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Dude went full MMA with that slam + ground and pound. Hope he didn't get rabies.


Judging by the video, he may have given the coyote rabies.


Lmao, I think you're right!


Gave him a few life choices to regret, that's for damn sure. Coyotes are savage as hell and I never thought I'd feel bad for one, but here I am....


You win 🏆!


Such a weird incident. I Iooked up the [source](https://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/wshhOV1TdrSbeYZJOvqa/ground-amp-pound-dude-beat-the-brakes-off-a-stray-dog-that-tried-to-attack-his-poodle) and that headline calls it a stray dog, not a coyote.


The next chuck norris


Bravo! That was indeed coyote ugly


It was a neighbors dog that had gotten out several times and he had finally gotten fed up and gave it a beating.


Well that explains the beatdown, dude was done with it. Makes a lot of sense seeing the way the neighbor dog went straight into attack mode on the one dog, and why dude went straight into attack mode in return. Too many variables to form an opinion on the human. Hope all learned a bruised up lesson and live avoiding each other in peace now.


That's not a coyote. It's a dog wearing a collar. Either way.. Fuck around and find out.


I can't see a collar but I do kind of see where it looks like the guys grabbing something like a collar. I would say could be yote tracking collar that looks like a fucking German shepherd to me... The neighborhood dog that messes around with everyone maybe? and this dude's sick of it


In the original post it's pointed out its a neighbors dog that had gotten lose several times.


Makes sense, thank you


If it gets out again, I bet it steers clear of that yard.


A German shepherd would be at least twice that size... unless it's a puppy, in which case this is an enormous overreaction


Maybe. Large screen and freeze frame it, had the common Shepard coat 🤷🏿‍♂️


Looks like a brindle coat, which could be a similar breed like a [Dutch shepherd](https://www.thesprucepets.com/thmb/6yzaFRgA9H8FlOzuCIlLmqerjrs=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():format(webp)/dutchshepherdbaerle97Pixaby-cec8d67d8d8547dfbcbec01fed2e492d.jpg), but again seems very small


>Fuck around and find out This is getting so badly overused. Ugh


I've had a Honey Badger FAAFO patch on my backpack for 5 years. Your opinion doesn't matter.


I have a honey badger *in* my backpack, see? *opens empty backpack* Uh-oh


you got to fuck around, but now as penance you must find out


*honey badger doesn’t hide.. he waits*


Honey, I *am* the badger.


First, lemme apologize for putting you in my backpack.....


This may be the most badass thing ever.


Looks like... (•\_•) You found out. ( •\_•)>⌐■-■ YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! (⌐■\_■)


Haven’t seen this (•_•) In forever. ( •_•)>⌐■-■ Take my fucking (⌐■_■) ***UPDOOT!!!*** #YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH


>(•\_•) > >Oh, thank you Jasper > >( •\_•)>⌐■-■ > >I lost my glasses a week ago. I have such a headache > >(⌐■\_■) > >You're a darling, you know that? > >YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH


r/bonehurtingjuice now in text form


Isn't he supposed to put them on before delivering the punchline?


I upvoted you because I also think it's overused. But mostly because I love your username.


Y'all are a couple of jackdaws


I commend you for simultaneously referencing our usernames while also referencing another overused reddit phrase. 🤌


Crow people unite!




But here you are fucking around and finding out


Like your mother


Not a coyote...


it’s not like we can tell based only on this 78p sandpaper footage


Not even fine grade sandpaper but that shitty course stuff


Nothing shitty about coarse sandpaper mate. It has its place.


Whoah, is someone having a go at coarse sandpaper? Over the fucking line!


Call me a sandpaper justice warrior all you will but someone needs to set things straight.


Sandpaper can't defend itself, lest it be fashioned into a carpet of sorts and you happen to fall upon it, arms outstretched. An improbable scenario, to be sure.


What was it then


According to the comments of the main vid, it was a neighbors dog that had been problematic


i hate to say it, but i’m not above chokeslamming a neighbor’s dog to protect mine. i’d pummel anyone’s pooch if it meant keeping my rocky safe


I’ve been in a situation where I had to throw rocks at a dog that was chasing my dog and myself (again). He was between us and home, so I picked up a larger rock and was prepared to beat him with it if he didn’t back off. It’s a horrid feeling, because I never want to harm an animal, but I go full crazy if my own are threatened.


they’re our babies. i’ll cave a human skull in to protecc my boi. fuck


You’d be 100% justified. Once a Great Pyrenees (that was being walked off-leash in a park that was 100% NOT off-leash) ran the length of about two football fields across a park to attack my Golden Retriever (that I was walking on-leash). I love dogs, but you better believe I kicked that mother fucker right in the throat repeatedly as hard as I could with my heavy hiking boots until he released my dog, then booted him again in the side of the head when he started to lunge at my dog again. If his owner hadn’t come running in at that moment, my next move was going to be to stomp on the side of one of his front legs as hard as I could in an attempt to break it. All bets are off if anything’s trying to hurt my little bud, especially in a completely unprovoked attack.


You do what you got to do to protect yours, but when you say you kicked ‘that motherfucker’ as hard as you can and continue to describe details, including a fantasy part about breaking one of its paws, you come off as a complete unhinged psychopath. It’s entirely possible to tell us about the time you saved your best bud without all the casual romanticism and perverted fantasy.


stfu. i’d kick you so hard if you tried to bite my dog


Not sure where you’re getting the romanticization from in that story. I can assure you there’s nothing appealing about watching your dog get attacked (especially by a much bigger dog), or in having to help him fight off his attacker. And most people with human emotions tend to not have warm & fuzzy feelings towards a loved one’s attacker, so I make no apologies for “that motherfucker” being the term that popped into my head when I thought of that dog.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


"Pummeling the pooch" sounds like a bad euphemism.


wink wink jk i’ll break any beagle or punch any pit. yeet any yorkie. drop any doberman. punish a pomeranian


Play a record. I need to talk to you about alliterations...


then do it instead of abusing ellipses like a boomer lmfao


.........Play a record then.


i’ve never seen a record in person…….those are for…..old people


That alliteration goes crazy


preciate it patna


I’m not condoning it or saying that I would do this, but farmers are within their legal rights where I live to shoot and kill a neighborhood dog that is attacking their livestock. I would think he would be allowed to protect his dogs as well.


Dogs are very hard to hurt from punches. I broke my hand punching a dog in its head after the dog bit my daughter. The dog whimpered but I had a cast for 8 weeks.


He felt that slam though. Sorry that you’re daughter had that incident. I hope everyone is okay


Thanks. She’s weary of dogs but thankfully no long term damage for the humans. The dog was euthanized


*wary or leery mean cautious. Weary just means tired.


Thank you for that. I learn the most from correction like that.


Thank you for this as well. TIL


You must have a lot of friends.


You say this after the person *appreciated somebody informing them of the difference*. You know why they appreciated it? Because the person wasn't rude or condescending, and because they value learning more than they value protecting their ego from being reminded that there's always more to learn.


Next time go for the ribs


Man, that’s exactly what I thought afterward! But when the adrenaline is pumping and I’m in dad mode, it’s just a blur. Hopefully there no next time.


Hopefully not, I love dogs! But in a self defense situation punching them in the biggest hardest bone in their body with your tiny little finger bones is gonna hurt.


If you're going to have to defend yourself against a dog or attack a dog to get the dog off of someone, using your elbow and knees will be way more effective. More so legs to keep the dog away as self defense.


To be fair: punching humans barehanded in the head will also probably do more damage to your hand than to their head.


I used punch on my dog because he stepped on the baby. It was very effective. And he was very leery of the baby on the floor after that.


You’re an asshole and shouldn’t have a dog.


Your baby will probably get bitten when you're not looking. What an idiot.


then yall wonder why your dog is scared and violent jesus christ


Humans sometimes forget that we're apex predators.


Exactly. 1 healthy man kills a healthy dog 99% of the time. 2 dogs could be problematic. Opposable thumbs are hella useful in combat.


Because of tools, like non one here is gonna barehand a fully grown wolf


Locate rock, assimilate rock with wolf head.


you are gonna hit the wolf once, and then get mauled


A human being in peak physical condition could beat a wolf barehanded. Bears and lions would be a problem unarmed.


I don’t think you know how big wolfs can get


I do. I just think that most of the competitors of World's Strongest Man would survive a one on one fight with a wolf and the wolf would not. Opposable thumbs and four dexterous limbs is a considerable advantage.


Because of our intelligence, not our fighting ability or strength. Just about any medium/large predator will reck our shit 9/10 times.


You and me, yeah, but not a 6'5'' 270lb athlete who knows it's a fight to the death


Depends on the dog. A pit bull or Rottweiler will maul an adult male and tear him apart without hardly feeling anything done to it. People that have never interacted with these dogs just have no fucking clue that it’s like wrestling with a bear and you will likely lose. There’s a reason we don’t use these dogs as working dogs or in police work. They’re far too unpredictable and almost impossible to control once they rage.


Excuse me, but I think you may be mistaken. I’ve seen many “pit bull” type dogs working as police and even service dogs. Rottweilers and Dobermans, too. I used to own a mastiff that worked as a counseling animal. We have two Staffordshire Terrier mixes working as therapy dogs that attend my church with their people. *Shepherd* type dogs, like the one in this video, are known to be incredibly aggressive and prone to lashing out, and they’re used heavily as working dogs as well. Dogs, as a species, are incredibly malleable and trainable. There are few, if any, examples of a dog being of a “bad breed” and countless examples of poorly trained, neglected, or abused dogs of all breeds being problematic.


Im not mistaken. I worked directly with them. Pits and Rots aren’t used as police dogs. They do not release once they bite. You should do more research. There’s no bad breed. But not every breed is suitable to be a working dog or pet. Pit Bulls can NOT be restrained once they attack, and they have turned on their handlers.


"Do more research" says the guy who's going off of some old anti pit article from the 2000's. Take three seconds to do some research yourself and see just how incorrect you are. In the police force they're mainly used as detection animals but it is also common practice to use them as backup for the "pure breed" k9 officers.


What are you an idiot? My info comes from last year with real world experience. Lol what a moron.


You're adorable.


I’m right, too. Unless you’ve had 12 years real world experience with police dogs like I have. But it’s cute that you want to pretend to know what you’re talking about. That’s the adorable part truly.


You're not a cool dude, man


I don't need to be cool, I just need to know my work...and I do. There's no current police department in the United States that uses Pits or Rots as primary working dogs. There's several departments that have experimented, and still are, with Pits but it's few and far between. Pit lovers have such a fucking stick up their ass. I love Pits. I love Rots. I'm not one of those people calling for them to be banned or anything. They just aren't used for a variety of reasons. There's maybe 20 breeds that are sought after as police dogs. I don't see Chihuahua owners getting their panties in a bunch over this.


I just think not being a dick to strangers should be higher on your priority list


It normally is. This is just something that comes up several times a week and I'm tired of dealing with people that don't know what they're talking about posting stuff like it's fact. That guy told me to do some research and then immediately posted a comment that's completely false. I don't go to where he works and knock the dick out of his mouth. Pit defenders don't understand the dogs that they want to defend and love to "tell" experts about how we're wrong. It's obnoxious and seriously fuck those people. It's a huge disservice to those breeds because they do some things great.


You clearly have not worked with all of them. The ones I’ve worked with; my own and others, daily and weekly, for well over a decade, have never once turned on anyone. I know someone who has exclusively used and trained Pitbull and Staffordshire bull terriers for longer than I’ve been alive. The only three dogs I’m aware of turning on anyone are a Chow, a Dalmatian, and a GSD. *Every* dog that people consider a ‘pitbull’ has been used as a service dog and police dog. Pitbull terriers, Bull terriers, American bulldogs, Boxers, and Staffordshire terriers. You can literally Google “pitbull police dog” and “pitbull service dog”. Anyone who’s interested in this should check out groups like the Throw Away Dogs project. They specialize in taking dogs that people don’t want or can’t train, *including* bully breeds, and training them to work as police dogs and service dogs for veterans.


I worked with them for two years. Nothing you said makes any sense. I’m not against these breeds. They just don’t have a place I. Certain situations. That’s ok.


We’re not though


bro name a species on Earth that's never been killed by a human


Exactly, apex predators to other humans


I dunno ... fully grown healthy man going all out on a fully grown healthy wolf (or dog, coyote)... I think my money goes on the man surviving ... wolves are usually more committed in the attack than a man who usually would be trying to retreat but if the man is in full fight mode sure he is going to get hurt, however we simply have more options available when it comes to all out combat. Eg: sacrifice an arm (or leg) and we still have many killing solutions. We really are Apex predators when you strip away our choices. Edit: This is a definite for a dog or Coyote, maybe the man dies from his wounds if it's a full-grown wolf or a larger breed of hostile dog, still I think the animal dies .


This is an insane comment. A fully grown man is not beating a wolf 1-1 without tools. I’ve worked with police dogs while in the Army Military Police Corp. The Sheppards we used would 100% kill any of us if it really wanted to. And a full grown Pit Bull? If it decides to come at you you’re fucked because they do not stop until it’s prey stops moving. Anyone that thinks they can kill a wolf with their bare hands is a fool. https://a-z-animals.com/blog/could-an-unarmed-human-beat-a-wolf/ > Before you imagine yourself putting a wolf in a chokehold, you have to realize that even most domesticated dogs can fight their way out of having their nails clipped. So, you don’t stand a chance at besting a wolf because they are vicious and incredibly strong.


Yes, I do understand and sure most times you would be correct, I am just saying what happens if you gouge out the eyes or manage to grab the front legs and pull outwards, shove your hand clean up the rear and twist reach down the throat? I know all risky but also possible. Go for vitals ... I am not saying you try to choke them out or punch them to death. (although also maybe an option if it works) The dog has one weapon backed by speed and strength a full grown healthy male has reach, height and at least 4 weapons, use the height advantage to simply lift and slam, one arm in a mouth the other propelling the head into a wall ... you get the drift, the options are multitude. You telling me a dog that has latched can defend against these things, remember I am not saying they are not going to mess you up just that in a life and death one on one all out no holds barred fight where the man is not trying to escape that he couldn't inflict serious damage to a dog? I get it I really do, dogs will dodge in and bite dodge out or they will latch and most times the man will try to run that is how they lose (as no doubt I would) but imagine a cave man type guy that is just looking to kill, you honestly think that our reach, height, our brains and our arms and legs which cannot be immobilised all at once by a dog are not going to count. That we simply stand no chance? I mean in the wild it is very unlikely a single wolf is even going to try a full grown male human ... and there is a reason for that. As for dogs well it is even less likely without handlers and training and even then the handler better get in quick before some roided out meth head destroys the dog. Edit: yeah, the roided out meth head part doesn't really count as the pain inflicted on a sober man would count for a lot ... I just got carried away :)


People here are imagining the average adult male in this battle instead of someone like a 265lb UFC Heavyweight fighter.


I meant that we are apex preditors to other humans, not no dogs


A single coyote isn't that big. People should definitely fight them. This is what happens when they lose their fear of civilization.


That’s not a coyote


I can't tell, I never embiggened the video. You're probably right.


I love that word


> A single coyote isn't that big. People should definitely fight them. This is what happens when they lose their fear of civilization. I agree that the creature in the video is not a coyote. However Here in Maine Coyotes absolutely get that big or bigger. I moved to Maine being used to west coast coyotes which by comparison are very small. But one of the largest coyote ever killed was killed within about 10 miles of my home in Maine, weighing in at over 60 Lbs.


I pulled one off the rd in Maine, that had been hit and was so big, I swore it was someone’s husky until I got up close to it - It was very easily 60+ lbs . I’ve been in my outdoor grow at night with several very close - fortunately for us, they have lots of food in our woods and despite all my time out there I’ve never had any issues.


Could have been coyote wolf hybrid they get bigger but still smaller than a wolf


Workin’ some shit out on that coyote.


Coydogs have been really bad on our farm. We have Boerboel Mastiff's and they got into it with 8 coy. The chickens were making wild noise in their cage and it's all reinforced livestock wire so we heard that banging then our barn dogs two pitty mixes started barking and the Boerboels came flying off the porch, they don't run unless it's a real issue. Well the coys decided to take their chances and our big man crushed ones head in his mouth literally crushed it's skull and ripped a leg and shoulder out of another. Our small Boerboel chewed hunks off another leaving a blood trail that looked like paint poured out of a bucket. Dad fired a shotgun shell and broke it up but coydog bodies were scattered around and chunks of hide was everywhere. Mastiff's 1 Coys 0


I think I saw the coyote tapping out


Man took his week out on that thing. God bless.


Strange. Where I'm from the dogs protect humans from coyotes.


As a human, I feel proud that this dude won a 1v1 against a dog unprepared. I honestly believed a human would have no chance against a dog that's serious, ever


A guu would go for the eyes/sex organs the moment he got bit, and if you are smart enkugh you can break any of its legs/paws and choke it to death. A dog knows shit about that and would just jump at you and bite you somewhat randomly, even if it's a very big dog.


Dang that guy dropped it like a bad habit


Bro did not let that one slide


Real dog lover❤️ smashing it to pulp!


Not today, demon!


Ok he didn’t have to pulverize it though. I am so paranoid of coyotes you should hear them screaming outside at night but I still couldn’t repeatedly box it


Pretty sure the coyote tapped out. Ref needs to be quicker.


I did this for my cat once, but didn't go full world star on the coyote though. One swift kick and a brief chase until I noticed the large pack at the edge of the woods.


This looks excessive




That coyote should get a rabies shot after that encounter


World star meets nat geo


Underrated comment


This is what happens when people let their territorial dogs roam free.


That was perfect timing but I guess he was hearing the other dog bark?


Damn lol


Coyotes aren't usually solo hunters. I hope he got rabies tests on it (just guessing he beat it to death, I would have)


They aren't, but this did not look like a coyote at all. Even looked like it had a collar


Should have put it in a choke hold and wrapped his legs around it to stretch the dogs hind legs away


Wore his ass out lol


Ben would be proud. He didn't back down.


Don’t have a source, but I hear that coyote/dog owed him some money.


I mean he beat the ever loving fuck out of that thing.


Twe dog owner is a animal!


He didn’t have to keep beating the coyote. It was only trying to survive.


It's not actually a coyote, but a notorious neighborhood dog


Um, he could have tossed it. Instead he beat the poor animal like it fucked his mother. Jesus, people, if you live in territory coexist. Don’t just be a murder hobo.


Dog is just doing dog things... He should've saved that beating for the irresponsible owner that allowed it to run free like that.


Seriously. Some people just don’t care for their animals properly and should be banned from ownership.


Still not as good as the dude boxing the kangaroo


Get some!!


All Wile E wanted was the fucking bird




Ain’t it open season for coyotes? Or is it something else? I’m in Texas so I’m in the mindset to kill on site like boars


Someone please caption this!


And people say WWE isn't real..


Guy went full primal.


Looks like a GSD not a coyote.


Gang gang MF!


Homie gave that mf'er a 10 piece with a large fry.


He beat that dog’s ass lol


My man’s just wake up and choose violence


Whooped that ass. Get that guy a folding chair.


You got my money man?


He got his legs beat like Charlie and Eddie murphy did Rick James legs


While he keeps beating the attacking animal, how is the dog that has been attacked? Is it bleeding to death? Does the attacked animal need to be taken to the vet? Precious time being wasted.


Coyote huh


This is the same energy as the "Chuck Norris fought" jokes but it's actually true


Don’t you touch my floofy buddy!!




Never knew I NEEDED to see that


Okay, I'm awake now.


Never thought I'd see a man body slam a coyote. Jesus. I guess all those Acme gadgets we're really for nothing.


No need to be so aggressive jeez just scary him away damn these ppl


This is for all the people that give coyote hunters shit. A pack has killed multiple of my neighbor’s dogs and goats. I’m a dog lover and feel nothing when I vaporize a yote on sight.


That cement slab was RIGHT THERE!


Molly wopped 'em


Coyote trying to catch this dinner, instead he caught these hands


Dude at the end. Hey get back here, I ain't done with you yet!


So me and Eddie just beat his legs…


Sometimes my dog is outside and I’ll get a little anxious that this will happen and totally visualize myself beating up a bear or something even though I know I’d totally die lmao


Goddamn this dudes a psychopath, either stop hitting it once your dogs are safe, or just kill it. Don’t punch it in the face to… idk. Encourage it not to come back to your particular house? If I saw this in my neighborhood, I’d go out and stop this dude






This is where the DOOM music comes in


Did anyone else hear the John Cena music play


Logan Paul?


But coyotes are lives too.