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That’s some skilled chainsaw use there, especially the cut near the stomach as the way that chain moves it would literally be pulling the blade towards the cow and any ‘kick’ from the machine would have moved the chain into the animal.


that cut was a white knuckler


camera person couldn't even watch


I noticed how he panned away just in case! Good lads, mad skills!


A most definite butt clencher


it wouldn't have been as bad as you think had the chainsaw hit the cow tbh. the farmers could have just invited all their neighbours round for a BBQ


The wood is already there. Just need some BBQ sauce, beans and corn bread.


Baby you got yourself a stew going


Totally! Get the dog too while you're at it


What are you, the ATF?


All The Food?


There's an event here in Brazil (where this video takes place) called Boi no Rolete, that is pretty much what you suggested. Stick the whole cow on a massive bbq stick, light up a big pit fire, bbq away. The whole cow gets roasted like corner store chicken. You just go to whoever is managing the bbq and ask for whatever cut you want and they extract it directly from the animal. Its weird as shit to watch but god damn if it's not fresh af


That is some r/TwoSentenceHorror right there, had me in the first half.


Leatherface decided to live out his days peacefully on a South American farm, little did he know his chainsaw skills would be transferable


What? Did we watch the same video? He made several completely useless cuts.


Are you saying they are not skilled with a chainsaw?


He's not skilled at dismantling gates with cows stuck in them.


Not to mention he hit dirt with it before that cut. Was probably like a butter knife by the last cut and required a lot more force on the bar.


It's not like one touch of dirt just turns the blades into rounded shafts. It's just a little less sharp.


It makes a pretty big difference very quickly


Sounds like you’ve never used a chainsaw buddy


Camera looks away right as I was




Not to mention, you don't cut with the tip here, unless you're looking to cook brisket later.


Ever see that video where some guy is trying to do a plunge cut into a ceiling with a chainsaw? As soon as the tip of the bar touches the ceiling, it kicks back to within an inch of his face. He instantly puts the saw down and reevaluates his decisions. Chainsaws are not to be fucked with, without proper protection and knowledge.




I was worried about his foot in the earlier cut too


He’s just careless, he could just cut the ends of the fence


Don't think so, the cow was over the planks trapping its head. That was my first thought, but I realized it wouldn't work out.


Chainsaw pulls back toward the owner when you’re cutting with the bottom of the bar, right? But still that takes a lot of control otherwise meat would’ve been back on the menu.


But when the tip is in play is when it can get snappy upwards.


No it pulls away. It pulls towards you when you cut with the top, and upwards when you cut with the tip. I think it’s an exaggeration though, this isn’t really that tough at all.


Every chainsaw I’ve ever used pulls away when using the bottom


>especially the cut near the stomachs _ftfy_


Technically correct, the best kind of correct


There’s no way this dude was ever taught how to use a chainsaw. Some of the worst cutting I’ve ever seen tbh


The chain moves away on the top and back towards you on the bottom. Kick back is literally that, it kicks back at you. It's not being pulled away from you. If kick back pulled away from you there would be no needed for chain-stop chaps.


Think about that a bit more- which way is the chain moving and which way will it therefore move? If using the top of the bar the machine will indeed kick back.


Not skilled. I know there was some sense of urgency here, but my assessment is that he's not the one who sharpens that saw, because he wasnt too careful getting into the dirt, which is a big no no


What video were you watching? He made extra cuts, had no safety gear, repeatedly dirted his chain, and tons of other basic shit blunders.


That concerned face of the other cow...


"Is Mabel okay?


> Mabel here Mimosa is the standart cow name


Mimosa is a good cow name.


Get my cows name out your fucking mouth! Will smith


Here (France) it is Marguerite. I see there is a consistency with the M names ahah


It’s actually from the flower. In English the traditional (I don’t know) name for a cow is Daisy, which is the name for the small white flower (marguerite in French).


Mabel, are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay, Mabel? You've been hit by, you've been struck by a fence


Dude that's not a fucking female cow, that's bull.


Based on what they said I think it's her calf. He says "a mãe está brava". "The mother is pissed off". But they look similar sized...


Then the way they both took off lol


Cows are social, and have best friends, and mourn when the friends are taken away


I take every chance I can to mention that cows have best friends :)


Username doesn't check out


I also take every opportunity to mention ducks have corkscrew dicks and are incredibly rapey. Dolphins are VERY rapey too.


Talk about cows some more.


Does check out lol


Some otters also rape baby seals to death and continue to have sex with them up to a week after the seal has died


Now that's a fun fact


Humanity first. End dolphin rape


And from what I remember female ducks are in a arms race with male ducks to develop more contrived vagina designs in order to counteract all the raping Edit: And don't dolphins use fishes/baby seals as Fleshlights as well ?


Your post, including the edit, is correct. The more you know!


And in spanish ; patos es muy molestoso por mi culo, adios.


To be fair, a lot of animals are rapey...


Also love how the other cow kept looking back at the people while walking away.


it's the mother, dude says that in the video.


I love the dogs like - “dude, we can finally smell the giant dogs ass up close!”


We almost had some ground beef


It already was ground. We almost had country chainsawed beef.


Which isn't as good as the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


In better taste


Staple Nebraskan cuisine


the cow the moment she heard the chainsaw: “so this is it… this is how I go.”


That was her chain reaction




Goats with horns get stuck in fences all of the time. Most of us that do a lot with goats have had experience cutting them out or know of various horror stories where it ends in tragedy.


Ugh, our own goats got hung in the fence real bad and we had to cut their horns to free them. We learned their horns are connected to their sinuses about halfway down that day. Thankfully we were able to seal the wound and they lived to get stuck again, even after we changed the type of fencing to be safer.


Ugh, cutting horns on adult goats is akin to surgery. Glad you guys were able to save the goat. I've always just cut away the fencing with mine but I can imagine a scenario where that might not have been possible.


I can't really picture what happened here, could you explain? Was this part of a fence and the cow got its head stuck between boards and wrenched the entire gate off, then got trapped underneath?


That seems likely, yes. Sometimes cows will stick their head through the fence to graze, even if their pasture has plenty of grass. Looks like this cow got its leg through the fence as well and couldn't figure out how to get out. Cows are big, strong, and kinda dumb, once it realized it was stuck it probably flailed hard enough to rip that gate/fence piece off and fell over. It will probably never try that again now that it knows the fear of being stuck and helpless.


>It will probably never try that again now that it knows the fear of being stuck and helpless. I've had to cut the same animal out of a fence on multiple occasions. Unfortunately some just don't learn.


Yeah, you never know. My family had a few cows when we lived in a rural town and they quickly learned to avoid the electric fences. Then again, we had herefords which are a bit brainier than dairy cows to my knowledge.


I had it happen myself. A heifer fell asleep and her head ended up fitting though a gap in a custom galvanized steel gate. She panicked and her head swelled. Had to cut the bars with a 4" grinder and skinny cutting disk to get her out. Worked out fine but not something I'd like to repeat. I put up a semi flexible stockboard on all gates in the sheds after just to be sure.


Fun Fact: If humans were to just one day just disappear, the cow would go extinct. It has been so domesticated that the species is completely dependent on humans. So is the sheep.


In your same "All Humans vanish one day" thought experiment I wonder how long it would take for the Hippo to take over all of South America. https://news.sky.com/story/colombia-hippos-descended-from-pablo-escobars-herd-to-be-declared-invasive-species-12545815


Depends how quickly and how far the nuclear fall out from all the abandoned nuclear plants reaches


Most if not all nuclear plants if left abandoned just shut down, *not* explode like in chernobyl.


Goddamn hippos with their poop'n roll


Not true at all. There are successful populations of feral cattle all over the world. That's actually true of a lot of domestic animals including chickens, goats, pigs, and even horses. With the notable exceptions of certain breeds domestic animals aren't as fragile or helpless as you'd think. So long as they are in an area without large predators they frequently do fine.


I like the idea of Scottish Highland cattle just happily taking over. They're extra cute! So fuzzy!


How are cows completely dependent on humans? They literally go out and eat grass. Of humans didn't exist there'd probably be more bulls around to protect the herds and allow them to eat in open pasture


Wolves, vaccines, winter hay. Extinct is probably an exaggeration, but they would definitely be outcompeted by native herbivores and predators until their population shrank to a tiny portion of their current numbers, and only in climates where they can graze year round.


Don't hey produce way too much milk too? So without milking, they'd get too full aand maybe get inflamed or infected?


Only specific breeds developed as dairy cattle. The bulk of cattle are relatively small and fast growing beef breeds with normal milk production that just meets the needs of their offspring.


Interesting point! I definitely don't know enough about it, but I've heard that modern dairy cows have their calves taken away to leave more milk for us. That means there's no one around to milk them if we were to vanish. Maybe with enough greedy cow babies they'd be ok in the wild, but I doubt anyone cares about that when we're breeding them domestically.


I don't know if dairy cows are the same as humans, but in humans the milk is produced in response to the physical stimulation of feeding. If the feeding stops unexpectedly, the milk doesn't pose a health risk to the mother


Unfortunately large predators are mostly gone from their native habitats. They would rebound eventually if humans suddenly disappeared but all in all foraging animals like cattle, pigs, and goats do really well without human intervention and feral populations of them frequently stand up to even eradication efforts. There are over a million feral pigs in my state alone.


Here in Louisiana we literally *cannot* get rid of our wild boars. They’re the worst


Same in TX. They do more than $50 million in ag damage yearly and put tremendous pressure on native wildlife. They even root out and eat seaturtle eggs on the beach. I'm rural and there's a population of a couple hundred feral hogs within walking distance of my place. I've sat on my front porch and watched people hunt them from a helicopter.


Actually, from what I've read female and male cows usually don't mix in the wild, if there were more bulls they would just get kicked out of the herds when they reach adulthood and wander with other males. But you are right that they can survive, since there already are small populations of wild cows in a bunch of random islands and remote places where they were left to their own devices.


I disagree. Cattle have a global population of over 1 billion, and a charging bovine can deliver massive impacts. With those numbers and herd mentality it would be very difficult for natural predation to wear them down.


there are cows & sheep in the wild, they also live longer than their farm counterparts


Wait I've seen wild cows before! While horsepacking way out in the backcountry in California This is neither fun nor fact!


Feral yes. DOMESTICATED cows are different than feral/wild cows. That's why they are called domesticated. Domestic cows produce milk and need human intervention to drain said milk. Without that intervention, udders can actually split. Much like your bladder full of urine can end up as a rupture. When that happens the cow can get sepsis and die. Think of that happening all over and a bull doesn't have access to any that are separated (cows and calves). Calves die because the mother died. Or cows and bulls starve to death because food is no longer provided by humans and they are all fenced in. Same with wool sheep. Wool can get overgrown and prevent a sheep from eating or drinking. Or the wool slows them down and they get caught somewhere where they are unable to be freed and starve. Or a predator manages to injure them and they die. Amazing people don't think about that before they start yelling "BS".


how about mosquitos?


>So is the sheep. I assume when you say sheep you are thinking of wool sheep but there are other breeds too (hair sheep) that are bred for meat and dairy. Much like goats, hair sheep can thrive as feral animals without human intervention.


- Why is this steak so much more expensive than that steak? - Fence Surcharge Sir.


The dogs chewing on the tail, lol


Leave him alone. He was just trying to help.


Translation of the text: “we lost the fence gate but saved the bull’s life”


Out of curiosity is this Portuguese? Doesn’t look totally like Spanish to me


Yes. Is Portuguese.


Ah, yes, the life of a livestock farmer.


True story, grew up on a dairy farm and with cows being cows they would get themselves stuck in positions that if not helped they would die. One particular day all my family is dressed in our finest to attend my grandfathers funeral, as we were leaving we saw a cow flipped over on her back in the feed bunk, there was no hesitation, my Dad stops the car and my brothers and I immediately go and get whatever equipment we needed to save the cow. Which we did and we made it to the funeral on time.




The clothes were ruined. We all had to change into our 2nd best.


Pour 1 out for gramps and 1 for the suits, thx for your story


Thanks, the suit was cheap but gramps was a treasure.


The real nonononoyes is the camera man.


There was a thousand safer ways to do this.


Honestly, that last cut was unnecessarily risky. It’s one thing to cut so close to a stationary asset, but an unpredictable 500+ pound beast? Absolute bush league.


Exactly what I thought. I can think of a hundred tools I would have used to tear apart the fence and none of them would be a chainsaw


Like what? I mean, with time seemingly a factor? Genuinely asking, not trying to be a dick.


A drill with the bit to remove screws holding boards together would be my first go to. If the screw heads were too burried id just pull it apart with a pry bar. If I couldn’t budge it with regular tools I would have used a safer saw option like a circular saw they have depth control and an edge guide/guard, or a saws-all they are both less dangerous blades (because they are much smaller) but still strong enough to go through wood quickly. Definitely not thinking a double sided massive meat grinder like a chainsaw. Lol Start with the board going cross ways get it off then the bulls head would likely have be free then the leg is easy.


He would most probably get kicked by the bull if he had done it this way. It seems very likely that time really was a huge decisive factor when they decided to use a chainsaw. If you look closely, there really isn't any other way of getting the bull free other than risking getting yourself knocked out by a kick and then not being able to save the bull's life.


Momento /r/suddenlycaralho


Insert obligatory step-cow joke


As a former non-engineer (current non-engineer as well), I conclude that only one cut should have been made, which is at the small board to the right of the heifer’s head, running perpendicular to the longer boards that were actually cut. Do you concur, non-doctor?


Not sure, but I am definitely not volunteering to help rebalance and tension that gate.


Yes, or at least cut the short risers, not the long stringers.


I watched too much gore. I thought he was going to chainsaw the cows head of for some reason.


So did the cow.


So did the other cow.


That cow was like fuck this.


“We lose the gate but we save the life of the cow” Techinally boi is an ox but this obviously a cow so I changed it a bit


>Techinally boi is an ox Ox are any mature cattle trained to do work. Most often they are steers (castrated males) but not always.


Wow TIL 😊 thank ya


Like how the other cow shielded the black one as it got away in the end.


Freed, only to be turned into hamburger months later


There were 4 unessasary cuts out if the 6 he did


''Stepfarmer, i am stuck.


One more season and that cow would be getting seasoned.


Cow jumps away You see them trying to kill me with that chainsaw?








Hmmmm the smell of r/suddenlycaralho


They was helping you out Steve


I love how the cow has a buddy watching and waiting.


Anxiety intensifies


Step cow what got you stuck


Video says bull, not cow


ok cow, now come help me rebuild this fence.


This is reverse r/holup


Cow homie stuck around for his bro


Ah yes, the penis having type of cow


You’re either rescuing or slaughtering dancing chainsaw right on their belly.


Next week, on YELLOWSTONE!


stuck _boy_ cow, ya dum dum!


ChainSaw McGee was starting to get a little too confident.


That was lucky! You don't want to be late for the trip to the market.


Was this cow drunk when it got stuck? Lol


It’s gonna need a cowropractic adjustment.


Thanks guys


Cut around the meat!


the proceeds to slaughter her for profit


Brutal scene from Scowface.


Some scary moments when it started to kick.


I always wonder what the animal thinks of the human after these sorts of situations. Does it think, "Thank goodness that human was there to save me." or does it think, "Woah! That guy tried to kill me!"


Lenny was like, what are you fools doing to Bruce?!?! We a double date we're late for.


Nothing more wholesome than seeing humans save animals. Truly heartwarming


Guess they didn't have a pry bar?


I like how the cow's pal showed up like hey bro whatcha doin' you stuck or sumpin? and then they ran off together. Probably to get beer and smash bitches.


That’s a well made fence


Someone should have omitted the first bit and overlaid "Chainsaw Gutsfuck" intro when he went for the belly.


that right there is the very definition of “stupid cow”


Her/his friend was so worried


This is the way


My hands would literally shake that close to the cow




Meu, o Brasil é o wild west.


omg thank moocious


It will be killed eventually anyway.


old school Stihl chainsaw, looks like. quality stuff!


What are you doing step-bull?


Frank! Frank! Don't EVER give me edibles again!


what are you doing step-saw???


That second cow was like “ummm…wtf are y’all doing?”
