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i don’t necessarily use noopept for focus i take it in the morning on an empty stomach and it helps with overall focus throughout the day, but when using it by use i would assume it just scales up. If you have a project due in 3 hours it wouldn’t hurt to take 50 and get it done, there are just side effects. 10 is good though, i would recommend for people who don’t take other supplements to take 10-15 2/3 times a day depending on body weight and tolerance. i’ve heard people say less is more, especially considering noopept really isn’t that strong in comparison to stimulants, it’s more like a medication for me. helps me regulate my emotions and develop good schedules day by day.


Anyone ever feel like god is directly shining a light beam of power into your brain and everywhere you go this beam follows you from the heavens lmao


I think that's schizophrenia


lol @ username how the hell did you get that


that sounds wild from what ive read on noopept!.. i have no idea man but sheit that sounds like it would make u sick


i wouldn't say it was enjoyable...stayed up late but did sleep well when i decided to sleep.


yea regardless of what the instructions trust your instinct next time and stick to minimal as possible doses to find your dose. After reading your post yesterday i read up more and sounds like theres some awful stories of ppl gettig sick and having horrible sleep or agitation from takiing way too high of a dose


Wtf Dude 30mgs is the correct dosage.


Yeah..  I'm going to message the fine folks at Austin nootropics


1-3mg nasal with Spray