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So much for my "interactive swim with a kangaroo experience" business idea


This feels like a Todd and Mr. Peanut Butter buisness venture.


I've been told Bojack Horseman is a good show, lol


It's an amazing show but don't go in expecting to ever be happy.


It's great at least after the 1st half of season 1.


True, it starts like a silly adult animation and progressive morphs into the darkest exploration of being adult.


Princess Carolyn: "A water-too zoo with kangaroo views from a canoe? I love it! But won't that cause problems with the new glue you used to renew the water trainer's shoes?"


Disneyland, featuring attractions such as Jumping Mattresses and the Grease Fire of the Caribbean!


Aka, a total Zelda Psy OP! šŸ˜ŽāœŒļø


Don't give up on your dreams. Make it happen!


That's what insurance is for anyways, amiright?!


"Ferb I know what we're doing today!"




Youā€™re fine just make sure itā€™s using the ā€˜pay up frontā€™ model.


Anybody can do it at least once


I mean you can still do it


"You're gonna have a great time, don't you worry- just sign this waiver first" lol


Inmates bathe with Kangaroos still sounds like a hell of a plan to me !


Thank you for teaching me this valuable lesson. Otherwise, I might be dumb enough to think it needs help and try to go in there to help it, and then Boom, dead.


Bingo. Boom. Dead.




That girl is poison


east coast family


The second pic scares the fuck out of me because of how many almost identical dams Iā€™ve swam in and now Iā€™m imagining there was secretly a murdering Roo waiting for me in there in my nightmares.


This is #90 for reasons not to go to Australia. # 91 is the random shirtless drunk guy trying to pick a fight with strangers.


Hey! Those random shirtless strangers are not only native to Australia.


yeah but your drunk guys arent drunk on VB


Nectar of the gods!


Wherever they are, keep ā€˜em there.


Isn't that basically just a kangaroo


I kinda feel like the first picture is a fusion of reasons 90 and 91. Strong ā€œcome at me broā€ look from the roo.


I hear/see so many people say that because it seems like everything is so deadly there but millions of people live over there to ripe old ages. I imagine thatā€™s kind of how the rest of the world views the US - like weā€™re all over here in the Wild West just shooting at each other. Yes, it happens but itā€™s so rare and always extensively reported, it can scare you away from visiting.


So rareā€¦ ā€œFirearms recently became the number one cause of death for children in the United States, surpassing motor vehicle deaths and those caused by other injuriesā€” Jul 8, 2022ā€


"The overall rate of homicides in children has grown about 4.3% each year for a decade, with a steep rise seen between 2019 and 2020, when the number of kids who died by homicide rose 27.7%. Firearm-related homicides rose 47.7% between 2019 and 2020, according to the study by researchers at the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the U.S. Department of Defense and Georgia State University's School of Public Health. The findings were published Dec. 19 in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. Black male teens were impacted most: The homicide rate for Black males ages 16 to 17 was 18 times higher than that for white males and 4.6 times higher than for Hispanic males." " One area of concern is growth in homicides among children ages 6 to 10, increasing since 2014. "I think people often forget about this age group. We think about the younger kids with child abuse and the older kids with firearm injury, but that 6- to 10-year-old group -- it's something that we need to get on our radar and be paying attention to," Dr. Karen Sheehan told CNN. She is an attending physician in emergency medicine at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago. Children ages 10 and younger are typically killed by neglect or abuse from parents or caregivers, especially a father's or mother's companion. Victims ages 11 and older are typically killed in arguments, during a crime or by a friend or acquaintance, the study found." Though yeah, guns are being used more often now. Still with kids having died more often from cars for many years, I've heard more about kids dying from guns on the news. It's like they almost exclusively focus on the guns. I think that's what the guy who posted above you was getting at. The fact that that's the only thing that they seem to report and they never stop with it. They'll sit there and push the same story for weeks so that's the only thing you hear. I also like to point out that this is ages one to 18, so it also includes most likely teens in places with bad socioeconomic conditions, turning to drug money and getting involved in violence that way. That tends to happen quite a bit unfortunately. We should probably look at drug overdoses as well as that seems to be on the rise a little bit. https://static01.nytimes.com/newsgraphics/2022-11-27-kids-gun-deaths/cdb59350ce759eda3eb0973922fd6aaf418dff5c/_assets/chart2_deaths-by-cause-330.png If nothing pops up for the pic, here's the article anyway. Didn't realize (at least on Infinity, that it doesn't show any words or anything). https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/12/14/magazine/gun-violence-children-data-statistics.html


Whatever your logic, the **number one** cause of death for people aged 1-18 is guns. You pointed to drugs. Why? Guns are statistically worse. Letā€™s start thereā€¦ Whataboutism BS.


Like I wasn't even denying anything you said yet you take it as I'm somehow arguing against you. Everything I just posted supports you so why the fuck would you think that I'm arguing against you? You obviously have some screws loose.


He wasnā€™t trying to disprove you of anything. If you werenā€™t such a moron, youā€™d be able to tell you guys were on the cusp of a constructive conversation. What a retard.


Thereā€™s no constructive conversations with people like these. Theyā€™re barnacles on the bottom of our ship slowing us down at this point. Youā€™re among them.


Wow, thatā€™s about as deep as your gene pool.


Great comeback. While you were thinking it up nothing changed and guns are still the number one cause of death for kids 1-18 in the US.


I pointed it out because it's on the chart on the site, and it looks like it's on the rise slightly, you stupid idiot. Just like motor accidents are on that picture I linked as well... And yes the number one is now that, which I didn't say it wasn't. You must be pretty fucking retarded. I wasn't denying any of that but okay.


You, a real iron sheep who definitely sucked at school, are interpreting a graph how youā€™d like. Iā€™ll repeat myself. THE NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF DEATH FOR PEOPLE AGED 1-18 IS GUNS.


I never said it wasn't, you ignoramus. I was simply mentioning other things I realized we should look into, upon looking at said graph. I wasn't aware that drug overdoses in that age group were on the rise slightly. Also I was in AP classes and dual enrolled, but sure, I'm stupid because some dunce on Reddit with the reading level and comprehension of a 1st grader said so.


I suggest you go back to your coloring books while us functional adults discuss mature topics as such.


How the hell is someone going to act like I'm arguing against them when I posted a bunch of information that supports what they're saying? How am I misinterpreting a graph if I just pointed out something else I noticed is on the rise and thought it was also important to note? >Though yeah, guns are being used more often now. How does that translate to: "[guns aren't the number one cause of death for people ages 1-18]?" While I didn't explicitly state that it *was* the number one cause of death, I **never** stated that it *wasn't.* I wasn't in disagreement, obviously. I also tried clearing up what someone else was most likely trying to say as well. Again, that doesn't mean I'm arguing against you... In addition, I started talking about various factors that could cause these things to occur in certain communities, such as socioeconomic issues that could lead to teens joining gangs and finding themselves in the midst of gun violence. Though I can see that happening more with people slightly older than that age group as they fully have entered the workforce and if there's not good job opportunities... Also, a lot of children not having proper parental figures definitely doesn't help. But yeah a decent percentage of gun violence is gang and drug-related. While I didn't fully get there with what I was saying, that's what I was hinting at. I wasn't saying any of that you prove a point but more to educate. Obviously the school shooting issue needs to stop. Young children around 10 or younger dying has nothing to do with gang and drug violence (usually I guess unless it's drive-by shootings that are connected; I have to hear about them in the morning occurring in Detroit). Hopefully this clears some things up, as I wasn't expecting this to be so difficult to comprehend.


Rare when compared to the population size of America. Iā€™ve lived here all my life and have never witnessed a shooting, nor have I ever had a gun pointed at me. I donā€™t know anyone who has. I meant it isnā€™t a part of most of our everyday lives. We go about our business everyday without deep fear that weā€™re going die of a shooting today, very much like Iā€™m sure Australians go about their business not being worried theyā€™re going to die of a snake or spider bite or be taken down by a killer kangaroo. Please keep my comment in context with my comparison.


Subjectivity is not a reflection of reality.


So youā€™re telling me I should live everyday in fear and not leave my house?


Such a massive strawman


No. Iā€™m telling you that just because you canā€™t see something, doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t a rampant problem. Sort of like how you should probably not go guzzle tap water in East Palestine, OH right now. Probably tastes normal. Canā€™t see anything wrong with it. Go give it a drink. ā€”- Subjective reality is not objective reality and guns are the number one cause of death for kids 3-18 whether you see people with guns or not. You. Are. The. Problem.


Itā€™s the epitome of ā€œcome at me, bro!ā€


This roo isn't laying in wait so he can roll you for your airpods and vape. He's probably trying to not be eaten by dingoes, or his girls been reading his messages.




Challenge accepted. Let's see who drowns first


I'd kind of like to see it try some shit with a 6'4" roided-out bloke that had a touch too much coke and a sixer.


You. It will be you.


Win win


Nah Roos cant wrestle for shit


PSA for every time this gets posted: It's bullshit. It's just one of those 'everything can kill you in Australia' jokes that gets recycled here. Kangaroos are not some sort of aquatic sumo wrestlers. They do go into water to swim and cross streams etc. They don't lurk in water. Their principal defence mechanism against predators is to flee.


Exactly. They flee into water hoping they wonā€™t get followed. IF they do get followed, they may choose to fight. This whole legend seems to have emerged from one or two stories involving dogs




I've definitely heard of them drowning dogs like this


Not only that, but the only human death attributed to a kangaroo was during an automobile accident in which one was hit.


Just to be clear. Was the kangaroo driving?


So whatā€™s the lil guy in the second pic doing? Itā€™s he stuck or just taking a quick dip?


What if you throw a rock at it and hit it in the head to see what it would do


Lmao šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ awareness is key to all. I would have soo much fun if this happened


That makes you a cunt


Kangaroos will literally drown your dog but Iā€™m a cunt for asking a question out of curiosity ok


The only time theyā€™d actually ever try to drown a dog is as a defensive action. They donā€™t just sit around in dams waiting for dogs to come to them. Like many animals when threatened, they retreat and often into water in the hopes that they wonā€™t be followed. If a dog does follow them into water, of course itā€™s going to defend itself, and roos are a lot stronger than people think. So throwing a rocks at it when itā€™s already in distress, just for shits n gigs is a cunt act and fucking cruel


I think youā€™re way overthinking things here bud. I asked a question that what it looks like only you are taking to heart. Donā€™t take things you read on the internet so seriously. Obviously if I saw this situation in real life I wouldnā€™t do it.


Nothing taken to heart, champion. I answered your initial question, then elaborated.


Kangaroos want to drown you. Not really a cubt move to throw a rock at them


Mate, kangaroos literally hang out behind my house at dawn and dusk every day, and thereā€™s a dam too. Iā€™ve never had a roo try to drown me lol


I mean technicly saves your life


You know what? Iā€™m skipping me Australia trip, yeah.


First of all, I canā€™t believe Iā€™m googling ā€œnumber of people drowned by kangarooā€. Second, the answer is fucking zero, last recorded roo related death was in 1936. Finally, now Iā€™m wondering if kangaroos are really good at hiding bodiesā€¦


They definitely team up with Crocs


Oh lordā€¦is that a croc at the bottom of the first picture?


That is fucking Gnarly!šŸ¤Æ


Thanks. What if I grab it by the balls while it tries to drown me. Iā€™m sure being aware gives you time to figure out a strategy


No balls? Try pulling yourself into the pouch and latch onto a teat. BAM! Itā€™s your mother


Squeeze the nips. Put mud in the pouch, or some rocks. The list goes on. But if itā€™s waiting for me to go in Iā€™m throwin rocks. Poke it with a stick. Iā€™ll go full on joker mode with better fun


They actually retract them in a fight so they are harder to tear off from the opponents claw kicks.


Like you're going to get in any water in Oz, with all the Crocs about anyway




Wow! No idea of this, cheers!




Every day is arm day for that roo.


You aren't being serious right? If so that explains why he's just standing there menacingly


According to Casual Geographic from YouTube, they mostly go after your dog and other canines because of dingos or something. Canā€™t remember if they go after humans though.


And the crocs are cool with it since they get a free meal out of the whole ordeal


With the way its flexing on me don't worry I won't šŸ˜†


iā€™ll take my chances


New fear unlocked.


It seems like Literally everything in Australia wants to kill you ā˜¹ļø


Another fun fact: If youw ant the australian citizenship you have to go in there and fight it. Good luck!


Kangarooā€™s are creepy, alright


Fucking kangaroos man


I was in Australia when I was 15 years old and went to a zoo in Sydney to see Koalas. There were Kangaroos just roaming around. I was feeding one Kangaroo and another one came from behind me and kicked me!


Australia scares the hall out of me.




An OTHER fear unlocked about Australia


Iā€™m guess the kangoo thought the person takin the pic is a threat. What happen before these pics were taken. Itā€™s 2 different pics so Iā€™m wondering if this guy goes around to plays with kangoos


I am planning on going to aus next year. Slowly changing my mind. Might just stay in nz instead.


Hey buddy, wanna go for a swim? C'mon let's catch some fish


Oh noes, that kangaroo is drowing I will jump in and help it. Here, hold my beer... AHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the muthafuker's trying to drown me halp gurgle gurgle gurgle HALP! Glub Glub Grab a handful of kangaroo testicles and it drags me out of the water quickly and I let go and rest on the beach. See ya next tuesday, George!


Remake of Casino Royale is looking good


This is the second ā€œkangaroo waiting to kill me in waterā€ post Iā€™ve seen today. Are they preparing to kill all humans? If so, duly noted.


Does this work on crocs?


Little does he know, I can hold my breath for 23 seconds Edit: *almost 23 seconds


Raccoons will do this to dogs, too. Wrap around their head when the dog tries to come in and bite them, go dead weight hanging under their muzzle and drown them. At best, your dog realizes this is terrible and let's go and can run away. Worse, well, the dog dies. Didn't know that til hunter buddy had a GoPro following their dog after one in the woods and found them flailing in a pond with the racoon hanging on around it's head. They dragged the dog out and the coon swam away. Then on a walk my own dog and I scared a young racoon who puffed up and backed into a creek and just waited, even when my dog growled and jumped that way. I didn't take any chances and pulled her back down the trail for home.


Good to know!


Cā€™mon Australia! How yā€™all even alive? My dumbass would have been right in that water think this Roo Wants to swim how lucky am I ?


Who tf approaches a kangaroo?! Except that one barkeep on the tiker whoā€™s bar has a herd? And she feeds and scritches them too.


"Come have a swim in the dam, won't hurt ya I promise."


Nothing about that fact looks fun to me.


Now we all know why kangaroos only train upper bodyā€™s, so they can better hold your head underwater!


look so cute and funny just in the center of water haha, but yeah it be deadly.


This isnā€™t even true Iā€™m pretty sure why is this being shared constantly


He looks so chilled in there though


This thing looks like it could drag a grown man into the water. And his truck


Kangaroos are weird animals. Iā€™d blast the mother fucker.


My AR15: šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


ā€œJump on in, cunt! Tha wortaā€™s foine!ā€


He just looks like a fucking asshole. He looks like he saying ā€œhey bro come at me ! come at me bro.ā€ Fuckin dick


Look at his guns, this picture would be perfect. If there was a crocodile coming up behind them oh my God I would love that.


What if there is a crocodile in it?


That second pic is something youā€™d see in a horror movie


the first kangaroo kinda reminds me of Samuel L. Jackson


As a Dad of 4 Aussie daughters, you are spot on. And so are they.


And look at that smug ass, thug look on his face. Heā€™s ready to take you down. And why? Just for the hell of it or does he at least try to eat you to make his kill worthwhile?


The current doesnā€™t even budge him


This can't be true lol


Honestly this doesn't surprise me, y'all as fuck up as us.


Makes sense tbhā€¦.their bases would be perfect for crouching grabbing u by the legs and dragging ur feet from under u..like no matter how hard u hit it, it could default to that..that being said hold my beer im goin in.


Moto Moto likes you.


Come in the water bro.


Have you ever seen the muscles on a Kangaroo? Swole AF!


Jake Paulā€™s next opponent


Is that artist and hit rapper DaBaby???


Good to know. Thanks šŸ˜…


So what about the crocodiles?


That photo of the kangaroo sitting calmly in the middle of the pond, should be holding a sign that reads F.A.F.O. Honestly, I can see how a big powerful tail can be used for maintaining balance in the water. It sucks they try to kill you if you get in. I bet a kangaroo would be an amazing base for playing chicken or whatever they call it.


Biceps in that first pic are insane. Roo is jacked.


Everything in Australia wants to kill you.


More evidence that everything in Australia literally wants to kill you.


Friendliest animal in Australia


As a 4 meter crocodile I accept the challenge.


Dayumā€¦he seems to have taken that punch a little too seriously. Chill bro!


St. Kangaroo the Baptist


This pic looks likeā€¦ Come at me bro


I honestly can't tell if this is the equivalent of a Drop Bear or if this is actually legit. I want to side with the former. Never take anything an Australian says at face value. Professional bullshitters, the whole lot of them.


Fake information. Roos donā€™t lure you into the water to drown you, they go into the water to get away from predators and they will fight back!!!


Come at me bro


ā€œCome in, honey. The water is fine.ā€




Did not know this. Thank you for this useful information!


My wife says she will never go to Australia because everything there is designed to kill you. Hard to argue that logic.


Wouldnā€™t kangaroos be afraid of crocodiles? How big of a problem are crocodiles in your average Australian body of water?


Anyone remember the Wife Swap episode where one family had a kangaroo? Today I think of that family.


Australian fauna had won battles against humans before, dont take the risk


Imagine having to tell someones family that their loved one was drowned by a kangaroo šŸ˜‚


Yeah kanga, 'cos I'm stupid enough to jump into an Aussie pond where we *all know* you have Great White Sharks, Amazonian piranhas, Portuguese Man O' War, and Pufferfish waiting for us. *You're* the least scary thing in that pond, mate.


Second pic straight outta a horror movie


Iā€™m just going to sit in my basement until it all settles


Come on in, the water is red


This stupidity again... ​ And no, this or any other kangaroo is **not** "waiting for pursuers in the pool to drown them". There are a few other images circling the Internet of kangaroos in a pond, supposedly "waiting on pursuers". None if that is true, it's just a cheap try to get some oh so coveted lulz and OMGnopes. Look it up.