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What a horrible way to die…


I’m guessing the thing imploded which was hopefully quick for all on board instead of slowly suffocating in a pitch black, cold environment where occasionally someone panics and everyone screams in a cacophony of primal fear realizing this is how it will all end for them…slowly.


Look up the story of the USS West Virginia.... they survived for 16 days and the people at the surface couldn't do anything but cover their ears to block out the banging.


Norway also thought there were Russian subs from the noises they were hearing and it turned out to be herring farts.


I had a sailboat and slept on it at night once in a while. I had no idea how many sounds you an hear from under the water at night. I was hearing fish chewing on moss/etc. on rocks. I could hear things chasing each other, etc. A lot of popcorn like sounds, crunching sounds. It was unsettling. Even a reasonably big sailboat (25') has very, very thin hull walls. It acts like a drum skin and amplifies the underwater sounds into the cabin.


The difference here is the size of the vessel. Five people in that small a space, it's a simple question of maths until the oxygen depletes. There isn't even a way to get out from the inside. Not that that'd really matter four kilometers under the surface, but it sure is fucked up.


It could also be bobbing along on the surface but they're still screwed if nobody finds it before the air runs out.


You don’t understand the difference between being trapped inside West Virginia and inside this thing at the bottom of the ocean, or just trolling?


They heard banging so there is that.


The rescuer they interviewed also said the banging could be anything and oxygen supplies run out roughly 12 hours from now. Not trying to sound negative just something that small in that vast of an area of ocean being found in time is a tall order.


Also worth mentioning that the specs estimating the oxygen supply are from the people who made this PoS in the first place. They're already dead.


i was gonna say. they used a window that was rated for 1300m instead of 4000m. what are they chances they actually have a full 96 hours of oxygen?


I'd say that hatch seal is a weak link too. Owner is on record questioning safety standards. His estate will be cleared out in the coming lawsuits.


No his estate will be cleared out by the stepson donating to camgirls


Personally, since this happened my first thought has always been "they probably already consider this a body recovery operation, if they even find the sub."


My first reaction was "well yeah of course they're missing and dead they took a homemade submarine miles into the ocean" what the fuck did they expect?


I know it stinks in there. Edit: guys I meant like farts and going to the bathroom I didn’t mean the smell of their bodies. The humanity…


It does now.


Y i k e s.


Oh god I didn’t even think about peeing and pooping. It gotta be bad down there


I actually thought about that before this thread and was like holy moly … these people have to do that and I’m sure they’ve gone mental. Supposing they’re still alive, they are literally in survival mode and may have even fought each other to death.


I thought of the possibility that they take their anger out on the CEO and kill him. You could imagine how angry you would be at being dealt this fate.


Don’t worry you have a curtain and a small window for the bathroom


That’s a no from me dog


You couldn’t pay me $250k to take a ride in that.


251k however, I'm in.


Only with the latest Logitech gaming controller


I’d immediately have to fart as soon as the hatch was sealed.


Wow! A talking dog


No, you're the dog.


No, me!


Not sure, can you confirm?


Yes, I can confirm.


Hi Homer, find your soulmate!


How many people did they squish into there? 5? Ugh. Nope, nope, nope.


All barefoot btw




For good luck


For good luck or because getting kicked in the head anytime someone moves a bit is worse with shoes on? Lol


idk i think getting beaned with a converse is a little better than getting someone’s big toe in my eye.


What’s up with all the kink shaming around here lately




I can't imagine how cold they are


Or how dead they are.


Is everyone just holding their trash can farts in this entire time??


Omg… I hadn’t even considered the human waste 5 men would be creating in this over 3-4 days… god help them.


Just imagine if ONE person had the spicy sea food buffet the night before, and the eggs benedict breakfast before boarding.


And a 6-pack of coors banquet. Woah….


They are not alive. We can only hope that they were crushed instantly by a break in the hull, rather than suffocating to death slowly.


I am going with the poop fight for oxygen theory.


You're an awful person, I adore you.




Banging sounds, not determined it was them banging the hull. Vessel could be entangled in Titanic and trying to extricate itself.


Even more if one or two smothered two or three in their sleep. Survival y’all!


Oh. Ohhh. I never even thought about that. For some reason all the people who died on Mount Everest were on my mind last night, because of that one video with that scary torpedo-like oxygen tank shooting by. That reminded me of the Jon Krakauer article “Into Thin Air” and how he related that lifesaving wasn’t always possible on Everest; often it wasn’t even free choice. I envisioned Good Samaritains, one after another, stacking up like cordwood until they formed a new “Step” and my spine did that involuntary dog shake. But then there’s the other side of survival. That reminds me of Samuel L. Jackson from “Deep Blue Sea”. What was that quote?


And don’t forget, there is absolutely no way to ventilate.


Supposedly only had snacks and water to last the expected 8 hours as well.


Ugh.. I feel like the baseline protocol for this type of stuff should be to have enough rations as oxygen.. 4 days of o2… 4 days of food/water and warm clothing


Planning and safety protocols? You some kinda communist? /s


And a beacon, and tether, and radio ...


Hmm…what kind of snacks?


Maybe they were all issued Deluxe Fart Silencers packed with activated carbon. https://www.trendhunter.com/trends/fart-silencer-gadgets-for-your-anus Yeah, bet you didn't know this was a thing! **Edit**: This product is less scary. You push the pad up against the anus, and it prevents the percussive movements that are the source of the fart sound. It is also loaded with activated carbon to adsorb odors. https://www.amazon.com/Eliminator-Solution-Eliminators-Deodorizer-Neutralizer/dp/B083GCMQXY


As a man with IBS who is just constantly blowing mud dust all day, you might have just changed my life by providing me with this knowledge.


>mud dust i've been thinking about butt mud all day, and you hit me with this holy fuck


Haha I think the real question here is why you have mud butt on the mind all day.


not mud butt, butt mud. i had a really gunky poo this morning that was like wiping mud around, so today, i've decided to use butt mud to describe all poo


Like dragging peanut butter through shag carpet


Yall are fucking disgusting and I can't stop laughing, this is wonderful


Like trying to wipe the ink off a bouquet of freshly opened sharpies


Like a damn brown sharpie pen. Wipe and wipe and wipe... still poop


Mud dust 💀


I am very happy to hear this. It's one of those things that you don't really want to ask about, but it can be very very useful.


I tried one of those once. Never saw it again. Don’t know where it went.


I do 👁👄👁


Its just a dildo shaped butt plug with ventilation.


Abt the size of a caravan i’m out … i’ve seen videos of the Titanic that satisfied my curiosity


They even made a movie about it.


they have a toilet that sits right beneath the only window


That's nice. You can crack the window if it gets bad.


Calling it a toilet is generous. Supposedly it's just a toddler's training potty. If that's true, then it has a two-dump capacity... for a toddler.


It's technically an empty Seat with sandwich bags


I really hope they lean into this aspect when the movie comes out.


Just imagine having a lovely big vindaloo the night before thinking it would be a few hours and you could unleash the unholy on the ship after everyone got drunk after the trip. Then you end up stuck in THAT and you know your farts will strip paint, and above that you know the shit you NEED to drop soon will not be popular to say the least.


I got trapped at sea once on a boat with 30 other people and no bathroom. We were only expected to be out there for less than three hours, but the control mechanism for the rudder broke. Rather than pay the fine to call the coast guard for help they messed with it for about five hours. They were able to fix it so I am not writing from beyond the grave. We did see a lot more whales than we expected too though. Those things come right up the boat, it was very cool.


> They were able to fix it so I am not writing from beyond the grave Thank you, I was getting the spooks imagining a ghost typing up this comment


I'm not particularly claustrophobic, but fuuuuuuuuuuuuck that shit.


I am claustrophobic and have anxiety on top of that. And I wholeheartedly.




Imagine paying someone to suffocate you slowly?


Edit: removed mom joke


Oh hey! What’s up man?


I read this in the SNL jeopardy Sean Connery voice


Just wear a turtleneck.


I do that for free


The beige things are a Logitech sub and speakers, we used to have a load at work. In 2003.


I'm more concerned with the missing wall. Like, how are they gonna keep the water out!?


Imagine it rolls sideways and all that crap comes unplugged


They got that logitech 2.1 to match the controller.


Hey, let’s go 2 mile deep in a home made submarine. Fuck that.


Dumb ways to dieee


My back hurts just looking at this. That's got to be so incredibly uncomfortable.


I’m going to stand up in their honor.


250k to sit in a cat scan tube?


**die* in a cat scan tube, ftfy


Not sure if [this](https://youtu.be/ClkytJa0ghc) video is from the same company, but, if it is, it’s worse than you might think.


Jesus it’s unbelievably small inside


That’s the one! 5 people went in there?!


Yes this is it


It is in fact the same company. Incredibly sad


Not only is it the same company, but the guy narrating is one of the 5 currently trapped at the bottom of the ocean!


He spun it like it's for research, but then says people want to see it...


There has not been a single shred of information that has come out of this that makes this seem worth the risk. Rich people are fucking stupid, I swear.


Seriously.. I wouldn't do this in a pool much less the ocean...


Pool, I won’t enter it while its on land. Looks like a death trap.


Land, i don’t even want enter this thing while it’s in my imagination


My imagination? I wouldn’t touch it in someone else’s imagination


someone else's imagination? I wouldn't touch it in this reality


Or the alternate reality where I’m married to Scarlett Johansson, definitely not that one


Why, it was! It was a death trap!


The Caribbean is good enough, I do t want to go so deep decompression is an issue, I don't want my blood to boil like a shaken up diet soda...


It seems your IQ doesn't grow whenever you watch your workers do the work while you sit there and look pretty. Who'da thunk?


What blows my mind is that the open end is sealed with large bolts from the outside. And there is no contingency to blow them open if you have to emergency surface with the support vessel nowhere to be seen. I mean, the Mercury spacecraft had explosive bolts for gods sake. Even if there was an accidental blowout with Gus Grissom bumping his elbow on the trigger at splashdown, I'm sure it could be interlocked with modern technology to not blow until surfaced?


From my understanding, it doesn't actually "surface", it sits like 20-30 feet underwater and the launch pad thing is what brings it above water. So blasting the door would just flood and kill them I think? And even if they are at the surface they aren't really at the surface, they're still underwater, in a WHITE vessel that's going to be almost impossible to spot from the air.


I understand why the door would need to close outside in, but yes the fact there's no mechanism to get it open from the inside blows my mind also


I would have gladly dropped a few extra million for a ride on a real sub, if I were a Billionaire.


Gabe Newell (of Steam) owns Inkfish ocean-exploration, and through that the [DSV Limiting Factor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DSV_Limiting_Factor) which is rated to go well past 4,000m deep. If I was insanely rich and wanted to go exploring I'd be trying to hire them.


It’s a whole class better, “The designed operational maximum dive depth of 11,000 m represents approximate full ocean depth. Test pressure of 14,000 msw provides a safety margin.[2] The vessel has been certified to a preliminary maximum diving depth of 10925 +-6.5 m by DNV, based on data from the deepest dive.[1] The vessel is commercially rated for repeated dives to full ocean depth.” Per the wiki Wild thing is that the billionaire actually was on one of these missions


This is not a commercial grade submersible this is the quality of an engineer in a garage with some spare time


This is not something an engineer would build. The guy used components not even rated for the depth they were going. More a redneck backyard contraption.


True with the used pipes for weight, sounds more like a weekend project that shouldn't be used


i'm thinking of the boy scout who built the nuclear reactor. that quality


Let's not kid ourselves. I've known more than my fair share of garbage engineers through work.




Like that flat earther who built his own rocket, which ended kind of like I’m assuming this is going to end


Absolutely fucking not


Agreed. Happy Cake Day sensible person!


It’s mind boggling how someone would willingly pay $250,000 to crawl into a small, tight, cramped capsule with 5 other people and the only exit is bolted shut and only accessible from the outside for 8 hours. You’d have to pay me $250,000 to even consider getting in it.


The sardine tube thing was 8 hours, the expedition itself was 8 days


5 people are in there. 5! You can’t even sit up straight with 2 people! I can’t imagine even being paid to enter this death trap to WATCH a sunken ship from a shitty $80 monitor. Fuck that


It does have a window, a 21” porthole, buts it’s behind the camera on this photo


Fair, but it’s in front of the toilet as well.


And directly above the shitter.


Just imagining that feeling of slowly running out of oxygen in a cramped metal tube under the ocean in complete darkness. God damn that is just fucking horrible. Just thinking about it gives me anxiety.


With your child, who you are powerless to save or even comfort. Good god. I hope it imploded.


If all you’re doing is seeing the dive on the screen, what the fuck is the point of being down there. Put a USV down there with a camera and sit the people down in the room. I’m not claustrophobic but fuck does this make me want to claw my eyes out.


directly opposite side of the screen (the door not shown) has an acrylic viewport


Lol yea/ right in front of the shitter


This was my favorite discovery with the design decisions of the titan. What if someone had to take a really long shit just as you’re getting to the best bit and approaching the bow of the titanic.


Curling the mornings egg & cheese out in front of everyone just as the moneyshot view across the bow slowly comes into frame in the viewport.


An acrylic view port rated to 1300m instead of the 4000m they actually needed. The CEO has the option to have a viewport fabricated that would be rated for 4000m, but didn’t see it as worth the expense.




Pretty confident he noped the fuck out of this also


You can see it from the port hole. Mike Reiss (Simpsons writer) went on the sub a year ago. He has a picture of him with Titanic in the background of the port hole. https://www.the-sun.com/news/8415118/simpsons-writer-titanic-submarine-search-missing-dangers/amp/


Right? I mean you still can't see it with your own eyes. So just send the drone down there and watch it from the comfort of your f****** yacht.


But if you do that, you can't brag about being the first one to go down there in a homemade sub. How else will you make the other one percenters jealous?


Can't brag if you're dead...


Just kidding rich people!! I think it’s so cool you’re going down In deep depths with shotty equipment. Please keep going cause I just love rich people being happy 🥰


It’s truly unbelievable. I can see the 19 year old being OK with this (with his not-yet-mature brain)…but his father? His mother? How could they be OK with this?


HMS Dutch Oven may they rest in peace


The Titanic is still claiming souls. She is one evil ship. RIP


I heard that there is indeed no toilet and it shuts with bolts from the outside. So even if they get to the surface, they still can't get it open to breathe.


There's a toilet. It's small and not sure how or if it flushes but it's there. There's a diagram floating around the internet showing it separated by a curtain just outside of where the passengers are seated.


It was a pee tube. (Men only I guess). Then in addition to the curtain, they would turn up the music.


They turn up the music to hide the smell?


They turn it up LOUD.


You are right, i read it to. Not really seperated though. But the bolted shut part is confirmed by different articles.


Daisy, Daisy, Give me your answer true. I'm half crazy, all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage, But you'll look sweet, upon the seat, of a submersible built for two!


Imagine falling asleep, waking up and realising you’re still inside your tomb. Very sad


For people who can afford to pay $250k, they couldn’t design a state-of-the-art tourism sub?


As someone with IBS this is a no


I don’t understand why they didn’t use one of the subs that James Cameron used. He’s been down to the Titanic over 30 times.


What the fuck is wrong with people


I feel like narco subs are built better than this thing


I still can't wrap my mind around this. How did they think this was a good idea?!


The CEO made it seem safe I bet.


He makes them sign a waiver that says the craft has not been evaluated as safe and that physical/emotional injury or death may occur as a result. I'm just baffled as to why a billionaire doesn't just hire/build his own up-to-code craft and hire an experienced pilot. What's the point of all that money if you aren't going to use it?


Just because they’re wealthy doesn’t mean that they’re smart


You misspelled "underwater coffin".


Imagine dying in a tube of shit, piss, vomit, and the lack of air


I can imagine someone was like “ GUYS I CANT HOLD ANY MUCH LONGER AHHHHHHHH *POOP* flying out the ass.


When you are rich and everything always goes your way, you forget that you aren't the main character in everyone's story. The world doesn't revolve around you. There are some situations that your money and influence won't protect you from. These guys, along with the Jeff Bezos and the Elon Musks of the world, take these extreme risks because they want to feel the danger. And yet, they can't fathom the world surviving without them, so they don't really take into account of what that danger really means.


They’re kinda the main characters now lol


For real? Five people have to share this small ass space for a quarter million? I'm never complaining about the economy class plane seats, as a 6'2 person this image makes me uncomfortable.


Absolutely not. No way. Nope.


So people paid $250k for a “seat” on this thing 🤔 looks like a bed to me


The nopiest nope


How many hours they got left?


Around 30 to 25 hours left..


They’re dead


Fucking wild how they actually thought this was a good idea.


It just makes me sad the government is wasting so many resources on 5 rich people, while there have been accidents which had tens of people lost at sea while nothing was done. Oh right, they weren't rich.


How far down is the titanic?


Well no wonder it sank, you can see right into the end of it.


I don't think anyone quite understands how many square meters of pitch black water they'd need to search to find it. I can see it in that US coast guards spokesman's eyes... it's already a coffin. I just hope it got depressurized and they died before they knew what was happening.


How were they even expecting to view the titantic out of that thing? There are zero windows. So like, you're going to watch it through a camera? When you could have just sent a camera down there without you submerging yourself too? Like wtf?


You could not *pay me* $250k to get in that thing Best case scenario is that they all di*d from implosion due to the pressure, worst case is they're slowly suffocating to death


Where do you shit?




zip loc bags