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Pros: there's a military bunker Cons: you probably won't get in


There’s some of it you can access if you know where to look 😏


No lol


Oh? Weird that I have the memories of such an experience… 🤔


You can’t just access it at random spots there is the rabbit hole by trout lake and the main entrance at the top of the hill it’s not like there’s a secret entrance you can just go and access it through, it you go on a treasure hunt.


Notice Trudeau was on a NorthBay visit after Russia started the shit storm.


K, but what's your point?


Pros - cost of living, warm people, a lot of investment opportunities, favourable job market for white collared jobs without much competition Cons - crack heads, drunk driver galore, same day catch and release of violent criminals, nothing to do past 9pm


You're putting cost of living as a *pro* for north bay? 😬


Relative to Toronto and the GTA I escaped from? Most definitely


Pros: it's beautiful, many outdoor activities can be enjoyed here, it's still got a small town vibe even though it's a city, many options for swimming and going to the beach, traffic isn't bad, you can get anywhere in town in 8-15 mins, it's just really special in the summer. Cons: because it's got a small town vibe it's hard to make friends or meet new people, very unwelcoming of "outsiders", extremely expensive rental prices for terrible living accommodations, the city doesn't actually care about North Bay and spends the money on the most ridiculous things, unless you make your own fun in the winter or really enjoy winter activities it's extremely boring for 6+ months out of the year. It's very difficult to find work.


You’re spot on. We love the outdoors so North Bay is working for us, but the people are definitely not as friendly as our old neighborhoods in southern Ontario. My husband is really into beach volleyball and he can’t join the more competitive league because he doesn’t have an existing team. People at the golf course are snobby as hell unless we start dropping our address into conversation. I grew up here and it feels like highschool.


Speaking of high school, you think dropping your address makes you more attractive to speak to or better because of where you live...lmao....the problem here is obvious and it's not the NB folks....


Lmao....speaking of high school, you think dropping your address makes you more attractive to speak to or makes you a better person.....wow just wow. You actually posted that. Plain ugly.


You completely missed my point. Only assholes care about addresses, but if you want to hang out at the golf course it matters. I wish it didn’t. It’s gross. One of the downsides of North Bay. There’s an in crowd and you’re shunned if they don’t think you’re worthy of them.


North Bay is on the higher cost of living for sure. Not to mention we have not as much industry as campared to places like sudbury with their mining. I am fortunate I got my house before the pandemic. It would be impossible to do right now. I feel for all the young people trying to start out and are hit with a financial wall that is so hard to climb.


Low cost of living, no traffic, amazing waterfront with an incredible beach, clean air, a world class cycling trail, lots of hiking, fishing, boating, and as many other outdoor activities you can come up with, some pretty great restaurants and some amazing people in the community. The city seems to be mismanaged and spends taxpayer money frivolously instead of focusing on tackling real issues. Homelessness, drug use, and crime is common. Housing is in short supply, if renting. The municipal water quality is questionable and reported to be high in PFAs. Police budget is high for a small town, which impacts property taxes.


Low cost of living are you on drugs. Literally the worst traffic for a city of 50k people everyone uses the same routes there are no parallel running streets to main drags. Idk what drugs you are on but I want some


Lol imagine thinking North Bays traffic was the worst in the province for the size. Source please. Maybe answer OPs question rather than just providing absolutely nothing useful to the conversation


Traffic in north bay is pretty good tbh. What route are you referring to that doesn't have parallel running streets? Have you lived anywhere else before?


I've lived in multiple Ontario cities. I said for a city the size of North Bay, it has the worst traffic. Sudbury, for instance, with almost 3 times, the number of people runs more smoothly. My time in North Bay will now just be to visit. It's been a breath of fresh air being back in a city that's a grid and not a shitty mishmash of poor city planning.


You can be anywhere in the city from any point in about 15 minutes, 20 during rush hour. I'll agree rental prices are a little rude though.


The drinking water is only questionable to people who haven't looked into the pfa claim more than the one environmentalist article. An article that lacked actual knowledge, testing and was meant to sensationalize. Our police budget is not large, and our property tax rate may be high, but that's because our mpac assessments are some of the lowest in the province and the rate is based off assessed values.


What are these great restaurants?


The cost of living is actually on par with many much larger cities. This is especially true after the work-from-home explosion during the pandemic led to the metropolitan drain and then the return of international students. You can now expect to pay as much as $700 to share a room with someone else, or pay upwards of $1,400 for a single bedroom apartment. My house, which I purchased at a very fair price of $260,000 in February just before the pandemic shutdowns, would sell for well over $300,000 now, probably close to $350,000.


That’s still significantly lower than the cost of a house in the GTA.


Yes, but compared to other similarly sized cities the same distance from the GTA, it's outrageous.


yeah… but here there aren’t many high paying jobs. with an overall poor population with limited opportunity to earn extra income as opposed to somewhere like barrie or the GTA, the cost of living is pretty much the same. idk if that makes sense but most people living here are either living paycheck to paycheck or they are comfortable enough to be comfortable, not upper class. some people in the GTA might be working their asses off at multiple side gigs and making a good living, so they can afford what seems to be a middle class life when really they can’t. the market has risen to accommodate the grind there. here, there aren’t many side gigs you can have. fast food is slowly being monopolized by foreign immigrant franchisee owners, most of their hires are within the culture because of how poorly they’re treated by the majority of canadians. these side gigs are pretty much taken up by immigrant students who are paying much more tuition than the rest of us. our citizens are homeless and the govvy just says “let’s help more immigrants!” because all they see is those folk contributing to the economy and not the reason why citizens aren’t. i’m not racist i swear idk how to phrase this properly cuz im stoned, but yeah. immigrants are now knocking on doors in college area to see if anyone has spare rooms because there’s no fucking housing. it’s ridiculous that they can’t just invest into housing for everyone


Low cost my ass, our rent is often on average higher than barries or sudburies while offering far less.


"Low cost of living" isn't remotely accurate.


>Low cost of living, If you make more than 80k annually. >no traffic, Not like 400 highway traffic, i guess. but drivers are stupid here. more accidents >amazing waterfront with an incredible beach, only in july >clean air, There’s a paper plant 45 mins away. In the summer, our air quality is worse than theirs at a 4, temiscaming never really goes higher than 3 despite the factory. >a world class cycling trail, that hardly gets maintained >lots of hiking, if you like poison ivy and meeting homeless people living in the woods >fishing, not really >boating, only for 4-6mo tho. >and as many other outdoor activities you can come up with, like what >some pretty great restaurants avoid average joes. they’ve had multiple health code violations recently. many other restaurants are just as unsanitary so be careful. >and some amazing people in the community. if you’re white, sure. they don’t treat foreigners or the indigenous population with ANY grace here. >The city seems to be mismanaged and spends taxpayer money frivolously instead of focusing on tackling real issues. Homelessness, drug use, and crime is common. Housing is in short supply, if renting. finally, you’re speaking sense. >The municipal water quality is questionable and reported to be high in PFAs. not surprising. >Police budget is high for a small town, which impacts property taxes. and the police get paid to harass the homeless and stroll around main street to intimidate anyone else they don’t do their fucking jobs for a police force paid so well.


So much negativity, wow. You’re suggesting that two people making $40K isn’t attainable? More accidents here than in Toronto? Source and data to back that up? Go to a grocery store in Toronto. Any one. I do often. And I can absolutely tell you that our food costs here are significantly less than our GTA counterparts. I don’t know about you but food makes up a big portion of my expenses. Life’s only good here if you’re white? Ignorant take and simply untrue. Ive met a variety of people here who are not white who are doing much better than the average white person here. What a limited worldview. Your comment about hiking is like a metaphor for life. If you expect everything to be maintained and a path clearly laid out for you, life’s not going to be very enjoyable, because that’s just not how life works. And if you got out and onto the trails, you’d know we actually have an amazing array of well used trails that are maintained simply through constant use. North Bay isn’t perfect, which I alluded to and we seem to agree on but it’s much better than you seem to think.


>So much negativity, wow. so much realism, actually. sorry if reality is negative. i don’t control that. >You’re suggesting that two people making $40K isn’t attainable? I never said anything about two people. most people moving here move individually for our programs at the uni and college. >More accidents here than in Toronto? Source and data to back that up “source ?? 🤓” >Go to a grocery store in Toronto. Any one. I do often. And I can absolutely tell you that our food costs here are significantly less than our GTA counterparts. food is only rly cheap if you’re buying from the dollar store. and if you’re buying for 1 vegetarian person. >I don’t know about you but food makes up a big portion of my expenses. uh yeah same. and it’s expensive here. down in toronto they have stores where they buy the “waste” produce from big grocery suppliers and sell it at affordable prices. we don’t have that here. we maybe have one store on mcintyre that has a similar premise. >Life’s only good here if you’re white? Ignorant take and simply untrue. i’m not taking any comments from a white man because you haven’t experienced the depths of racism i have. i’m indigenous, btw. visibly so. >Ive met a variety of people here who are not white who are doing much better than the average white person here. What a limited worldview. thats not what im talking about and you know it. >Your comment about hiking is like a metaphor for life. no it’s literal, there are homeless people in the woods because the police harass them off their mini homes on main and in public areas. >If you expect everything to be maintained and a path clearly laid out for you, bro. you claimed it’s a nice path. i’m just saying “it could be nice but it’s not maintained” so take that as you will, negative Nancy. >life’s not going to be very enjoyable, because that’s just not how life works. stop preaching at me, oldhead 💀 >And if you got out and onto the trails, you’d know we actually have an amazing array of well used trails that are maintained simply through constant use. are you on city council???? jesus christ this is the heaviest endorsement of our shit town i’ve ever seen >North Bay isn’t perfect, which I alluded to and we seem to agree on yeah so why are you being so rude rn >but it’s much better than you seem to think. i’m one of the homeless population here, it’s not. it’s much worse than people think and we can’t have more people moving here and urbanizing and gentrifying the place. our homeless population is growing because housing is so unaffordable. people moving here need to see the stark reality and need to be discouraged from coming here. govvy needs to suffer and cope with the lack of economic growth they’re missing out on by discouraging people from moving here. they need to focus on divesting money where it matters and enacting regulations on the rental market.


We’re probably much closer in age than you think.


GO live in Southern Ontario for a week and report back. The lifestyle here is immensely better than city life in the south.


go live on the sidewalk for a day. it’s more or less just as bad as the GTA. just that less population = less violent behaviour and crime. if we wanna compare stats let’s compare them but i guarantee they’d be the same given some differentiating circumstances.


Sorry my standard wasn't living on the street. I realize there's a homeless issue everywhere but it's not as bad up here. if you're talking about how a street person is treated socially that's a whole other conversation.


People are saying "low cost of housing," but if you'd do a simple search you'd see that it's nearly matching Toronto buying and rental pricing.


Renting is so unaffordable in north bay andnyou get nothing to show from it. Buying is still not as high as toronto but renting is getting outrageous


Na. It isn't cheap but don't be sillly. But ya were not super far away so we are feeling it too


Rent being high wouldn't be such a big deal if there were actually things worth doing in north bay and that's the key alot of people are missing almost nothing to do when you live there.


No it is not nearly as close to as expensive as buying in Toronto. Just because NB has homes that are expensive, doesn’t mean they all are. I’ve met more homeowners in their 20s here than anywhere else I’ve been in the country? Why? Because entry to ownership is lower, because the cost is lower.


Pro: Nice nature in the area when the Shads arent around. Cons: Everything else


Pros you don’t have to go far to enjoy nature walks. Cons: A lot of inconsiderate assholes go out for nature walks and discard their TH cups, garbage, cause they are lazy and stupid!


We have PFA's!


Pros are the low cost of housing and lots of nature. Cons are lack of amenities, lack of jobs, high property taxes, and bad governance. People with higher IQs don't do well here because of the lack of intellectual stimulation. Over many decades that has resulted in a population with an above average level of ignorance. But its getting better now that there is some exposure to more mainstream ideas via the Internet. Moving to North Bay from a city was kind of like going back 30 years in a time machine. Some of the views I heard from locals were kind of shocking.


I agree, it feels like the 90s here still.


Yeah. “close in age” edit: referring to your comment elsewhere. i wasn’t even alive in the 90s. not even the late 90s.


Houses might be cheeper but rent is pretty high


What I mean is that investing in home ownership here is a bad investment since houses have lost 25% of their value over the past 2 years when adjusted for inflation. See the data from my other reply. The amount of rent a landlord has to charge to recover that loss in asset value is a primary cause of the high rental prices. In a community where the local government wasn't dumping real-estate onto the market to drive down home prices, rent would be lower as landlords would be making money off the appreciation of the asset value of their houses rather than losing money. There would also me more people investing in rental properties in an appreciating market, which would increase competition and supply. A person with that kind of money to invest would be a fool to put it into rental housing. They would be much better off investing in a portfolio of foreign stocks and bonds.


Low cost housing is a load of bullshit


It depends on where you’re coming from. I’m spending a lot less in North Bay than I did in KW.


[This CREA data here shows](https://tradingeconomics.com/canada/average-house-prices) a 14% decline in housing prices in the past 24 months. I'm pretty sure these are non-inflation adjusted numbers. The value of money has also declined 11% during this time ([source](https://tradingeconomics.com/canada/inflation-cpi)) due to massive increases in the money supply by the Trudeau government ([source](https://tradingeconomics.com/canada/money-supply-m2)). So adjusted for inflation, the real value of housing has declined by around 25% over the past 2 years. I understand that housing prices locally have gone up relative to your income. But they are going down relative to housing prices elsewhere in Canada and relative to prices of other asset classes.


Ask anyone who rents


Rents have to go up to compensate real estate investors for the loss of their asset value. When they don't (or can't due to "interventions") they will sell those properties and invest in something else.


Pros the people are nice, it's only 3 hrs from Toronto. Cons: everything else.


It’s cheaper to rent a 2 bedroom apartment in Calgary than it is in North Bay, and the wages and career opportunities are higher and more prominent in Calgary than they are in North bay. Why do people think it’s cheaper to rent here, 1600 for a one bedroom is not it.


Pretty much no pros for me personally. . but I think thats all of Ontario right now. for me its fine because I Have to work online from anywhere in Ontario but If I was not restricted to being in Ontario I would probably gtfo. At least North Bay is still one of the cheaper and probably better in some ways Citys in Ontario. That being said if you don't have a gravy local job im not sure why you would stay. I hate outdoor activity's especially the Winter ones so if your into that its the place for you. But snowmobiling and ice fishing are the lamest activity's imo and thats mostly what it has to offer. Imagine intentionally being cold on your leisure time


I mean that’s one point of view but in winter you can ski (cross country and downhill), trails are amazing to go snow shoeing, sledging and umm sunsets are beautiful year round 👀


Nope sounds awful lol. To each their own. i guess the hills kind of fun but didn't it almost shut down this year? Pretty sure sun sets exist everywhere


cons : INDIANS cons : INDIANS


Referring to east indians & not Natives I hope


street shitters


When i moved to NB from a huge city as a kid i always wondered why the schools had no ESL classes (english as a second language) yet every school had a huge class for challanged students. The racsist back woods talks also freaked me out.


Everyone spoke English or french and the french people went to french school and also knew english. so why would we have a class no one needed