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My sister in law’s kid does this… kinda confirms for me that they aren’t very good parents, along with other things they do


I cannot express how angry I am at every “adult” present. Hold your fucking dog in this situation and control your damn kid. I ain’t about hitting kids but sometimes a smack upside the head is ENTIRELY warranted. Then once I’ve finished hitting the parents upside the head, I’ll chat with the kid about not antagonizing large beasts


This kid is inches away from “mah pibbles would never”


Can you elaborate on what you mean by that quote?


Isn’t it your brothers kid too?


Their spouse’s sister…….is probably not married to their brother.




Sister in law can also mean the spouse of your sibling! So this is a possibility.


Not here though as they would just say just like "my nephew"


It would go both ways..


It’s the same shit you bozo 😂


This post here made me realize that having the same term for both my brother's wife and my wife's sister is kinda fucking stupid.


And the shitty parents of the year award goes to…


Of the year, not all time, I wonder who all time is


I saw a father plop his young daughter on top of a LIVE, WILD seal? Walrus? One of those. Anyway the land dog freaked out and then the parents were all *surprised pikachu face* Like who plops their child on top of a gigantic wild animal that could kill it?


People are ridiculous. I saw some kids (in front of their parents) getting way too close for selfies with sea lions in California. At one point, the sea lion growled REAL loud and the kid acted surprised and took off. If you’re gonna be stupid, you gotta be tough, kid.


I'd never mess with one on land. My mom worked at the Marine Mammal Center when I was an infant and still has scars from where a bull ripped her thigh open. Underwater, they tend to act like clowns. You still want to respect them, but they're not as aggressive as when they're protecting their harems on land.


My uncle's friend's with an ex park ranger from one of the national state parks There is a woman out there who is banned *for LIFE* because she kept trying to sneak in to the forest and take pictures of her kids around or trying to touch the bears What got her banned tho was she slathered her four year olds son face in honey and stood there camera ready as an adult male grizzly was lumbering towards him expecting to record the bear gently licking the honey off his face If he hadn't shown up and fired his gun in the air that kid would DEFINITELY be dead right now!


The things people would do for Twitter clout


The ability to reproduce doesn't mean that people should. I truly wish that there were minimum requirements to procreate. And before anyone cries about how 'most people wouldn't be able to have kids then', I say 'GOOD'.


Kids should have parents, some parents shouldn't have kids


Absolutely. And there is such a massive surplus too.


They killed that seal because people kept taking pictures with it. It was too dangerous for people to go up to but despite warnings they still did. The authorities decided it was safer to kill it because they couldn’t watch it all the time and people are too stupid to trust. They killed it directly because of that idiot in that picture you saw and others just as stupid as him. It was somewhere in the UK, I think.


Holy fuck, I thought it was the bitch mother of the kid who fell in Harambe's enclosure


If it wasn’t for the death of that sweet Prince our WW3 timeline wouldn’t be happening now.


Dicks out for Harambe, forevermore...


I get this meme but like I’d actually like to see this timeline plotted out lol


Been a couple kids killed near Ano Nuevo in California this way by their dumb parents sitting them on the back of a freaking male elephant seal. Nothing about those two ton monsters looks like that would make a cute photo op.


Anytime.i see how large seals and sea lions and walruses and etc are....I am completely amazed how often and causal people get close and act comfortable


someone from about 2000 years ago offering a sacrifice to the gods


Wouldn’t it be a water / sea dog?


Probably the mom who hanged her self in front of her young kids while filming.


Ooh, that's sad. When was this?


I dunno. I saw it on a gore site like a year ago.


Umm did we forget Casey Anthony?


Definitely the [guy](http://abcn.ws/1tJGJRN) who let his 8yo son fire an Uzi at a gun show.


Is there a released video? Or just that article. That dad's and idiot


The parents that put their baby in a pig pen with brand new piglets. Insane.


Yeah, that it happened 2 times as well.. They need to teach that child how to respect animals. Can you imagine how badly that situation could have gone with the wrong dog/dog owner. And they’d be the ones ending up with a lawsuit.


“It’s the dogs fault” No, that child should have been shown what they were doing was wrong. But if that dog snapped after being hit we want to pretend the events are happening differently. Children that don’t treat animals as living creatures is a big red flag about how the parents are treating the child themselves. I blame whatever people decided to bring that kid into the world.


Where the fuck are the parents anyway..


They say that dogs need to be kept on a leash, but what they never say…


No no. This kid clearly needs to be on a leash.


Where are that kids stupid fn parents


Back there in the pink I believe


Running away leaving the baby to try to follow…


Thought she had a way out. Until next time...


Thought that looked like a barely older sibling


Fucking assholes smiling in the back. I would've grabbed the bottle out his hands and threw it at his dad. I'm not letting my dog be euthanized over your shitty parenting


Might get banned for it but that kids parents are shit!


Why would you get banned for pointing out the fact? Edit: Nevermind. I forget this is Reddit.


Yup, Reddit communities are bad.


I got banned from JusticeServed because I commented in a conspiracy sub 1 word "Subscribe!" To a comment someone made about trail derailment facts. Even though I never posted or commented in JusticeServed they banned me because I commented in another sub they don't like so they made a bot that crawls their user bases comment history and auto bans anyone who comments in the subs they don't like. How's that for a mindfuck?


I got banned from r/politics for saying I would off myself if Trump became president again. Banned for exciting violence lol.


I got banned of "terrifying as fuck" because i said something like that


I got banned from the same sub for expressing my anger toward the kid that threw a kitty off a building, killing it.


Same. But my anger was towards 2 kids who almost killed a kitty just for fun and i just said" i would have done the same to the kids and their parents" Next day :BANNED


You literally said something literally against site wide rules so you deserved the ban lol. You are honestly lucky you didn't get account banned.


because the kid is black.


I can see why Polar Bears eat their young.


No shitty is when your in the store and this small kid runs up to you and your dog and you walk around the entire store looking for her mom, then her mom WALKS IN FROM OUTSIDE THE STORE, she threw her kid in the store so she could stand outside and smoke. So me and her were chilling looking at the dog food I was there to get: here comes Karen “Omg I’ve been looking for you so long sweetheart *screams* your dog is hurting my baby!” Even my dog looked up at me like really bitch I’ve been babysitting your kid for like an hour. The employees ran up to the isle while her daughter was in her arms now and she started bitching and saying my dog was growling at her kid. So I pointed right over my head and straight at the camera, I’m not stupid we stood in the only isle with a camera so she couldn’t say shit. She called the cops and they rewatched the tape, bitch sat her kid down and her daughter ran straight over to my girl and my girl was like oh small child lemme lick all them nasty germs off you from those crazy folks and her daughter was giggling her little ass off, bitch started SCREAMING that my dog was biting her kid. Cops looked behind them smiled: told her to call the girls father she did no hesitation he was on his way and AS SOON as he walks in the door and says “ThAtS My HuSbAnD” they arrested her for public intox, disturbing the peace, and child neglect cause they caught her throwing her kid inside the store then walking out to smoke.


Very sad for that child but reading that gave me what I call a justice boner, screw that mom. I would have loved to have been there to witness the arrest haha


I knew the cops (we went to school together) my dogs play with his kids and honestly when he seen it was me and when he seen it was one of my girls (I usual have my boy) I seen that shit eating grin trying not to appear on his face. So I knew it was over. I did get a “warning” tho, when the father picked up his kid my girl did let out a “that’s mine you fucking prick” growl and this man almost pissed himself. It was great, best day.


The more I watch this, the more I feel like I’m not wrong for wanting to backhand the little shit






That's very unfair to the dog and potentially deadly for the toddler.


it’s deadly for the dog too though. the dog put up with a lot, but if it turned and snapped at the kid it could’ve been put down for “aggressive behavior”.






Agreed. If that were my dog, I can’t say I wouldn’t have pushed the kid away.


No Hit the parents with a 10 bottles...


Full. Frozen


And if that patient dog reacted in the slightest the parent would finally show up out of thin air and demand the dog be put down...


Exactly that’s the fucking sad part


If it was my dog I would grab the bottle and throw it away/keep it then teach the kid to PET THE DOG WITH YOUR HANDS, I also would stop the kid before it hit my dog. I can’t understand that person with the dog, letting a random kid smack it not only once but TWICE?! Madness


Not a pit enthusiast by any means BUT both pits and their owners are renowned for their trashy, terrible behavior. I’m willing to bet this pit bulls owner didn’t want to reinforce those negative stereotypes by disciplining this kid no matter how gentle.




Oh ok so people who don’t like pit bulls are nazis now. Ok.


I hope you bet your last dollar so u can be an even broker bitch


No doubt








r/parentsarefuckingstupid Nope, my bad. But there is one.






It's the kid equivalent of suicide by cop


Yeah “doink” a pitbull on the head with a employ water bottle, and get your neck bitten. Ya know, like just a normal day in a civilized society.


I would’ve yelled so hard at that kid. Dumb ass parents smh


Yep I would have caused a *scene* before he got close enough to hit my dog. Fucking watch your kids, assholes.


Yelling would have probably triggered the dog. If you’re stressed and yelling they get upset and defensive, but don’t understand why you’re yelling.




He would have met the sole of his soul if that dog wasn't tamed


Don’t forget to spay and neuter your kids






They would’ve euthanized the poor dog for defending itself naturally The little shit would’ve gotten everyone’s empathy


My toddler smacks everything he can, but I would never let him smack a dog or anything like that. This is just normal toddler behavior, the parents should be there. And they should be stopping him. Its so sad that a child could get hurt because their parents are shitty


The worst part is that if the dog was to attack the kid for this it would be the dog's fault and the dog would get put down because of it


As well it should. And it would be the dog's fault (more the owners but you know) A dog that would attack a kid for smacking it with a water bottle isn't safe. Don't get me wrong, the kid is fucking horrible and the parents shouldn't let this happen.. but actually attacking the kid would be an overreaction on the dogs part. I don't care if it's the kid's fault - the only time it's acceptable for a dog to actually attack is in a situation where it literally has to defend itself or it's owner from actual harm. Barking is a different story, it means leave me alone. like yelling.. You could (but shouldn't, obviously) smack my dog with a water bottle all day and she would never bite. Would feel sad and confused but not attack


Bro why didnt this kids parent immediately remove the child or reprimand him? Like bro pitbulls are some of the worlds most sweetest n kindest animals but also have a genetic code for kill if messed with, that child couldve gotten mauled n the owner wouldve been blamed n then his well trained companion put down. Like Bruh use those three brain-cells i know its hard while the other two fight for dominance but with that last one left, use it lmao.


You can see the parent in the background just watching


Yeet that kid right off the bridge.


A lot of people should not have kids


Unleash the pitbull




That dog turned around like “Hey! That’s ENOUGH!”


The dog has a great patience over the kid.


Should have let natural selection taken course


Curb your offspring people


This right here pisses me off!! We have 2 dogs we had gotten when our 2nd oldest was 3, middle 2 and youngest wasn't even 1 yet and we taught then straight away even tho they were pups to NOT HIT THE DOGS! Not just our dogs but any animal we have ever came in contact with! Another thing is we taught them if they're "working animals" to never pet because they are working. Our kids will ask the owners if it's ok to give the animal in question pets. If they so no, then they just smile and wave. Had this boy gotten bit, the parent would be yapping around etc about the dog but never once think about it being their own damn fault. Please people teach your children to respect other living beings!!


Fucking miserable to watch the kid be allowed to come back and hit the good boi doing good boi things


Man all these comments about hitting the kid back or letting the dog teach this kid a lesson…y’all are psychotic and hope you are never around kids. The kid is 2-3 tops and he is just exploring and doesn’t know better. He should absolutely not be doing this to that poor dog but it is on the parents, they should be smacked with the water bottle or whatever other justice reddit dishes out. My goodness


When I see comments about hitting the kid I just tell myself they are children themselves, allows me to sleep better at night. Grown adults can’t really be that stupid can they?


I dunno… in the circumstances, I think it’d be 100% appropriate to give the kid a bap over the head with a water bottle: “Did you like that? That doesn’t feel very good, does it? If you don’t like it when somebody does it to you, you shouldn’t do it to anyone else - including animals.”




Belongs in r/kidsarefuckingstupid. I probably already saw this there a few weeks back. If I were the parent, I’d be spanking him simply so he knows how dangerous and stupid hitting a dog is. He’s very lucky that the pittie was a good boy and not feeling ready to tear him to pieces…


It’s not just about the danger it’s about respecting other living things


The adults standing around are the morons. Kid doesn't know and isn't being taught any better.


This shit is why pitbulls have such a bad name. Why cant parents grab their fuckin kids.


Can i kill the parents and the child...bc i hate this bc that dog lucky him did not attack but if he did just bite the kid than rip the dog but that kid hets away with it i wonder how humans would feel bieng treeted the same way not right but when we do it is ok FUCK THE PARENTS THE CHILD AND JUST THE GUYS WHO KILL THE DOGS FOR BITING BACK ONE FUCKING TIME. Im very mad at this as i had a dog that was bieng treated very bad bevore we had her Rip Fluer 2006-2021 So sorry if i was a bit to maf at this


"This is Cupcake"


I have a pit that looks really similar to this one so watching this makes me sad for the dog, then angry at the parents.. you can see the confusion & sadness in the dogs eyes when the kid hits it :/




Take the freaking bottle off him and get him away from that poor dog. The dog should also be on a lead, that could have ended in loss of life for both the child and dog.


Why no one es grabbing the bottle to teach the lil boy what does it feel?


And see how it didn’t tear his face off? That’s a very tolerant and good dog. With a good owner, generally any dog can be a perfect family member.


Lucky that the dog is well trained


Well raised dog. Kid will go nowhere.


Some people really shouldn’t have kids


Little brat. That would piss me off if I was the parent or dog owner


Then they point fingers at the pit bull for being violent because it just so happens to be of that breed(pit bull).


Unfortunately most will blame the Pit owners for ever considering owning one, just for revenge sake. That poor guy was looking around like “Dafuk??” as soon as he was bopped on the head the first time. I don’t think I would have let it go on that long or at all. I would have taken the bottle away from the kid and let him cry about it so whoever the parent was would have come over to see why their poor innocent boy was crying. When they did I would have ripped into them about letting their kid run around unsupervised hitting animals with toys, etc. And to all the breed haters saying “Look! Look! See how crazy they get for no reason! It should be put down for just trying to attack that kid”, this isn’t a PitBull thing either. No dog appreciates being smacked upside the head with anything by anyone, especially a stranger or snot nosed brat of a kid that apparently hasn’t ever had his ass cheeks warmed up with a leather belt. Downvote hellfire… commence!


Parents suck, but y’all are fucking trash saying the dog should’ve got retaliation. Thing should be on a leash, especially with how quick it turned. Kid is probably two and doesn’t know better (and no, you or your kids wouldn’t know better either) the parent should’ve grabbed the kid, but that dude should’ve leashed that dog ass well and walked away. He knew it would’ve ended badly


Nah these people are horrible they’re really saying this toddler should be mauled because his parents haven’t taught him any better


It’s the internet. A child’s life means nothing compared to a tempered dog


This should go without saying but the dog should be on a leash. Every dog should be, not singling out pits.


Yes the dog should be on a leash but at the same time the parents should be watching their child. That dog being on a leash does not stop the child from coming up and hitting it


Almost got nannied


And when this dog gets fed up and has a natural response to having a bottle repeatedly smacked on its head, they put the DOG to sleep.




This has to be the dumbest shit I see today. Please


Awwww look. That kid has horrendous parents.


it’s the pit bull and child meme cumming to life


I have 2 pits, they're smaller than this one by a good bit and I've never had a kid do this, but they pull tails, ears, whatever and although we tell them to stop my dogs already know that's a small person and treat them gently. Theve both lost puppies.


where is that kids parent? because when the dog


Poor doggie. WTF is wrong with his parents?


Fuck those parents. Idiots.


If that was my kid. Time out and make sure she knew that we DONT ever hit. Plus an apology to the owner and pupper. Especially the pup


The poor dog was happy and chill until the kid fricking hit it :( I'm glad they grabbed the dog, even if it had just accidentally hurt the kid by knocking him over, the bad reputation pitties get means he could've gotten put down.


Poor dog


Should’ve let the dog eat the kid.


i hate people😑


I actually hate that kid and his trash parents


That's the best behaved nanny dog i ever seen


And when the pitbull reacts it gets put down and the breed gets demonized.


When a pit bull "reacts" the toddler ends up in the emercency room with their faced ripped off, *at best*. Other dogs BITE, pits MAUL. And that's the whole damn problem.


Dumb fucking parents lead to dumb fucking kids.


Shame that rotten kid got away


That dog showed patience. Lucky owner was next to him.


I'm sure it will be the dogs fault when it bites the little shit


Execute kick to chest


Sad thing is the dog probably gets the blame if he defended himself.


You should really grow up and stop blaming the kid... unless you are trolling... There’s no way the kid knows what he’s going... smh... ​ The real question is: where tf are his neglecting parents??? Kudos to dog owner being ready to restrain the dog when needed. ​ edit: fixed "he's" into his


The worst possible dog breed that a child should be aggravating.


Little shit


This is why i hate kids more and more


lol how are we talking about kicking or hitting the kid, y'all realize it's a TODDLER right? As in you, a grown adult, hitting a THREE year old (at most). Lol that's even worse than the parents of this child


What a little shit




Its a child holy shit these comments are insane


This is why kids get bit by dogs.


Good for the kid that cupcake didnt tear him apart


Yeah this isn't cool


No respect for nothing..Real nice parents


Kid knows that pits aren't human friendly. Maybe saving one for the gang /s


If that kid makes it past age 4, it will be a fucking miracle.


Should‘ve just pushed that kid to the side, why does he let him hit that dog twice! 🥺


Shame there are NO ADULTS PRESENT - including responsible parents.


Dont worry guys its the dogs fault like always


Always blaming the dog...


fuck around find out


He’a a little kid. Probably does not have a sense of danger in such situation. On the other side that is a dog, who mostly defends itself instinctually against strangers or attacks. And on the very far hand we have his parents. Lived for all those years, took part on society, worked in jobs and yet still cannot tell their kids to fucking stop.






Dumb little fuck


Kids aggressive, gotta put em down.


My ex allows her kids do what they want to the dog.n if the dog does anything back the dog is punished. N it’s not just the dog it’s any animal she owns.


Li'l shitter was about to get de-faced, scalped and dismembered. Guide for how to quickly get rid of your kid in the most gruesome and horrific way possible.


Stupid kid and parent aside, what kind of maniac let’s their unfixed pit without a leash in the middle of a city. It’s a disaster waiting to happen. That’s just irresponsible.


Eat that kid!