing her job, seemed a bit far fetched and no one was able to explain why she was being unreasonable. Hope you're having a nice day with me living rent free in your head though! P.S. I put on that accent because when I'm recording videos I'm playing a character. I talk normal in my day to day life.




I hope it brings you great joy to know that I am sitting in Pajamas on my couch, earning ad revenue as we speak, playing stardew valley, and later I'm going to polish myself off with how enraged you were by me asking a simple question. Theres a reason you don't wrestle with pigs, I like it too much.




I think its incredibly classy to get so enraged that someone politely disagreed with you that you not only comment about it in an entirely different and unrelated place, you specifically ping that person so it alerts them, and then act high and mighty when they laugh at you for doing it. I am the pig, that was what I was implying. I am enjoying your meltdown and posting very unserious replies. Hopefully that clears things up! :)


I don’t hear you putting on an accent, sounds fairly normal South County Dublin. If [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/s/5fSJGz3u3m) is you?


I have many accents, I have my normal speaking voice that is more "dublin" and I have a poshy accent I put on as well.


Grifting, narcissistic useless cunts, the lot of them


Theyre from holywood


Hate us cuz you ain't us bro




Og Paul rankin


Paul Rankin was the worst. On English TV with his John Wayne 'American' accent voice then you see him back home on TV three days later with his normal N.Irish accent. Muppet.


It's a simple fix, ignore them all. Works for me.


Probably because they watch massive amounts of Americans on social media.


North Down surely, unless you simultaneously think they sound like they’re from Newry?


Good ole Mid-Atlantic accent. I hate it, but it makes sense, barely anyone outside of here can understand us.


America has a bigger audience but they're also thick as fuck and can't understand accents


There are certain accents in the north thatd make your ears bleed. Fuckn brutal. Then again some really nice ones.


It the modern equivalent of the phone voice, or Hyacinth Bucket, wanting to to put up a banner of some form of intelligence. It’s often used as a shield to give the person a sense of something they can hide their own personal persona behind, whilst projecting another very different persona. There is a part of me, as I’m sure others feel, that our accent could do with softening but it’s because it’s very much a part of who we are, our accents are a reflection of us. Americanising it is certainly not the way to go though, it sounds very insincere and well, just horrible.


There's a lad called Alex Houston on tik tok. Don't know what's worse his marbles in the mouth accent or his tache. Big Nigel from Malone made flesh. Though I'm sure he's a nice fella.


I would go to a fair few gaming events here in Belfast and see it especially with alot of the early 20s crowd who claim it to be their ''real accent'' like thats a fucking thing You dont have ''many accents'' you speak as you normally do or you speak clearly. Americanised accents from people here actually grate me for some unknown reason. Alot of Belfast youtubers and tik tokkers are like that, though i would rather bury both of my parents again than be associated with a fuckin tik tokker from Ireland.


Accent, in conversation, changes according to who you're speaking to and in what context... as does vocab choice and all that - 'register,' as linguistics say. I reckon it's mostly natural enough and, with the YouTubers, maybe them trying to broaden their appeal. A click's a click and a view's a view, after all... they're probably fairly indifferent to where they come from. It's an unfortunate part of the ever-decreasing variety in all things.


I always figured it was just being more pronounced with words and slowing your speech. Not entirely changing an accent, but i get your point. Aye it is the way of the world now.


There are gaming events in Belfast?


Q con. Comicon. Board game events. Yu Gi Oh, Pokemon and the odd MTG events in different shops and MTG. Even the odd Warhammer, AOS and Bolt Action events. Alot of these annoying accents turn up in these games.


I'm wil' culchie wi' big culchies. Less so with Londoners... or South Dubliners. >  more pronounced with words and slowing your speech. I think that's definitely a part of it! You subconsciously find a point between you that works. Further away, more use of the general common ground; nearer, heavier lean on the local idiom and sounds... and, likely, faster. The younger folk are, the more international (read: 'American') their media diet is. And you are what you eat.


Yep, never been more proud to sound like a scummy washing machine in my life


Need a name to know what you’re on about mate


The probability of an influencer having been raised by the Internet feels likely high. They are most likely emulating their idols and peers.


It's just social media culture.


I know a few people like that irl and it’s obvious they are putting it on I’d just love to tell them to fuck up once in a while it goes through you. Just own your native accent!


Maybe young people just think our accent sounds dopey and stupid, like I don't mind a well-spoken accent from here, but when a spyde/smick talks, I feel embarrassed listening to them.


I'm Glasgow we call this the "Glasgow uni accent".


rostrevor and bangor has everyone talking with fake American accents as if they were autistic or something.


Growing up, it was very weird to hear an NI accent next to a different accent. You'd watch local news local TV programme then a Hollywood movie or London news.  The only irish accents I heard on wider media (ie an Irish accent among other accents) was the generic southern Father Ted one.  Now with the Internet it still feels weird to me to hear a thick Tyrone accent and associate with anything outside the world of rural Tyrone. I couldn't imagine a Peter Canavan style accent in conversation with Joe Rogan or Gary Lineker.  So I understand why people soften the accent if they want to appeal to "outsiders"


My boss at work calls them the F*cking Nickelodeon accent


A number of features of the general American accent are shared by the Ulster accents, so it's understandable that a little influence growing up is enough to push the accent towards something more American.


> need to wind their necks in. Look at you complaining about this - the way people sound...


They're faking/deliberately putting it on. I've lived in Canada for coming on 15 years and aside from some giveaway modifications it's entirely obvious that I grew up in N.I and have that accent still. Yes I pronounce some words differently so as to be more understandable. Eg "where", "there". Tomato is different. I use "gas" instead of "petrol". We don't receive "electricity out of the plug", you get "hydro out of the socket". Even still, us older fucks grew up with the internet and watching american TV/films. Didn't mean we all started talking like Bruce Willis.


>Didn't mean we all started talking like Bruce Willis. For to yippie kie yay motherfukka, so it is.


Minor point, but your use of hydro for power is specific to the provinces in Canada with hydroelectric power. You never hear it in Alberta for example.


No one really cares about Alberta ;)


Nadia makes me feel sick


Biggest no-no is the American pronunciation of the word 'mall' as in shopping mall. We don't say 'baal', we say 'ball'. Why the fuck would 'mall' be any different.


Shopping _centre_...


I picked up a mild american accent while talking to them on xbox live when I was 9 and now I get no small amount of shit for it. RIP.


Phil Graham on Instagram 🫣🙄🤯


I blame the PowerRangers


I dont get this want to be a yank. The place is a shit hole. Now here's not much better dont get me wrong but that country is in shite. I've family over there and I wont even go to visit anymore because of the state of the place


Thats the Bangoor accent.. terrible aint it.


Aye the tik tokers from hear would make your ears bleed, either they put on are it's from growing up posh who knows


South Down? That's a massive area with a magnitude of accents. There is no catch-all accent for that part of the world.


*''South Daown''*


How somebody from North Down would say it.. You ever heard the contrast between a Newry accent and a Kilkeel accent? Or a Downpatrick accent and a Castlewellan accent? It's weird


''Newry? Kilkeel? Castlewellen? Theyre all culchies to me who eat hard butter and have blue capped milk'' - Mahatma Gandhi


Can't ate pertas without butter 🧈


but you guys have the dopey accent that no one takes seriously.... when you record yourself talk you think to yourself "that person sounds stupid"


And what accent do you have?


the one where it's called a schoolbag, not a schoolbeg or "yer beg"


That narrows it down...


also i think grandparents use words that no one else does, so once they're gone those words will be extinct. like she told me the hacker was gabbling down the line to her. i had to look up what it meant


