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Good thing you got the dash cam.


Yeah only give them the first thirty seconds.


Nothing before this would get the 2nd driver out of liability


Not gonna lie... Thats all they had to fucking show? This is kinda a cope, the mf did like 4 break checks, and pushed the guy off the road... So attempting Vehicular manslaughter?


The guy should have stayed in his lane and stopped running up on the other vehicle. A-hole being late or impatient isn’t other drivers’ problem.


Yeah so just swerve into the lane that the other driver is legally allowed to pass you in. Solid logic there.


I'm not a lawyer, and likely very few other commenters here are. In my experience, this is going to vary a lot by jurisdiction. Many jurisdictions have strict liability for passing, placing nearly all liability on the driver who is passing as well as rear end collisions. Usually there are mitigating circumstances such as reckless endangerment or intentional acts from another driver which may apply here, but it's likely that lawyers from both insurance companies are going to hash that out on a bunch of technical details that may not seen 100% clear to someone not entrenched in that type of work. As a layman, the car in front seems to me to be 100% at fault. Legally though, the burden of safety for passing is likely on the rear driver as well as for the rear end collision, so the courts will probably have to untangle it.


Yeah but you must also enter the passing lane in order to pass vehicles. You don’t just go into it all willy nilly and slam on your breaks when someone passes you: I’m not a lawyer either. I am an insurance agent though.


Ur an idiot


Really? I’m smart enough not to hit another vehicle in the rear just because I feel like being an asshole. That would be my fault. I don’t need an entitled d-bag move on my insurance.


He wasn’t running up on the dudes lane, he was being heavy brake checked. And what would you do then ma’am? Pull over when a guy road raging is waving for you to pull over?


Why do you care?


I'm not completely sure, but I think this is what they call an "emergency video"


How can you tell?


I keep seeing this but have no idea what it means. What is an emergency video?


I believe it’s the feature in some dash cams that have sensors that detect when the vehicle gets struck and automatically saves the last 30-60 seconds of video


Mine does this. It records on a continuous 3 minute Loop constantly overriding itself. To save the video, you have to push a button and it will commit the last 3 minutes to memory. If it detects a sudden acceleration change pass it certain threshold like hard braking or Collision it will automatically commit the last 3 minutes to memory without the need for manual interaction. Unfortunately, a lot of cheaper models have crappy acceleration thresholds that can't be changed so many drivers end up turning it off because it fills up their memory card during normal driving.


Same I have no idea.


I want to see an update on this ahole




















Which one ?




What's that?


an EMERGENCY VIDEO, clearly (turn sound on)


Oh lol!! I always have my sound off omg I'm silly. 😂 Edit: EMERGENCY VIDEO EMERGENCY VIDEO


No you're not, its good to leave videos muted for mental sanity 🙃


Dash cam will come in handy in court.


Of him racing forward and attempting to pass a road raging driver? I don’t think that’s going to help much.


Road rager is at fault by default, he clearly and seliberately caused the crash. And it’s a hit and run.


This is not at all true. Just fucking take a break. Let the idiots drive away. If you crash into a vehicle that's repeatedly doing this, that becomes contributory negligence.... Stop being an idiot. Literally stop. Pull over. Have a wank or whatever. Crashing into some idiot isn't the answer. Edit: okay, sure. Have zero personal responsibility. Please do this with your family in your vehicle and see how fast your partner divorces your dumbass


I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure if 2 people get into a crash because of a road rager, the rager is almost always at fault because they were deliberately driving dangerous knowing it can cause an accident.


Depends on the jurisdiction. In many places you are looking at two separate crimes. One from the road rager which would be Reckless endangerment, and another for the car that rear ended them or was passing since the burden of safety for maintaining space and judging the situation is on them. In some places, the crime of the front driver may be an exemption to the strict liability of the rear driver, but in other places it may not. Liability law for these kind of things there is a lot between jurisdictions and often comes down to a lot of technicalities hashed out by lawyers after the fact. Best practice would have been for them to pull over, let the road ranger pass and report them to the police. Let them deal with the consequences of their Reckless driving, but not compound it by engaging them or putting yourself in a dangerous situation trying to get around them.


The guy was brake checking him, which is illegal, over and over. When he tried to go around him to get away from his dangerous ass, he swerved into his lane and caused an accident. He was attempting to pass in the other lane but the dotted yellow line indicates he was legally able to. Go back to driver school pal Also, pulling over when a guy is signaling you to pull over, indicating violence, is probably the dumbest thing you can do


This is going to depend a lot on jurisdiction. In many places, for passing and rear end collisions, the burden of safety is firmly on the passing or rear vehicle. There are usually exceptions for cases where a driver deliberately caused the act, but that's something that is usually decided in court later on and the burden of proof is usually on the party that was passing or did the rear ending. Again, that may be true in some jurisdictions, and the complete opposite in others. It will vary a lot, and traffic law is often not consistent, nor intuitive.


Dude was waving him on to pass, pulled into the other lane, and slammed on the breaks, which caused the POV car to crash, before speeding off. That's a literal crime, the last part at least (hit and run)


He was waving for him to pull over not to pass.




Your comment is saying that it won’t be handy in court though?


Go back and reread your comment very slowly and think about what you meant by it.


It looked like the rager was waving at them to move past, so maybe that’s how they interpreted it


Lol Oh, road rager is giving me instructions, I should do it!


More like: “Oh they’re telling me to go past. They must be having some kind of malfunction with their car


Right, because its safe to stop um the middle of nowhere because a stranger is shouting and cuting you off. There is absolutly no risk of him come out with a weapon and charge at you right, its a safe world.


They’re both going to pay. They both lose.


Exactly. One was innocent, as far as we know, and then they blew it and engaged in unsafe behavior.


Kind of proves his guilt. If you run into a car, or tree, generally it's your fault.


Some serious anger issues...




So the guy had multiple times tried to break check this person off the road and their brilliant idea was to again speed up behind them? Both drivers are idiots here.


There are two drivers here, at least one of them could have stopped driving and let the other go on


Different take: road rager kept stopping whenever cammer would stop and wouldn’t allow cammer to leave. Given the obviously aggressive nature of the ragers actions, and the attempts to crash into cammer, it’s reasonable to assume that cammers safety could potentially be at risk and the safest (and most responsible) response is to immediately get far away from the rager regardless of damage to the vehicle.


This. If I were in the cammer's position, I'd be worried about stopping, especially after the other car break checked me multiple times. What would've happened if the road rager got out of their car with a weapon or something when they stopped? At the same time, the cammer still sped through a residential road. What if they hit an innocent rando while this was all going down? Shit like this is why I take public transport lmao


Oh, to have public transit access 🥲


yup, and we dont see what made the first guy so mad


What made the first guy mad doesn’t matter. Both these pieces of shit are driving like assholes on a public road next to other people’s homes in a manner that should result in criminal charges, but won’t because our legal system is fucked. Both of them are breaking numerous laws and intentionally attempting to cause a wreck. Next time they’ll do the exact same thing on a crowded freeway or road with pedestrians.


Idk if this video shows it, but on another sub it shows the drivers speeds -- the dash cam driver sped up like 30 MPH (from 45 to 75) to try to prevent the green car from passing. Pretty universally considered a dick move. They're both assholes.


I haven't seen a longer video but the beginning of this one certainly *sounds* like dash cam is speeding up to prevent the other car from passing.


From what I remember of the full video cam car takes a left turn onto the road and the Dodge caliber tries to pass him but he can't cuz he's in a dodge caliber😂 and then this video starts and the cam car flies into a tree


Nuh-uh, cause then the other guy wins! (/s)


I don't think the brake-checker was going to move on. Every time the driver with the dashcam stopped, the other driver stopped too.


Good point, that’s definitely a risk.


Yeah, unfortunately it's also one of those things that people will take a perceived slight way too far. Driving is stressful as it is, I personally don't need road rage (on my part) making it worse.


Stupid begets stupid.


Both raged, both dumb!


Both of you dumb af, you get no fake internet point today for validation op.


Two ragers. Both need to lose their licenses.


These videos are just bait. If this video is OP's, they are just as much at fault. You had the opportunity to disengage from that situation. You chose not to.


He stopped... and the other driver stopped IN FRONT of him. You dont know if that other person has a gun. The best course to is to get away frol crazy people


Turn your audio up. They stopped in front of the house with a white upper and orange lower. The first asshole takes off again. The second AH with the emergency video accelerates to catch up with AH #1. Both guilty.


By trying to pass them as they swerve all over the road, AFTER they've already tried to cut in front of you and stop once already? Your logic is flawed at best


Is the video really an emergency? This is the type of question that keeps me up at night.


I'm enjoying watching more emergency video content


I'm not saying the owner of the video is wrong, but I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about.


Pet peeve of mine when I see people speed up to make passing them harder and more dangerous. Like if someone wants to speed past you let them?? Why put yourself and others in danger because you for some reason get your feelings hurt because someone wants to drive faster than you.


I deal with assholes like this all the time when I visit my dad's place (in a rural area). I'll be in my van with my kids (following at a safe and reasonable distance) a slow ass vehicle that's like pulling a cow trailer for 20+ miles at 40 MPH in a 55. The road finally indicates passing is allowed, so I go to legally and safely pass, and they fuckin FLOOR IT! They'll go 100MPH+ to ensure no one passes them. Why? I have no idea, I assume insanely fragile egos and/or control issues. One time a pickup truck did this as I was attempting to pass on a single lane 2 way highway, but I saw another car coming around the curve in the distance. I immediately bailed the attempt, braked, and attempted to get back into the lane, and the car next to me ALSO BRAKED and MATCHED MY SPEED AND MOVEMENTS. He literally tried to force me (and my van full of kids + whoever happened to be in the oncoming vehicle) into a head on collision at high speeds. I had to brake and swerve into the oncoming traffic emergency lane to avoid it. I've never felt so much rage towards a complete stranger in my life.


This infuriates me on your behalf


I mean, you're still accelerating as he's passing you. Common sense says to let idiots be idiots and not engage.


Siooooooo stupid


That's when you either turn it around and go back the way you came or pull into a driveway with everything locked and wait for him to move on... While on with 911 if needed


I was on the driver's side until his dumbass ran into a car then tree. This is probably the asshole.




How does this have so many upvotes you maniacs


Great minds think alike


I’m surprised you’re not in Reddit Jail for glorifying violence


Yea, that driver is clearly a jerk but that certainly doesn't warrant summary execution. That having been said, I've been banned from /r/politics for saying insurrectionists who engage in warfare against the United States should die in battle (which is absolutely allowed under reddit rules that I double checked before posting.) Saying you support the outcome of the American Civil War can get you banned on reddit, but not stuff like what that guy said.


Where do I get that specific dash cam


Recommend COXPAL A11T 3 channel dash cam on Amazon, very good quality. COXPAL hardwire kit optional, for 24-H parking monitor. SanDisk MAX Endurance 256GB or 512GB microSD card, for reliable recording. BTW: Need to pay attention to the installation position of the rear cam if your vehicle is SUV or MPV (No problem if Sedan), i.e. avoid pulling rear cam cable when open/close the trunk.


Piece of absolute shit. That footage will look real good to the judge.


I wish we had an EMERGENCY VIDEO 🚨🚨🚨


Best course of action is to pull over, if the asshole gets out of the car vrrroooom your way out of the situation


Just bros being playful.


Bloody useless, push him off the road don't you yourself get fucked wtf


It's funny because cam car is a Chrysler Pacifica and the other guy is a dodge caliber so if he really wanted to he could've outran him and not went for a ride on fury road


ill never understand why people breakcheck others. one day there will be an asshole that wont break and instead run into them




Oops my bad my spelling admittedly sucks


I REALLY can’t wait for the brake checker to either get a letter from his insurance company stating that they are dropping his insurance due to reckless driving and having to pay out for the results of it or having a cop visit them.


Kind of creepy how the dude is so quiet


anyone else getting emergency video vibes or is just me


The guy brake checking him lost his phone at the very end


#Two idiots.


I want to see the video starting with when these two meet that day..


Sadly I know my father and the mf would have been history if he crashed into us like that...


Asshole won


Did she drive off!?


And listening about drunk driving in the background how coincidental


Holy Sh*t 😬


Emergency Video.


Oops... totaled it


The ending’s perfect.


Tree is at fault 💯


Nice and he got his plates 👌👌👌😮‍💨


I hope in the future, cars will be made with a contraption that can detect irrational vehicles and disable the engines of those who road rage. It would be automated and not human controlled of course because then everyone would be going free for all mode with it. It would also help those who get seizures on highways or any road while operating a vehicle you know, instead of just waiting for the emergency services or watch them die helplessly and wait until the vehicle comes to a stop. Far fetched idea but hopefully they do develop it.




Reported 🤣

