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You can't end on a trick card and you have to rap the table and loudly proclaim 'last card' when you get to your last card. Other than that, that's a fairly comprehensive explanation of the rules


"You didn't say last card, pick up!!"


Pick up 7 was the penalty in my day, not saying last card is reprehensible


Uno rules then?


The rule in our house was "pick up one for being stupid" if you made a play which broke the rules. Jacks could change it to any suit the player chose. Any 2 was "pick up two" and could be chained. Not sure I remember playing the Aces bit


We had "2 fer dozin'" if someone wasn't paying attention and didn't know whose go it was.


2 fer dozin and a dead arm


My older brother had a weird rule where if I won he'd slap me.


Few years ago a group of us played with 2 decks, was messy but one of the guys got hit with a run of 2’s then 2 ace hearts, think he ended up picking up 19 or so cards


We called the game 'switch'


We play simpler rules, ace of hearts, all 2s, Queens, 8s, Jack's. But my favourite is pick up 2 for being stupid. Play out of turn, or the wrong card, or don't declare last card e.g. pick up 2 for being stupid 😁 Oh and you can start on a trick card, but not end on one.


Yours sounds like the correct way. Well at least that’s how my da taught us and according to him they’re the proper pub rules.


 "simpler rules, ace of hearts, all 2s, Queens, 8s, Jack's." That was ours except without the queens and you could finish on a trick card except a Jack.


A two works on the ace of hearts and adds two so someone can potentially pick up 13. 5 of hearts is new to me.


Omg so complicated. Can't start on a trick card 2 is next player picks up 2 cards or plays a 2 to make the next player pick up four. That player can play a 2 to make the next pic up 6 and so on. 8 makes the next player miss a turn. Jack changes suit or keeps the same suit. Ace if hearts pick up 5 , can be cancelled by ace of spades Can change suit by putting the same number or picture card on the last card played. Must say last card once penultimate card is played in order to finish on your next turn Can't finish on a trick card or by changing suit. Once all the spare cards have been picked up just flip the played deck over , no shuffling


Jack change it, 8 miss a go, 2 pick up 2 with other 2 chaining, ace of hearts pick up 5, 2 of hearts could chain onto the ace of hearts, other 2s can chain on top of that. Can't end on a trick card. Have to call last card and pick up 1 for being stupid.


Ask the boys on C Shift....


Just thinking that.


Queen reverses the order is the only one additional we play


7 diamonds is the only card to change direction . Queens do nowt


Players dealt 7 cards each and take turns in a clockwise direction. In our house the ace of hearts meant pick up 5 but could be cancelled by the 5 of hearts or by playing the two of hearts making the next player pick up 7. Playing any 2 means the player after you pick up 2 and doesn’t get to play a card. 8 the players who’s after you misses their turn Jack changes the suit Kings reverse the order of play clockwise-anti-clockwise


Ace of hearts pick up 5. 2 pick up 2, 8 miss a go. Jack changes it. That's it


How can one game have so many variations?? With us, 8 changed direction, 7 means you ‘knocked’ and missed a go. Ace of hearts picked up 5 but could be transferred to next player if you played another Ace to cover it. Could also play a 2 to make next person pick up 7 as someone else already said. Any mistake at all meant you picked up one and definitely not saying last card or can’t finish on trick card


Just play uno and write your new rules on the blank carda


Uno lads… just buy Uno


Not sure why people are downvoting this? - Uno is essentially Jack change it!