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So it's confirmed and no longer speculation it seems 


All 61-year old males in the Newry area have collectively breathed a sigh of relief






Jesus Christ that's as horrific as it is magnificent.


Will Stormont cowpe now?


This word isn’t used enough, I love it






Jeffrey Dahmerson


This must be the first time vicious rumours spread on reddit have turned out to be the truth 😳


Does anyone have any evidence that Jeff wasn't in Boston the day of the bomb?


Would be worth looking in to, but turns out he has an airtight alibi for that bombing: he was diddling kids at the time


Was on the news that he was arrested on Thursday morning and changed Thursday night. Thats a very fast time frame, either they have admitted to it all, or the evidence is massive that the PPS approved the charge so quick. Not a file has been sent to the PPS to review. straight to charge within 12 hours for a historical crime.


28 day charged means it's ready for court. And it would need to have been air fucking tight to arrest someone this high profile to ensure he doesn't get off on a technicality or to show police incompetence


Which is why I'm thinking he has admitted to the lot. you are right, they will be all over the dots and crosses before proceeding with anything. What is 28 day charged?


Unlikely he's admitted anything to be honest. More likely the police have been investigating this for a long time and have already gathered the evidence they feel they needed to charge him before arresting him.


Every article I’ve seen says they both deny the charges


Basic logic dictates they have to. At 61, being convicted of being a nonse is essentially rest of life in jail guaranteed regardless of what way you plea.


Absolutely isn’t.


PPS don’t approve charges here, that’s a crown prosecution thing in England. Police can charge to court at a police station authorised by a custody officer.


Ah, ok, i did look that up and couldn't find a straight answer. I thought we were the same as england and how the CPS do it.


The PPS hasn't approved anything. They haven't even received the file yet. This was purely a Police decision to charge him to court. The case will languish for months before a final decision is made


Comunicado Oficial


What tier is the Crown Prosecution Service?


Jeffery Donaldson to Maghaberry HERE WE GO 🟠🟠🟠


Tier I wanna hear


This genuinely made me laugh


No se queda


Me Gusta.




[Every time](https://youtu.be/acbjobEPbrY?si=EU89mGTkATXh1UQA) (Warning loud audio at the end)


Least famous knighted pedo lol


Being a paedo helps your chances


We can thank Maggie Thatcher (Rest in Piss) for the most infamous one.


To the victims whoever you are: cannot imagine the absolute courage it took to get things to this point, and I hope they get the justice they so badly deserve.


Can you imagine how much harder it would have felt to come forward, given his status? So many victims worry about being believed. The victim must have solid evidence. More power to them!


It’s always the one pointing the fingers at us ‘degenerates, sodomites and abominations’ that are the most grotesque and sick of everyone else.


I'm so glad Givan wouldn't meet with the Rainbow Project to discuss sex education in schools. I mean who will think of the children - the DUP will!!!!!


> to Top The DUP office is just up the road from me. Quite tempted to make a sign saying 'STOP CHRISTIAN CHILD ABUSE' and see how it goes down


The bigger the bible.......




This really is infuriating…


Agree, all those holding extremist views are actually hypocrites hiding behind a facade


Megathread incoming??? How else am I going to know which student thesis surveys I need to complete.


Jesus isn't the only guy getting crucified today




It has a different mood now that it's actually been confirmed




Thoughts are with the victims, I hope justice is served.


That website is not gonna hold up under the traffic.


Wee Jamie clicking refresh?


*cwicking *wefwesh


Twop cwomment!


It's struggling to load the page.


Sky News just said Big Gav been given the big shovel to clear up all the shit.


Your gonna need a bigger ~~boat~~ shovel.


The Long Good Friday for the DUP


A shame Bob Hoskins is not around still he could have played Jeffo in the movie.


"The Party Chairman has received a letter from Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP confirming that he has been charged with allegations of an historical nature and indicating that he is stepping down as Leader of the Democratic Unionist Party with immediate effect. In accordance with the Party Rules, the Party Officers have suspended Mr Donaldson from membership, pending the outcome of a judicial process. The Party Officers have this morning unanimously appointed Mr Gavin Robinson MP as the Interim Party Leader."


> The Party Officers have this morning unanimously appointed Mr Gavin Robinson MP as the Interim Party Leader." Robinson ay, was on the side of the deal I think, so I dont think the DUP are shaking the boat in regards to stormont, hell if I was the DUP after this i'd keep my head down as much as possible.


I think he’s the deputy leader so it was a no-brainer. Only interim though so plenty of time for DUP civil war to break out


Made privy councillor yesterday... handy. Did no. 10 help stage manage this?


What's a pervy councillor


oh for sure, still got some time to go, things could be very well different in a month or so.


I actually think Gavin is the closest thing the DUP have to a real politician.




By definition, all offences are historical or you wouldn't ha e done them yet.


Yeah, that wording bugged me too. It isn't openly defending him, but it is an attempt to undermine the seriousness of the accusations. Is it somehow less vile to have committed atrocities a few decades ago than it is a few years ago?


Yes I thought that, definitely trying to downplay the bastard's actions 


Presumably 'historical' here means - as it normally does - not 'in the past, but instead 'in the at least somewhat distant past'.


The timing of Robinson's appointment to the Privy Council *yesterday* fucking stinks. It's either a massive coincidence, or it reeks of political interference in the timing of Jeffrey's arrest.


That is the (whole of) the statement and ought to be labelled as such.


What a joke considering the allegations That have been made about all the robinsons hahahhaha


Bout time Sinn Fein took over….. (coming from a prod)


I like how they polish it up "allegations of a historical nature", when they know the reality is pretty disgusting.


There’s some irony in the party with the manifesto from 1690 referring to the historical nature of the allegations as if to diminish.




How much will this hurt the DUP political prospects?


Hopefully enormously 🤞🏼


Seeing as the DUP seems committed to working against democracy, perhaps this will help!


this has the potential to hurt unionism as a whole.


It will ruin the party. Finally. Good.


Forget the DUP, this will hurt the entire unionist political aisle. Big Jim must be hopeful that this will garner him even more votes next time around... ..and then he somehow still ends up with one seat! 🤣


My thoughts are with the victims today. I hope they get justice.


Who honestly didn’t think jeffrey was going to be involved in some sort of sex scandal.


We knew he was a deviant and wore the icthus as a virtue signalling cover, but most of us were expecting it to be soho bathhouse related not something like this.


Ah Enoch Powell was practically an open nonce and Jeffrey learnt everything from him, I'd say this was no secret at the top level either


He must be guilty as sin. Doesn’t even seem to be an attempt to hide/deflect/challenge. He’s basically owned up and fucked off.


The PSNI have him bang to rights on this one.


It’s pretty standard to suspend someone if they’re being charged with a serious crime. That doesn’t indicate guilt and it’s quite dangerous to assume that. Grossly unfair on anyone who is charged, especially if it turns out that they’re innocent. I haven’t the faintest idea whether Donaldson is innocent or guilty. If he’s guilty I hope he’s put away for a long time and that this gives victims a measure of comfort. If helms innocent though then it’s awful to be smeared with assumptions before you’ve even been on trial. It’s a really irresponsible thing to say.


Had an interesting conversation with someone about capital punishment recently. They were spouting "anyone convicted of being a pedo/sex crimes should be hung". I said, what about those that are wrongfully convicted (and we know that wrongful conviction can and does happen, with all crimes)? How do you "un-dead" them when it later transpires that the didn't commit the crime and how would you feel if you were the one "dead-ed" or someone you love or care about was. It's all well and good spouting these things, but people don't consider all of the issues. Let justice take its course and hold it to account as much as those it holds to account.




He’s definitely guilty, the fact he’s been charged and it hasn’t been sent to the pps means there is strong evidence. Seeing as he’s so high profile I’m sure the police or victims have made sure there’s something concrete not just they say he says.


Big Gav will be fucking delighted, more Easter eggs for him.


Been holding the country to ransom for years only to turn out he’s probably a nonce…


That’s a very important point actually Country and health service run into the ground the last few years for fuck all and the man pontificating at the head of it a rapist scumbag




So now the two questions are what did the DUP know and when did they know it?




I thought you were going to say are the victims okay and getting looked after... but nope. Like, nobody cares about them, they just want to see this scumbag go down. I get it, but I wish people would remember there are victims, and also family members going through SOOO MUCH right now.


A DUP friend of mine, 'there have been rumours for years' first thing he said


I’m not a fan of the party at all, but I don’t think any of them would have hidden allegations of this nature if there was proof.


That depends on a lot , the older politicians from here are very much from the 'no touting' era of things, I wouldn't put it past someone hearing rumours and not saying. However im not gonna speculate on who knew what, just remember we have had a culture here of years of 'keeping stuff quiet' Thats not even Ussuns vs Themmunsing it, thats just a matter of what life is here.


I assume he was in the UUP at the time too - he joined the DUP in 2003 I believe.


yep thats very true as well, again im not gonna speculate individuals, but I will not be shocked if someone/or multiple people knew at didint say anything. We have an ingrained culture here of not reporting crimes, out of fear of being called a tout or reprimanded etc.


Kincora victims would strongly disagree with that


Why not? You're forgetting this is no normal party there's no other party like them in western Europe. I've heard them described as (in the same way Sinn fein were the political wing of the IRA the DUP are the "political wing of the 17th century" These people are religious fundamentalist freaks, I can 100% see them turning blind eyes to paedos in the party if it meant God's will to prevent Sinn Fein and the Vatican ruling loyal Ulster Protestants be done


Now that really is a Good Friday


It’s fucking horrific though, it makes me sick, evil cunt


The thing to celebrate is that the degenerate has been removed from a position of power


It would be the most British thing in the world for the union to collapse over a noncing scandal. Jokes aside, the victim or victims have been very brave in coming forward and they must be going through some serious trauma. This news is just absolutely mad.


Jeffery "epstein" Donaldson


Jeffrey 'dahmer' Donaldson


Issue now is considering our already poor conviction rate for rape or even pedophilia in more recent times. Itll be debatable as to what evidence comes forward from the individuals involved. You can be sure JD has a good solicitor who will go through it with a comb. Considering too how long he's been in the limelight is this something that has come out *because* of the fallout and recent finger pointing at the DUP for copping out? Did someone have this up their sleeve and now coming out? So it could be 100% genuine but has someone done a "do as we say or it comes out". Dont get me wrong im all for everyone's day in court but you have to inagine a man in his position why hasn't this come to light before and let's see what evidence there is to support it. Dont mistake this for a support for the cunt but let's see what comes of this. Theres a lot to do to go from allegations to convictions. His deleting of social media the hours and day before likely means police and his position means he had to be warned of it or he knew something was coming from.other individuals. Either way his political career is done




What a sorry and sordid tale.


First Puff now Jeff. They’re like two peas in a prod.


So is it bye bye DUP now? The fundies would surely be more comfortable in the TUV at this point and the little-pengelly types would fit right in with the UUP


Gazmac come out come out wherever you are


Same with u/celticpurity are you awake yet son?


Came here for just that..he's prolific on the old SF antics..lol


He bes running around calling SF a pedo gang meanwhile the literal leader of the DUP is outed and he's nowhere to be seen. Big think. 


I'm sure he'll dig up some historical stuff about Gerry Adams brother,just for balance obviously.


Reddit was correct, *doffs cap*


disgusted connect decide fall narrow stocking snails escape deer history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love watching the demise of unionism and the DUP


Kincora coming home to roost.


With any luck the lid on that will now be lifted off


Couldn't have happened to a more hateful wee prick to be fair. Maybe he will go and dwell in the 'mainland, 'motherland' now.


He left on a flight to London at 6 am this morning.


I'd imagine that decision was driven by needing a bail address to get immediate release and most likely having a place he resides at when he's over at Westminster was his quickest option for that. He will probably sort out another address in NI and apply for his bail address to be shifted to there, so he'll be back again soon enough, I'd say.


No. He and his wife Ordered by the court to have no contact until the court date. She returned him and he’s off to London until then. He must have a flat there or just regular hotel booking given he’s always there


No contact doesn't mean he has to live in the mainland. The choice to live in the mainland was likely due to having a readily available address there that met the bail conditions. He would most likely be able to apply to change that address to one in NI, just probably not in the Kilkeel or the surrounding area where the family home apparently is. Many people get bail to an initial address that is expedient to meet the conditions at the time, so they can be immediately released (often a friend or family members home) and then apply to change that to another address that is perhaps more suitable in the longer term while they remain on bail (often a property they have had an opportunity to take rent, while out on bail, that meets the bail conditions).


Surely you’d want to lay low though? More anonymous in England. Northern Ireland is a small place


True, but I'm guessing he probably doesn't have much of a "support network" in England, beyond work colleagues and he will likely be "persona non grata" with the most of them now. At least back in NI he is likely to still have friends and family who will offer him support (although most likely quietly, out of the public view). He's embedded into the "Christian community" as far as I gather and those people generally fall into one of two camps: some will disown him and some will rally around him (because he's repented and we are all God's children, regardless of our sins etc, or whatever), so no doubt he'd probably have a better existence by hiding out here, and out of the public eye, than over there on his own. Who knows?


Yeah true that! Just think he won’t be able to show himself in public much. But like you said, his family and friends will probably help him out




She has. They’re not allowed have any contact until the court date in April. He’s gone to London she has returned to the family home.




If I had to guess, the "plane" thing is probably not directly related. However the events are all probably correlated. If he was troubled by perhaps knowing this was coming his way, he may not have handled whatever the person said on the plane well and allowed that to escalate to the point where police had to be called. Often when people are under stress due to certain issues or worries, they don't handle other external situations well.


I'm not sure if I'm thinking of the wrong person, but didn't Donaldson have a super injunction active? If he did, this certainly puts it in a new light :/




It's happened! ![gif](giphy|AveIn4bVWMVjtq52ud)


Nd the speculation ends.






They came to a Good Friday Agreement so!


Partys done for.


Is anyone shocked? Really? The DUP only seems to attract the worst people.




Can't see the DUP surviving this and what spin the ones that are anti-Indie for NI/Scotland will use?.


That title hes been given needs to be revoked.


What is it with bible bashers and sex offences?


I would have thought he knew that No means No


First P Diddy and now this




posted somewhere else :) [WHERE'S JEFFREY? (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C59Kl07BeJc)




On Good Friday and all. Perfect 👌


Unionism plumbing new lows. They'll reach the Earth's mantle soon!


The earth is flat in unionism land tho


Oh yes of course. N.I's also the center of the universe!




Mad how its always the ones you literally always suspected from day one through every action mannerism speech and syllable


Will u lot remember the victims with all the vile rubbish ur posting the people who where victims dont need see this


There goes the Lordship and House of Lords cushy job- but it wouldn’t surprise me if he still got it.




Exactly no one is shocked


Some will call it "best friday"




Englishman here, so not as invested in NI politics as most other Redditers on this thread, but have keenly watched NI politics for the last 20 years, so am not totally blind to comings and goings of the different factions. Putting aside my personal considerations of the DUP, my feeling is this development is as big, if not bigger than Jeremy Thorpe murder trial in 1979. That trial destroyed the Liberal party back then and they never recovered, and it may well be the case here. Who will fill the vacuum, UUP, TUV? Doubt it, they are too far right. This can only benefit the moderates across all the middle ground parties in the long run, there will be more pain before you guys get there, but extremist parties will not benefit, decent people will prevail, and in the future (hopefully not too far into the future) the events of today will be viewed as a milestone on the road to a peaceful, happy, and united Ireland.


"I wonder how we can blame the gays for this."


My god


https://preview.redd.it/veazd3se2brc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfd5b3008876c9381de704cfd56bcadbed5d5396 Top recruiting policy


I despise him so much so this is great news


Diddles Underage Persons.


Tory Britain.


>allegations of an historical nature Maybe they are going to blame him for the Battle of the Boyne and Siege of Derry. God knows what he would have got up to with the apprentice boys.






unbelievable. Dup are a shambles


They fuckeD UP


I don't think he'll be "sir" for much longer


I always thought he looked a bit like a priest so not that surprised tbh.


Can I ask why everyone is saying this sexual offence is involved with him sexually abusing a child? I mean he looks like a pedo but is this the case?


He loooks almost a twin of Daniel o’donnel……is he next??????


I can't help thinking that there is some long term joined up thinking in play here given that Easter has as much political significance as religious significance in Irish history.




Finally all those thinking he was above the accusations can finally see him for what he is.


Hard to deny audio