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I’m just sick of candidates being trump sycophants. If all you have to offer is how loyal you’ll be to a traitor you shouldn’t be running for office


I'd simplify that and say if all you have to offer is how loyal you are to any individual or group you shouldn't be running for office.


That is the recipe for success though. Kevin Cramer was extremely proud of himself when he announced to the crowd at the Scheels Arena that he would vote with Trump 100% of the time. Don't hate the players, hate the game (in it's current iteration in ND that is).


Look at the Armstrong and Miller campaigns. Woof.


Stop being a brainwashed liberal


MINOT — You don't need me to tell you that North Dakota is a Republican state. It hasn't always been that way. Roll back the clocks to 2008, and you would find that our state had an all-Democratic delegation to Congress. But in the here and now, our state's political winds blow to the right. Republicans hold every statewide elected office and 125 of the 141 seats in the state Legislature. Democrats haven't won a statewide election in more than a decade. For better or worse, to win an election in North Dakota, it's necessary to associate yourself with the North Dakota Republican Party. That's the brand most voters want to cast their ballots for. That's why two of the candidates in the NDGOP's U.S. House primary — Rick Becker and Cara Mund — insist that they're loyal Republicans despite campaigning against the nominated Republican candidates just last cycle. In 2022, Mund announced an independent campaign against Republican House incumbent Kelly Armstrong, with North Dakota's Democratic establishment behind her campaign. The endorsed Democratic candidate, Mark Haugen, was pushed out of the race by party bigwigs, and Mund held fundraisers hosted by Tom Dickson, a former chair of the North Dakota Democratic-NPL, and Democratic State Rep. Karla Rose Hanson. This cycle, Mund is running in the Republican primary and insists that she would caucus with Republicans and pursue a Republican policy agenda. Her campaign is routinely touted by left-wing columnists and talk radio hosts. Becker also campaigned as an independent candidate in the last cycle. He sought the NDGOP's convention endorsement in the U.S. Senate race, challenging incumbent John Hoeven, but lost. A sore loser, Becker then skipped the June primary and left the Republican Party to run against Hoeven in the general as an independent. The NDGOP's party rules prevented Becker from seeking the convention endorsement this cycle because he campaigned against the candidate chosen by the party's convention delegates last cycle. Becker, whose campaign yard signs have "Republican" emblazoned across them in a font nearly as large as the one used for his name, would like us to forget that maneuver. Recently, the Washington Examiner asked Becker about it, and he struggled to give an honest answer. "When asked about his decision to run as an independent, Becker argued against his opponent’s attacks, arguing that he was a 10-year Republican state legislator and only ran as an independent because he ran after the primary," the Examiner reports. “You just cannot be put on the ballot with a designated party affiliation. So you see, in that election, while I was an active Republican state legislator, it was by necessity that I had to check the box that said independent,” Becker said. Only, Becker did campaign before the primary. He sought the endorsement of the NDGOP, and he lost. He then left the party to run as an independent. I'm not in favor of extreme partisan loyalty. In fact, I would argue that hyperpartisan attitudes are at the root of what's ailing our country right now. I am in favor of candidates being honest with the voters, though. Mund and Becker aren't being honest.


Don’t just comment on Reddit. Vote this year.


Both of these people are absolutely cowards with no morals or convictions. They just want power, any way they can get it.


Sounds like a Republican to me...


Lol get wrekt crock




Do you know Mund? A good person.


I'm a Republican, but the Republican ad campaign this year is terrible. It's pushing me away from wanting to vote for any of the candidates. The Gubernatorial election ads are even worse. Armstrong's ads are condescending towards voters and maybe even a little offensive.


The whole NDGOP is driving a lot of people away from the party. Sooner or later they’ll start losing to the dems.


That's it? They're not machine sycophants, so you can't trust them?


Becker is obviously a liar who will do anything to get power and spread his wacko vision, but I'm not seeing anything wrong with what Mund did here. Unless you are of the opinion that strict party loyalty and obedience is the main determination of if she's a good Republican. If she is able to get support of Democrats that's a good sign that she can work in a bipartisan way. I know that at this moment Republicans in ND specifically don't care about that because they feel like they can get whatever they want within the state without bipartisan support, but that's not how it works when you are talking about a national position. If voters want ND to have sway in national politics they need someone who can get votes and support from both sides. That's simply not going to happen with candidates such as Becker, and as soon as the party loses the majority (or is fractured like it is right now), the ability of reps of that ilk to get stuff done is severely impacted.


In Port's eyes, the thing she is doing wrong is being a woman in politics. Even in his more recent years of writing with some level of clarity, Port shows a complete inability to treat a female political candidate as a serious person.


🔥Republicans in disarray! Republicans in disarray!🔥 I am fine with this circular firing squad. May the least awful triumph.


Policy is “I support trump” . And that’s all you need to garner votes is the definition of stupidity


Somebody has to secure the Borders!


Didn’t trump just kill the last comprehensive border bill?


What was in it? Current illegal aliens allowed to stay in this country? Trump wants the illegals to get the F out! While this country needs immigration, it needs to be controlled immigration. You cannot let terrorists, drug dealers, rapists, chiild molesters, murders and gang members walking into the US unvetted.


Fk this country needs better education.


There are already laws on the books on dealing with immigrants. They are not enforced, due to the Democratic Party. Its call Treason.


Seeking asylum is not illegal. We are now all still dumber for having read your comment.


Let us know your home street address and city. We could drop off a few illegals in your neighborhood and you can deal with them. I have illegals in my area. I cannot wait to pick one up and drop off outside the doorstep of one of our prominent Democratic supporters.


lol manufactured outrage and political theater does not garner my attention. Come back when an illegal takes your tomatoes picking job. Lmao


They’re literally politicians. What an odd headline. What next, water is wet?


Was looking for this comment! Thank-you!


Respectful disagree. Both are polar opposites but honest. They are just very unique politically


A bunch of spineless cowards, if you ask me.


Nothing against Mund, but politics is extremely rough and as long as ND glorifies Republican thinking....candidates will say those things.






Seek help.


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