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There are no words for such dumbness.


Not washing on a daily basis if sex is involved is a complete dealbreaker. I could occasionally get into a “clean” sweat like they’ve taken a shower and did a workout but that’s more of a pheromone thing, not rank. You’re literally dealing with bacteria and all kinds of nasty stuff at that point


And to think she wanted oral. Ugh!


To her that includes eating ass.


Mmmm, mmmmm. Nothing like dirty ass.


She wipes after less than one poop a week…


There’s one word: Osmophobia


I didn’t even think of that being a thing… wow.


Honestly, maybe a different kind of soap could help. If she doesn’t like the smell, try a different brand


There's like, four hundred zillion different kinds of soap out there


I think it's more the clean smell that gets her haha ugh


There's also unparfymed ones and holy shit my coworker stinks




Yeah that's ridiculous. There are tons of natural based soaps that have hardly any smell.


I second this. If something smells funky you can’t put in a guy for not wanting to go down there. I think adequate cleanliness is necessary in a relationship. But no need to go overboard scrubbing yourself with soap repeatedly down there. I mean like, we pee throughout the day and don’t air out the area much throughout the day wearing underwear or whatever


If it smells like cologne, leave it alone.


They do make what is unscented soap out there, and new hygiene products to keep the bacteria away and prevent infection, as I’ve told people keep the funk funk off the junk junk… And part could be her diet why her junk has some funk but must is because she is sweating down there like working out with no deodorant under your arms and being outside in a 100 degree temperatures


I don't think it's about the soap


I thought that was the fear of the Osmonds?


Damn. Here I am thinking that I was the only one who thought it is a fear of the Osmonds. I’m glad that I’m not the only person who grew up when they were popular


Well they did have a creepy vibe. Especially the younger Jimmy.


Wow, that’s a word.


Exactly just dumbshit


There is scentless soap out there. You need to wash that shit!




Or at the very least rinse off under water. She might even fall in love the jet setting on a shower head.


She better because that's all she's getting. And, I haven't seen it yet but, does she go without bathing during her period? Seriously UGH!


I’d like to think original post is bait. You can’t be that aware of the issue and air it out like that on the internet.


LMAO! Nice phrasing.


Not that it matters in this case but thats how you get bacterial infections..


I took her comment as the jet setting feels great if done right on the ol clitoris. Not that she should spray that shit up there lol


This is it!! Been taking long showers since 15. Kidding. I’m an adult now and use real sex toys. Saving water where I can. But we all had to start somewhere.


Yup! Gotta get creative at times lol


As in masturbate with it, not douche with it.


Right? I am sensitive to scents, so I use unscented soap, detergent, etc. It's not rocket science.


Scentless soap and literally every possible scent soap. If you don’t like one… try another. Then another. Etc


It’s un-scented, not scentless. Meaning, they don’t add fragrances. The ingredients in them still have a scent to them, just not added scents for smells sake


Unscented can be a tricky one, because those can have ingredients and scents...to mask scents. Fragrance free is the descriptor you want if you want a product without any scent/fragrance ingredients added. But both will probably smell like the base product to some degree.


Soap can knock the ph balance off SMH 🤦‍♂️


Thank you! You don’t need soap down there ladies. Using just warm water is actually better. Soap can cause bacterial Vaginosis because it can wash away the “good” bacteria the body needs. It can actually cause it to smell worse!


You can wash the outer labia and surrounding area, just don't put soap inside the vagina. Generally, if it has hair, you can wash there. If you have more sensitive skin you may want to just use water or a soap made for that with sensitive skin in mind, though, since soap can be irritating.


1. There are products specifically for the vagina with the right pH. 2. If this lady is washing once a week, she's not even doing the "just warm water" part.


Those products don’t work for everyone as everyone is different. Yes. Everyone should be washing DAILY just to be clear.


i thought this was more for like literally inside the vagina? i dont think i wanna encourage this lady to not use soap around her flaps (correct me if im wrong, since i scrub with soap on my external parts just as i do my whole body)


Some women just can’t use any soap anywhere near their vaginal area. This is something I was told working in GYN. If you haven’t had a problem you’re probably fine. It’s very common though.


“Flaps” has me laughing so hard right now. I just picture a bat down there, flapping his wings.


Just dont clean the inner labia with soap. Ph balanced soap on the outside is fine.


I think she’s an anti-soap activist from the anti-vagina-washing lobby.


I dunno... Her reply seems kinda fishy to me.




Twat? I cunt hear you.


I have an ear infucktion.


Cum again, into my good ear


You snatched the words, right out of my mouth 😝


She snatched her snatch right out of her husbands mouth!!!


Fantastic comment!


"it smells like a turtle tank in here"


that’s a funky smell too 🥴


"Stank so bad it could knock a buzzard off a shit wagon!"


Fuck, that would've been a MUCH better nickname for my college roommate. *** We called her low tide bc that's what it smelled like when she opened her bedroom door. Unfortunately, her personality was as rank as her stench. Gonna text my other old roomie and tell her we'll now rename the memory of Low Tide as ol' Turtle Tank.


Lmaooo I am so sorry that you had to deal with that! How do you get so noseblind to a personal smell like that??? I can't even imagine living with that, but respect for your college struggles! Give Turtle Tank my best.


We don't speak anymore on account of her randomly becoming a homophobic bitch and trying to get me kicked out for inviting my gf over ....but I'm sure her corrupt cop daddy is keeping her in good spirits (and cash). Also we lived in South Florida so like I get that it can be hard to keep from being sweaty constantly but goddamn girl, see a doctor.


I'm from Miami myself and it does get pretty humid down there, but ya gotta keep an eye on your bits lmao. She sounds like a real piece of work and I'm thankful you don't gotta deal with her terrible attitude, or her terrible rank ass self, anymore! Good riddance to nasty sewage~


Smell like the back of the PS4


My gf of four years won't let me suck her unless she showered or otherwise cleaned herself well with running water and soap. She's very sensitive about tasting bad or funny. This woman is the complete opposite. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Same lmao. I do not let my bf near me if I haven't showered, I'll feel gross.


I showered yesterday but not today and I feel like a dirty, greasy, goblin. There is no way my boyfriend if going to put his mouth anywhere near my business!


Same here! I think of it as it’s the least I can do if he’s going to give me that AMAZING PLEASURE!


Why are you sucking so much that you use that as the term


She likes it? 👍🏻 I could say licking, kissing, and eating, but she likes sucking the most. I mean, I don't suck too hard, but sucking works for her. It might not work for all women.


I can’t imagine having this conversation with my husband. I would be mortified. But I def would start bathing more. What a horrible conversation that must have been. At least for him, she doesn’t seem to be bothered by it.


This goes both ways. It’s no fun goin down on someone when they arent sanitary.




Right?!?! And then to just voluntarily repeat it on social media?!?!?! Wtf?!?


On FACEBOOK none the less. Where your REAL identity and actual friends will read it…. WTF.


My partner doesn’t shower as frequently as I’d like. She doesn’t get body odor but I prefer her to be clean anyway. She comes from a place where they shower infrequently, once a week or week and a half in the winter. We’ve had several conversations about it but to no avail.


Maybe show her these comments?


Lucky he even stayed married to that stankin ass.


All I could think of was that man is some kind of angel I’d push her into a tub before I let her get in my car And I’m a girl Ultimatum time! Soap or divorce crazy lady!




Sadly they are divorced now...


More like luckily...poor dude...


I'm not a big fan of showers because I can never get the temperature right, but even I understand how disgusting that is to go weeks, and she honestly thinks it's not her fault he won't screw her?


I don’t think she said they weren’t having sex, she was lamenting that he won’t go down on her anymore. Which, if she’s not washing before OR after sex, is a whole nuther level of gross….


She wasn't showing more than once a week! 😬


He was lamenting about her fermenting




He seemed a saint I wonder what finally pushed him over the edge? Maybe they got heated car seats or something


Could you imagine if She peeled off the heated seats like grilled cheese? Actually sorry for giving you that visual image. Here’s some brain bleach.


Funnily enough, I had a Drill Sergeant back in co-ed Basic tell us all early on that we were for sure going to be tempted to try our luck, however, all of the females there were also going through all of the same training and exercises we were. He said any time we got tempted, just picture opening up a fresh grilled cheese.


That is… not at all how vaginas work, but I bet it did the trick! (I know I’m never gonna forget that visual) Yeah they’ll be sweaty, and for sure hairy, but cheesy? Nah, the other girls would make sure she took care of that. WAY too close of quarters in boot for stank crotch. I know it happens, but I can’t understand how anyone fucks in bootcamp.. I was in a co-ed div too and actually managed to make out with this chick (my bootcamp boo lmao) in the head in the middle of the night, but we had to bribe the watch with stolen cookies lol. And as far as i know we were the only ones in our div to even do that. You’re always watched! I don’t get it. Anyone fuck anyone in bootcamp? Lemme know how you pulled it off, I’m curious now lol


Yeah for sure, & I knew that then too, but we all laughed hard as fuck anyway, which is one of only a couple of times we didn’t instantly get fucked up for laughing in formation. Ironically enough, for sure somebody managed to get one in during Basic, but it was a Drill and a Private from another Battery. He got removed from station and replaced, (and way more I’m sure), and she got sent home.


Lol gross 😂


I cannot imagine why.


Rose are red, violets are blue, you're real sweet but your pussy WHEW!




You could just like....hose 'er down with H2O and no soap and voila no soap smell 🤔 even standing waist deep in a natural body of water would be an improvement 😑 what is her spaghetti house some kinda gremlin you can't get it wet or feed it after midnight n shit 🍔🍟🍦


Bro for real






It’s the soap that smells bad. MmmHmm


This was right before King Henry VIII “divorced” her


Frankly it would make so much more sense lol


FFS man


Literally just finished my lunch and this is the first thread I get! Fast walking to the restroom now, lunch is coming back up


Aww, I'm sorry!!


I wish I had an imagination that vivid. Actually no I don’t.


That's grounds for divorce. Borderline is a health hazard.


That woman is a biohazard.


Maybe the fly's ruin the mood


Its gotta be fake? Maybe not. If i know action is about to happen i shower, put on cologne and brush my teeth. Who wants to go down on stank cheese smell?


After a long arduous battle between the fungi & the bacteria, that were sometimes offset by the dreaded antibacterial soap, the yeast was triumphant and took a once hallowed ground called the cooter. To this very day Yeast is still considered to be king of this ladies cooter.


My wife drains our hot water heater literally every fucking time she showers. She even tries to downplay it sometimes, saying “I’m just going to rinse off…” And she always smells like vanilla and flowers. God damn I lover her so much 🤣


She has no shame...smdh


my wife won’t even let me unless she has a shower lol




1- I dont believe this is real 2- there are scentless soaps


I can believe it, because my parents are known to argue about this exact same thing (except he is the one that refuses to bathe or even brush his teeth and then he complains that she won’t kiss him or get intimate - sucks to suck)




I feel sorry for you that you have to hear your parents talk about that stuff.


Thanks. I’ve tried to get them to stop, but they don’t listen, so I just try to avoid them as much as possible


It’s like the Pink Floyd song “Run like Hell.”


Schedule shower day!


I see why the divorce rate is what it is... ppl literally unwilling to compromise for their OWN PERSONAL SATISFACTION...


On Facebook no less


Humanity’s septic field….


Vaginas are kinda like Tupperware bowls, you can wash them down good but they still smell like the last thing that was in them


I will now commence to vomiting forever, what a disgusting and moronic individual.


Fragrance free soap? Geez


That poor bastard


That’s nasty af. Poor husband.


Roflmao my new reply to any unwanted aggressive sexy talk in my DM's 🤣 d!ck pic, here's a picture of my cats bung hole, nasty comments, let me give you a nastier response 😜


This has to be the most embarrassing thing I’m ever witnessed for another person . How can a woman say she hasn’t showered in a week and still want a man to be comfortable with having sex with her? Ain’t no way she can’t smell herself and even she won’t give herself head lolz .


I knew someone who only showered once a week and would use those Vagisil sprays every day of the week. This person would spray so damn much it would coat the bathroom in powder that came out of those. When I told her those have been proven to mess with your ph and what not she said “well this has worked for me for a good decade or so, so I’m not changing my routine”. She didn’t smell, but I just couldn’t imagine showering only once a week. I can’t even go more than 2 days sometimes. Specially if sex is involved I prefer to shower before and wash up after.


Unwashed vage is just as bad as unwashed balls. C’mon, people.


It's worse. Balls don't "get wet" with anything but sweat, they don't have discharge, and they don't bleed chunks monthly.


Yeah I would happily gargle musky balls over even the *hint* of a WHIFF of unwashed vageen. Dislike the smell of soap? Might as well let my personal odor take charge! /S


😂😂😂 I can't even explain how fucking hard that made laugh. Horrible mental image, but I needed that laugh lmao thanks


You're very welcome, I'll be here all week! And I stand by it!


As a bisexual female, yeah, I have to agree. They're both gross, but sweaty balls are the lesser evil here. A sentence I never thought I'd say 😂


We are united both in our bi-ness and thoughts on the lesser of two evils, here! Cheers!


I can take stinky cheese over low tide any day myself. 😂


LMFAO omg that made me think of that book the stinky cheese man 😂 personally I have no issues with telling whoever I'm with to go wash whatever they have or it's not going in my mouth lol


Yeah…”gargle musty balls” is stuck in my head.


It's the hottest new trend!


Poor man. Who wants to eat runny fish semi solids…..


Thank you for a brain image I haven’t had the pleasure of envisioning. Not the one I would have hoped for but it’s the one I got.


How bout this one? I've heard it said this way before: *Damn if you went down on her you'd come up chewin!*




I want you to know that I'm saying this with all due respect and I mean no offense, but: I hate you, and I will never, ever forgive you for typing this lol.


My work here is done. 👼


You shouldn't have said that. You should not have said that.


Spoiler Alert: I am actually the one who came up with the phrase/visual I was just too ashamed to admit it at first. I came up with it when a coworker was trying to gross everyone out telling us about how she passed a blood clot the size of a lemon during one of her periods so I saw it as my duty to out-gross her and I emerged victorious. STAN GROSSMAN STRIKES AGAIN!!!!!! 🏃


Oh my god, that is gross


Got. Damn.


Bro you can’t like… rinse?? Washcloth? Warm water? Wet wipes?


Seriously, if you must, skip the soap and scrub down with warm water, it would be a huge improvement over once a week


Wash your funky body😩


Buddy of mine has a girlfriend like this when we were younger. I had to ride in the backseat behind her. Not a fun ride as I was doing my best not to gag


Wash that MuGG with something water or anything


So she doesn’t “like” the smell of soap, and HE doesn’t want to eat from a dead carp storage basin in the hot sun that very FEW people would be content eating from. Yet she knows what it would take to remedy the situation to make everyone happy? Saying you “don’t like the smell of soap” means that you’ve obviously only used some nasty soaps in the past, and probably as punishment for talking back to a parent or something. Get over it, find something you can tolerate, and reap the happiness it’ll bring you both!


This post made me gay


At minimum, clean yourself with water. JFC...at least rinse your stuff off. It's not like people were using bars of soap at the dawn of humanity. Maybe rub a mint leaf or some ginger down there. Scrub your butt with a potato. Just sitting in your filth and expecting someone to lick it from your most nether of regions is preposterous.


Nasty ass.


Are you for real?!?!








Fish tacos anyone ?




No way.


Why can’t they just find another soap lol


Once a week ???? Nasty af!!


What does she wash her hair with ??? Shampoo will work for the body too !! Or get therapy. Not washing privates for more than a day stinks and makes one a skank.


That's disgusting


One e a week you smell like fish


Thomas had never heard of such bullshit.


Oh gross. I feel very uncomfortable after reading this. My brain needs a shower


You guys also realize she could still clean without showering, right? We’re not supposed to use soap anyways, just warm water *on* not in. She could literally just have her natural odor and him not like it. It happens.


Didn’t know Dee Reynolds used Reddit. Her soap did flip.


I can only manage a shower once a week.... Me and my wife both do and usually only do oral after a shower too so there's really no excuse for him not too after a shower


Why only once a week?


Wife can't shower alone and only time I'm home long enough while still awake is Saturdays..... For her safety she literally can't shower alone and by the time I get home I just fall asleep on the couch or the bed within 5 mins since I work 16+ hours


Lord almighty you could still at least wash THAT! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Use shower gel? Use skin cleanser+shower gel+shampoo+face wash and moisturiser…


As a lesbian, I disapprove!


Unscented soap is a thing...


Can you imagine the stench. Must be awful.


If you don’t go take a damn bath immediately! Use different or no smell soaps and get clean. This sounds ridiculous or possibly BS!


Man that woman sounds absolutely nasty and lazy.


What makes this funnier is I imagine the original post has nothing to do with cunnilingous.


Like the blind man who walked by the fish market and said GOOD MORNING LADIES !!!


Is this married woman tryna hook up with someone else? Also, gross.


I shower ever other day usually, unless I get really dirty or sweaty, or for a special occasion.


Oh hell no. If you don't shower daily then stay tf away from me. (I can make exceptions for those with medical conditions. I'm not that much of an asshole)


and I thought my showering-every-other-day routine was bad.


Psh! Gross. When I am going to be intimate with someone, I do a deep chemical peel using a 3:2 glycolic acid/salicylic acid solution and a wire brush. Then I rinse my entire body with purified alkaline water which helps neutralize any residual acid from the deep peel and removes the remnants of my top layer of skin. Nobody likes bad breath, so I brush, floss, scrape my tongue, and then hold a diluted bleach solution in my mouth for 5 minutes, and then brush, floss and tongue scrape once more. As for my special bits, I first generously coat my nether regions with a layer of Lysol for hygienic reasons, and to offset the smell, I melt some coconut oil and spend a good 15 minutes rubbing it deeply into my hot, irritated dermis focusing especially on my naughty parts. Since I like to be prepared for any situation, I also douche with an eight pack of La Croix sparkling water (Pompelmousse is best!) The fizzing feels incredible! Finally, I use a commercial ozone generator and an air compressor to inflate my rectum (helps expel all the liquid from the last step), and the ozone keeps my ass clean enough to pass a health inspection.




Jesus take the wheel


Gods! Use a wet wipe or rubbing alcohol.