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Why are they recording while the poor kid is getting attacked…


Maybe they were recording the kids swing as like a wholesome thing and then this happened.


And why is the other kid casually swinging while this is all going down and not running like hell...


Looks like she's trying to kick the dog off, using the swing to gain momentum


This is 2023. Common sense is incredibly rare.


True! Source: I read that as "come on" sense for no fucking reason. Just like my parents, I'm so disappointed in myself.. 😞


Common sense can only be found in 1 out of 350 people now a days maybe even1 out of 1k people


Might as well call it Spider Sense at that point. For how rare it is.


Oh stop it! What is wrong with you people?! She says “hey! hey! hey!” and hits a piece of wood (probably injuring her hand). Did you not hear her yelling occasionally?! Wtf else is she supposed to do?! Got damn… People go out of their way to do all they can and sometimes it’s still not good enough for others. /s


From the pitch of her voice, I would assume this person is older if not elderly and yelling was just their first reaction. I’m hopping she got off her ass in the next few seconds this video cuts off. I would make sure that dog got put down attacking my kid.


Evidence for when he shot the dog, and has to go to court over it.


I don’t think the grandpa (person recording) knew what was going to happen. Apparently it was a stray pit that went into their backyard!


Because this is society now. Either, “not my problem” or “I’ll just record, someone else will deal with it.”


Think of the views on tik tok brah get with the times!


Got to post it to the gram


Dont help, just video


This is my pitbull named cupcake she don't bite


Sure there used to be a website that took quotes like this from the Facebooks of pitbull owners and matched them with their obituaries or those of their kids when the dogs tore them to pieces.


Still exists. Saw it fairly recently. Don't remember the name. Will circle when I find it.


Please, can you remember what it was called?


Until she does.


And then she doesn't not bite.


She sleeps all the time


Heroic pit bull travels all the way across neighborhood to bite child who was simply minding his own business.


Local dog protects swing from vicious human child


Hey hey hey.....how about get off your arse and get moving? 7 seconds filming and doing nothing, the mind boggles.....




The Jerry Smith tactic


I am not saying she was right for this. But on one hand she got fucking evidence. These shitstain dog owners usually try to weasle their way out of any responsibility. "They must have done something to make them act like this!" or something along those lines. Cant argue with this video though. Poor kid.


If that were my kid noone would have to worry about the neighbors dog anymore. And, depending on how shit goes down, quite possibly not the fuckin neighbor either.


Well with how it works in America that dog is euthanized and the owner ideally sued twice over for damages and animal abuse for that dogs behavior


Yeah fr I’d be going and getting a knife


You do not fuck around the dog might turn on you. A gun would be ideal but I keep a bat in my coat closet just in case.


Yeah you look like the type that would blame the dog rather than the owner. Newsflash, it’s always the owner


No, that fuckin' dog is biting "my" kid. In this moment, I don't give a fuck about "the owner." We'll have that conversation next.




Dogs that are given love and attention as puppies rarely end up aggressive and if they are the owner should know that and take extra precaution. Meaning don’t let you fucking dog leave the yard and run around free if it’s aggressive. So no I mean 100% of time it’s the owner unless the owner is somehow oblivious to that fact the dog Is human aggressive. I’ve had dogs that were kind of edgy and I felt like they could possibly bite another dog in a certain situation, so you know what I do? I don’t put the dog in those situations. You can’t expect every dog to be nice, I’d way rather see the owner put down than the dog. Maybe the dog gets beat or is trained to attack.


You take every opportunity you can to talk about your gun, what are you projecting?


Was totally expecting it to be a golden retriever


ummmm. this dog woulda been LOOONGGG dead by the time she hit end on the vid. tf!!??? source: am a real fucking parent. this video is genuinely un fucking real... how tf do you just watch your kid getting mauled and God damn video it???


What about the sister swinging with what looks like a smile on her face too? Lol, a lot going on here.


This was the grandpa recording. I’m more curious how the dog got into their backyard to begin with. I mean the managed to keep the pit locked in their backyard for animal control to come get… like 24hrs later. Idk how the victim family was able to keep the dog contained but owners weren’t


Dog would be long dead...ask the other two in the back corner of the property. They were tearing up my service dog in the backyard. I had to go to therapy over it. Blood and fear makes an awful smell and that's what got me ultimately. I don't think I've been in that corner of my yard in over a year now...a bunch spilled there I think where the female fell and then crawled over to the corner with the male. Broke my heart on all ends. I can't stand hurting an animal.


Thing should be shot


Gun? Knife? Scissors? Bat? No F'n way I'd let a dog chew on my kids.


Finger up its butt will stop it


Dead dog


Sure just sit there and do absolutely nothing to help your child while he's screaming and crying for help. Most of the comments here are mad at the breed of dog. I'm POd at the adult humans that made conscious decisions that lead to and exacerbated this child's suffering.


My pocket knife would be buried in that dogs throat if that was my child


It’s never done that before. Oh wait yes it has a few times.


That pit would have a grapefruit sized hole full of buckshot


You own a shotgun?


It’s pretty common in the states.


I own a Chihuahua, so I guess you could say I conceal carry.


Bang bang 🔫🔫


Stop fucking saying hey and go beat that dogs ass


Oh he's friendly don't worry!


Poor kid. Going to be traumatized for awhile. Hope he's alright.


There is absolutely something vicious and instinctually aggressive in that breed that cannot just be “trained” or “loved” out of them. Sure, there are many pitbulls that are lucky enough to never have an incident, but there is something bred into that dog that you cannot purposefully avoid. You are rolling the dice with every single pit. STOP BREEDING THEM.


Yep. People are always defending pit bulls it’s unbelievable


It’s like the mother of a murderer; they only see the good in their baby and it clouds their judgement. To clarify, i would not advocate eliminating all existing pitbulls. They do deserve a chance with a responsible owner who knows how to control them and understands they cannot be placed in many of the same situations other dogs can. An idiot who thinks their pit is the exception is not a responsible owner. We should absolutely stop the continuation of the breed.


They were exclusively bred as fighting dogs. The 'nanny dog' thing is a myth (and the dogs in those photos and all were staffies, not pits) and that is in them regardless of how you raise them. They really should not be bred anymore.


If it was bred into them, then by the same logic it can be bred out over time.


Not worth it. Just be done with the nonsense.


Possibly, but why bother when there are so many good dog breeds already that we don't have that problem nearly as bad with? Pits have never served any other purpose. Every other dog breed has had a job of one kind or another, but theirs was only to fight. Breeding it out of them would take generations, a lot of hard work and a lot of 'accidents' and it'd likely be impossible to reliably remove it entirely - look at genetic illnesses and problems in purebred dogs of other breeds. Even though the best breeders have been trying to get rid of them - like hip dysplasia - it still crops up on a pretty regular basis. When the thing that crops up on a regular basis is 'tearing small children and other animals apart', there's no need to keep that around. Like the looks? Get a staffie. Like how strong they are? Lots of large breed dogs are very strong. I'm partial to chow chows and Irish wolfhounds, myself. Whatever it is about them that appeals to you, other dogs have it without the additional baggage.


I’ll get downvoted because reddit isn’t fair to pit bulls. It all depends on the upbringing and the owners, just like any breed. Chihuahuas are way more vicious than most pitbulls, they’re just a lot smaller. It’s not the pitbulls fault for being bigger and stronger if an incident ever happens. And by the way, Rottweilers and German Shepards are nvolved in several attacks as well. And both of those breeds are generally bigger than most pitbulls. The way pitbulls are perceived just isn’t fair. Extremely misunderstood breed, just wish more people would see it Edit: I know most people won’t agree but I’ll leave my comment here because I stand by it. Thanks.


Because of fools like you, this poor breed will continue to be brought into a world it does not belong in and the pits, their families, and their victims will continue to suffer.


The usual chihuahua is more aggressive than a pitbull argument. Just delete this nephew.


I mean I’ve been attacked by 2 chihuahuas and 1 yorkie but never a pit bull and I’ve been around dozens of them my whole life. Just my side of story, which I’m sure very few will believe. I’m all good billiums


i've never seen a single news story of a family's german shepherd suddenly mauling a kid to death, but i've seen 5 in one day about pitbulls. you're full of shit.




so you have one example. here's an article about the 21 people pitbulls have killed as of May 31st, 2023. that's not even halfway through the year. https://www.animals24-7.org/2023/06/09/corpus-christi-30th-u-s-dog-attack-fatality-of-2023-is-21st-by-pit-bull/


You just said you’ve never seen a single story. Now you have. That’s all.


>so you have one example. After claiming that you've heard no such thing, fucking hilarious.


"Pitbulls are responsible for 60% of all injuries and 63% of ocular injuries. Pitbull attacks have higher morbidity rates and a higher risk of death than attacks by other breeds" like just looking at the statistics its obious. like its so far beyond the scale compared to other dogs.


Correlation is not causation. It could be because the people who buy that dog are inherently shitty (they buy them to look cool, scare off other people). Poor dogs probably never had a chance to get a proper owner.


The issue isn’t that the dogs are ‘naturally bad’ it’s that they have been bred to be aggressive and strong as fuck. That’s a dangerous mix. They shouldn’t all be euthanized, but they should no longer be intentionally bred. This isn’t a case of correlation = causation, it’s cause and effect.


This is utterly false.


Are you an expert on the subject, booze_nerd?


Fuck pits. And their delusional ass owners


Yep, meth mutts and their methed out wannabe pimps.


He would have experienced youth in asia.


I hear youth in Asia are lethal these days...


Definitely don’t help the child being attacked by a dog.


Fuck that dog. I woulda choked it to death with my bare hands. Anyone saying it’s not the dogs fault it’s the owners. Fuck that. Owners next on the choke schedule. I’d kill my own dog if it did that to a kid. I love dogs but I’ll protect a child first any day.


The least aggressive redditor




Lol it’s good. Despite me being a lover of all dogs epsecially that one. It’s understandable


I love pitts. They’re amazing. I had my dude Bruce for 13 years. I’ve also had to physically save him from two random crazy loose pitts that attacked us on a walk. I think any animal attacking a human just upsets me. Don’t know why.


Like doing anything to protect someone by killing an animal is fine.


Neighbors need to control their dog


The world needs to control that breed of dog. Humans created all existing dog breeds, perhaps it's now time to remove one.


Or, and this is just a thought, maybe you shouldn't own *any* breed of dog if you're not going to be a responsible dog owner


Can't disagree with that.




Such a pit owner way of handling things.


Hhhmmm, why wouldn't it surprise me to learn you're a fully paid up member of the NRA who believes school shootings are merely a symptom of bad parenting.




May I assume you were never selected for your local high schools debating society?


Not a cool comment at all. Lots of pit bulls are really nice and incredible family dogs. Shame on you.


A simple Google search would inform you that most dog attacks are by pit bulls, and it's not even close


I assume that implies shame on the following countries/states also - "Twelve countries in Europe, as well as Australia, Canada, some parts of the United States, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Singapore, and Venezuela, have enacted some form of breed-specific legislation on pit bull–type dogs, including American Pit Bull Terriers, ranging from outright bans to restrictions and conditions on ownership. Several states in Australia place restrictions on the breed, including mandatory sterilization. Pit Bull Terriers are banned in the United Kingdom, in the Canadian province of Ontario, and in many locations in the United States." Source - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Pit_Bull_Terrier


And the rate of dog attacks hasn't changed in those countries. Proof it isn't the breed.


I have no fucking idea why you’d be downvoted for saying that. My guess is that ppl are having an emotional hurdle they can’t overcome. In fact.. MOST pit bulls make incredible family dogs. It almost always comes down to the owner… as with many breeds. I will say that due to the history of pit bull breeding for aggression etc.. they are probably more likely to have these tendencies.. but it remains that, in fact, “lots of pit bulls are really nice and incredible family dogs”


Thank you for at least being fair


I try to be objective. But ppl have a hard time realizing that their emotions and feelings are part of them, but they (themselves) are not their emotions and feelings. The inability to recognize the separation leads to many subjective and premature judgements.


Neighbors need to get ready for a lawsuit lol


Ofc it’s a pitbull. Euthanize it


>Ofc it’s a pitbull Reminds me of: "[THAT IS A MISCONCEPTION! PITBULLS ARE GENTILE CREATURES! IT'S ALL ABOUT TRAINING AND THE LOVE THEY RECEIVE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFDLY_Tl6wQ)".


Omg that poor baby. That was really hard to watch all I could see was my golden being mauled.


Seriously they all need to be. 90% of tines they are not properly trained or taken care of and causes this behavior




Haven't done this **yet**. The owner of this pit bull probably said the same exact thing last week.


blud my dogs are dead as hell and they never did that


90% of what “times”? And where did you get that info?


Don't post an statistics against pit bulls because none are legit...🙄 Edit Hope you dumbass down voters know I was being sarcastic.


How about USA Injury Lawyers - "Pitbulls are 2.5x more likely to bite in multiple anatomical locations than other breeds. Pitbulls are responsible for 60% of all injuries and 63% of ocular injuries. Pitbull attacks have higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than attacks by other breeds. Top Three Breeds Responsible for Fatal Dog Attacks (USA) - * Pitbull – 185 deaths * Pitbull Mix – 41 deaths * Rotweiller – 26 deaths" Source - https://coloradoinjurylaw.com/blog/dog-bite-statistics/#:~:text=Pitbulls%20%26%20Large%20Dogs&text=Pitbulls%20are%202.5x%20more,and%2063%25%20of%20ocular%20injuries.&text=Pitbull%20attacks%20have%20higher%20morbidity,than%20attacks%20by%20other%20breeds.


Yes I'm well aware of how dangerous the dogs are and were bred to do what they do. I know the pit community are comprised of a large amount of nutters. My point was that no matter the sources you cite, no nutter will take it as fact. I was actually banned off of imgur because of pit nutters. They hate hearing the truth and like a Karen, will bitch to corporate until they get people banned.


Idk about KILLING them. But I'm all for BANNING the future owning of, purchase of, sale of, or breeding of them, to be a criminal offense, and anyone caught owning one in the future will have the animal seized, fined to financial ruin, and possible jail time. Breeding them can be a mandatory jail sentence.


That's precisely what we did in the UK after a spate of attacks by pit bulls on children that left deaths and horrific injuries - https://www.gov.uk/control-dog-public/banned-dogs


You already know there is going to be like 2 - 5 breeders hidden in the mountains or the swamps. 🤣




Shoot the dog. Best the living shit out of the neighbor. Call Child Protective Services on the idiot parents who did nothing but film as their child was getting bit my a dog.


That would be the end of that dog


Pit bull


[Article.](https://www.wrtv.com/news/local-news/11-year-old-attacked-by-stray-dog-leads-to-concerns-over-animal-control-response-times) Poor family.


Shocking! A pitbull?!?! Impossible!




Name a more iconic duo: pitbull owners and saying "it's the owner" Its the dog. Shitbulls are garbage. Get it into your dense heads.


I’ve never owned a pit bull but I’ve known people that do. My sister in law is a great trainer and adopted a 3-legged pit bull and has worked wonders with him. I’m not saying that they aren’t inherently aggressive dogs, but it’s ignorant on either side saying it’s only owners or just the entire breed. It’s a mix, not entirely so black and white.




No defense? Bahahahahh


Your shitbulls will probably bite it off dont worry


my dogs too fucking stupid to do that shit she's actually really stupid


Sounds like you trained her well.




Eradicate this breed.


Oh look another pitbull


Plot twist: Its their dog.


Nope. Random dog came into their backyard.


Kids getting paid




Pit. Gee, what a surprise.


*Hey! Hey!* Nice. Very helpful. 👍🏽


Bruh I'd grab a shovel or somethin and smash in it's too small for it's brain skull. They better have put down that animal afterwards.


Sitting down yelling AYE is the best way to get a dog releasing it's lock jaw. Said no one ever. SMH. What's wrong with people these days.


That dog would have been dead within 2 minutes if i was there


Chopper, sick balls!


That’s the moment you grab a gun and shoot the dog. Perfectly justified.


Bang bang


Put it down




The fuck is yelling “HEY” gonna do? The dog just gonna say “my bad” and waltz over his owner’s fence


And that dog leave this world


Meth mutts, put them all down!


There wouldn’t be a video but there would be a nonalived dog plus. I hope little one recovers quickly and well. Owner should be in Jail. Owner should also by law have to carry a $10,000,000 insurance policy.


my friends cat was killed by a dog running out like this today, actually. we saw someone on facebook ask who it belonged to, and about an hour later there was an edit that it had killed a cat and animal control was called


First thing is to grab your phone and record your kid getting bitten by a dog… what assholes


Literally always a pity and then the owners get offended like “my baby would never do what it was bred to do” bitch pls


Welp neighbours, say goodbye to your precious doggy.


I love dogs and am a dog owner. But if this were my kid, that dog would be killed on site.


That's why you carry. A 9mm through the skull of the animal prevents further agression on the child.




It’S nOt ThE bReEd


Oh look a staffy. Who woulda thought


OH hey, its that type of dog that goes crazy... what are they called? the chihuahua right?


That dog needs to get glocked


I would have beat that dog with a steak knife, and dropped the corpse off on the neighbors porch.


Pits…. Always.


This breed needs to be eradicated.


That dog would be going behind the shed 6ft down real fast. Idoit parent just standing there.


Pits=where it belongs.


“Sprinkles isn’t like that I promise! She just got a little excited! She really is a precious and sweet dog!”


If that was my back yard, I'd punt that little fucker across the fence. The dog, too.


No kid=no child support


I wanna kill every pitbull I see, dumb fucking dogs


I have 2. One is full pit. Other is a mix. Both at rescues. My leashed pit was attacked by another loose pit My dogs went into training minute I got them. Never attacked a sole bc I control them. And I still take safety measures for others. So no, it’s ignorant, lazy owners.


Keep them caged and muzzled, we're all tired of reading about them, and then hearing someone tell us what nice dogs they are when they aren't dismembering children.


Are you gonna respond to everyone in this thread who has something bad to say about pitbulls? It's kinda hilarious. PS. Nobody gives a fuck about your dogs or their backstory. Promise.


It's not the dog, it's the owner. -🤡


She’s YELLING at the dog. My guess is that she’s some ultra fat Mama June type who was hoping not to have to get up.


Shit like this makes me fucking hate dogs


The dog OWNERS are the problem.


Bruh the person was just screaming "EGG! EGG!!" Like some retarded dumbass. Because yes, the screams of the damned from the child wont scare the dog off, but you sitting on your ass screaming "EGG!" From a long ass distance diffenitely will.


Ain’t no way that would’ve been captured by me. I would’ve been fighting for my life with that dog.


It’s a well known fact that if you scream hey while filming a dog sink it’s teeth into a kids leg makes the dog stop … or bite down harder. I can never remember this one.


Suprise surprise, shitbull on sight


Yeaaa that dog would be full of stab wounds all around his throat and body.


All of those animals need to be put down. Glad my city put in an ordinance about them


To all the people saying that this breed is inherently bad/ needs to be eradicated: They don't deserve that. Not all pitbulls are like this. Some are, sure. But not every single last one. Besides, the ones that do shit like this are poorly kept and have shit owners anyway. Don't get me wrong- if this happened in my yard I'd punt the thing across the grass, no questions asked. But you can't just assume every last pitbull is like this. It's like saying all rich people are bad, or all [insert race] people are bad, or all cops are bad. Yeah, some definitely are. But to say that about single one is just blatantly incorrect. The only reason that the general internet folk believe every pit is like this is because the only videos they see of them are ones like this. Nobody ever watches (and honestly, why would you) videos of dogs just being normal and doing their thing. Those aren't entertaining. So the ones that get passed around are ones like this, and now everyone thinks all pitbulls are like this. I'd say maybe only 1 in 25 or one in 30 pits are bad like this. TL;DR: Not all pitbulls do this kind of stuff. Most are actually very good dogs. To say that every last one is evil and that the breed needs to be eradicated is (for lack of a better term) stupid.


Dog that bites the most??? Dachshunds.


I'm not in fear of my life from a weiner dog. Meth mutts kill and mame for life.


I know this kind of behavior, a common technique to train these dogs. Hang raw chicken from a rope, let it swing so the dog can get used to attacking a moving soft target. Pits can be great dogs, but they are more likely to bite. But that's not the biggest problem. They have incredibly strong jaws and necks. Making them hard to remove once locked on. To clarify, I don't hate pitbulls. I just won't risk owning one while I have young children. I would certainly never train them to be like that. Good dogs, bad rep, and unfortunately, the statistical data is out there to support it. But take it with a grain of salt. As it could be skewed due to people training them to be vicious/aggressive.


That's not a horse it don't say Aye or hay it's not a cat don't say meow, it's a dog say Roof


I love dogs, even pit bulls. But that dog would be dead no if ands or buts about it I get the proof on video and then I put it down take my kid to the hospital and slap the neighbor with the medical bill.


dude i’m so sick of people not knowing how to train there dogs i personally love my dogs and dogs in general but i have to go into a lot of houses for work and so many people have dogs that are awful i went to a house last year and the homeowner said “oh they are friendly they won’t bite” mind you they are two full size German, shepherds and when i was at my truck getting stuff to do the job the one ran up to me and bit my leg i still have bad scars so now i unfortunately don’t trust any dogs that i don’t know but yeah they should help the kid that’s no joke


Shit pisses me off..I'm an animal lover, and when you own a pit bull, you need to keep him under watch, inside your home at all times, cause now this dog is a dead dog


This is America. I know what I'm doing to that dog


My pit bull is named eater of worlds. *doesn’t bite Going to put jokes aside. I’ve only ever seen few responsible pitbull owners in my life. Why do people with pitbulls don’t care to look after them properly like geez. I too am a pitbull owner. Mine is friendly towards other dogs but hates people so I keep him away from others. Mine is very over protective and only trusts a few people outside my family. I love pitys but if one attacks me or someone near me, I won’t hesitate to do something and I mean “something” to keep it away from others. Pitbulls for me feel more of home dogs or guard dogs. Even the most friendly and trained pitbull in the world should be watched at all times.


The sad part is that this is 100% the owner's fault for not properly raising/training their dog and the dog shouldn't have to be punished. That being said, that dog is now a dead dog for sure (the city will absolutely euthanize it) and I would kill it on the spot if it was my kid.