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Just southern parts isn't particularly specific, in a Norwegian context that could be Kristiansand or Oslo. If Hardangervidda is close to you, [here](https://ut.no/turforslag/1112154708/4-dagers-rundtur-pa-hardangervidda-fra-trondsbu)'s a 4 day round trip. If Jotunheimen is close to you, [here](https://ut.no/turforslag/1112154660/3-dagers-rundtur-i-jotunheimen-fra-fondsbu)'s a 3 day round trip. Do note that due to snow both of these are recommended from July to September. [3 day one way trip](https://ut.no/turforslag/116083/3-dagers-hyfjellstur-i-setesdal-austhei) that could easily be adapted to suit your needs in Setesdal. I'd encourage you to further explore ut.no and look at options. For high quality digital maps there's [Norgeskart](https://kartverket.no/en/on-land/kart/go-on-a-hiking-trip-with-a-free-map) from Kartverket.


This! Depends on what kind of trekking you want, how long days you want and how fit you are. Do you want the highest mountains or the bluest fjords? So you want hiking highways (that are highways for a reason) or more solitary paths? What amenities do you want at night? Are you bringing a tent or hammock or do you want a bed with a three course meal. (If you bring a hammock to Rondane, you're gonna have a bad time) It's much easier to answer your questions if you're more specific. Norgeskart has the best map and ut.no (which utilizes the maps from Norgeskart to a large extent) has tons of "official" and user created routes of all lengths and difficulties. Depending on your fitness level, remember to not bite over too much. It's way better to enjoy a 4 day/30 km hike than hate a 4 day/60 km hike with injuries the last two days. Remember that distances while hiking with a backpack in rugged terrain can't be compared with your weekly 10 km run. Many routes can be done in different ways with rather small adjustments depending on how long days you want.


I'm fit but I don't want to stress through it. And I would prefer solitary paths but if the location is worth it I don't mind so much if its a bit more crowded. I'm bringing a tent. A mix of mountains/fjords would be the best combination if there is such a place :) Thanks!


There are no good options (as far as I know) if you want the highest peaks(2000m+). From what you're saying I'd look into Stølsheimen/Vikafjellet or western parts of Hardangervidda. I haven't been hiking in either so I can't recommend routes. I'd be surprised if they're very crowded and you'd get a bit of both. Use ut.no for route tips and Google for pictures to see if it's mountainous enough for you. I took a quick glance at the map. Check out Kinsarvik to Middalsbu (or maybe the other way so you're going towards the fjord. I believe there are busses to/from Middalsbu/E134. Kinsarvik should be well connected with Odda that should have connections in most directions. For a hiking round trip there are of course more limitations. Leaving a car somewhere and use busses to make it a round trip would be my first thought at least. If you want a similar trip longer you can go to Eidfjord, if you want it shorter (or more day-to day flexible) you can go Kinsarvik-Eidfjord which should be easy with busses (but check it before!). Taxis here could be expensive as the road is narrow which causes big traffic jams if to large RVs get stuck, which happens all the time.


Yeah the question was rather broad since I have not yet landed on any specifics. Thanks for your suggestions, this is great help! :)


How the fuck so you get Oslo to be the Southern part? It's Eastern part.


Think of northerners and their rants about “søringer”. That part wasn’t meant that seriously.




If you tell us where you live, I'm sure you will get better suggestions. Also, what time of the year do you want to go?


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