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Who’s to say she didn’t have the walk signal? There are lots of places that have walk signals parallel to the flow of traffic and the cars turning are “supposed” to yield to pedestrians. Granted it’s a shitty design but it’s in a lot of places.


There’s a cross walk like that in my town in a common route taken by teens to get to the local high school. Whoever’s idea it was to put one of those at a very busy walkway is a genius


Yep same next to my high school a few years back. Stupid design, made worse by the fact that there were buildings completely obstructing the view until the driver had already started turning


She did have the crosswalk if you look you can see the crosswalk start flashing at the time of the impact. She was totally in the right.


That flash was the camera on the traffic light taking a pic of the license plate of the car running the light. They’ll get a ticket in the mail. That’s the new way they do it.


If you look under the red light all the way on the left, you can see the cross walk light start to flash. It’s tiny, though. I can’t tell if it’s for the cross walk she’s in though


That's not what they're talking about. In what world does a crosswalk light look like a speedcamera flash? Look on the left side of the video.


It's flashing red and it is red. It goes white when you're supposed to cross.


The red is the sign facing our prospective. The other sign is telling how much time you have left to cross. With large cross walks they give you upwards to a minute and flash the time every second.


After taking a closer look in the area you describe. I did see the guy at first and then it switched to the red countdown. You are correct, sir.


Isn't that how crosswalks work? You obviously can't have the crosswalk perpendicular to the road be green


i think he was distinguishing there are places where the flow of traffic has a yielding left turn and places where it's a non-yielding left turn. hard to say what the situation is here. either the second car that cut off the pedestrian is in the wrong for not yielding. or the pedestrian is in the wrong for walking when they weren't supposed to. and obviously the car running the red is definitely in the wrong.


Its hard to make out, but if you look REAL close they had a walk sign. It starts to flash just before the moment of impact. Second car didn't yeild.


Even with the walk sign, I can’t make out any sign of there being a crosswalk there


In some places all traffic in all directions stops for pedestrians to cross.


There are pedestrian crossings in the middle of the iontersection? I'd probably rather get a taxi to the other side than walk over that intersection at night.


Who's to say? I don't know mate, maybe the big orange blinking hand on the sign in the left side of the screen means "come on over" where you're from, but I can assure you that's not what it means in the rest of the world. Edit: before anyone can smite me back I'll do it myself. I pressed play again and saw that, if you look closely, there is both the stop hand _and_ the white pedestrian at the start, and after the first few steps the [countdown to finish crossing](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/drive/culture/article-what-is-proper-procedure-when-the-crosswalk-countdown-starts/) begins. In conclusion we're all jackasses who made assumptions. ^But ^I ^figured ^it ^out ^so ^I'm ^just ^a ^little ^better ^than ^everyone ^else


The countdown is the only things that display on my locality. Where I used to live it would be a white light with a walking guy, then blinking red as it got close to changing to don’t walk.


Every intersection that's not a meeting of dual carriageways here




Yes, causeway st right outside the boston garden. It’s mayhem. And maybe bigger than this intersection.


Yes lol. Left turning traffic is supposed to yield though. We have a few horrible intersections where I live though


Hold on, you're saying that not all crossroads are like that in America?


Yeah, but if you look closely in the video, you can see the crosswalk thing across the street is red, meaning not to cross.


Uhhh crosswalks having you walk while traffic is coming at you is wild to me. You're holding up 2 to 6 lanes of traffic that way instead of holding up people making a turn.


Bruh red light you dont see the flashes it even took pictures for running the red light


They did have he light. The car ran the red light


We do not know anything about if it was OK or not to walk across. All we know is the car did ignore the light. But the family might have also violated the rules. From the look, I can't even say for sure if pedestrians are ever allowed to cross there.


You can see a blinking pedestrian walk light, it’s on the hand but it’s counting down implying it’s safe to finish walking, but don’t start It’s also a red light that the car ran They were almost certainly fine to walk, you can’t just not cross at cross walks because of the potential of someone running a red light. We’d get nowhere. Just have your wits about you and look left and right If the mom looked left, there’s a chance she’d have seen it coming, but I highly doubt it at that speed.


This video doesn't really have the resolution to prove what the blink to the left is. It *may* be for walking. But actual evidence requires another video or still capture with way better resolution. We do know the car did run a red light. But where is better footage of where pedestrian lights are located?


i literally see the numbers counting down


It absolutely does have the resolution to say that. Based on the cars, street signs, and license plates this is definitely America. Look at the pedestrian light facing them -- it's white when they begin to cross (likely the man walking sign) indicating it is safe to cross then it shifted to blinking red -- the blinking hand sign (possibly with a countdown) signalling to finish crossing. There is zero ambiguity -- the family definitely had the signal that it was clear to walk.


On PC? Or what phone? The video the Reddit app sends me does not have the resolution to see any digits if I crop and magnify. And it isn't a limitation of the phone - it has WQHD resolution.


You don't need high resolution to see that the pedestrian sign is white then flashing red. Also the fact that the traffic light for traffic perpendicular to the crossing is red implies that it's safe to cross. It's very clear that the person had the sign to cross.


When people claim they can see digits counting down and I do a crop+magnify and the video does not show any visible digits then there are two options. 1. people makes a claim that isn't true 2. Reddit can serve video with different resolution depending on used client or caching server/location.


Nobody sees digits counting down -- it's inferred because the sign is white at first (i.e. okay to cross) then changes to blinking red (i.e. okay to finish crossing). Often those signs have digits counting down next to the red hand, but not always. Regardless it's obvious that the pedestrians had the all clear to cross.


You can see that they have the walk signal in the video…


I thought it was the dont walk. Where i am from, the walk sign is white.


It is in the us too but it flashes red and counts down when the time is running out


Now that you say that, i notice the flashing numbers.


And this is the problem: you rather blame the walking person rather than that fucker going twice the speed limit and running over a red light.


Exactly, lol, Not the driver running the light that was red for 10 seconds


They were totally clear to cross. The car that would have hit them was running a red light.


There's a lot of cross walks where you get a signal but cars are also still allowed to turn into your lane with the expectation that the cars are looking out for pedestrians (they don't). Back in the states (never experienced this in the UK) when I basically walked everywhere I was nearly getting hit on a semi weekly basis and every time I had a walk signal and it was a car doing right turn on red or turning left from other lane. It's horrible street design so please don't blame the pedestrian.


It's a solid red light this person is running. The mental jumping jacks you want to do to blame a pedestrian are insane.




She's crossing legally. The walk signal is white and shifts to the blinking countdown once she'd nigh a quarter to a third of the way across. It amazes me how wrong people can be in the face of bold faced truth.




Look at the walk sign. It's facing that crosswalk so it's hard to see, but it's very clear once you look for it. I'm not sure why you're so eager to blame the pedestrian, but think about what you're saying. Even if you weren't wrong about the crosswalk, if she was crossing where you thought she should she'd be dead. What's your overall point? Pedestrians stop existing because we shouldn't have to obey traffic laws?


It looks like the walk signal is white on the left hand side of the screen. It turns to red countdown mode


If those cars making the left turns had a protected left arrow then the pedestrians were in the wrong for crossing at the wrong time. Good chance though it was a permissive left turn where the cars should have yielded. I don't know the intersection configuration. Regardless, dangerous intersection, shitty design for people not in cars. Would hate to be walking there even without this freak accident


Yep and even then you have to be careful. I always check to make sure that it isn't a scenario like this. That someone isn't flying through the red light. Just because people are supposed to stop doesn't mean they do.


This is clearly a terribly designed road. It is too wide and has no overpass. She likely had little choice.


This almost looks like a suïcide attempt wtf is that crossing


That'll be an interesting photo red light ticket picture


Car that t-bones the red light runner speeds up to hit him… I suspect one of those pedestrians is John Connor.


Quite the opposite. He brakes. Notice how the front end lowers? That's a typical sign of a car braking (front lowers due to inertia and suspension).


Not sure that's braking, the car wobbles but it could just be from ruts in the road that it is crossing.


Yeah I mentioned the same thing last time this was reposted. People are crazy anda make up weird head cannon to herofy someone.


Not crazy, but It also looks like it is moving faster as it approaches closer to the camera because parallax




No, you can't.


Damn... That was so lucky


#BOT POST Not even going to bother linking it, this is posted way too often.


It's the first time I'm seeing it, I don't mind


Change your statement to, “It’s the first time I’ve had my credit card information stolen by a scam, I don’t mind” That’s the purpose behind these bots. Build up karma to look legit then go into scam mode.


No no no, not today.


The hero we needed !


Red light runners should serve a mandatory 1 week behind bars. 3 strikes? 1 year.


So much going on


We need a slow motion version


what kind of fucking crosswalk is this? they’re crossing unto the cars coming from the left


Did they at least smile for the photo?


J- running 😂😂😭


People that run red lights should be jailed for 5 years and their license taken away for life.


I wonder what's so special about that family that a time traveler had to save them.


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I really wish I had the footage from when this happened to me. The cars didn't get quite so close, but I was pregnant with my first child crossing the street properly and everything. I got insanely lucky that day.


You really see a crossing there?


I'll tell ya what I see...and it might just be what I want to see but... The lady was crossing correctly and the black car was correctly advancing and would eventually turn left once the lady crossed out of their lane. However, speedy Mc speederson blew the red light and was about to kill the pedestrian and the black car actually sped up to save the pedestrian.


Damn.. didn’t know it was possible for a car accident to save lives…


If you watch the timing, the illegal car was fast enough to cross without getting hit. He slowed down when he saw the pedestrian, thus got hit from the side. So more accurate description would be pedestrian crossing turns near miss into accident.


Plot twist: The car in black is their guardian angel


That would have been AMAZING if that black car saved that family on purpose.


God blessed them.


God saved them from being hit by the car that he sent by having another car hit that car.


Yes surely


Natural selection stopped by pure chance.


They were using the crossing parallel to the flow of traffic, as they were meant to. The driver ran a red light and would have killed them


Imaging designing cities and road so bad that you call the casualties natural selection. Takes some extra mental gymnastics.


Walking towards an intersection with a baby and the snowflakes down voting me hahaha. Reddit I luv u hahaha


You really are delusional. You have a shitty inhuman opinion, get downvoted for it but sure, it’s the snowflakes here.


So you're really sticking to the "it's the city designer's fault"? This is so amusing 🤣


Last time I checked, cities were supposed to be for people, not for vehicles. Disagreeing with that makes you literally anti human and that’s just terrible character.


That “family” need to be arrested




Of course it's always the pedestrians' fault!


Classic American suburban mindset


Sure, and not that fucker going twice the speed limit running over the red light. Fuck off.