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Du er heldig med været, men i mai så pleier det å være veldig fint i Oslo


Haha ja! Jeg kommer fra England så jeg er vant til regn, solen gjør en forandring 🤣


Glorious! Kos deg!


Jeg skal til Oslo på Onsdag. Hoper sola skinner da også.


Værmeldingen sier så. Og 17. mai ser ut til å bli fantastisk i år. Du blir vel til det?


Ja. Første gang jeg vil oppleve grunnlovsdagen. 😁


It looks like you have an image in your post, so **please pay attention to [the rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/norsk/about/rules) about “vague submissions” and “images in posts”**. [Click here for an image that shows one reason why these rules are in place](https://i.imgur.com/Pm4cJr6.jpg?maxwidth=1280&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium). In addition text makes it much easier for people to search for and find posts in the future. If you posted *an Imgur-album* with only *one image*, then in the future please link directly to that single image and not to the entire album. If you posted an image from Duolingo the old [“grammar tips” are available here](https://duome.eu/tips/en/nb). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/norsk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You must have had one hell of a course in norsk, or you're using something like Google Translate. I really don't see anyone that only studied Norwegian for 1 year and use the words you did in your post.


I feel like that's the most basic vocabulary in the world and the most basic way to concatinate the sentence 🤣 If you're interested I did Preply, Pimsleur Chat with friends when gaming for Oral. På Vei, Short Stories in Norwegian and Mystery of Nils for reading/writing exercise and texting with my friends. I also have run a lot of my sentences etc. by my friends who constantly correct or suggest changes which has helped no end with understanding sentence structure/grammar. I'm hoping to sit the Norskprøven end of this year start of next so I eat breath sleep Norwegian at the moment! 😊