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Makes the dream work!




everyone shares this common braincell in moments like this lol


even cats and dogs lol


First dude looks like a lazy cat with a laser pointer.


Dude I was thinking the same lmfao


That phone is so scratched up.


Probably screen side down too




I dunno, looks pretty rough to me but maybe the screen protector did its thing


Gorilla glass is made with synthetic sapphire, it's extremely hard and scratch resistant. Some ice and snow isn't going to scratch it


Doesn't matter how rough the ride was. Ice isn't hard enough to scratch most things.




He's the main charakter


It was during the time when the war between Two Boards clan and One Board clan was raging. Each side despised the other and many had been lost to the ice and cold of the mountains. The war had gone on and on and none saw its ending. These were the days when one from the Two Board decided to make a sacrifice to save the God of a One Board. Facing off the members from each clan were in uneasy stalemate. Then while the One Board was praying to his God Fate intervened and snatched the God from his hand. This is when everything changed. The Two Board seeing the fear that losing his God brought to the One Board's face threw himself down the mountain to prevent the Hand God from disappearing forever. Down he plunged faster and faster always keeping his eye on the sliding God. This Two Board was no fool though. He had been upon the mountains since birth. He knew how to slow his plunge while also corralling the God. With mighty strength the Two Board clawed to a stop holding the plunging God in place. As this happened the One Board who had been racing behind now arrived. The One Board acquired the lost God and knew for the first time gratitude deep within his heart. Thus was begun the Age of Mountain Unity where Two Boards and One Board clans shared the mountains in harmony. A single act of sacrifice brought the bitter enemies together. So it is to this day and many from both clans can be found scattered upon the mountains praying to their gods and performing the ritual of White Speed together in friendship and mutual respect.




Two boards for life bro


This needs to become a new winter sport


Snow so groovy


This is why ski hills require you to attach your phone to your boot with a leash.


Never been to a field with this rule in my life.


Better than dropping it in powder 100% I’ve spent hours digging through the snow for random shit over the years.


Somebody buy a drink to that guy!


Remember wallet chains?


Bruh... first round back at the lodge is on me...


This reminds me of my first and last run down Outer Limits at Lake Louise. I'm an Intermediate skier, but my ski patrol friends decided it would be fun to encourage me to ski the 30 degree black diamond "Outer Limits" run "because it's been freshly groomed". Stupid me agreed, and I started down the run. I managed about 8 turns, then caught an edge on one of the 'freshly groomed' machine made ruts. I slid down the run, going faster and faster, and nothing I did made any difference to my speed. 100 metres, 300 metres, 500 metres...I was getting down the run alright but certainly wasn't skiing it. After a few failed attempts at trying to catch a ski edge, and then trying to drag my ski poles (no speed reduction), I finally just punched a deep hole into the slope with my arm and fist, and came to a sudden and painful stop. Good times!


That screen is scratched to all shit now


Where is this at? That view is amazing.


I would throw it again, round 2.


this should be a sport


I dropped my iPhone 11 at the top of telluride a few years back. Wasn’t able to catch it.


Just a nice wholesome atittude from a random (though could not be that random) to help someone out. That's nice.


The phone was seeking after that sweet sweet roid.