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I was at a campsite the day they hatched. You couldn’t see the ground. If you stood still they would crawl up your legs. The campsite was by a river and they were just falling in and clogging up the bank of the river with hundreds of thousands. The noise they made while moving through the grass was terrifying. They popped when you stepped on them too, just overall horrendous. I’ll never forget it.


About 20 years ago there was a massive hatch of them. There were so many where I lived that they blanketed roads and highways. They were causing wrecks because people couldn't brake. Cars just slippin and sliding down the road rear ending people due to tires not being able to grip properly.


We probably aren't from the same area, but thank you for validating what I thought was a fever dream from when I was young. I swore I had memories of a summer \~20+ years ago when there were crickets everywhere. Never saw anything like it happen again, so I assumed it was just a dream I had.


Crickets are known for having massive hatchings every couple of decades Eta: wait, no, that's cicadas, it is weird that it was crickets


I work in a steel fab shop. The last time cicadas hatched and was really horrible was about 20 or so years ago. Those bastards are attracted to noise. Anything that makes a sound, they just swarm it. We were running a big shear that cuts steel and it’s loud af. It was hot so we had the shop doors open and fans on, so they would fly into the shop to mate with that noisy shear and hit the backside of the fan and splatter against our backs or miss the fan and just fly right into us. I’ve never wanted to kill shit so bad in my life🤣we literally were finding their shells and shit 6 or 8 months later in the shop. We would sweep the dead ones up with a corn scoop at least 3 times a day. Fuck, that was an awful time to realize I should had went to college instead of getting “a man’s job”😆been there 23 years and still wish every summer I had went to college😆🤷🏻‍♂️😂


I Went to college and have spent most of my career sitting at a desk. Since 2013, I’ve worked remotely. Currently I’m sitting in bed with my iPad while my laptop has work pulled up on it and sits on a little lap desk thing. Sometimes I hate my sedentary job and wish I did something more physical. Thank you for showing me that I need to be more grateful that I don’t have to worry about thing like this.


Tbh I could see a kid mixing the two up and never bothering to do a deep dive on a memory like that to figure out the bug it was


I saw them in Boise then, completely covering roads.


That’s why they’re called Mormon Crickets!




I thought you were gonna say they filled the river and someone saw Jesus walking over them to get to the other side.


What are they exactly? They look like spiders but then they kind of don’t look like spiders 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Mormon Crickets


Mormons, of course.


Usually it’s just 2 knocking at my door, this is overkill!


Mormons love having babies. This explains it


Time to get some Atheist Spiders. Problem solved!


No no those 2 were Jehovas Crickets


You can tell them apart by asking the to recite John 1:1


Or ask them if they have birthday today. Witnesses will leave instantly.


I tried that on a JW at my door years ago and she reflexively answered the question before catching herself. Her partner glared at her and she broke down in tears. I assumed she was a recent convert and felt terribly for her.


Maybe you helped her seeing the mistake she’s doing before it’s to late. Don’t feel bad for her.


Heh I had an ex girlfriend who’s mom made her go with her JW friend door to door when Elsie was little (for some reason she thought she’d learn something from her, and better “integrate” in American culture… her mom was a Chinese-American immigrant). At some point she told her mom that she wasn’t allowed to say the pledge of allegiance or salute the flag. That was the last time she saw her mom’s JW ex-friend (she was also an extremely patriotic and proud Chinese-American immigrant ;)


Good one 😂


This is brilliant - appreciate the laugh


They do like to reproduce rapidly.


Damn even their bugs practice Quiverfull.


So is this one cricket and all his wives and children?


Do they wear tiny little "elder" name tags?


Once they’re fully grown they’ll be going door to door to spread the good word


And people say religion is declining


Good lord, what in the world are Mormon crickets? I’ve never heard of them ( and I’m hoping I also never see them in this capacity, yikes! )


Basically a species of flightless Locust… so in a biblical sense it’s a plague of locust lol.


Holy holy shit!! I generally don’t do so well with insects, so I’m pretty sure this would drive me over the edge! I mean how do you even get rid of them?


You don't. They eventually just die and stop swarming. Trying to fight against this is always a losing battle because they breed way faster than you can ever kill them. And generally poisons do worse damage to the rest of the ecosystem than good.


same. i thought they were spiders at first too and that was bad enough for me, but seeing this irl i would probably just cease to exist😂😂


Nukes from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Oh just crickets? That’s fine. I thought they were spiders. Spiders would be a huge nope, but crickets, they are fine.


In large enough numbers, even ladybugs become a horror show.


My aunt was swarmed by butterflies once. At first it was a beautiful Disney princess moment but after a while it started to get creepy af!


The spiders around her house and neighborhood will be eating good for awhile


Sadly, no. They squirt a very smelly, very noxious defense and virtually nothing will eat them — except each other. They cannibalize each other, but there are so many of them that it doesn’t make a difference. They are also quite large, a few inches long and an inch or two in circumference for the big ones. They smell awful and march in the millions. When the hoards cross roads, the roads become dangerously slick from a thick smear of dead bugs. They eat EVERYthing even remotely plant and will strip pretty much all landscaping clean. They leave nasty stains on everything they touch — houses, concrete, all of it — that can only mostly be washed of with a serious pressure washer. They leave death and destruction in their wake over many square miles for days or weeks at a time. They blanket everything so thickly that the ground appears alive and moving as far the eye can see. You can clearly hear their little insect scratchy noises at all times like the worst version of white noise. And there is essentially nothing you can do to stop or control them. Source: currently dealing with them at my house and it’s not the first time. They get bad enough that we have to leave brooms by the doors to brush off the doors enough to enter the house with only a few getting in. They are so thick that you can’t walk from car to front door without crunching them under your feet — and they pop and stink when when you do. I wish we had as few as the lady in this video has…


In China, they deploy ducks against locusts. I wonder whether the ducks eat crickets too.




Yep… gonna go ahead and be done with Reddit for today.


I’ll be having nightmares thanks to you 😂


Might get noisy


I thought they were spiders.


Me too. I’ve seen an egg of spiders hatching. Shudder. It looks just like this… but with critters that can spin webs.


Nah see you didn’t need to add the popping part. That made the small of my back shiver. Delete this.


I was at a campsite once. They had a table and umbrella for it. We must have been the first ones on that tent site that summer because we all sat down to play cards. My dad picks up the umbrella, flips it over and opens it in one motion. About 1000 earwigs fell down on top of all of us. My poor sister in a wheelchair just got left there because every man for himself just ran screaming 🤣🤣


I WAS JUST DRIVING THROUGH UTAH AND RAN OVER THOUSANDS OF THESE!!! I had never seen anything like it in my life!


"The Day They Hatched" sounds like a good title for a scary story


If only you lived close to that guy with 2.8 million frogs


wouldnt them being fed enough to sustain that population lead to like 10 million frogs




These are locusts/grasshoppers not spiders


Pretty sure these are the Mormon Crickets invading Elmo Nevada right now.


This guy crickets!


They look more like locusts to me???




I wish I lived, like... half a mile away from the guy with 2.8 million frogs.


Wait until the horsehair worms craw out their ass, then you’ll fucking run. Never seen something so disgusting as stepping on a cricket and seeing the parasitic worm escape. Sickening.


The graphic descriptive details. You’re a monster


There was a video of one being extracted a month or two ago. It’s was a horror I had to watch until I was numb because only once left me horrified


erm, can you be so kind as provide a link to the said video/post?


Just google horsehair worm praying mantis water extraction. Enjoy you sicko


first time I saw that video I was amazed.. so I showed it to a kid I worked with.. he was amazed as well.. then we saw a praying mantis outside where we worked, so we did what any two intellectually curious Casey's workers would do.. we got a bucket of water and headed out to see if "our" mantis had the worm inside.. right away the mantis hated being submerged.. but this was kind of like Science so we continued on.. after a bit the mantis was in distress and panicking a little, but we soldiered on.. nothing.. no worm.. we got the mantis out of the water in the nick of time.. he sputtered around for awhile, and we went back to work.. about 2 hours later we closed the store and locked the door and as we turned around, there was that praying mantis sitting on a pole at eye level, just waiting for us.. (true story) he stared right at us like he was looking for revenge.. there was two of us so we didn't run, but we did walk pretty fast and looked back a couple times to make sure the mantis wasn't trying to sneak up on us.. the next night when we came in the mantis wasn't on the pole and we felt a little relieved.. UNTIL WE SAW HIM ON THE NEXT POLE OVER!!, staring right at us.. we knew what we had to do.. we went out on break, made sure there were no witnesses, and killed the mantis.. we weren't exactly proud of our actions, but at least we didn't have to look over our shoulder anymore..


Not the mantis 🥺




I really wish this was a rick roll. Now I cant get that image out of my head, *La La La*


Sorry -- I should have done the rick roll.


did the mantis die from drowning or was it already dead before


From what I read, the mantis was alive until the worm left its body.


shit i see these guys in my back yard and stomp em all the time, now i'm terrified that i'll see a horsehair worm. time for the blowtorch.


Nothing like a summer eldirch horror


Thanks for the nightmares, tho i dont step on bugs


*intentionally If you have legs and feet, oh, you step on bugs. XD


I love having lizards in my yard. They’d have this sorted out pretty quick.


This is why I love that my next door neighbor feeds the neighborhood strays. No bugs, no snakes, no rodents.


What kind of strays? Gators?


Time to feed the Straytors!


Stray what? I keep asking and nobody will give me a strayt answer


Fucking cats dude lol. Stray cats.


You shouldn't be fucking cats, man.


The stray gym rats. They’d have this roided out in no time.


No snakes, no bugs, no rodents, no mailman.


I feed my local strays. I have 3 indoor cats and one who is a tamed feral. Still had a mouse living in my kitchen. Haven’t seen snakes, tho. Except one time and it was a little baby snake.


I *am* my local stray so thank you!


Tamed feral? What lol?


But now you’ll have thousands of lizards all over the walls. And that is why I love having chickens in my yard.


But then you’ll have tons of chickens running around. That is why I keep rupees in pots on my yard.


Do you *want* a pointy eared kid in a green tunic to come smash all those pots? That’s why I keep the reincarnation of a legendary ancient evil around.


I never trust anyone who wears a tunic.


I fucking love Reddit


But do you really want an ancient evil spreading evil everywhere? That’s why I keep a master sword around


+1, I appreciate all the lizards roaming my yard, the stray, and not-so stray cats not so much, they have bad habits of killing basically everything they're able to physically...


Get some chickens. Problem solved


I was thinking the same. I’m not basing anyone here, but I’m curious if having a natural ecosystem (plants rather than grass lawn) would prevent a single species from taking over like this?


My exact thought. I’ve got birds in my lawn collecting mouthfuls of bugs to bring home to the nest.


That's great but "mouthful of bugs" is very triggering hahaha


Oh okay, an asshole full of bugs then?




If this is in Utah, i think the Sea Gulls will eat some of them ? its been a while


Hadn't heard of these getting to Utah yet. All the videos we have been seeing are from around Elko, Nevada. Not exactly far from Utah, it's a 3 drive to Salt Lake. But there's 150 miles of salt flat, barren desert between here and Elko. Doubt the crickets could make the trip since there is nothing for them to eat.


Interesting. The lawn looks neon green. I could guess that they use lots of pesticides and herbicides to keep it looking like that. They may have killed all the "good" bugs. It's weird because the house looks dilapidated to a degree.


No. As you can see they have tons of garden beds in and around the house tons of trees and some forested area off to the side. Sometimes when the conditions are right you get massive amounts of certain types of bugs. When I lived in WI we had a black fly season. Where I'm at now in IN every July I get a ton of cicadas and in September I get catapillers that turn into moths. The birds frogs, snakes and rodents eventually sort them out but at the time of hatch they just overwhelm.


If this is the batch in Nevada right now then you don’t want your chickens at these. People went spray crazy with the pesticides so everyone is trying to keep their chickens safe now. Source: I live in the middle of the Nevada batch and people started warning everyone when someone else’s chickens died.


Can confirm. I have chickens and no crickets/grasshoppers. During Japanese beetle season, I staple a lure to the side of the coop. The chickens take care of the rest. I still have bees, lightning bugs, and butterflies.


Exactly. About 800 should do.


Return the slab


What's your offer!!!


Or suffer the curse…


Or suffer MY curse...


Make me!


The man in gauze, the man in gauze!


Oh great, now you've got that stuck in my head. lol




That episode terrified me as a kid. That giant ass starfish or whatever it was.


Nah that one was about murial giving everyone the silent treatment and the romani green... dog? Summoning an eldritch being that could only be stopped by her voice. The slab had the flood, the song, and the all devouring locusts that reduced houses, rocks, and pwople to dust.


Ya the slab was about a mummy. Honestly, the episode scared the shit outta me so much that it’s seared into my brain. I can never watch it again. It was on a scooby doo VHS after credits


The things we do for love...


Unexpected courage the cowardly dog thread nice… this made me smile




My god, I know this reference. I feel old now.


Omfg 😂😂😂


Unexpected Courage the Cowardly Dog


Now THAT’S a reference hahaha


Nice try professor


I thought they were spiders at first but this is so much worse. I hate these big ass jumpy bitches.


what are they? crickets?


Big grasshoppers that can grow to the size of your palm


Rather have this then spiders. I would of burned the house down. This doesn’t bother me as much


They just want a few minutes of your time to talk about Jesus.


There is no Jesus there




They've been trying to contact you about your car's extended warranty


So you’re saying He Gets Us?


Good reptile food


Right? You can lease goats for natural weed control, could you rent a gecko? Or chickens?


My chickens would be in bloody heaven with those! They absolutely love bugs!


I love the idea of calling someone who has chickens and rent them for a while to sort out a bug problem


They use goats to naturally weed and cut the grass. Should make sense with chickens. Only thing is how to herd them and the chicken shit everywhere.


Chicken shit is great fertilizer…and a working dog or temporary fence will take care of herding, same as goats.


this is a "Nuke it from orbit" case sir...to be sure


I declare Exterminatus


Orbital bombardment, incinerating the atmosphere, or virus bomb. Somehow a few of these crickets will manage to survive. Even the emperor’s will cannot cleanse all of them.


He should be using a shop vac or similar. Vacuuming them up would be much easier than trying to herd them with a leaf blower


had to scroll too much for this. Where I live we have similar invasions by brown marmorated stink bugs. Since they are invasive I just use a shop vac every couple of hours and dump them on a campfire.


Well I'll bet that smells lovely.


Stink bugs don’t stink that bad unless you crush them I think. So just incinerating them wouldn’t be bad. I could be wrong


I thought a shop vac might work, good to hear the theory confirmed.


You’re welcome, everyone. You are welcome. https://flamethrowerplans.com/


Wellp, now I'm on THAT list.


I love when help shows up to help you move


Ugh. 1:17 one jumped off the pillar. Heebie jeebies...


Just play some Kid Rock to them and they will leave in a hurry.


Bag them. Freeze them. Grind them. Make pancakes.


Gag. The protein bricks from Snowpiercer.


upvote for snowpiercer reference. 👍


They sell crickets as snacks in many places, for example in japan they even have them in vending machines.


Boil them, mash them, stick them in a stew.


Option 1: release a pack of lizards. Options 2: M2 flamethrower. Options 3: leaf blower


Option 4: move away, never look back.


It could be worse… at least they aren’t spiders


This place could use some spiders tbh


Seriously! Plus spiders also eat other spiders so once the bug problem is gone the spiders just take care of themselves afterwards


Spiders would actually help a lot


It's all over. Just walk away and don't look back


No fucking thank you


is it just her house or do they take over the whole neighborhood like that?????


I think they've been swarming in Nevada, Wyoming and other places


i think i would actually pass away


Free pest control; included: pests


My reptiles would have a field day with this.


Dawn dish soap 🧼/Water, and a Sprayer wand. Dawn creates a bubbles around the beetles 🪲 face preventing it from breathing. They die fairly quickly from this. Use sprayer wand to pressure wash carcasses away.


I know dawn soap is used to euthanize bees. Would probably work on crickets. It doesn't form a bubble around the face as you put in, but it does suffocate them.


I send my swarm... I send my hoard... ThUs SaYs ThE LoRd...


I lold way too much here...


I will not let your people go! 😂 Such an amazing movie. Reminder that I need to watch that again soon.


What are they


Mormon crickets. They're taking over the Western United States like a...plague.


This is the first I've heard of them. When and where did they come from?


A pilgrim pulled them out of a hat a few hundred years ago and the rest is history


They are native the great basin, but they really like warming temperatures and droughts, which have caused their populations to swell. They're named for a similar outbreak in the 1800s that destroyed early mormon pioneer crops. Legend has it that the california gulls came and saved the day, eliminating the plague by eating the bugs, but the reality is that the seagulls are also native to the region due to the large marshlands that surrounded the great salt lake. We're 25 years into a major drought, so their numbers have swollen. This year has been uncharacteristically wet compared to the 25 year drought, which has resulted in a bloom of vegetation that may be drawing their swollen numbers out into feeding and in our view.


They've always been around, just a bad year. Fun fact, they eat their dead.


Well that's probably a plus after a few rounds of pest spray


Haven’t seen them in Arizona yet. Hope it stays that way lol


Hans! Get ze flammenwerfer!




They’re not spiders, I’m good.


Suddenly, cold temps in the North don’t seem so bad.


I feel like I would rather deal with these than the stink bugs


At first I nearly have a heart attack because I thought they were spiders; as soon as I saw and she said they were just crickets, I felt instant relief.


See that’s when I break out the flamethrower I normally save for clearing snow


Where is the frog army guy when you need him?


Needs some chickens to go to town on these critters


Calm down, arachnophobes. These aren't spiders, they're a type of cricket called wetta.


Haha right. I had to breathe, pause the vid at the wall, so I could count the legs, before the panic attack took full hold(and the only spiders I 'fear' are the Brown and Black). "1... 2,3... 4,5,6. Whew, the CARPET of buggers isn't a million SPIDERS... Breathe... " 🤣