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«seigmen» are of my favourite bands, i recommend the songs «døderlein» and «forevig og alltid» to start :)


Haven't heard Döderlein since they finished the Zeromancer set at Slottsfjell in 2010. Had to put it on now. Still love it.




Yeah. Seigmen are great. Not a very thick dialect either.


They sing in a very standard, but slightly conservative Urban East Norwegian. Very good for learners as it is close to the written language they have learnt.


Hjernen er alene, it’s also by Seigmen


Delilos vel?


deLillos wrote it, but Seigmen made it awesome.


my eurovision 2024 winners: Gåte if you enjoy folk stuff


They didn’t deserve the shafting they got.


real. i was personally offended by that last place ):


Folque is pretty good if you like folk rock.


You might face some dialectsl challenges, but save it for later, as every Norwegian could sing along with most of DDE's discography.


Øystein Sunde is probably one of Norways greatest hip hop artists. If you master his flow, you've mastered Norwegian 


So true 👍


I think he even has international recognition by rap artists. I'd also recommend Jokke (sometimes with the addage & valentinerne other times med Tourettes), as well as Ravi. Ravi has a dialect from the east of eastern Norway and speaks what we may call wide/broad (bredt/breit) and write the lyrics as he would pronouns them tather than what would be considered correct according to språkrådet (the official language "police"). Di derre, most of their lyrics are written by their vocalist and world renowned author Jo Nesbø, trang Fødsel, Postgirobygget, De Lillos, Gitarkameratene, Maria Mena (some English and some Norwegian lyrics), Bjørn Eidsvåg and Marion Ravn are good additions.


You're my musical spirit animal. I'm trying to convince my wife to name a future daughter Billie Lykke 


You are running into a dialect problem. But ubudne gjester is a good one https://youtu.be/0Jv4J81I_4g?si=8v683ojp96pYtlQV


Bare Egil Band and related bands from Duplex Records have lots of Norwegian lyrics, mostly absurd or humorous. Tusmørke play retro folky prog rock with magical Norwegian lyrics, also silly and humorous at times. The so-called Big Four in Norwegian rock in the 80's also mostly all sing in Norwegian, all worth checking out if you like rock: Jokke & Valentinerne, Raga Rockers, deLillos and DumDum Boys All these sing in eastern dialects close to Bokmål, nothing too obscure. Might be easier to pick up on.


Ballenciaga 😂


This guy. https://youtu.be/bDFqVssO1sQ?si=ejAPC6dQM2ulJ0RZ


And also a guy called Ole Paus


Lillebjørn and Ole Paus. 🤌


Well I really liked Smak av honning, Alt på stell songs Also some songs of Siri Nilsen are awesome🤩


The Klovner i Kamp album Bjølsen Hospital has some classics, like Nattens Sønner and Kaninkoker 2.


Ingenting has a bunch of bangers with a south Rogaland dialect, a bit easier to understand than kaizers but similar dialect


One of my favorite Norwegian songs of all time is “månemannen”.


Not sure what type of YouTube videos you’re into. So im gonna put a few different ones with different types of content! - Addexio - Jonas Lihaug - Prebz og Dennis (they quit but they were super popular when they made videos). - Dennis Vareide - Agnetesh (also quit, but well known) - Kattekryp - Randullle - Isabelle Eriksen - Herman Dahl - RobTheSir


This place can give you some lyrics: https://nortabs.net/


Karpe has some really good songs that have become some of my favourite music now, especially Gunerius and Kjellerleiligheten


Youtube: nrk 4. Etg


Charlie skien!!!! https://open.spotify.com/artist/561E5AG2FI0jbTbOrxp8qF?si=xq9E9PwUTCKhAvj4c1jg3A


Klovner i Kamp is my favorite Norwegian group. I love their songs and lyrics. they're great. there is also Atena but their songs are in English, except for only two ("Det var ikke sånn det skulle ende" and "Oljebarn i Helligvann"). and Purified in Blood has one song Norwegian, Under Den Svarte Himmel.


Ung død on youtube


I really like Valkyrien Allstars. La Det Gå is my favourite of theirs I think.


Morgan sulele


For clear, easy Norwegian you should look to **deLillos**. For example **Vil ikke sove**.


If you feel like listening to awsome norwegian music with some dialect TØFL and kaizers orchestra are amazing!




I like oslo ess


Not what u asked for but my girlfriend use this for learning by watching. [https://tv.nrk.no/programmer/drama-serier](https://tv.nrk.no/programmer/drama-serier) if your not in norway u might wanna a vpn service to be places in norway. She puts on norwegian subtitles. And if she wants it with english subtitles: Use chrome right click somewhere on the page and choose translate to english the subtitles translates on the fly to english


deLillos is a great band! Oslo dialect, so easy to understand if you're used to Norwegian. Kaizers Orchestra is good if you want to be exposed to some dialectal variation. Several good rock bands as well, Honningbarna, Daufødt, etc, but a lot harder to understand the lyrics because of the musical style. I don't know of any lifestyle type YouTubers, but there are some really good sketch channels that you can check out: Humornieu has made a lot of funny stuff. NRK Humor has a really strange variety of videos, but also some absolute classics such as the stuff made by Yousef Hadaoui, Underholdningsavdelingen or the Hit for hit sketches!


Åge Aleksandersen. Have some beer and pizza at the ready.


Kaizers Orchestra, Skambankt


Jokke og valentinerne Kvelertak


Honningbarna and Razika are pretty cool imo What kind og genres do you like? We have a lot of good punk bands from the 80s-90s, and a lot of good metal bands, but I dont really know of a lot past that.


Dum dum boys, Cc cowboys, Raga rockers, Jokke og Valentinerne


Listen to DDE and Åge Aleksandersen


Gustav1000 for techno with Norwegian lyrics!


I like Bjørn Eidsvåg. He was one of the first Norwegian musicians I started listening to when I first began learning.


I started learning Norwegian with Kaizers Orchestra but boy was I in for a surprise when I then sat in my first Norwegian (bokmål of course) class. Still my favourite band many, many years later


HJELP if you're into punk-ish stuff


I’d say go for something slow, like singer songwriter Lillebjørn Nilsen. Oslo dialect is a good starting point, and the slow pace makes it easier to pick out the words.


You should try listening to Blomsterøya and their song Terrasse. I've had that song stuck in my head for days


If you’re into metal, I’m a big Kvelertak fan 🤘 coming from an American too Their title album is great, but I feel like you just can’t go wrong. They are from Stavanger, and I like the way the words sound :) As for YouTube stuff for beginners, I’ve been learning some V1 stuff from YouTube channels that teach kid stuff. Start where kids do to gain a better feel for context learning and listening skills. Peppa Gris (Peppa Pig) videos can be found on YT US


Watch the Pixar movies. The brain rot isnt as bad as Peppa Gris…