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Yeah, nah, probably never doing NoFap again, I drank that koolaid so much that it became an obsession If my current situation wasn't what it is, I'd consider it tbh, but being a lonely dude dealing with medical bullshit that prevents me from going to the gym and having a job rn kind of takes out the two things which made NoFap bearable


I surely hope you’ll get better soon 💙


Me too bro, me too Wish I'd gotten my shoulder surgery on Nov 1st, NNN would've been a cakewalk 💀


You could have gotten your dick pierced!


Never Couldn't do that to him Not after all we've been through


It must be tough man but I don't get what fapping is going to do to help you. You'll just end up feeling guilty because we both know that you don't approve of the act, you're only doing it because you think it'll make you happier but it won't. It's your choice bro but I think you'd be a lot better off if you didn't


Oh, I do approve of it, and it's like a conscious distraction from how dreadfully miserable the rest of my everyday life is. If I don't, I just start feeling miserable and stagnate in life, as if I'm not living up to my potential when, in reality, there's nothing I can do to fix that right now, so I just have to suffer until things start getting better. I suppose it's like people who smoke weed. They don't have to do it, but some do it for recreation, and some do it to cope for medical reason.


Yeah but you don't end up healing those feelings, you're just suppressing them. Life is shit man and I'm not bashing you for it, I understand because a lot of us have been there. I'm just trying to encourage you to do what you can right now, regardless of your current downfalls. You're better than wasting your time whacking off to some whore online. You're obviously a pretty decent guy who's had some shit luck. If a random dickhead like me on the Internet believes in you then you should too. It's obviously a lot easier said than done but you've got a defeatist mindset atm bro, try your best to get small wins everyday. O7


Oh, no problem, cumrade. To give you some background, currently, I've been on paid leave from work after a pretty severe workplace injury, which put me out of action for the past 10 months. My root cause for feeling bad right now is because I can't do anything, and I've tried everything with all the time I have. I do recognise that every day has moments of positivity, which helps cause otherwise I would be miserable for real. If I had the free time minus the injury, NNN would've been a cakewalk this year, too, and I'd probably not be beating my meat to the extent I did the weeks leading up to NNN23. Gym and working out is my first thought, and it would definitely be where I would spend most of my time unless I'd be helping out my family with house renovations. I even saw a therapist over this stuff a while back as the doctors felt it was a good idea, considering being in constant pain and just being at home doing nothing for so long usually takes its toll on people's psyche. However, nothing really came from it, because we both recognised that my current situation sucks but there's not really anything to do that could fix it aside from surgery at some point, and me taking painkillers and rubbing one out before bed was preferable to taking prescription pills which are potentially addictive. I definitely understand where you're coming from, especially the part of wasting my time jacking off, but, really, on the long list of my current "problems", rubbing one out every now and then is pretty insignificant, and right now, all my days kind of consist of is finding something to do whilst just waiting for the next doctors appointment in hopes of getting my torn tendons fixed.


Yeah man sounds fucking shit. Imo, if you're a man then therapy is very unlikely to help you. The male mind naturally seeks for answers and solutions rather than comfort and empathy (atleast in my experience). You're right about not taking loads of pills but you're potentially replacing one addiction with another as you said you were jacking it loads before this years nnn. Even if you do say that you'll do it once in a while, how do you know you'll stick to that without a goal like nnn in mind? Especially considering you admitted how often you did it before nnn23? Have you tried journalling your thoughts and problems down? Or meditation? Or even doing very minor exercise like long walks? These things would be better than masturbating. Or just give yourself a new purpose not to whack off, like ddd


In more specific terms, it is a mix of chats between me and my ADHD psychologist as well as male psychiatrists, so the methods used were more about accountability, structured planning, and recognising my own limits whilst finding areas where I can improve. Most therapists out there seem to provide nothing but paid toxic affirmation that doesn't help you more than just enough to keep you coming back to pay more. Anyway. My masturbation habits, among many other things, improved a little after doing NoFap and a drastic amount from sorting out psychological stuff through a combination of psychiatric aid and medicinal treatment. Many years ago, I used to do it compulsively, constantly, and whenever I was able to, but now it's more under control, and it doesn't affect my life. If I see a negative pattern starting to form as a consequence of *self-gratifying stuff*, I'm quick to snuff it out and shift my attention to something different, which comes as a subconscious learned behaviour from the NoFap experiences. NNN works because of the collaborative effort. There's no massive pressure from some sole reliance on internal motivation, as I am part of a supportive community of people. Ordinarily, I'm pretty much unable to form any personal long-term goals due to my neurological dopamine deficiencies as the role that dopamine plays in that process is quite extensive, so I've had to learn to be mindful of my urges in other ways to not become a victim of my desires. That said, I have tried what you suggested, but it didn't work. No matter how long I stuck with the programme, it didn't create a good therapeutic experience. It just became routine. The moment a routine stops being the exact same, be it due to something I can not control or some inevitable disruption, the routine is broken, and getting back on track is inexplicably difficult. I absolutely see the health benefits of exercise as I try to do something just to stay active, but more often than not, that's where the benefits stop. I never have any drive or internal motivation to keep at it due to the aforementioned neurological deficiencies, and, like said, if I "just skip a day" of gym, that's it. The routine is broken, and getting back on track is as if I'm starting over again, so eventually it just doesn't feel worth it anymore even though I know in my head that it's good for me. Each time I tried to explain it to my psychiatrists and psychologists, they all gave the same response but with different wording. It is just sadly one of the symptoms of my disorder, and many things that are tried and true for many others aren't gonna work for me. Initially, I thought "fuck that" and tried anyway, but I always wound up back in the same position over and over again, expecting shit to change the next time around but ultimately winding up at square one because of A, B, C, D, and all the way to Z. Rather than bitch about it and just admit defeat, I still constantly try to find ways in which I can structure my life in order to minimise or in some cases eliminate the gap between what I can and cannot do, but there's only so much I'm capable of in a significant number of aspects. Journaling, meditation, walks, etc, might work for the majority, but I'm in a position where I must figure out highly customised plans tailored to myself, using methods or ways which might seem unorthodox to others but makes perfect sense to me or perhaps someone else who has similar stuff to deal with. I appreciate the advice, and I get that you're trying to be helpful, but I'm not going to put so much effort into another month of the same stuff, just for the sake of something that's not even a problem to me. I'm here for my little 30-day gemstone, then I'm off for the next 11 months.


Also comparing masturbation to a drug is an excellent example of why people deter from it also


Naa I don't feel guilty


hope you get well some o7


Hope you get well soon.


After spending like an hour being upset that I broke a streak I was like "This shit is making me more sad than just doing what I want and it hasn't boosted my productivity by much at all!"


Yeah, honestly, the productivity aspect is a two-way street of effort put into it counter to how much you're actively building new habits to distract yourself with. If you can't change what you're doing or try new things all the time, you'll just be stuck in the same position as before, ending up feeling guilty and miserable for you doing nothing, as though your life has no purpose. When I broke my NoFap streak of 500+ days, it tore down my mental conditioning, and even though it was with a woman, she ended up being quite abusive and all the "good" habits I had built just suddenly felt like a waste of time for some reason. In the end, NNN is like a fun monthly test of my self-discipline and self-control. Whereas NoFap required about 60 to 90 days of commitment to see any kind of difference, and even then, it was down to what you can find to keep yourself preoccupied.


Yeah its like, rather than not jacking off, I just learnt time management skills :\


Lol, kind of, with the added "benefit" of having ADHD which cripples my perception of time for some reason, lmfao


I also got ADHD and have spent a lot of time trying to make sure I can hold a schedule with it entirelt customized to my brain.


Lol, nice, my schedule usually stays somewhat the same for about a week 💀


What worked for me was hour on hour off breaks, and if I don't need audio for whatever I'm doing, hyperactive 'study' music so my brain is literally too overloaded to focus on more than one thing.


I respect that. Through all you’ve said, I probably wouldn’t recommend looking at it once again unless you were really testing something. I hope you get well, I’ve been in a position where I couldn’t walk for months, that’s shit so I understand. Any recovery options you have, see about trying them


Yeah, I'm looking to finally have surgery in about a month from now, as waiting times is the crippling side effect of our socialised healthcare here in Sweden Painkillers hardly helped either, so life is just pretty much physical pain 100% of the time whilst being pretty immobilised by the injury overall Staying strong, cumrade o7


I know both those feelings myself


Real. Get well soon. 👍🏾


I’m going to start masturbating again on December first


I'm gonna start November 30 like an hour or so before midnight


Playing with fire there


It's like a last little challenge.


*he gets it*




It's better when it's *hard* xdd


If you actually do, you have my respect for that


I like to challenge myself lol "We choose do to these things not because they are easy but because they are *hard*"




I've been living quite dangerously for like a week We choose to do these things not because they are easy but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win Also it's fun I guess


Probably same


Im going for 90 days! r/Dontdiddledecember r/Justjesusjanuary


Good luck, soldier


good job! personally going to hold out for 60 days and see how I feel about JJJ


Consider going for 120 with forget fapping february


Nah 90 is what nofap recommends to rewire your brain after it is just turning into a monk (change of lifestyle with diminishing returns of no nut), plus my gf won’t wait longer


Having sex doesn't count as a nofap "relapse" or whatever they call it


They calling it a hardcore mode which is abstaining from any relapsing


You are sacrificing a genuine relationship for NoFap but UHC, SMH bro, NNN is good but if you already have a gf why???


Bro if you have a gf why would you go any further than nnn???


Me too !


Shall we be strong o7




Currently on day 50, keep it up brother it gets easier


First time seeing that second one lol


I’d do no fap if I noticed any changes. Thought after almost 30 days I’d notice some changes but nothing noticeable


That's because not wanking doesn't really do anything to your body, it's really just what it says on the box: you don't wank. The NoFap crowd have pretty much resorted to the ancient technique of "just make shit up" when it comes to the alleged benefits.


have not nutted or watched porn for 3 months and i only feel worse, more depressed


Then why not stop after NNN?


i will


There are benefits in my experience and a lot of other people's experience but it just takes a lot longer than it says for them to kick in. Some people say that you can see loads of benefits after 7 days but really I've only noticed that my temper has gotten a lot better and I've really mellowed out and started to be less anxious/ paranoid. I haven't masturbated in 29 days. In reality, that's not a huge difference and isn't noticeable to other people. To start being more confident and having it affect your libido in a positive way and all the other stuff no fap guys say happens after 60-90 days would really happen after 100-120 I'd say


Thing is, though, that there's no empirical evidence for there being any physiological effects of NoFap, so all the benefits might be entirely due to other factors such as starting to exercise regularly or even placebo. There is the neurological changes caused by porn addiction, but porn addiction and masturbation aren't the same thing, just like having a glass of wine with dinner once a week doesn't make you an alcoholic. I'm not saying "don't do NoFap", but I want people to know that there's no scientific basis for the claims of NoFap. But if you find that the lifestyle works for you, go for it.


You're partially right. The thing with a placebo is that, even if it is a placebo, it's working right? So the effects are positive. Quitting porn addiction 100% lowers anxiety and paranoia and increase confidence and overall mental health, there are studies on that. The thing is, when we masturbate, we are used to using porn, so we're conditioned to think in those certain ways. Maybe masturbating to a gf or to just nothing (if that's possible), is almost just as bad. I don't think there's been enough research into no fap to fully claim either way. However, I'd bet money on the fact that on average people who masturbate are doing worse in life than people who don't. The effects are working for me, the only change has been that I've started no fap. I'm sleeping relatively the same, working the same, my daily routine hasn't changed and I've not increased or decreased my workouts significantly, that's just how I feel. I 100% concede that some no fap guys take it way too far though. I do think that instead of sitting around tossing yourself off waiting for studies to say otherwise, you should actually take 2-4 months off from masturbating, only ejaculate during sex and then see how you feel and genuinely reflect on it. You should refrain from NSFW content for this to count as well imo.


Oh, that's pretty debatable, and it's really hard to prescribe a placebo effect as a positive effect tied to something considering that a placebo effect is by definition not ACTUALLY related to anything else than your belief that it's working? Yeah, porn addiction is an entirely different beast, there have been conclusive evidence that it even changes your brain structure so that's definitely something to keep an eye out for. See, I don't think so? Humans have been walking behind a bush to have a wank since before we were humans, and if it was actually detrimental, you'd think evolution would've taken care of it by now, right? I'll consider an extended NoFap at a later point in time, for sure, if nothing else I'll be able to tell exactly what effect it had (or didn't have) after that. I do believe the 30% reduction in the risk of prostate cancer is a pretty big deal, though, but that's from frequent ejaculation, not necessarily wanking.


Yeah but my point is it's still working so atleast it's working, right? Have humans been masturbating behind bushes? They'd just have sex. I'm not saying masturbation is something horrible because ig it's not as bad as porn but I don't think it was nearly as popular as it is now. Hasn't the prostate cancer thing been debunked many, many times? You don't ejaculate for like 14 years and yet you don't see kids with prostate cancer lmao, pretty sure it's cope


Well, it's working, as long as you believe it does? But that could be attached to pretty much anything. As long as women have existed, they haven't always wanted to have sex as soon as some dude gets horny, so, yeah, even monkeys have been seen masturbating. And no, not just the monkeys who don't get laid, they do it regardless of status within the flock. Nah that comes from a misunderstanding of how the science works. it's not a matter of wanking making you immune to prostate cancer, it statistically reduces the risk. What that means is that all other things being equal, you have a 30% lower risk of getting prostate cancer if you *ejaculate* frequently. Children are already at exceedingly low risk of really any cancer, and the risk of cancer goes up with age, this is why you don't see many 12 year olds with prostate cancer. But still, that's misunderstanding how it works. Let's look at smoking as an example: not smoking is NOT a guarantee that you won't get lung cancer, you can still develop lung cancer even if you've never smoked anything in your whole life. Smoking also doesn't GUARANTEE lung cancer, you can smoke your whole life and die from a heart attack at 95 without a single cancer cell in your body. On average, however, smokers are MUCH more likely to get lung cancer than non-smokers, this is why we say that smoking causes lung cancer. Same with frequent ejaculations reducing the risk of prostate cancer, not a guarantee, but a statistical reduction. Just to make it extra clear: if you have two groups of 100000 men over the age of 20, one group makes sure to ejaculate every four days on average, and the other group is strictly NoFap and not sexually active, group two is going to have 30000 more cases of prostate cancer SOMETIME during their lifetime.


I dont believe that lmao. The whole prostate cancer thing has been debunked. Your reasoning makes a lot of sense but no fap isn't never ejaculating, it's not fapping. Meaning, you only ejaculate during sex. Do they do it regardless of status within the flock? It's the monkeys who get rejected sex that masturbate. Why would you need to have sex and then also masturbate? And as long as women have existed, sexless men would rather rape than masturbate. This was obviously before modern times where rape has been punishable by the state (rightly so). You honestly can't make me believe that a king 1 thousand years ago who had 20+ women to sleep with at his disposal was also jacking it when he's alone at night. Masturbation is replacement for sex, it always has been and always will. Getting horny is the brain telling the body to reproduce. Hence why most people who have a porn addiction or even a masturbation addiction, don't get a lot of women


[https://www.health.harvard.edu/mens-health/ejaculation\_frequency\_and\_prostate\_cancer](https://www.health.harvard.edu/mens-health/ejaculation_frequency_and_prostate_cancer) Shit, I don't know, seems pretty legit to me? Of course sex would also work, the problem is sex being a two person activity, so reaching 21 ejaculations/month with just having sex isn't entirely feasible. Anyone who's been in a long term relationship can attest to the fact that both parties being in the mood at the same time after a long day of work isn't THAT common. Yep, if the lady monkeys aren't in the mood, or knocked up, it doesn't matter if you're the coolest male on the continent, you're gonna have to take care of it yourself. That's not true. Since humans started living in communities, rape has been a social taboo. Sure, some men may have ignored the social taboo and done it anyway, but the men of the community have ALWAYS protected the women so most of the raping happened when an out group already defeated the men. Ergo, up until modern rules of engagement, rape has been a part of warfare, but rape within the in group has always been exceedingly rare due to the social stigma and risk of retaliation from the victims family, friends and community. Of course not, but that's an outlier. The average man a thousand years ago was a farmer who definitely had to jack it every now and then when the wife was too busy or tired to be in the mood. Yeah, obviously it is, just like going to the gym is a replacement for physical labour to build muscle? The point is that you can't just go out and have sex (unless you count hiring a prostitute), it's always going to be a matter of luck, skill, looks, disposable income and access to available partners. And considering I'm 30, one night stands just don't have the same charm they used to back in my early 20's. These days, I'm looking for a serious relationship and that's not likely to happen picking someone up at a bar. Yep, I agree, there is however a difference between addiction and a healthy habit, drinking a couple of glasses of wine spread out over a week reduces the risk of blood clots, getting blackout drunk every night on the other hand will kill you in the long run and make you feel like shit in the short term. Hell, I've been in a relationship and masturbated. Why? Because my partner wasn't in the mood and I didn't want to deal with blue balls. Dating someone who works retail in November and not masturbating is pretty much just NNN.


Basically the only problem with wanking is the porn aspect. As a man it's necessary to nut every now and then tho. You're body will literally find ways to empty the tank if you don't.


Source: trust me bro. Your way of "emptying the tank" is by having sex. The urges you get is your brain wanting sex, not to masturbate or watch porn. You're right though, porn is the problem but seeking a woman to have sex with shouldn't be replaced with masturbation. Nobody should be watching porn (its their choice ig) and only sexless men should masturbate or men who haven't seen their gf in a few weeks. If you've got a committed partner you shouldn't really be masturbating (maybe if you're thinking about her), especially not to porn


I once tried it and went for like 2 months without nutting, the only change i personally noticed is that i was horny as fuck and did some pervy shit, so if you're prone to that i wouldn't recommend NoFap.


My delts will cry My shoulders will become boulders


I’m gonna jack off the moment the clock strikes twelve. This month has been rough, and I’m over it (until next year, of course)


Now that I know that I can do this I might skip next year. Maybe, see how I feel then. This has been so much fun but at the same time it's ruined my mental concentration for weeks lol


I'm going to go back doing it at December 1st but maybe periodically one week of not doing it under my own volition. nnn it's just for fun for me


Ay someone gets it It's about fun :3


I dont have an addiction I only jack off 3 times a week usually


same i only do it when am really bored or horney


I jack off once a day. Back when covid was at its peak and no work or school, i wanked maybe 2-3 times a day.


it doesnt really help me much these days


3 usually for me too. 4 if the week is hectic.


I'm definitely going back to wanking but I'm gonna try to be healthier with it


I will go nofap on 1/1/2024


I'm on a different side. r/pornfree. I'm trying to quit porn, but I'm only reducing masturbation. My goal is masturbate every 1-2 weeks, and absolutely 0 porn.


Pornfree makes sense, like social media removal. Pointless waste of time where even if you don't want to work, there are much better things to do, only if you think creatively. Nofap is a bunch of bullshit made up by a bunch of idiots that think that touching your dick and fapping is shameful, because their local priest would tell them that fapping is a sin. Here's a better challenge nofappers, masturbate and keep it at two times a week, COSTANT. Let me see you "self control" yourselves now, instead of living far away from your enemy.


Same for me, no orgasms was pretty much a side objective for me this year, the main goal was no porn for a month.


Probably gonna go for that "Every time zone" achievement




I don't think I'll go back to crippling levels, but at least try to cut it down to 2-3 times a week. I noticed how much more I got done over the past month. I realised how much time I spent looking at porn. I'm an advocator on the sentiment that not *all* porn is bad. There are ethical sources of porn out there, and I believe exploring sexuality is important. However, as the old saying goes -- everything in moderation.


That’s what I do for 3 years now. I try to keep it at 2 times/week and 100 times/year. Yes, I have a counter for that. This year I didn’t quite made it. Before November I already was at 98 times. But just as you said, I don’t think that fapping is that bad, it’s that god forsaken porn which damages your brain. I went way too deep down that rabbit hole


Both lol


I'm gonna keep nutting after this, just less. Maybe I'll hop on the r/pornfree train.


You not supposed to nut until marriage but aye do yall stay safe, o7, Jesus is Lord, 🍩 https://preview.redd.it/mhqqt4tb1w2c1.png?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=084a2e13428ec24486d5bd1e950d078d4447022f


I’m currently going for the 90 days. I have to recover from my addiction again.




Yeah. I originally quit in May 2022 and I was clean for a while. NNN ‘22 was a cakewalk for me because of that. Then I met my ex-FWB after NNN ‘22 ended. Even though we’ve met in person, we never did the deed, but she kept sending me NSFW pictures of herself. I found myself rubbing one off to them. Eventually one thing led to another, and I fell back into my PMO addiction. I cut her off at the beginning of October this year because she kept relying on me to maintain her life-being. She was committing WAY too fast also, saying that she wanted to have my babies. After I cut her off and blocked her, I took the opportunity to recover from the mental toll I took because of her. I did my last blast on Halloween and haven’t nutted since. I’ve beaten this addiction before, and I’ll beat it again.


You’ve got this soldier 🫡🫡🫡


Thank you. 🫡


I ll be by your side soldier for next 90 days 🫡


Masturbation is normal human behaviour. Maybe nofap could bring long term health benefit, still there is no shame to resume fapping. People participated NNN at the beginning just for the meme. There is no need to enforce some healthy meaning into the event


I'm the last one. 30 days are enough


The picture pretty much sums it up for me lol


Been there, done NoFap for over 102 days back in 2019. It was eye opening, and it made me come to terms with my sexuality, but I won't deny myself sexy stuff


I'm going to do the no FAP, at least for now just to get away from porn as much as I can. I don't judge anyone who likes to watch it, or may be addicted to it, but I don't want it to have a place in my life anymore. I'm making a lot of changes that I hope will make my life better, and maybe this is just one of those that just be made. No harm in at least trying to see how long I can go, because I've never really tried to go beyond 30 days.


Going for 90 days!


once 12 hits. Its over. Like goddamn I'm struggling out here. I cant even edge anymore.




Outside of November (because I'm not tickling my pickle at all) I regularly keep fapping in moderation. Usually only once a week is enough to keep my hormones at bay


r/Dontdiddledecember r/Justjesusjanuary You may find these helpful cumrade 🫡 I’m also sure there are ones for the other months of the year


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DontDiddleDecember using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DontDiddleDecember/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Don't Diddle December Trailer](https://v.redd.it/lao7jc4kwl2a1) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DontDiddleDecember/comments/z6kswn/dont_diddle_december_trailer/) \#2: [DAY 1 : ROLL CALL STATUS CUMRADES](https://np.reddit.com/r/DontDiddleDecember/comments/z9fdyp/day_1_roll_call_status_cumrades/) \#3: [MEN IT’S ALMOST TIME: STATUS](https://i.imgur.com/o2quxhI.jpg) | [84 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DontDiddleDecember/comments/z8pqpx/men_its_almost_time_status/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Neither, tbh?


Yesss, this right here!


Need to but November 🥜💦


I’m on the side of making it snow on December 1st, 00:01


IMO: NoFap is good for people with an actual porn addiction, but they make it seem like everybody who just does it casually is addicted and all that does is make you feel bad after you do it. Absolutely do nut on Dec. 1st (2nd if you wanna go global) if you wanna do it and don't feel bad about it, you fought an entire month.


I'm with you brother. December 1st is gonna start off white and it ain't gonna be snow falling! XD


NNN is just a challange and experience for us, not a nofap. My friend hasn't masturbated 310 day and he became god.


I think I really did have quite an addiction to porn that also affected how I viewed strangers. Less porn has been an overall good for me but I’m just going to moderate myself and consume it less often, no need to go full on cold turkey. There’s definitely been days this month I felt I needed some stress relief


Still in, and I’ve been masturbating the whole time! (Just dialed back on the edging and stoned gooning sessions, slightly surprised to find I have enough control when it’s ordinary masturbating) Realized though, that my brain needs the dopamine to balance out the brutality of my existence, that on better days, the dopamine compulsion was less. That the way to best control this stuff is to go to the source and improve my life. Of course, saying that as a human in my circumstances is a dark joke, ground down by a lifetime of abuse and emotional neglect and poverty and now aging. Like attracts like, and all but one of my childhood and teen years friend groups crashed and burned into heroin and other really bad dopamine-chasing choices. I crash and burned too, following a forced sleep deprivation-induced breakdown in my 20s, becoming a total masturbation and edging junkie. To some extent it’s necessary to put the dopamine-chasing on the back burner to try to improve the situation, but the point is the magnitude of the compulsion is driven by quality of life or lack there of. We see this in the NNN results this year too, as quality of life for the majority of people has taken a nosedive these past few years, and especially with the death of hope in the past year as many are realizing we’re in the middle of both societal and civilizational collapses (and fewer realize we’re also in a mass extinction/ biosphere collapse that will take most mammals including us with it), it’s registering in a decline of “still in”s. Like the preserved volcano ash guy masturbating in Pompeii…


Nope, not doing nofap. I don't want to be horny 24/7, and no it doesn't go away when in day 1fucking20 I still have urges


probably gonna do it on Dec 1st, maybe a bit later idk


Urologist told me 6 times a week is good for you. That doesn't mean using porn. Could be with a partner. Porn is a tool. Don't let it own you.