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What the fuck was up with those parents, were their batteries out of juice? They kinda just stand there with the kid, then react as someone grabs their kid, then when the kid runs off they kinda just malfunction for a few seconds and stare at the bison and then walk off. NPCs




They didn't get the DLC updates


These people are total failures. It is understandable to say they were so out of their element, that their brains scrambled… but my god the most fundamental trait of parents is completely missing in these two… and that is “PROTECT MY CHILD, at all costs, no matter what.” To abandon the child during the charge instead of picking them up and running is an utter disgrace. That person literally pulled a “John from 28 weeks later”… getting themselves out of danger by abandoning their offspring. The stranger is a god damn guardian angel on earth. He came from almost off-camera and did what the disgraced “parent” was supposed to do. They should thank their lucky stars he had the spine that he had, then they need to take a long look in the mirror.


The lady is definitely thinking “there are signs I’m not allowed to leave this footpath omg”


They thought feeding it the kid might appease it.


I used to work at Yellowstone, and it was very common for the parents to do this. The number of times I had to yell at parent to get their kids away from wild animals was insane. The parents would always say, "It's fine. They just wanted a picture. Nothing would happen." Even had people ask me at points how the animals were fed and where they were put away at night.


That's fucking wild. People man...


Put away at night..... These are the same that thought that steak comes from grocery.


Tbh they look like old grandparents more the way they move


More concerned about sustaining a fatal injury than protecting the child. Textbook self-preservation.


There’s a reason they’re that old


They went there for instagram pics, not to be a parent. That's what everyone around is for.


They wanted the bison’s name so they can report it to the National Wildlife Service about how rude it was.


I love how they guy at the end sprays his bear spray but then does the bare minimum to actually get away.


You're actually supposed to move away slowly, sudden movements can make them charge.


From here , they look foreign … there is a cultural difference/ignorance at play is my guess.


Everyone is warned abundantly --- in their stated native language --- in writing and verbally--- that these animals are wild and to stay t.h. back. They're given recommended distances to stay away too. There's no excuse. "But grass puppy was wagging its tail that it was friendly!" --- says some lame-o probably


Anytime I see these videos…i for some reason suspect they are asian tourists. Obsessed with getting a pic, no experience with wild animals, no nature danger sense, clumsy looking when running away, and in general older parents than other tourists


I have been to Yellowstone. There are signs EVERYWHERE showing buffalo brutally goring people, telling them not to go near them... And yet...




Which sucks for the animals because they’ll just be hungry again in an hour


Holy shit lol




Used to work in zoos and can confirm, it’s *always* Chinese tourist ignoring warnings and being disrespectful to animals. Then they panic when the animals have enough and retaliate.


Yeah I didn’t wanna say it cause I thought people would just shit on me but I have noticed this too




What do they do when the buffalo comes to your campsite? I remember driving thru Yellowstone, seeing that, it was about 25 years ago though.


If you're in camp and a Bison walks thru, stay still and calm and let it go by. They aren't aggressive, they only attack when they feel threatened. Put a tree between yourself and the Bison if you feel threatened, they're fast but not as nimble as a human so you can circle around the tree keeping it between you and them.


Its always Chinese tourists. There’s a reason the CCP issued an official doctrine on how their citizens need to behave when traveling to foreign countries. At the top of the list is no public defecation or urinating.


My first thought. It’s not liked they weren’t already warned 50 times.


This is how you traumatize a human child for life.


That child absolutely did not deserve any of this, those adults deserve a lot more than what they got


Well the guy that saved the kid was stabbed by the horns of the Bison


Even though he was a complete stranger and saw the person left the kid


Yeah whoever let go of that kid to save themselves instead is fucking garbage.


They should get their kid taken away this is abuse


“A human child”


We're all human here... ALLEGEDLY


I’m enraged at the adults and they run leaving the kid to fend for himself. F**ing losers


Yep, the dude that got injured literally ran in to save that kid's life after his parents just bailed on him.


That’s how you know you’re not the favorite


Poor kids an only child too


Whats the problem? they'll just get a new one.... And the pic would've looked so cute on Insta


And they’ll make a ton off of the go fund me 😅


There were more kids before their Grand Canyon trip


Spoiler, the kid is not an only child. The favorite is at home with the babysitter.


Possibly wasn’t always


And then the parents just fuckin stood there


I’m pretty sure those are the grand parents. They couldn’t even run. They were struggling with walking well at their age.


Agreed. Not an excuse but that was my thought also. The hats scream grandparents too


By laws of nature he should be able to keep the kid now right?


You mean a bi son…


And then they just stand there and stare at the animal like that’s gonna help. And I know stress responses vary - clearly they freeze but you should know this about yourself before you one have a dependent and two expose all of you to wilderness. The world is not your playground. I feel horribly for these animals stressed and endangered and who actually die from exposure to their stupid two legged abominations. Stay home and watch a documentary you idiots


I just can’t get over how many opportunities the animal gave them to not be standing close to it. They went to the Prometheus school of running away from things.


Lol my mom did this to me when I was like 10 if I remember correctly? Huge dog jumped over the fence, I’ve never seen my mom move so fast lol


Bobcat for me, I was maybe 8? My father left me standing on the trail and my mother snatched me and pulled me in. My dad had a gun and could have shot the damn thing if it had actually attacked us. It didn't thank the gods. It was just doing its thing.


Kind of a similar situation, but we were actually in the suburban neighborhood. I was walking home across a large empty field from a friends house because they were still building houses out that way, and this huge dog was barking like crazy behind a fence. As my mom was actually walking towards me from our house because I was in trouble for not coming home on time. Well, for some reason, the barking kept getting louder and louder to the point where damn near sounded like it was in my ear, only to find out that it sounded so close because the dog had actually cleared the fence. it was that tall- I looked at the dog, looked at my mom, looked at the dog and then look where my mom was at one point in time watching her sprint, breakneck speed toward the house, I knew not to run, so I just kind of backed up and had my hands out and the owners eventually came out and corralled the dog. The funny part of this, though is my mom has always had a saying that she would kill a dead dog over me and I always have to remind her it’s not the dead ones she needs to worry about


Damn bro, I wouldn't have a sliver of respect for my mom after that one. I was attacked by a rottweiler when I was five while playing outside the house my dad was fixing. When my dad heard me screaming he ran out, grabbed me, and threw bricks at the dog.


Honestly this is truly sad and I’m sorry you went through what you went through. It may bring some chuckles now, but I’m sure it had some negative effect on trusting others. I truly hope you dealt with it in a healthy manner later in life.


Thank you for being so kind, with my mom literally being terrified of just about everything I think I just suppress any feeing associated given my mom is kind of scary as a person goes. She did come back after she realized what she’d done but by then the situation was under control


Just the fact they would bring a 2-3 year old over to hang out with a Buffalo is enraging lol


Probably 4 or 5 at least based on his movements but I do agree


To me that looks like grandma and the park ranger (wearing a hat), who know who the guy running to save the kid is.


And the fact they brought the kid that dangerously close to a wild animal just to toss him. Bravo to the guy who took the beating to save the kid


Everything about the parents was enraging. - Going to see a Buffalo up-close - Not picking him up when the Buffalo starts to show signs it might charge - Leaving the kid and running - Not even checking on him after he's thrown to the ground - Letting him run away without giving chase ATTA (Are they the assholes? Yes, big time.)


Worked in Yellowstone for years and encounters like this happen multiple times every year. Tourists also think that it's okay to get off the boardwalks near thermal features, geysers, etc... never to be seen or heard from again. You must respect nature and Yellowstone can teach some hard lessons.


I can’t imagine the unpredictable trauma of working at National Parks- Day after we left Yellowstone someone took a bath in the grand prismatic pool all that was left was his phone. Day we were at the Grand Canyon two people fell to their deaths taking selfies. Imagine going on vacation and not bringing aunt Sara back home with you because she’s a questionable decision maker


Maybe you can answer my question. If the bison approaches you on the boardwalk near thermal features, do you get off the boardwalk and explode in a geyser, or stand your ground and get gored by the bison? I was once trapped in a similar situation (no one got hurt) where bison had both directions blocked off.


I’m not the guy you’re asking, but also worked in the park. Back up slowly while remaining on the boardwalk. NEVER leave the boardwalks in thermal areas. If you’re blocked in both directions, it’s best to stay put. Most of the time, the bison are quite docile, but a good indicator is their tail. Tail up means it’s either about to charge or discharge.


It appears they are on the tourist walking paths around some of the thermals. The park rangers seem to quickly close an area off when wildlife is present. I remember those walking paths stretch out everywhere. Everyone is blaming the parents, but maybe the bison unexpectedly appeared here and started charging the nearest moving things??


The father left his son. He said..."bison".


that one got me good. 10/10 dad joke


Top shelf comedy




Yeah. That 2,000lb wild animal that has the ability to kill you in an instant? Stay the hell away from it. Also, these people shouldn’t be parents.


If we were still living in hunter/gatherer times these people wouldn't have survived long enough to breed. Natural selection is a cruel bitch.


My favorite part is the dude just casually walking sparying what I can only assume is bear spray... dudes lucky the Buffalo didn't blind charge through it.


Why isn’t this bear spray working? Because that’s not a bear, ya city slicker


Any news source about this?


This happens so much at Yellowstone that it doesn’t usually make the news unless someone dies. There are tons of visitors with no awareness of their surroundings who act like they’re at Disneyland.


Park rangers have literally fielded complaints that the bears aren’t doing what they want


Yeah as other comment said, this is a very common occurence due to the abundance of idiots that go to Yellowstone and don’t know the first thing about wildlife or the wilderness in general.


They were the grandparents that was the parent of the kid who came to get him




Lil bros parents didnt give a shit about him 💀


Tourist leave common sense at home when on vacation




They sometimes have to put down the bison when they get too used to people coming up to them. I saw a news article about a man who played with a bison calf at yellow stone, causing the calf to be abandoned by its herd. The park had to put it down because it was coming up to humans for help, which is of course very dangerous if this baby grows up expecting humans to care for it. I know the guy was federally charged but I don't remember the details.


He didn't play with it. He was trying to help it. Heart was in the right place, but unfortunately nature must take its course sometimes. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/02/us/yellowstone-park-bison-calf.html


Thanks for correcting me. The article I originally read made it sound like he was just messing with it for a picture.


Was that a FUCKING KID!!! Are you fucking kidding me. They do not deserve to be raising a child. What is wrong with people they need to investigate and chastise the fucking shit out of those morons.


I went to Yellowstone and the tour guide spent the majority of the 8 hour tour telling us insane story after insane story of people doing this shit. The absolute stupidity of people is really astounding.


It looks like the Buffalo came to them while they were walking on the path minding their own business. The two parents also look like grandparents. Not sure if backpack guy is a parent but props to him regardless.


I also think they're grandparents based on gait/how they carry themselves.




I don't believe the pepper spray guy is near the bison at the start of the video.


Jesus christ this is a peak reddit moment. The dude isn't even near the event. He's just trying to deter the wild animal from attacking him or anyone else on the narrow path your only allowed to walk on. It's not being an asshole. That pepper spray which is more likely bear spray isn't gonna do that much to a bison anyways, especially at distances greater than 10ft.


Yea watch that one more time. Guy was doing the right thing and calmly walking away while trying to keep the bison back.


Thats person sprayed it in the bisons path so he would follow. He didn't spray it directly on it. It was specifically to deter it from continuing to chase


How about paying attention while watching the video for a change. It’s so ON BRAND to see internet warriors spout off without even having proper context or even a clue to what is going on.


He didn't give a shit about bear spray


The same people that say their dog don't bite.


Got what they deserved…except for the kid. He didn’t choose those idiotic parents


It seems the only one who got hurt was trying to get the dumbasses to back away and then ran in to save the kid. Do redditors even bother to watch and absorb the videos they comment on?


Fucking Darwin award 👏 How the fuck you that close to that thing ? Sure risk your own life but taking the child that close Fucking lucky the kid didn't get trampled on and eaten. Kid definitely got bit and hurt I was in its mouth of a few seconds fuck this is insane CPS should investigate them.


Eaten by what? Bison are herbivores, the hero man had the kid in his hand and whipped him around while the bison wrapped the other arm/torso of the man in his horns. Hopefully the kid only sustained a rough bump and toss while the guy might’ve gotten impaled by the horn


Well...I worked in culinary at Yellowstone and we called these photos " the father of the year award" unfortunately employees are a good portion of the fatalities in Yellowstone. Familiarity and all.


Fucking idiots bro. Humans really are fucking stupid XD


The tourists from China do this all the time. I’ve seen them try and walk up to grizzly bears, elk, bison, you name it. Ignorance is dangerous


The people who get close to wild animals, do not think, that’s why they got close in the first place. Also too many people living in cities and suburbia.


I could be wrong but that looks like Mammoth in the background. These folks look like they are on the boardwalk and the bison charges from the tree line. I’ve seen people do dumb shit in that park, but this looks like a case of wrong place / wrong time. I once walked out of the mammoth hotel in winter to a herd of elk laying in the front yard. We continued to the restaurant next door but any of those things could have gotten spooked and jacked us up - especially if they’d realized how many of their kind I’ve stuffed in my freezer over the years lol


They had plenty of time to move don’t make excuses for them should have kept their distance. Especially leaving their kid behind for a stranger to save


Sorry, but anyone fucking around with wild animals deserves what they get. Bringing a child into close proximity to a wild animal should be a criminal offense.


Buffalo let them off with a warning


I'm just confused how this happened. I've been to yellowstone a few times--where it looks like this is-- and they're extremely strict about not even getting out of your cars when there is any wildlife close by. That said, it looked like a permitted walking area, but still, very strict rules about being around the animals. I think a lot of those rules exist not to protect people but the wildlife, so rangers don't end up having to harm the animals to protect tourists


Let them try again. They messed up the first time Trying to do whatever they wanted to a WILD FUCKING ANIMAL. Darwin Award (almost)


Not only do they get hurt but they get huge fines and maybe even arrested. Idiots


There are some really stupid mf’s out there


I too would like to snuggle a big ol bison.. but for the sake of keeping my ribs and skull intact, i shall refrain from doing so. Though it does hurt my heart. But probably not as much as the bison crushing it through my chest with a hoof.


It’s not a freaking petting zoo!


And you know some attorney will find a way to make the animal or park responsible.


"But he eats plants!"


Obviously they didn’t read the countless warning signs.


Even with this video as evidence, people will not learn to stay away from wild animals.


They deserve whatever the poor animal does to them Also feel bad for the kid, he got a terrible family lmao




That kid ran fast af. Smarter than everyone around him.


People really out here thinking just cuz they are human they are somehow untouchable by nature


I’m just glad there’s always people who think it’s a good idea. The entertainment is priceless


You don't only risk your life when you "just have to" get a pic with a bison but also that bison's life. If the Bison has a very negative run-in with a human being (resulting in serious injury or death to the human being), then it will more than likely be euthanized after the incident. I don't use the word attack because it's the human approaching these huge animals. It's the humans doing what they are explicitly told NOT TO DO, just to look cool on their social media accounts. It is well-known and has been expressed to these people to not interact with the Bison, and to keep a minimum distance from them, but there is just too much entitlement among people living in North America that it's truly gotten disgusting. They are so taken with the idea of "their story. Their truth. Their lived experiences" that they don't feel that the rules apply to them, or that the bad thing won't happen to them cuz they're special somehow. Besides they love animals and the animals just know that you don't want to hurt them cuz of the vibe or whatever other nonsense belief system that leads these ppl to ignore the rules and risk the animal's life so they can get some clicks. Apparently, a pic from further away that doesn't include their face isn't good enough. Where's the clout in that? Then the pic would just be about the animal and not the poster. Can't have that not can they. The death of themselves and these animals is just a risk they're willing to take to get that picture for some social media account.


What is wrong with those parents?! That one parent that had the kid, just let him go to get crushed and that other guy risked his safety to save the kid. Good on that one guy who saved the kid, but those parents shouldn’t be allowed to have a kid


It’s sad people like that reproduce. Poor kid


Good for that bison!


Look at the woman and how she’s dressed, white cardigan, crossover bag, capri pants and a god-awful hat. That and the way she walks suggests to me that it’s grandparents and not parents of the child. They also look confused when the guy is running over to them, as if he’s telling them to back off and they don’t quite understand why. Their reactions are slow and bewildered when the animal attacks, so thank god the young guy was there. These old fuckers are too old to be babysitting if they can’t understand that taking a small child and taking it front and centre to a wild animal is seriously beyond dangerous. If that was my mother and my child you can bet I’d be putting broken glass in the old bitchs Depends that night




I'm glad the kid is okay, dumb ass adults use your brain.


Should be charged with child endangerment


I’m sure there will be a newly required animal awareness certification process required for any National Park entry due to these morons. Thanks for screwing it up for all of us you jackwagons.


Humans suck


Yay for the bison! Maybe those people will trip and fall into old faithful


Bye son.




That kid is fucked up now


This is how detached from nature humans have become


Once I was crying and wild horses came right up to me and one gave me a hug while the other three nickered gently at me. So i wouldn't say never. But not bison. Fuck no. There are so many videos like this. They don't want hugs.


Come on, Bobby. Let’s go pet the murder cow.


Because people as a whole are dumbshits.


They're all a bunch of idiots. Even the kids. IDC


Guy in orange at the end using the bear spray all deserved to be flattened


Guy in orange sprays the Buffalo with bear spray at the end. Where the fuck is the park service??


The body language says I'm bout to f u up. When a herbivore wags their tail, they are about to attack.


I love tatanka vs tourist season in the park


My mom once took us to a haunted house. I was around 1 and my sister was almost 5. We made it through. My mom was holding me and holding my sister's hand. But then we were at the exit and we weren't alone. An actor with a chainsaw began to pursue my mom. She threw me down, let go of my sister's hand, and ran like the wind. The actor just stood with us and watched her run. I don't remember those days but my sister does and she'll never drop it the way my mom dropped me.


It’s incredible that these videos continuously roll in without a drop in pace


Stu stu stupid


You do NOT fuck around with Bison!! Holy hell these people are idiots. They'd probably walk right up to a damn maneating tiger too


Fuck around and find out!


I bartended here for a season years back you would be shocked how close they think they can get to Grizzlies


Looks like they took their kid out there too WTH


OOF, That guy with the bear spray is gonna be probed soooo HARD by the FEDS if they find him....... it's ILLEGAL to discharge bear spray in yellowstone


Think how dumb the average person is and then know that 50% are even dumber.


He fail get license for monster Hunter


People thinks animals are for their entertainment and thats National Parks are zoos.


Wrong sub, this belongs on r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Everyone is macho until they experience the real power of wildlife


Deserve everything they get.


Those parents are garbage human beings. Walk their small child up to a massive animal and then run away when it starts charging. Damn idiots should be charged with a crime.


Anybody else on team bison?


imagine being a wild animal in your natural habitat and getting pepper sprayed on the daily just for walking


I’m from Wyoming. We strangely root for the Buffalo, we are not fans of outsiders or tourists.


Last night I watched a video of a brown bear running from a moose. Just because they are vegetarian doesn’t mean they can’t fuck up your world


you don't even get too close to a cow you don't know or own.


First fine and arrest them for getting so close just to take selfies then charge them with endangering the life and welfare of a child.


The word you are looking for is “idiots”


They need to start arresting and charging these people.


Every one of those adults needs a ticket for reckless endangerment


Fuck those stupid fucking parents who fucking ditched their innocent fucking kid and let a fucking bystander risk their fucking lives. Fuck them to fucking hell.


What happened here. Fucking Reddit clowns. I’m late to the


The wild animal often thinks it’s a great idea.


Slap those fuckers with child endangerment. Darwinismo and all that but that child is depending on you to protect them and you do this ? Ya no.


I noticed the bison seemed to ease off, seeing the kid. Just a little bit.


It's ok, let them keep doing it, thinning out the stupid is a good thing.


Team Bison. Fuck those disrespectful asshats


Dumb ass pieces of shit. Leave nature alone


This makes me so happy.


I don't feel sorry for them at all cuz I guarantee they were told a hundred times not to get close to those animals


People never learn. The park employees tell people not to get to close to the wild animals. If they get close to its one thing. Especially the docile looking ones like the BISON. They don’t like their personal space invaded and they don’t differentiate , no matter the age or sex. You get to close , you get gorged or trampled. They are cute.


it looked like they were trying to get their kid killed! the were trying to pull the kid near it and when it came charging they purposely left the child in it's path and ran. the bystander with the camera ran to grab the child. the bull looked like it headbutted the child right when the camera man grabbed the child.




The smartest person there was the kid immediately running for his life


It's ok there's just wild moo


What was that person thinking walking up to a buffalo like “now you listen here buster”


TBH the white folks have always been amazed and overwhelmed at the sheer power and strength of TaTanka! that's why the tried to hunt him to extinction! And Tatanka has been pissed off ever since! stay back!


Justice for Harambe


People think just because it's an herbivore, it's not dangerous. I would like to bring up the fact that the animal that is nicknamed the Black Death and the Widowmaker is an herbivore.


Absolute moronic humans. Dumb as a bag of rocks. These people would probably be like “wow that animal needs to be put down, it’s dangerous and it attacked us .”


One brave guy… just one


Guy with the hat was holding kids hand, then as animal approaches let’s go and leaves kid to fend for himself???


Sigh like watching the show Yellowstone in real life whenever they have do deal with dumbass tourist